The Inauguration

Chapter 42

“You’re awake”

Her eyes filter in the sharp light, not helping but flinch at it. She turns to the voice already knowing that it was her male.

She meets his grey eyes and she lets all the tension fall from her shoulders but like a rollercoaster, everything came back, her confronting him, forcing him to choose and her finally attacking Genhji, her sister over a male.

She turns away from his face, away from his eyes and she can’t help but feel shame. She felt the strength of the emotion and she eld back the tear that threatened to escape.

“I’m sorry”, she finally says, her shoulders sagging.

She hears him exhale and she turns to meet his eyes, they don’t reveal anything.

“You should be sorry,” he shrugs at her, “I mean you practically murdered your entire family, and you walk around as if nothing happened,” every single word he says hits her core and the emotion is worse because not only is it true but her mate is the one telling her this.

"Then you get mated to your sister’s foster brother, and after all that you still attack her because she deems you not worthy to be his mate,” he exhales, “and honestly I do not care that you murdered your family what I do care about is the fact that you forced me to chose, you forced me to chose between my mate and my sister. I was conflicted and instead of giving me space and trying to understand, you chose for me, you attacked her, in front of everyone”, he chuckled standing up from the chair, ignoring her sniffling.

“I asked you to give me time to convince her, I asked you to give me time as your mate, I asked you to trust me, practically begged you but you forced things,” he laughs again, “I mean, you got what you wanted, Genhji has backed off and she doesn’t care what we do anymore, although she still loves me as my brother, she will never see you as anything but Luna and that should be enough I guess considering what you did but I am human, I couldn’t help but dream that she would see you as family again”.

Solani releases a small sob and he shakes his head before sitting on the bed and pulling her onto his lap. He holds her against his chest, feeling the vibrations of her silent cries shake her body.

He says nothing and time passes as he holds her in his arms, finally accepting that this case was closed. That he has to respect Genhji’s decision, he won’t force what was bound by fate and he realises soon enough people will know what happened that night at Genhji’s pack and they will realise who was responsible for it and he could only hope that Solani will be ready for that.

He will be there to support her but at the end of the day, she will have to face the consequences.

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