The Inauguration

Chapter 43

Solani watched as William sat next to her in the bed, he was colouring a picture that she couldn’t quite make out what I was. She turned to the door, waiting for Lugar to walk in as she smelt his scent the minute he walked into the clinic. He opened the door and smiled at her, in his hand was a small plate with brownies and her mouth ran dry for a taste.

“I know that look,” he chuckled and placed the plate in her hands. Solani handed one to William who took it with a smile and went back to his colouring while munching on the brownie. She took a bite from it and couldn’t help but moan, “these are good, who made them?”

“Auntie Genhji,” William mumbled with some in his mouth, Solani smiled at him but it pained her to know she couldn’t even say anything to her own sister. She knew that she should leave her be, heeding her father’s words but at the same she wanted her sister to smile and talk to her like she did with everyone else.

The three of them sat in silence, basking in each other’s comfort and loved it. The silence let her mind wander to all the information she had to get through since her waking.

Solani had woken up to find herself in the pack infirmary, with her mate sitting beside her. At times she would think back to the way he spoke his mind, the words that he spoke echoed in her head and she knew that it was all true. She knew she had lost any chance of Genhji acknowledging her as family ever again, and she remembers how he held her as she broke at the realisation. At the consequences and she knew there was more to come. Later her mate had left and she found herself with William sleeping in her hospital bed and Lugar sitting in the corner.

He had called upon on a doctor, who then checked on her vitals but he seemed as if he was rushing through the checkup and Solani couldn’t quite understand it at the time, thinking maybe he had a patient he had to quickly get back to but once Lugar had explained everything, she finally understood the doctor’s urgency.

Solani had been in a coma for two months and in that time, that Fan Hide pack had been attacked multiple times. Elena’s forces kept trying to get past the forces at the bottom of the mountain but she kept failing until that last week of Solani’s comma. Their plan of defence and stretching out Elena’s forces was working until that point.

One of the refugees that had been rescued had turned out to be an inside man for Elena the whole time. He ended up killing one of the warlocks that were involved in the making of the barrier around the FanHide territory, the barrier faltered and was weak with only two warlocks left standing to hold it but even they weren’t strong enough.

The spell for such a force was to be handled for elite warlocks and in the FanHide there were only three and that three was enough but the territory was too big for only two.

Their biggest mistake was thinking that there was only one insider but there were more and this whole time, they were training and being trained by the best. Whilst they were to focused on trying to defend the bottom of the mountain they didn’t realise that the insiders were heading to the attack the first line of defence from the top.

Solani couldn’t help but admire Elena’s strategic plan but that went out the window when she heard that one of the casualties that day was Genhji’s mate, Tobias, who was the leader of the troops that went to go help the slaughtering that took place at the bottom of the hill. He didn’t die but was just injured badly and her heart went out to Genhji, she wanted to comfort her sister but at that moment she was hit with the memory of her father and his words.

They lost a lot of people that day, including Lucius’s mother who was found dead with her throat slit in her chambers. Solani still to this day, does not understand why his mother was murdered, what Elena gained from that.

It has been two weeks since they lost the first part of the war and they have been preparing to take the war to Elena. They realised that they have given Elena enough reason to think that they will remain in defence mode but they have decided to take control and ambush her in her own home.

In these two weeks, they have been scouting the Therealts territory, watching the guards and they trained and all this was thanks to the twin's magic.

Tomorrow they would attack and if everything went according to plan, it would be the last they heard of Elena Therealt.

And that is why the pack grounds were so quiet, everyone knew what today meant. It was the day before the war, the day before who died and who lived, the day in which loved ones spent time with each other, not knowing of what might happen tomorrow.

She had spent time with her mate in the early mornings. They had marked each other the day she had come out of the coma, confessing their love for one another and Solani admits it was long overdue.

Now she just wanted to spend time with her favourite boys, her family. She just hoped that tomorrow none of the people she loved would face death, she thought this with the image of Genhji in mind.

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