The Inauguration

Chapter 31

She remembers how fast her heart was beating, how it echoed in her ears. How she had stood at the door a second too long that her brother had to shake her out of the shock.

“Genhji, go find mother,” he says turning her away from the image in front of her,” I’ll stay with father,” she nods and turns to leave but hesitates when she smells the metallic stench in the air.

She holds onto her brother, "be careful…there’s Wolfsbane in the air”, she says and he nods looking back to the man who’s having a coughing fit in the room.

She turns to leave but her stomach clenches and she decides against her father’s orders. She walks in after Raed making sure not to breathe in the toxic fumes. They both quickly grab their father and drag him out of the room.

Closing the door, she turns to Raed with a nod and she runs down the hall. Her sense kicks in and she searches for her mother’s scent. Shifting and surging through the rooms. She ignores the bloody bodies on the floor knowing all too well not to get distracted.

With every step she takes towards the safe house, the more her anger rises for the person who dared to attack their pack. To attack her home but she didn’t have to play hangman to know who was behind all this destruction.

She couldn’t hear the screams, the growls that echoed around her. All this chaos was caused by one person and she knows it was William Lugar’s plan after all but she mostly blamed her sister.

If her sister was much of a betraying she-wolf then none of this would have happened.

She didn’t waste time in taking the lives of the enemy, of any wolf that stood in her way. All she could see was red and her wolf was on the edge.

She finally got to the forest behind the packhouse. She looked for the latch that opened to the underground tunnel that led to the safe house but what she didn’t expect was to find it already open.

She scanned her surroundings nothing but pitch black. Her wolf growled, she didn’t like the silence and the door being open wasn’t a good sign and Genhji agreed with her one hundred per cent.

She jumped down the hole, too impatient for the stairs and walked down the tunnel. The door to the safe room was left ajar and her wolf growled at the sight of the guards on the floor with their throats slit. They were supposed to be guarding these doors but someone had gotten to them.

She didn’t have to wonder how they got through the system. How they managed to even find the tunnel, was all thanks to her sister and Genhji could feel her resolve and control over her wolf start to slip.

Running back down the tunnel and jumping out of the hole, she was met with three wolves seeming to have been waiting for her this whole time.

Two males and a female. They all smiled at her, “Well would you look at that, she really does look like her”, the male chuckled as he seemed to examine her.

She growled before lunging for the male. His eyes grew in surprise not expecting it and it was too late as her claws grew and she ripped his throat out. She turned to the two and they growled at her. The male shifted into the blond wolf but she didn’t give an arse on what he looked like because all she could see was red.

She was angry, they compared her to who shall not be named. How dare they stoop so low? How dare they even think such thoughts? How dare they step on the same very ground she stands on?

“How dare they put her in the same league as me?” she mutters to herself letting the female’s body fall to the ground with a thud.

She runs back to the pack with the intent of finding her mother but what she finds is worse. There in the centre of the pack is her father and brother being dragged to this male.

Her mother’s body was just a mere foot away from her father shaking body. She could see the pain in his eyes, the way he let them drag him around. The way he looks to have lost all hope. The way his eyes were fixed on her mother’s body, he was broken and that’s what triggered the emotion of something filled with dread and the feeling of something breaking in her heart.

The thread between her and her mother was broken. Their link was shattered and now that all that Adrenaline was wearing off she could feel the full effect of it.

Her black hair was sprawled all around her small body. Her olive skin was dirty and had claw marks. Her eyes, faded with a hint of yellow and Genhji could tell she had just missed her shifting from her wolf form. She looked away from the empty eyes but that was a mistake, for her eyes fell on the last person who she wanted to see.

They fell onto the person who was solely responsible for all her pain.

“Rubert, with the permission of the council I hereby sentence you to death,” William’s words echoed in her mind, she growls but no one seems to hear her but her father did.

He turns to her. His green eyes filled with tears, and her heart aches for him. He looks to her, his eyes filled with the emotion he always had for her. He was proud of her and she could tell he wanted her to run away but she shook her head stepping forward but he shook his head before giving her a brief smile and turning to watch as the blade cut his head clean.

Her heart tightened as she felt the link between them break. She watched as they torched her father’s body and her brother’s cries and curses echoed behind her.

She looked to Solani to find the female’s eyes cold and showing no emotion.

“I hate you,” Raed growls at Solani and she couldnt help but reciprocate those feels. She muttered the same words as William Lugar rips his heart out.

The memory hazes as he feels arms circle around her. Her mates voice pulls her from her memories and she falls into his arms…feeling calmer and letting the anger leave her but she spoke too soon.

As the door to the bathroom opens and in walks in her copy. Solani takes a small step towards her and Genhji growls in a warning.

“Genhji…”, Genhji growls at her and stand to her feet. Glaring at her in a warning.

She walks closer to her and half of her is glad that Tobias doesn’t hold her back. With only an inch of space left between them, she growls once again at the sight of the female.

“I truly do loathe you, I wish you had died that day instead,” and she left the room without looking back.

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