The Inauguration

Chapter 44

Lucius could feel his heart beating against his chest, it was louder than usual these days, ever since his mother passed, ever since he found his mother’s body lying still in her bed. The blood that decorated her neck, the blood that leaked into the sheets and her pillow. The blood he tried so desperately to stop, was all he could see and smell.

His heart has been beating louder ever since and he doesn’t know how to stop it.

All his life, his goal was to seek justice for what happened to his family and now all he wants is vengeance. His mother was an innocent soul, his mother had done nothing wrong to deserve the brutal way she was killed, the way they evaded her space, the way she couldn’t even defend herself and yet they had no remorse and still killed her in her sleep.

He had felt that snap, that final tether that was holding onto him had snapped and he remembered how his heart had beat the loudest at that moment.

He was with his mate when it happened. He had heard the running steps of Genhji and he left his mate’s hospital room to meet her halfway. And the look they both had in each other's eyes told him everything he needed to know.

No, he wasn’t being delusional.

He had thought that his mother had grown tired and had finally given up, so Genhji and himself had ventured to the room to say their goodbyes but what they saw, was pure hatred.

The minute they saw her defiled body, they knew that had lost someone else to the wrath of the Therealts and all the two siblings wanted was revenge.

Genhji most of her days after that if not in the comfort of her mates' arms, she was on the training grounds, preparing for the violence ahead. She would show no mercy.

Lucius spent his time hiding away in his chambers with Hendrix by his side, but on occasions, he would find the strength to go and see his mate in the hospital.

When she had woken, he was driven by so much grief, the urge to not lose anyone else that he told her the desperation in marking her and she was more than happy to oblige.

He spent his days with his mate, his days with Genhji, his day's training for this exact moment.

His heart beat louder, as he watched the sunset over the hills. His army would march out tonight and he knew that Elena would be waiting for him but he made a promise not only to himself but to Hendrix, Genhji and the pack that he would get his revenge, that he would avenge his mother.

He had no idea how Elena had done it, why Elena would kill his mother but he didn’t care, all he knew was that today, was Elena Therealts last day on this earth.

May the goddess bless her soul and wolf, he heard Genhji chant.

They both stood by the cliff, watching the stars fill the nights and the goddess bless them with her presence, her light from the moon was enough to dull the fear Gnehji had in her heart.

“You better come back to me after this Lucius,” she whispered to him, “I will not lose you too. You will kill that bitch and return to us”.

Lucius turned to Genhji and she smiled at him, “Yes. even her”.

He chuckled before pulling her to his chest, “I will return to you sister, don’t you worry”.

“If you weren’t my alpha and her brother, I would have ripped you to pieces,”

Lucius couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips, he turned to watch the brute of a mate Genhji had walk towards her. Tobias smirked at Lucius before pulling his mate into his warmth, placing his head on hers and she snuggled deeper into his chest.

Lucius felt the brush of his mate’s finger on his forearm. He turned met her eyes,

“Evening love”, she smiled before wrapping her arms around him. He smiled down at her, both watching the skies above.

A few minutes went by before the spark of a single light appeared down below just before the border of the Therealt’s pack and Genhji sighed.

“Duty calls, let’s go Tobias”, she turns to Lucius with a small smile,

“Lucius”, she gave him a nod and she turned to meet Solani’s eyes. There were no emotions in her eyes, and her voice was void of them too. She slightly bowed to Solani,

“Luna” and she left.

Solani knew this was all Genhji could do, her sister would acknowledge her existence but that was as far as their relationship would do go and she wasn’t going to do anything more about it for she feared she would lose Genhji even more.

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