The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 1~Get Out

“YOU FUCKING KISSED HER!” I screamed, throwing another plate.He moved his head to the side missing the plate by an inch.

“Phoenix I’m sorry.” He whispered walking towards me.

“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!” I screamed as I did my best to calm down.Mateo walked into the kitchen and gently touched Alex’s shoulder.Alex looked at me one last time before leaving the kitchen.As soon as I was sure he was gone I broke into sobs.Mateo ran and caught me as I started to fall.

“She’s gorgeous.” I sobbed burying my face in his neck.

“Who said you aren’t?” He asked softly as he rubbed my back.

“Not like her.” I whimpered.

“Baby you’re even more beautiful than she is.” He said playing with my hair.

“Phoenix I’m so sorry I don’t understand what happened.” The moon goddess said, catching my attention.

“What happened is that you screwed up and let Michael FUCKING CARSON PLAY YOU AND NOW I’M STUCK WITH A MATE AND A HALF AND SOME ALPHA WHO SAYS SHE’S ALEX’S MATE!” I screamed getting up.She opened her mouth to respond but I left the kitchen before she could.I walked up the stairs and into Alex’s room.I snapped my fingers packing his clothes in a suitcase and nodded my head as I made sure I had everything.I took a deep breath before leaving the room and walking into the living room where everybody was sitting and getting to know Kim and her friends.The room got quiet as they noticed me and Alex immediately stood up.I handed him his suitcase and smiled at Kim.

“I’m so happy you got to meet your-mate.I packed everything for you so you can leave-now.” I said doing my best to keep my emotions in.

“What are you talking about?I’m not leaving you Phoenix.” He said, shaking his head.

"I don’t matter.You need to be with your mate.” I said bluntly.

“I’m sorry what’s going on here?” Kim asked softly.

“You kissed her mate.” Kenzie said as I kept my eyes on Alex.

"Her mate?I don’t understand.” Kim said looking between me and Alex.

“It’s fine you don’t need to understand he’s your mate now.” I said taking off the necklace with my ring attached to it.

“Phoenix.” Kenzie said slowly like she knew what I was about to do.I looked up at her and took a deep breath.I held my hand out towards Kim and she looked at me skeptically.I rolled my eyes and took her hand before dropping the ring with Alex’s name in her hand.I turned before leaving the room.

“I didn’t know you two were mated.If I’d known I would’ve never kissed him.I wouldn’t have even come all the way over here.” She said calling after me.I stopped walking and ran my hand through my hair.

“You didn’t know but he did.” I said without turning around.My eyes blurred with tears threatening to fall.

“I’m sorry.” She said softly.I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly as tears started to run down my cheeks.

“Yeah me too.” I whispered before walking away.

“Phoenix.” Mateo whispered knocking on the door.He opened the door and walked in when he realized I wasn’t going to respond.

“Don’t be mad at him.” He said climbing into the bed with me and letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

“Why not?” I asked, wiping the tears of my cheeks.

“Did you forget we almost kissed in this exact spot and the only reason we didn’t is because Kenzie barged in?” He teased, turning my head to look at him.

“I knew you.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Phoenix that’s not even a good reason and you know it.” He said frowning.I took a deep breath and closed my eyes realizing he was right.

“I just wish it didn’t happen at all.” I said softly.

“I’m sure a part of him does too.” He said as I slowly opened my eyes.I nodded my head and he smiled before kissing me deeply.He took my hand in his and led me out of the room and towards the living room.

“Phoenix.” The moon goddess said from behind me.I turned to look at her to see her using the wall for support.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly.She started to respond when her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she began to fall.I ran up to her and caught her in my arms.

“Grandma?” I said trying to get her to open her eyes.Mateo ran up to me and picked her up in his arms.He walked into the living room and gently put her down on the couch.

“Is that the moon goddess?” Kim asked, looking at her wide eyed.I snapped my fingers taking me to the kitchen and wet a cloth before snapping and taking myself back to the living room.

“Sorry did you just-” Kim cut herself off as she looked at her friends who were just as confused as she was.I put the cloth on the moon goddess’s forehead before I started pacing.

“Mateo take her to the hospital wing.Phoenix she told me this may happen and if it did I was to give you this.” The Don said walking to the bookshelf and grabbing a book.Mateo picked her up and left the room as The Don handed me the book.I opened it frowning in confusion as I turned to the first page.

‘Phoenix if you’re reading this then it means I was to late.It means I failed and I’m in a coma.Don’t worry about me-worry about the millions of wolves that will die if I die.Phoenix I’m sorry to do this to you but your in charge of the fate of the millions of wolves in the world.This book will teach you everything you need to know.I love you so much and I know you can do this I believe in you.’

I read the page two more times before standing up and leaving the room.Mateo was sitting in front of the room the moon goddess was in and had his head in his hands.He sat up as he noticed me walking towards him.

“The doctor hasn’t come out yet.” He said opening his arms for me.I slowly nodded my head and walked up to him.

“She’s in a coma.From what it looks like it seems she put herself there.” The doctor said as he walked up to us.

“What do you mean she put herself there?” Mateo asked.

“Well it’s like when your wolf form is dying and you convert back to your human side so your wolf can save its energy and heal.” The doctor said softly.

“Meaning?” Mateo asked.

“She was dying and putting herself in the coma is her way of prolonging it.” The doctor said bluntly.

“The moon goddess is dying?” Mateo asked looking at me as if he was trying to figure out if we heard the same thing.

“You can go.” I said softly.The doctor nodded his head and walked off.Kenzie walked up to me and handed the book to me.

“What’s that?” Mateo asked looking down at the book.I handed it to him and he read the first page.

“She gave you a quest?” He asked looking up at me.

“That’s one word for it.” I mumbled, closing my eyes and running my fingers through my hair.

“Just give me five minutes to pack.” He said standing up.

“I’m going alone Mateo.” I said standing up.

“No you aren’t.” He said, shaking his head.


“Phoenix no you aren’t we’re in this together.” He said taking my face in his hands.I rolled my eyes and he kissed the top of my head before running off.

“I’ll get Luca, we’re coming too.” Kenzie said before running off.I shook my head and walked into the room where the moon goddess was.I kissed the top of her head and pulled up a seat besides her.

“I’ll do my best.” I promised her.

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