The Magic Drink

Chapter Kitten Delivery

The next day, Eilish’s kittens licked her awake.

Eilish smiled and said, “Good morning!”

Jamie yawned and stretched before asking, “Hey, Eilish! Is it time to drop off the kittens at their new homes?”

Eilish yawned and said, “I wish I had a coffee. Yes, once everyone wakes up.”

Malcolm smashed Jamie with his hammer and yelled, “5 more minutes!”

“I slept next to Malcolm!” Jamie said, looking slightly smashed down.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Eilish asked.

“Yeah!” Jamie said.

Malcolm covered his ears.

“Let’s not talk, so Malcolm doesn’t get mad,” Eilish said.

“Alright,” Jamie said.

Eilish smiled. Flammy licked Malcolm’s face.

Eilish whispered, “Jamie, please pick up your kitty so it doesn’t wake up Malcolm.”

Jamie picked Flammy up. Malcolm, half asleep, wiped his hand across his face. Eilish gave Jamie a thumbs-up. Violet grabbed Malcolm’s neatly folded stuff and tossed it around. Eilish watched Violet mess up Malcolm’s folded stuff. Violet tossed the shirt into the air and batted it as it fell.

“HEY! HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH MY STUFF?!” Malcolm asked, waking up suddenly.

“Malcolm! Malcolm, calm down...she’s just a kitten,” Eilish said.

“THAT’S MY STUFF!” Malcolm yelled. He is only wearing the blue-green under-shirt and his underwear.

“Calm down...” Eilish said.

Malcolm grabbed his now wrinkled clothing. He smoothened it before putting it back on.

“I’m gonna go search Scotty’s kitchen for coffee,” Eilish said.

“He probably doesn’t have any!” Malcolm said.

“Most adults have coffee,” Eilish said.

“And others have beer and energy drinks!” Malcolm said.

“I’m not searching his kitchen. I bet he doesn’t have coffee,” Eilish said.

“Where is Master Scotty? I can’t find him!” Mungo Clone 1 asked.

“I took him to jail,” Eilish said.

“Oh, I guess I’ll go back to bed then,” Mungo Clone 1 said.

“Wait. Do you have any coffee?” Eilish asked.

“Nope, but there is Magic Drink in the cellar and maybe a few cans of beer and stuff. Some water bottles,” Mungo Clone 1 rambled on.

“Aw... No coffee. Aw well,” Eilish said.

Mungo Clone 1 made a steaming cup of coffee appear, “Have this, my only job is to serve Scotty, but he isn’t here. I might as well not waste my magic.”

Eilish was shocked, “You’re sweet! Thank you!” she took the coffee and took a sip.

Mungo Clone 1 blushed. Eilish smiled.

“Well, call me if you need anything else,” Mungo Clone 1 said.

“Okay! Thank you!” Eilish said.

Mungo Clone 1 snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Eilish walked back to the others, “Look, I got a cup of coffee!”

Pàl yawned and rubbed his eyes before asking, “How in the world did you get that? I thought Scotty wouldn’t have normal drinks.”

“One of Scotty’s servants made it appear!” Eilish said.

“Great, drink up and we can deliver the kittens,” Pàl said.

Eilish drank the hot coffee and said, “Mmm, so good! So, how are we gonna deliver the kittens?”

“We’ll have to carry them,” Pàl said.

“Great!” Eilish said.

“And we’ll have to walk,” Pàl said.

“Okay!” Eilish said, smiling.

“I’m ready to go!” Jamie said.

“Me too!” Eilish said.

“Let’s go now,” Fraizer said.

Eilish grabbed two kittens.

Fraizer grabbed two more and said, “Grabbing two each would be helpful.”

“You’re smart!” Eilish said.

“It was your idea,” Fraizer said.

“Not really, I just grabbed two kitties,” Eilish said.

“We have to each carry two kittens because there are five of us and ten kittens,” Fraizer said.

“Smart!” Eilish said.

“It’s just five plus five is two fives!” Fraizer said.

“I thought five plus five is ten?” Eilish asked.

“It is, but 5 times 2 is also ten,” Pàl said.

“Cool!” Eilish said.

“Malcolm, are you ready to go?” Pàl asked.

Malcolm picked up BlueBomb and the white kitten.

“Let’s go!” Eilish said excitedly.

Everyone filed out of the building with the kittens.

“Let’s deliver the prison guard’s kitty!” Eilish said.

“Alright!” Pàl said.

Eilish smiled and walked.

“Mew! Mew! Mew!” the kittens mewed.

Eilish continued walking.

“Why are they so loud?” Malcolm asked.

“Mew! Mew! Mew! Mew! Mew! Mew! Mew!” the kittens mewed some more.

“They don’t like to be carried long distances,” Eilish explained.

“Oh,” Malcolm said.

“MEW! MEW! MEW! MEW! MEW! MEW!” the kittens mewed louder.

“It’s okay, little kitties,” Eilish said.

“Meow! Meow! Meow!” the white kitten meowed.

Eilish spoke with a gentle voice, “Shhh, It’s okay. It’s okay.”

“Meow,” the white kitten meowed.

Eilish smiled.

“You must’ve calmed it a bit!” Malcolm said.

“Kittens are like babies, you must be quiet and gentle,” Eilish said.

The white kitten stared fearfully.

“But why does it do that? None of the other kittens do it,” Malcolm said.

“This kitten has been though something bad...” Eilish said.

“Oh,” Malcolm said.

“We’re almost to the prison,” Pàl announced.

“Great!” Eilish said.

They arrived at the prison and BlueBomb peed on Malcolm.

Eilish tried to keep from laughing, “Your cat peed on you.”

“Augh!” Malcolm said and stared at the wet spot on his shirt.

“Here, Malcolm, let me carry him. I’ve carried a lot of cats,” Eilish said.

“And the white one too?” Malcolm asked.

“Sure!” Eilish said.

Malcolm handed over the kittens and pulled the top shirt off, “At least I have another shirt underneath!”

“Yep! Let’s go!” Eilish said.

Pàl opened the prison door.

Eilish walked up to the prison guard and said, “We got you a cat!”

“Oh, that’s great! Maybe I won’t get lonely anymore!” the prison guard said.

Eilish handed the prison guard the bluish gray kitten, and said, “Here you go!”

“It’s cute! Is it a boy or a girl?” the prison guard asked.

Eilish looked at the kitten and said, “Girl!”

“I’ll name her Tina,” the prison guard said.

“Cool!” Eilish said.

“Why is that boy wearing Scotty’s outfit?” the prison guard asked.

“Scotty shredded his clothes, he was wearing a light green outfit,” Eilish said.

“Oh, I think Scotty is still asleep...” the prison guard said.

“I got more kittens to deliver,” Eilish said and smiled.

“Alright, good luck!” the guard said.

“Thanks!” Eilish said.

“That was successful; who are we delivering to now?” Pàl asked.

“Sìneag?” Eilish suggested.

“Do you think everyone is going to ask me the same question?” Jamie asked.

“Maybe,” Eilish said.

“Don’t worry about it, at least you are dressed,” Fraizer said.

Jamie blushed.

“Yeah, Jamie. If anything, you still look cute even in Scotty’s clothes,” Eilish said and smiled.

Jamie smiled and said, “But I don’t have the hat, which is good.”

“The hat! I forgot to take it from him...” Eilish said.

“It’s best not to take it right now, he’ll be angry enough already that you locked him up. He would be even madder if you stole his hat,” Pàl said.

“Wouldn’t he use his magic to break out?” Eilish asked.

“I don’t think he can escape,” Pàl said.

“I feel bad...” Eilish said.

“Don’t feel bad,” Pàl said.

“Okay,” Eilish said.

“He deserves to be locked up anyways,” Pàl said.

“Okay,” Eilish said.

“Let’s go already!” Malcolm said.

They exited the building.

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