The Inauguration

Chapter 30

She could remember the day as clear as day. she could remember how the pack went about their lives in such peace, in such bliss, such…ignorance.

“Now remember to always expect anything and everything from your opponent as well as to fight like it’s your last because it very well might be,” her father’s voice echoes on fields.

He walks around their group of elites. Their father had a structure of how everything worked. He believed in working your way to the top, he didn’t care if you were his blood or not, you had to prove to not only everyone but to yourself that you deserved the position you have or want.

And it brought great pride and joy that Genhji stood in the same row as her brother. Stood with the group their father considers the elites. Stood in the first line, at the forefront of everything.

She got a seat at the table and although her father never said anything to her face when she got the position, she could see it in his eyes whenever he would look at her from across the table.

Rubert Volksvisoch was a complicated man and his children knew that. Everyone knew that. He was a man that always a scope on his face, never showed his emotions on his sleeve and told you what he thought of you regardless of your emotions. He didn’t sugarcoat anything and he liked it that way.

Their mother was quite the opposite. You could say she lightened the whole pack. She was everyone’s sunshine and she was the only one who could really tame Rubert. Seline Volksvisoch was a beautiful woman, with olive skin and black hair she stood out in the room. Her eyes a pure auburn colour and her voice was smooth and more gentle than the wind.

They complimented each other and Genhji knew that from the very beginning. Yes, they had their bad downfalls but every couple goes through them. Their father wasn’t perfect, he tries in his own demeaning way. And honestly, Genhji wouldn’t have it any other way.

It was in the afternoon, that Rubert had called the training to its end and dismissed everyone. Raed and Genhji had decided that after training they would both relax and spend some time by the lake down by the old windmill but their father had other plans.

He wanted to go over the final drafts of their attack, so they planned to postpone their plans to right after that. And of course, Solani was nowhere to be found. Genhji was livid but she smiled at Raed trying to not worry him but he could see through her smile.

She made a mental note to torture Solani after the meeting. They went through the final plans, outlining the battle strategies, making sure everything was where it was to be but whilst everything was in its place, there was one that wasn’t.

“Now that everything is going as plan, we still have one problem,” both siblings looked to their father before facing each other wondering what he meant,” Where is Solani?”.

Genhji went rigid but quickly calmed her body and she turned to Raed who looked at her with the same question swimming in his brown eyes. She turns back to her father, to only shift her eyes to the mahogany table as his green orbs stared her down.

“I don’t like repeating myself girl,” his voice was stern and calm but she knew he was anything but calm.

She growled frustrated with herself and Solani. Why was she even hesitate? Why didn’t she just come outright and say what that snitch of a she-wolf was doing? Why did she suddenly feel guilty at the idea of her father truly knowing what Solani was doing?

Maybe it was because she knew what their father would do. Maybe she knew that instead of Solani having to deal with their father, she would have to face Rubert instead and they were entirely two different people.

Their father was a man who put loyalty on top of everything. He didn’t care much for love, affection or any type of emotion but he valued trust, loyalty above everything and to find out that his daughter did not only betray him but worked against him with his worst enemy would tip him over the top.

She felt a firm hand grip her arm and she turns to Raed, his eyes drill her and she doesn’t know if her eyes told him everything he needed to know but his brown eyes had a look as if coming to an understanding with something.

“Father, may I speak to Genhji in private for a moment?,” he asks, without looking away from Genhji.

“No, I want to hear what you have to talk about”, Genhji looks to her father. His arms folded and his back straightens waiting for what Raed has to say.

“Please father,” Raed begs in a huff.

Their father looks between them for a few seconds and they both hold their breath waiting for an answer. He looks away and looks back down at the map on the table,” two minutes”.

Read didn’t need to be told twice before he practically drags Genhji out the room and closes the door behind them.

“No”, he starts.

He paces up and down in the hall,” Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me what I’m thinking is crazy right this moment Genhji”.

Genhji remains quiet as she watches her brother try to believe his own thoughts and she wants to desperately tell him that it’s not true but she can’t because that would be lying. And they never lie to each other.

“How long?”, he asks with his back to her.

“6 months”, he quickly turns with his hand on his mouth,” the attacks…all her”


Read nods his nod before puffing and running his hand through his white hair.

"Who is she working for?”, he barely whispers.

Genhji hesitates with her words but her brother makes sure he’s not in the mood. He closes the distance between them and she could his breath fan her head…and she looks at anything but his eyes,” who?”, he growls.

“William Lugar”, and as if the world and moon goddess heard the name themselves, the sound of a bomb going off in the next room has them looking between each other before running into it.

They find the window behind their father’s desk blown to pieces and their father seemingly trying to recover from the blow.

He looks up at both of them before focusing his green eyes on hers and for the first time in what felt like forever she could see the worry in his eyes when he screamed, “Find your mother Genhji”.

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