The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 2~Kim

“I’m so sorry.” I said softly as I looked down at the moon goddess.

“I shouldn’t have said those things to you.I love you and I’ll get you back I promise.” I said standing up.I kissed the top of her head before leaving the room.

“Phoenix.” Alex said as I was about to go up the stairs.I stopped and turned to look at him.


“How-How is she?” He asked taking a step towards me.I closed my eyes and released a slow breath.

“She’s in a coma-she’s dying.” I said slowly.I opened my eyes as tears started to run down my cheeks.He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around.

“You’ll save her baby.” He whispered, rubbing circles on my back.

“What if I can’t?What if something goes wrong?The last thing I did was scream at her for something so stupid.” I sobbed.

“You will Phoenix.Don’t doubt yourself.” He said softly.I nodded and pulled away from him.

“Thanks.” I mumbled.I wiped the tears off of my cheeks and turned away from him.

“Phoenix I’m sorry.” He said making his voice crack.I stopped and turned to look at him again.His eyes were shining with tears and I watched as a couple ran down his cheeks making my heart clench.I released a shaky breath and slowly walked towards him.I wiped the tears off of his cheeks and nodded my head.

“It’s okay.” I said softly.He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

“Thank you.” He breathed out.

“Thank Mateo.” I said closing my eyes.

“Yay you guys are good again.” Kenzie said, catching my attention.

“Yeah.” I said smiling and pulling away from him.

“How did she take it?” Kenzie asked, looking between the two of us.

“How did who take what?” Mateo asked walking down the stairs with Luca by his side.

“Kim when Alex rejected her.” Kenzie said as Luca wrapped his arm around her shoulder.Alex froze as everybody watched him for a response.

“Are you rejecting me?” Kim asked, walking up to us with tears in her eyes.

“Rejecting you?You mean you haven’t done it yet?” Kenzie asked wide eyed.

“Yet?You’re going to?” Kim asked, hurt evident in her voice.

“I-” It was clear he was trying to find the right words so nobody would get hurt.Kim shook her head as tears ran down her cheeks and ran out.I turned away from him and finished my journey up the stairs fully aware of Mateo behind me.

“I’m sorry.I just assumed.” Kenzie said softly.Alex didn’t respond but I could feel his eyes on me.I went into my bedroom and opened the window before climbing into the bed.

“Phoenix.” Mateo said cautiously.

“I’m not going to explode.I just need some rest. I don’t know how long it’ll be before I get another chance.” I said closing my eyes.

“He’s confused piccolo.” He said laying down next to me.I clenched my jaw and took a deep breath.

“Confused about what?” I asked slowly.

“I’m your original mate which makes our bond stronger than the one the two of you have.My wolf changed fur color and eye color to match yours.” He said softly.

“I don’t understand, have I made him feel left out?” I asked, opening my eyes to look at him.

“That’s something you need to ask him.” He said running his fingers through my hair.

“Cryptic.” I mumbled, closing my eyes and embracing his touch.

“I’ll be home soon.” A voice said from outside.I groaned and stood up to close the window when I realized it was Kim making me freeze.She was on the phone and she had her back to me.

“I thought you found your mate.” A female voice said from the phone.

“It’s a long story but I’m not wanted here.” Kim responded.

“But you know what happens if you come home empty handed.Mom and dad will force you to marry.” The voice said.

“I know.” Kim said as her voice cracked.

“We’ll talk when I get back.” She said before hanging up the phone.She looked around as if to make sure nobody was around and burst into tears.Mateo grabbed my arm and pulled me back.I groaned closing my eyes and rested my head on his chest.

“I’m a terrible person.” I mumbled gently hitting my head on his chest.

“Yes you are.” He teased.I pulled away from him and playfully rolled my eyes.

“I got the message.” Kim said, catching my attention.

“I’m sorry.” Alex’s voice responded.Mateo and I shared a look of confusion before walking up to the window.

“It’s fine I get it.” Kim said, wiping the tears off of her cheeks.

“Do you?” He asked softly.

“Just say it and let’s get this over with.” Kim said, taking a deep breath.

“I-” I took a deep breath before diving out of the window.

“Stop.” I said cutting Alex off.

“Are you crazy?” Kim asked looking up from where I just came from.

“Don’t do it.” I said shaking my head.

“Phoenix.” Alex said frowning.I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.

“I’ll be fine Alex just don’t do this to her.Get to know her and in the end if you decide you don’t want to be with her then that’s fine.But- if you end up falling in love with her that’s okay too you can- be with her.” I said softly.

“Phoenix.” He started shaking his head.

“Alex please.” I said taking his hands in mine.He looked over my shoulder at her and frowned.

“Are you sure?” He asked looking back at me.

“Yes.” I said nodding my head.He took a deep breath and nodded before walking over to her.She looked at Alex skeptically as he whispered something to her.She smiled thankfully at me and I nodded in response before turning to go back inside.

“I’m proud of you.” Mateo said as I entered the room.

“Yeah whatever.” I said packing my bags.

“What happened to getting some sleep?” He asked, watching me.

“The world is dying.I don’t really have time for sleep you know?” I said taking my clothes off.

“What are you doing?” Mateo asked, swallowing slowly.I smirked and shook my head as I turned to face him.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I said walking up to him.He slowly licked his lips as I walked up to him.I stopped in front of him and he closed his eyes making me giggle.I reached past him and picked up my robe before walking into the bathroom.

“TEASE!” He yelled as I turned on the shower.I laughed as I stepped in and started my shower.

‘Let me pick the outfit.’ Blaze said as I stepped out.I nodded my head and let her take over control.I watched as she took Mateo in before walking into the closet.

“Hello to you too Blaze.” Mateo said from behind us.

“Hello Teo.” She mumbled sliding into a Victoria’s Secret matching panties and bra.She pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a see through tank top before brushing past Mateo.

“I see you haven’t changed.” He said watching her as she sat at the vanity.

“You wouldn’t love me as much as you do if I did.” She teased doing my hair.He smiled and kissed the top of my head before grabbing the suitcases and leaving the room.

“He is delicious.” She mumbled watching him leave the room.

“Yes he is.” I said laughing.She finished dolling me up and let me take control again.

“Ready to go?” Kenzie asked as I stopped at the bottom of the stairs.I nodded my head and pulled out the book.

Before you do this understand that what lays ahead is not an easy task.You’ll have to do things you thought you’d never have to do.In the end you’ll be given a question and the world depends on the answer that you give.I don’t mean to put pressure on you Phoenix but you can not afford to let your feelings get in the way as I have so many times in the past.There’s a map on the second page with a spell at the bottom-you must say the spell and it will transfer you to another world- a world with Gods, demons, werewolves, fairies and anything else you can think of.Be careful Phoenix if you get wounded over there you won’t heal without the right herbs or the right people.If you die over there-there’s no way to bring you back.Most importantly-trust no one especially the ones claiming to want to help.Be careful Phoenix I love you.′

I looked up at Luca, Mateo, and Kenzie.They nodded answering my unasked question.

“I guess we don’t need the suitcases.” Mateo joked but I could see how worried he actually was.

“Where are you guys going?” Alex asked, walking up to us.

“To save grandma.” I said softly.He nodded and stood beside Mateo.

“Let’s do this.” He said looking around the circle.

“You need to stay with Kim.” I said shaking my head.

“What do you mean stay with Kim?Where are you guys going?” Kim asked walking up with her friends behind her.I snapped my fingers and my sword appeared in my hands.

“To save the moon goddess.” Kenzie said.Kim smiled brightly and joined the circle.

“Great we’re coming.” She said excitement clear in her eyes.

“What?” I asked looking up at her.

“I have skills.I didn’t become Alpha of my pack by inheritance and these are my best fighters.” She said crossing her arms over her chest.I took a deep breath before walking away.

“Hades.” I said closing my eyes.

“What’s the matter, love?” Hades said.I opened my eyes and smiled before hugging him. I handed him the book when I pulled away and he nodded his head as if getting the message.I led him back to the group where everybody was waiting for me.I read the spell over and over until I was sure I had memorized it perfectly.

“Let’s do this.” I said holding my hands out.Everybody linked hands and I took a deep breath before reciting the spell.The room started to spin and I felt the wind pick up before the world got dark.

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