The Kingdom of Secrets and Ruin

Chapter 36


The dining room is eerily quiet tonight as the women have excused themselves to the library, leaving me alone with the men. It’s fair to say that Tedric has taken the banishment from his favourite room and the confiscation of his wine as well as could be expected. I’ve yet to mention how I’ll take half from Avery’s ration as well to make things fair, as it gives me something to look forward to later tonight.

Everyone seems tired from our travels still, which makes sense since the decision to leave was such a spur-of-the-moment command. It’s been a success so far though, I’ve enjoyed being on the move once again and reminding myself what it’s like to visit other places without the intention of taking them.

It felt like old times and if I’m not mistaken the whole party seemed in brighter spirits. I don’t think I’m the only one that hates to be stuck in one place.

“So what have you got in store for my banquet tonight? A roast pig? Lamb chops? Cause I’m half starved!” I ask my friend with a grin, knowing just as well as he does that due to the rush in getting here, we’ll have been left to the mercy of the resident kitchen staff.

He probably doesn’t even know what’s to come, much like I don’t back at Apheya, but at least my excuse is that my sister and mother manage all of that. It makes me wonder whether he needs a woman in his life already, it would be a lot easier to run this place with help and I don’t know how I’d survive without my family chipping in where they can.

Not that I’d ever admit it as someone who is meant to be a king, or marry for such a reason.

“You’re hilarious, have I ever told you that?” Tedric replies in a dry voice, taking a swig of his ale.

Avery can’t help himself with this opening, “No, what’s hilarious is that you’ve had to give up the contents of your cellar to amuse Rhu’s women.” He chuckles and I roll my eyes instinctively.

I was going to hold it in to have more of an effect when the blow drops later, but now it seems Tedric is taking the brunt of my fun, “It’s a good thing I deducted it from your shares then, isn’t it?”

Both eyes widen in surprise but I hate how my voice seems to echo off the stone walls. Everyone else at the table insists on whispering and no doubt has heard all of my conversations since sitting down. At least the ladies will be back tomorrow and this awkwardness can end.

Would it be rude to send them all away aside from my brothers? Of course, it would and I should feel bad for wondering as much, but I don’t.

“You’re joking?” Avery chokes out while Tedric smiles for the first time tonight.

“That’s what I said when I heard about my own depleted supplies back in Apheya.” I raise my glass with a tilted head, knowing that I’ve checkmated him there almost as well as Dalliah did with me the other night.

It’s a shame more people don’t know that game, it’s addictive, but I suppose there is the appeal to knowing that someone is limited to only a few partners, me being one of them.

“You’re a dick.”

“I know, right?”

It’s Tedric’s turn to roll his eyes at the two of us now and I wonder now that he’s less depressed, whether I’ll be able to ask him more about this court. It’s been a full day since we arrived back and he’s no more pleased than he was in my place back in Apheya.

I’m really starting to wonder if I made a mistake by saddling him with this region, or if there’s something he’s not telling me. I just hope he knows that my intentions were in the right place and that it was meant to be a reward, even though it’s not being received as such from what I can see.

“How is the wine cellar anyway, this place as a whole? Is it what you expected?” I turn my attention to him and away from a sulking Avery. He’s no doubt cooking up another snide remark that I’ll be able to rebut later in good fun.

“Yeah,” He nods, hardly enthusiastic, “It’s pretty much how you left it. The books are good, food’s good and there’s some wine left which is a bonus I suppose.” He laughs slightly.

“Are there any challenges you’re facing?” I try to keep my tone casual, lowering it a bit in the process to try and stop us from being heard but it’s hard.

I hate having to ask at such a quiet table, but I’ll likely miss my chance before we leave if I need to wait for Avery to keep out of it. So it’ll need to be now.

“No- I don’t know,” He pauses for a second, “I’m not like you two.”

I squint my eyes, trying and failing to understand the statement, “What does that mean?”

He takes another swig as if to steel himself before putting the mug down harder than necessary.

“It means I wasn’t born for this, I’m not a noble and I’ll be honest, it feels wrong… I mean, I like the perks but… it shouldn’t be mine.”

His words trigger something in me. Noble is just a word in my eyes and there’s nobody in this damn kingdom who deserves the honour more than he or Avery. They’ve fought by my side, cared for my family and people as if they were their own and kept me sane throughout the process which is no small feat.

“Has someone said something to you?” The anger is laced in my words and he closes his eyes as if that annoys him for whatever reason.

“They don’t need to Rhu, if I think it, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t.”

“Okay well stop thinking it damn you.” I no longer care if others are listening, “You’re the Lord of this region, a title I don’t give out for giggles… You’re the most senior member of this court of any other court when I’m not here so it’s time to accept it.”

“It’s not that simple…” He snaps.

“Well make it simple… If you’re no Lord then I’m no King. Neither of us was born for this role and yet we have it, have earned it.” I slap my hand on his back, hoping my words convey the similar thoughts I’ve had to overcome and still fight.

The last thing I want is for him to feel the same.

“It’s just going to take some time.” He mutters, deciding better than to fight me further.

“And we have time, but less of this not noble like you crap… there’s not a soul I’d rather trust this place to and I’m offended you’d even question me.”

He soaks that in for a second, the thoughts in his mind buzzing around like bees that I can almost see myself but I wait for him to answer how he wants.

“Avery’s right, you are a dick.” He finally laughs again in earnest and I lift my mug to cheers to that.

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