The Magic Drink

Chapter Fyre the Fiery Fairy

Eilish started running and called out, “Okay!”

Jamie ran after her. Eilish slowed down a bit so that the others could catch up. Since she is older and taller, she can run much faster than the McNeills. Everyone else caught up to her. Eilish smiled at the others as she walked along side them.

“What’s your favorite part of Mycono Kingdom?” Jamie asked.

“Everywhere!” Eilish said.

“Even Scotty’s Tower?” Jamie asked.

“No,” Eilish said.

“How did he build it so tall anyways? Magic?” Jamie asked.

“He built it?! That had to take a long time,” Eilish commented.

“I really have no idea, you could ask him,” Jamie said.

“No, thank you,” Eilish said.

“Maybe there is something about the building in one of my history books,” Pàl suggested.

“Maybe!” Eilish said.

“I should check my books,” Pàl said.

“Yes, you should,” Eilish agreed.

Pàl handed Malcolm his kitten and pulled out five text-books from his tiny belt pouch.

“Cool!” Eilish said.

Violet peed on Malcolm while he was holding her.

“Ack! She peed on me! Why do they always pee on me?!” Malcolm yelled, placing the kitten on the ground.

“Malcolm… please calm down…” Eilish said.

“BUT SHE PEED ON ME!” Malcolm yelled.

“You’re going to scare away the kitten…” Eilish said.

Malcolm cursed loudly, causing Violet to run and hide behind Pàl.

“Malcolm, I’m 13 and I don’t curse like that. You’re 10, please stop cussing.”

Pàl stared wide-eyed at Malcolm.

“Maybe the kittens have something against Malcolm,” Pàl suggested.

“They still have no right to pee on me!” Malcolm yelled.

“Malcolm, it’s okay,” Eilish said.

“Both of my tops have cat pee on them! This is not okay! Do you expect me to run around shirtless?!” Malcolm asked angrily.

“Please don’t,” Eilish said.

“And now I’ll smell like cat pee all day!” Malcolm yelled.

“That is terrible!” Eilish said.

“What can I do about it?!” Malcolm asked.

“I have no idea…” Eilish said.

“You could go to Lake Mycono and attempt to wash the kitty mess off,” Pàl suggested.

“Great idea!” Eilish said.

“Alright!” Malcolm said. He took off to go to the lake.

“Now where?” Eilish asked.

“Weren’t we going to deliver Sìneag’s kitten?” Fraizer asked.

“Oh yeah!” Eilish said, she continued walking.

“Kitties!” Jamie said cheerfully.

“Yay!” Eilish said.

“I found something about Scotty’s Tower in the book!” Pàl called out.

“What?” Eilish asked.

“It says here, ‘The tallest building in Mycono, Scotty’s Tower, was supposedly built by hundreds to thousands of boys. No one knew why Scotty’s Tower was created originally or how so many boys were convinced to help. The building is said to reach into the heavens and can be seen from everywhere in the world.’” Pàl read out.

“Awesome!” Eilish said.

“I wonder if there’s any more information we could gather about it,” Pàl said.

“There probably is!” Eilish said.

“If only we could get information from someone who saw the building or was involved in it!” Pàl said.

“Was Scotty?” Eilish asked.

“I’m pretty sure…” Pàl said.

“I don’t think we should ask him…” Eilish said.

“It would be smart to stay away from him,” Pàl said.

“Do you think he’s still mad?” Eilish asked.

“Most likely,” Pàl said.

“Will he ever forgive me?” Eilish asked.

“I don’t know, but he is very dangerous and could murder you if he wanted to,” Pàl said.

“That’s scary…” Eilish said.

“But he’s locked up and cannot attack you,” Pàl said.

Eilish was silent.

“Let’s not think about it,” Pàl said.

“Great idea!” Eilish said.

Pàl grabbed Violet, “Cute kitty!”

Eilish petted Lupine and said, “Good girl.”

“At least we are almost to the castle!” Pàl said.

“Yay!” Eilish said.

“All we have to do is cross this next town!” Pàl said.

“That’ll be a piece of cake!” Eilish said.

“Let’s go!” Jamie said and excitedly ran into the town.

“Wait for me!” Eilish cried out and ran after Jamie.

Everyone else followed.

“It’s crowded here,” Eilish commented.

“I wonder what’s up,” Pàl said.

“Excuse me, why is it so busy today?” Eilish asked someone.

“They have a sale right now!” the person said.

“A sale? On what?” Eilish asked.

“Stuff Princess Sìneag touched! Including her autograph!” the person replied.

“That’s kind of odd…” Eilish said.

“Anything from the princess is priceless!” the person said.

“I got a dirty cotton swab! Yeah!” another person called out excitedly.

“Eww,” Eilish said.

“This is disturbing…” Pàl said.

“Okay… Let’s just get away from the sale and it’ll be better!” Eilish said and smiled.

“Around the sale and off to the castle!” Fraizer said.

“I wonder if Sìneag allowed them to do that…” Pàl wondered out loud.

“We should ask her,” Eilish suggested.

Everyone entered the castle.

“We’re here!” Eilish announced.

Sìneag rushed downstairs to greet them, “Hello, you guys are back?”

“Sìneag, we got you a kitten!” Eilish said.

“Can I see it?” Sìneag asked.

“Hey, look! The princess is inside!” a person said.

A large crowd of people rushed inside the castle.

“Guards! Get them!” Sìneag commanded.

Sìneag tried to run away.

When Eilish caught up to Sìneag, she asked, “Are these people crazy?!”

“They aren’t usually this bad! Let’s go to my bedroom, the guards will take care of them,” Sìneag said.

“Okay,” Eilish agreed.

Jamie ran after her and Sìneag.

“They are frightened by me!” Jamie cried.

“Here, Sìneag, hold these,” Eilish said and handed Sìneag the kittens and hugged Jamie.

“Shh, it’s okay, Jamie… it’s okay,” Eilish said and continued hugging Jamie.

“They thought I was a wind sorcerer!” Jamie cried.

“You’re not though, those people need to learn to not judge a book by its cover…” she said and let go, “It’s okay, Jamie, I’ve been mistaken for a vampire before… it’s okay… People are so judgy sometimes… Now they are mistaking a hero for a wind sorcerer… That’s okay, though, you can buy new clothes here.”

“You really think I can get a new light green shirt and silver pants?” Jamie asked.

“Yeah!” Eilish said.

“Where’s Malcolm? Fraizer and Pàl are here,” Sìneag said.

“I have no idea…” Eilish said.

“Malcolm is at Lake Mycono,” Pàl answered.

“How did he get there?!” Eilish asked.

“He went to wash his shirt, remember?” Pàl asked.

“Oh yeah…I have an awful memory,” Eilish said.

“So can I see my kitten now?” Sìneag asked.

“Who has Sìneag’s kitty?” Eilish asked.

“Oh, I have it!” Pàl said and handed a black kitten to Sìneag.

Eilish smiled and said, “Thanks, Pàl!”

“Is it a male or a female?” Sìneag asked.

“It’s a girl,” Eilish answered.

“I’m going to name her Eclipse,” Sìneag said.

“Awesome!” Eilish said.

Suddenly, there was a loud banging on the bedroom door.

“Who’s there?” Eilish asked.

“Malcolm!” a voice answered.

“I knew it!” Eilish said and went to answer the door, “Hi, Malcolm!”

“There are a lot of people outside,” Malcolm said.

“Yeah, there is!” Eilish agreed.

“While I was out I stopped by a shop and picked up a fresh outfit for Jamie,” Malcolm said.

“Great job, Malcolm!” Eilish said.

“And I caught a fairy in a bottle!” Malcolm said.

“Who’s the fairy for?” Eilish asked.

“Anyone who needs a wish granted or is injured,” Malcolm said.

“You’re smart!” Eilish said.

“I thought I was supposed to be the smart one,” Pàl said.

“You’re the smart one! I bet you are smarter than my whole 8th grade class!” Eilish said.

“Because I tend to spend my free time reading educational books like text-books and history books,” Pàl said.

“Cool! I bet if I did that, my grades would be way better!” Eilish said.

“And then you’d turn into a show-off know-it-all like Pàl!” Malcolm said.

“Pàl is not a show-off know-it-all, Malcolm. It’s not nice to insult people like that…” Eilish said.

“Yeah, Malcolm!” Jamie said.

“Why do you always say that when someone proves Malcolm wrong?” Pàl asked.

“I don’t know,” Jamie said.

“I’m sorry, Malcolm…” Eilish apologized.

“I still am the best!” Malcolm said.

“Okay!” Eilish said.

“You aren’t the best at anger management, however,” Pàl said to Malcolm.

“When I get mad, I think of calming things, but I rarely get mad,” Eilish said.


“That’s not right…” Eilish said.

“It feels right to me!” Malcolm argued.

“Why?” Eilish asked.

“It gets rid of what is bothering me!” Malcolm said.

“Try counting, or thinking of the ocean. That’s what my short tempered friend from school does,” Eilish suggested.

“ARE YOU CALLING ME SHORT TEMPERED?!” Malcolm asked, pulling out his mallet.

“Oh, no, Malcolm. I wasn’t calling you short tempered! Please don’t whack me with your hammer!” Eilish said.

Malcolm reluctantly dropped his mallet, still very angry.

“I’m sorry…” Eilish said.

“Normally, he would have smashed everyone,” Pàl said.

“Why didn’t he?” Eilish asked.

“I don’t know that,” Pàl said.

“Okay,” Eilish said.

“Malcolm scares me sometimes…” Jamie said.

“Me too…” Eilish said.

“I could smash you all right now, if you’d like me to!” Malcolm said.

“No, thank you!” Eilish said.

“Um…Malcolm…the fairy is trying to escape…” Fraizer said.

“It is?” Eilish asked.

Fraizer held up the jar. The fairy was banging against the glass like a bug.

“Can I let it out? I feel bad for it,” Eilish said.

“Watch out, it might be a bit…spicy,” Malcolm said.

The fairy was still hitting the jar.

“Okay!” Eilish said as she took the jar and opened it.

The fairy flew out quickly and headed to Malcolm.

“That’s not how you treat a lady! You can’t just kidnap me and expect me to help you! If you wanted my help, you coulda asked me!” the fairy yelled and hit into Malcolm.

“Miss fairy, please calm down. Malcolm didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Eilish said.

“It certainly wasn’t nice of him!” the fairy said.

“It wasn’t?” Eilish asked.

“Now, it would be kind of me to introduce myself. My name is Fyer. I am looking for my sister and brothers, Watair, Eir, and Urth,” the fairy introduced herself.

“I’m Eilish!” Eilish said.

“Nice to meet you, Eilish. Who are these other people? Why do those four all look the same?” Fyer asked.

“Oh, that’s Malcolm, he’s Fraizer, he’s Pàl, and he’s Jamie. That’s Sìneag,” Eilish said, pointing to each person in turn.

“Hello, guys! I’ll be your friend as long as you don’t bother me,” Fyer said as she glared at Malcolm.

“Yay!” Eilish said.

“Looks like you have kittens, are you supposed to deliver those?” Fyer asked.

“Yep!” Eilish said.

“May I come?” Fyer asked.

“Sure!” Eilish said.

Malcolm mumbled under his breath, “The fairy is going to be very annoying…”

“What?” Eilish asked.

“I said, the fairy is going to be very annoying!” Malcolm repeated louder.

“And so will you!” Fyer said.

“No fighting!” Eilish said.

“I wish I never caught this annoying pest!” Malcolm yelled.

“That is rude; you need to be more polite…” Eilish said.

I just wanna pluck her wings off!” Malcolm yelled.

“I wish I didn’t have to be so close to you!” Fyer yelled at Malcolm.

“Please stop fighting!” Eilish begged.

“They will stop fighting once they get used to each other…” Pàl said.

Fyer hit Malcolm again.

“…or not…” Pàl said.

“Fyer, would you like to fly by me?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, please!” Fyer said as she flew over to her. Eilish smiled. Malcolm was glaring at Fyer.

“Malcolm, you should be friendlier to Fyer,” Eilish said.

“And you think I’m friendly to the others?!” Malcolm asked.

“Yep!” Eilish said.

“I’m never friendly!” Malcolm yelled.

“You’ve been friendly,” Eilish stated.

Malcolm growled at her.

“Hmm, this won’t get us anywhere. Where exactly are we headed?” Fyer asked.

“Umm… I forgot,” Eilish said.

“We have two kittens left to deliver, Joe’s and Mungo’s. But we can’t exactly deliver Mungo’s yet,” Jamie replied.

“Thanks, Jamie!” Eilish said.

“So, we find Joe?” Fyer asked.

“Obviously! You annoying fly!” Malcolm yelled.

“Where do we find Joe?” Eilish asked.

“We should check where he works,” Pàl suggested.

“I think that’s a great idea! Right, Eilish?” Jamie asked.

“Yeah!” Eilish agreed.

“Grab the kittens; we are on the road again!” Fraizer said.

“Shut up, Fraizer!” Malcolm yelled.

“Malcolm, it is not nice to tell people to shut up,” Eilish said.

“I hate taking orders from Fraizer because I should be the leader!” Malcolm said.

“Hey, I have an idea, how about we all are the leader?” Eilish suggested.

“That would be too confusing!” Jamie whined.

“It would be, I’m sorry,” Eilish apologized.

“It’s okay, Eilish,” Jamie said and smiled.

“By the way, good luck! You’re going to need it!” Sìneag said.

“Thank you!” Eilish said.

Malcolm left the room. Eilish followed. Everybody aside from Sìneag exited the castle.

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