The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 3~The Beginning

I could hear groans all around me but I couldn’t get my eyes to open to place them.

“Phoenix.” Mateo said shaking me.I opened my mouth to respond but nothing would come out.

“She’s breathing.” Kim said from somewhere besides me.

“Barley.” Kenzie mumbled.

“That spell must’ve weakened her.Especially having to take extra people with her.” Mateo said before I felt his hand brush my hair out of my face.

“Somebody get the book.Something tells me we shouldn’t stay out like this.” Alex said.I heard the pages of a book turn before Kenzie started to read.

DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING OR ANYONE THAT ISN’T NECESSARY.YOU WILL WEAKEN YOURSELF BEYOND COMPARISON.The place that you’re at is called Neverland yes from the human story peter pan-just not as nice.Neverland is a place where magic roams free without being tamed which is never a good thing.Magic is a powerful thing and without it being properly tamed the consequences should be dire-but in a place like Neverland there is no such thing as consequences for things like that.But people like you-who live with magic in control are a target.Follow my directions precisely-you’ll need disguises to fit in but those disguises will mean nothing if you reveal yourselves to these people-you’re powerful Phoenix and you may be able to take one or two if you’re lucky but anymore than that and you’re in trouble.Follow the directions on the next page perfectly-it’ll lead you to the perfect place for disguises and in the end will take you to a doctor who has the herbs you’ll need.

P.S~ If you’re reading this it’s because Phoenix took way more people than she should’ve and now she won’t wake up.She can hear everything your saying and can process everything but she can’t do anything physically.If your reading this out loud she’s panicking right now because you just basically announced that she’s paralyzed(I was freaking out).Mate bonds are going to weaken as I weaken so while you still can use it to your advantage-Mateo you need to kiss her to calm her down and wake her up.It needs to be Mateo because he is her original mate making their bond stronger.Understand this-you are in a fairytale world rules of fairy tales apply here-be careful.′

“What the hell did we get into?” Kenzie asked closing the book.Everybody stayed quiet in response but I knew all of our minds were racing.I smelled Mateo’s cologne before I even noticed he was leaning in.

“What’s going on here?” A voice asked making Mateo stop.I groaned inwardly and rolled my eyes.

“We were just mugged.They took our clothes and put us in this.” Kenzie said, making her voice crack as if she was really about to cry.

“And your friend?” The man asked and I could basically hear the stares.

“She ate something she wasn’t supposed to.” Kenzie said and you could hear the disappointment.

“Those poison apples they get you every time.” The man mumbled.The man sighed deeply before inviting them onto his-whatever he was riding.

“We’d love to.” Kenzie said.I got engulfed in the scent of Mateo as he lifted me off of the ground.

“Sorry.” He whispered in my ear.I heard horse hooves and the (whatever we were in) started to move.Mateo’s scent covered me again and he gently placed his lips on mine.I blinked and rubbed my eyes as I sat up.

“Where are you guys going?” The man asked.Kenzie handed me the book and I flipped to the page she just read.

“Fairy Street.” I said catching his attention.

“Ah sleeping beauty is awake.” He said smirking.He watched me closely like he was trying to find out my life story and I stared directly back at him.

“Thanks for the ride.” Kenzie said catching his attention.He nodded his head and looked at me once before turning his attention back to the front.Mateo smiled at me and took my hand in his before drawing stuff on the back of it mindlessly.I looked up to see Kim staring at me.She looked away when she realized I saw her and I frowned.

“Fairystreet is coming up.How do you expect to pay?” The man asked, turning to face us once again.

“I didn’t realize we had to.” Kenzie said, frowning.

“I don’t just give these things out for free.” He said rolling his eyes.

“I don’t understand you offered to give us a ride we didn’t flag you down and ask for one.” Kim said rolling her eyes.The man clicked his tongue and the carriage stopped moving.He kept his eyes on Kim as he stood up.He walked around to the back where the entrance for where we were at.He kept his eyes on Kim and took a deep breath.

“How much?” I asked stopping him from doing whatever he was about to do.He kept his eyes on Kim for an extra minute before turning his attention to me and smirking.

“Money?No I think we’re way past that.” He said licking his lips seductively.Mateo tensed besides me and started to growl under his breath.

“Okay.” I said biting my lip.His eyes widened slightly in shock but he quickly masked it.

“Phoenix.” Mateo growled besides me.I winked at him before leaving the cart and following the guy to the side of it.He looked around as if to make sure nobody was coming and then turned his attention back to me.He reached for me and I grabbed his arms before twisting them.They broke with a sickening crack and he started to scream in pain.I took his head in my hands and turned it successfully breaking his neck.I looked around to make sure nobody saw and grabbed his leg before dragging him into the woods.I hid his body before making my way back to the others.

“What was that?” Kim asked as I sat in the front.I clicked my tongue and the horses took off.

“I dealt with it.That’s all that matters.” I mumbled.The rest of the ride was silent other than the sound of the horse hooves.The horses came to a stop and nickered as if to say we had arrived.

“This is fairy street?” Kenzie asked as her and the others climbed out of the back.We looked around at the deserted street, taking in the buildings.

“Must be.” I said tying the horses to a stump.

“Split up and stay quiet just because it looks deserted doesn’t mean that it is.” I said looking around the group.Everybody nodded their heads and we all went into different directions.

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