The Inauguration

Chapter 32

Solani watched as her sister stormed out of the meeting, her fists clenched to her side and everyone was aware of her raging aura even before the outburst. They were all aware of it, aware that it continued to grow but none knew why.

She did.

She had felt her sister’s hard glare on her ever since she entered the room. She knew that her sister tried to ignore her as much as she tries to ignore her presence but Genhji ended up caving into her anger.

She’s still angry, she thought to her wolf, who quietly hummed in agreement.

They all stared at the door she just went through expecting her to come back but the more they waited the more she realised that Genhji wasn’t coming back anytime soon.

She turned back to her mate. Her male, Lucius, who seemed distraught, looked at the doors with a sense of turmoil. Like he didn’t know what to do? And as if feeling her eyes on his, he faced her.

The grey orbs she kept gawking at this whole meeting were graced upon her again and warmth filled her. Through his eyes, she could see longing but the turmoil seemed to cloud that longing.

He seemed to sigh and he looked away from her, her heart clenched and she watched as he turned to a male. The male had brown hair that was tied into with a ribbon although there were strands on either side of his face. He was tanned and from where she sat she could make out the small freckles that decorated his face.

He had brown eyes that seemed calculated and stern. His body was bigger than her male’s and she doesn’t know why but she knew it suited him.

She watched them converse before he gave Lucius a nod and stood from his seat and left the room.

“May I suggest we take a small break?,” Lucius asked facing the room once again,” I think we’re just a little tired especially with us being here for over an hour”, he said this with his eyes on her but they quickly shifted to Melinda.

Melinda sighs, rubbing her temples,"I agree, I could use a nap myself”, she smiles, "Let’s discuss this further in an hour”.

She stands and they all follow her lead automatically. They watch as she leaves the room, her pack following behind and soon enough everyone had left the hall for rest.

Lucius didn’t spare a look her way when he had left. She didn’t know how to feel about that. She didn’t like the doubts and ideas that filled her head and how they made her feel, so she focused on the emotions that she had felt when he looked at her.

The warmth. The longing. The want.

She felt each and every wave hit her, and she and her wolf welcomed them with open arms, why wouldn’t she? She knew that he wanted her, even though he showed his want in an obscure way, he still wanted her. Although she continues to ask herself why she has to wait for her male, she will respect his wishes.

But her mind couldn’t help but think certain thoughts. Did he have a lover? Is she really important to him? Was Genhji that lover? Is that why he seemed so torn between them?

And she couldnt deny it. She had seen the way they interacted from the very first day. The way they had danced with each other at the ball that night or the way they looked at each other with heavy emotion.

Could it actually be true?

Her wolf growled and she shook her head. She was being stupid she told herself. How would that even possible? Was it possible?

“Lani?”, she felt a gentle touch and she turned to see little William’s blue eyes staring up at her, “your shad”, he simply stated.

She gave him a small smile shaking her head, “No I’m just thinking,”

“Penny for your sthoughts?”, she smiles and hums at him hearing his s and t’s mixing in.

“Just thinking about my sister,” she admits to him.

His eyes filled with excitement and he grabbed her hand pulling her in a certain direction and she let him. Soon enough they were standing in front of the woman’s bathroom.

“S-She went in sthere,” he says pointing to the door.

“Ahem,” she looked at him smiling at her before turning to stare at the door itself. She didn’t know how long she had been standing there holding his hand but it seemed to have been a long time as pulled on her hand as if wanting to be released.

“Are you not going to go in Lani?”, she quickly turns to him and smiles, nodding her head she lets go of his hand and turns him away from the room.

“Go find your father William,” she orders him with a small push in the opposite direction.

She hears his little feet run off and she stares at the handle of the door contemplating if she should enter or not. Even if she did what was she to say to Genhji? Why does she want to speak to Genhji in the first place?

She shook the questions away and forced herself past the doubts and opened the door knowing there was no going back.

The first thing she saw was the broken tiles and pieces of the broken basin. And in the middle of that mess was Genhji being held by the male that Lucius had talked to.

And suddenly relief clouded her heart, the nerves that once clouded her were gone as she realised the male was Genhji’s mate. But that feeling only lasted mere seconds as her green eyes matched with the green eyes on the other side of the room.

The eyes were filled with hate and disbelief, and she could feel the feelings resonate through her and she instantly took a step back but she came back from the shock and stepped forward but the growl from Genhji was enough of a warning for her to stop.

“G-Genhji…”, a growl echoed in the room.

She watches as Genhji stands from the floor, her mate standing next to her as some sort of support. She catches the males and for some reason saw sympathy but that seemed to wash away as a wall came up immediately when Genhji started walking towards her.

Solani seemed to have been frozen as all she could do was watch as her sister closed the gap between them, whispering a few words to her before leaving the room.

She stood there unmoving, still trembling from within and a part of her just wished that she would just stand up to her sister but the other half knew that she had no right to do that.

The crunching of glass on the floor pulls her attention to the male figure in the room.

“I understand why you did it. She understands why you did it,” his voice void of all emotions,” but what she cannot understand is why you stood there and watched them die and that’s something you’re going to have to explain to her”.

“But also keep in mind that she might never forgive you and you can’t blame her, you know why”, he says this and leaves.

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