The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 28

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." - Henry Ford


Warning: Mild violence ahead, you've been warned.

A Mistake


"Alpha!" Travis's frantic voice yells, bursting through my office doors. “Alpha Santos said he might have picked up on Luna’s scent sir," he informs me.

"Gather thirty of our most elite warriors which include trackers, and call Dante," I ordered.

“On it,” he exclaimed excitedly.


"Dante, Tyler," Martin greets us at his broader permitting us to cross his lands.

"Pup, get to the point." Dante almost growled, keyword. Martin didn't seem insulted, only stared at us in understanding.

"I may have picked up on Destiny's scent near the Hunter's broader. It was faint, but hers. I'm almost sure of it," he informs the group, and this time, all fifty of us growled—Dante had brought some of his warriors which include a very pissed-off German.

"We were at Jonas territory the moment we knew of Destiny's disappearance. They were our first suspects, we found nothing." Dante said in animosity and I wasn't far behind.

"Magic, of course! Dark magic," Sara's voice broke the intense tension that's quickly building up. "Only that sort of magic can hide such a strong scent like Destiny's." She adds as we looked at her puzzled.

“I don't understand,” Santos says with a deep frown.

"Destiny is more of a witch than a werewolf right now,” Sara replied. “Destiny has a strong aura and if that's not enough, she's mated and marked, making her scent in sync with Tyler's. Plus, she has a parental mark. Dante's scent is also there; but faintly. Only dark magic could cover up such a scent and only the crystal coven possess such magic." She further explained.

We thought about it, and it made sense since Demon's our main tracker and he was going around in circles every time we were out searching for Destiny.

"Wait, you said faintly? Which means...she'd be out in the open as of now, right?" I suggested.

"Your right! Since we couldn't track her previously, whatever was hiding her scent before, is either unlocked or doesn't exist anymore.” Dante says. “Let's head out,” he added.


We've been at it all night and it's almost daybreak. Suddenly, Demon is barking madly as he rushes forward with us high on his tail. Because we're all from different packs, mind linking each other is impossible.

Nonetheless, once I started speeding up everyone else followed. I’m starting to think we're going around in circles like before until I smell it, Destiny! I howled in delight with Dante in toll, guess he picked it up too.

Two more hours rushing through this beautiful forest, Destiny's scent becoming stronger and sharper, we sprint towards what seems like a pathway. Following it, we're greeted by a small group of women, along with children, and they're—laying on the ground—bleeding through a shirt is Destiny.

Growls are directed our way, even the pups. A slender guy, about my age, is guarding Destiny—his hands are bloody—he must be the one helping her. The youngest pup runs over towards him, attempting to shield him and Destiny away from us.

"Stay away from our alpha, you meanies," she says attempting to growl. If we weren't in such a dire situation, I would probably say aww.

Demon cautiously approaches the young pup, baring his belly in submission, and she giggles.

"Whoever you people are, we're not giving her up. You'll have to kill us first," the guy says with conviction even though he knew they were severely outnumbered and out-skilled.

Shifting back, I stood tall. The moment my body comes into view more specifically, the little girl runs forward, stopping at my feet. "You have the same cool tattoo as Destiny, but hers are better," she says giggling. Referring to the tribal infidelity tattoo we both shared.

“You're all from her pack, that makes you her mate. We need to get her medical assistant quickly before the poison spreads any further to her heart," the guy rushes out.

“Poison!” Dante exclaimed once he shifted into human form.

“Yes, she was shot. Hurry up, her body's on fire!” He became frantic.

Gently picked up the love of my life, placing her on Dante's back—he immediately took off with some of the warriors. I, however, stayed behind to help the small group who seems to have been through their own kinda hell.


"Alphas," Jackson's voice rings throughout the agonizing silence, getting both Dante's and I attention immediately. We were the only ones here. We had to make an order that no one else will be allowed, even though Blue and the rest of the gang protested.

I knew it couldn't be good. Jackson's sad eyes said it all, but we followed him to the room door regardless. We tried pushing him forward, but he doesn't let us enter.

"Alpha," he begins solemnly at first but got into his doctor mode. "Alpha. Destiny has four fractured fingers on her left hand, her right arm is broken, three bruised ribs, a concussion, internal bleeding, her back as whiplashes—that penetrated her skin. To be frank, her body has been through hell and back. And the bullet that shot her was laced with something very toxic since the wound refused to heal and we're not quite sure what it is yet," he informs us as we sleuth in fury.

Jackson's eyes kept glancing towards the door, then to me like he's debating with himself. "Speak," I command. I may not be his alpha, but an alpha's command is a command no matter what.

"The bullet did more than just almost paralyzing her. There's no sign of her were-healing. It also did damage to her..." he begins, but I cut him off.

"In understanding," I demand. I don't have time for his doctor's words.

"She won't be able to conceive," he states without hesitation and I tried to process his words.

"What?!" Dante exclaims.

"I'm sorry. But the poison had spread through her ovaries rather quickly, shattering the cells of the tissue." He replied.

Dante roars, pinning Jackson to the wall. "You're a doctor, fix it!" He growled into Jackson's face.

"I'm ss-sorry alpha. I can't help your daughter," he explains sadly. And Dante releases him—Jackson slumps to the ground gasping for air.

Dante marches out the hallway in fury, not even bothering to see Destiny.

I've been standing here for the past hour, unable to find the strength to open this door. Feeling something rubbing against my legs, looking down into dark-brown eyes—glancing up just in time to see Brandon walking away.

"Let's do this," I murmur as both Demon and I entered the room.

That was two months ago. The moment we walked into that room just like we did just now, my heart cripples and I feel like lashing out at the world for my utter failure.

I didn't protect her enough. Why didn't I assigned guards to her? I question myself.

My vixen is hooked to a bunch of machines. Jackson said her body needed to heal before we could take her out of her comatose state—which we did two weeks ago and she still hasn't woken up or moved.

A soft knock is heard at the door, It's like this every day. Destiny gets visitors from everyone. Cammy, Sara, Luca, Brandon, German, just to name a few. She's even missed by the pups. She's the only adult who trains them without easing up, which they appreciate very much.

Dante's a complete mess, he hasn't been around much. He blames himself for failing to protect a Hawthorne, yet again.

“Hey, Tyler, why don't you go and get some rest. We'll watch over her for you,” Casey says walking in with Ace on her hip.

“Thanks, Casey, it'll only be a few hours,” I retort.

“Okay,” she mumbled knowing well it's useless convincing me to take my time in coming back.


He grunts from the impact of my fist. Hauling his ass to the wall, I grip his neck—squeezing it. Just when his amber-like eyes begin shutting down, I let go. Not before throwing his already bruised and broken body heavily to the hard, cold concrete floor.

Barely breathing, he tries to get much-needed air into his lungs, but I’m by his side in a flash, giving him a swift kick in the face.

There's a sickening crack and I pounced on top of him, raining blow after blow until his blood started splashing on my face, but I don't feel satisfied.

"Pass me the clippers," I order motioning towards Travis. Who's been standing dutifully in the corner. "You took something from me. Not only that, you touched what's mine. You tried to claim what's mine, you hurt what's mine," I retort my voice and words dripping with venom.

"Strip him," I demand; Travis doing as he's told. Stalking towards my prey, his amber eyes widened with fear. "Bring her,” I grunted. My head warrior leaves the room, returning a few minutes later with the other prisoner.

"Leona, I'm glad you could join us. I would've hated it if you missed this precious moment with your son. Hmm... Son. Such a delicate word. Your son took something from Destiny and I, from my pack, my parents, and our family," I say calmly and the more calmed and controlled I talked, you'd think she couldn't become any paler.

"Please, don't hurt my only son," she pleads. The high and mighty Leona Hunter is on her knees begging.

"Did she beg?" I question and Leona starts sobbing as if that helps. "She didn't, did she?" I retort, her breathing becoming frantic. "Yet you didn't stop it, did you," I growl the last part.

Making my way back towards the piece of shit, gripping his balls—with one swift moment; slicing them fuckers off clean—Leona breaks out in a pitiful and sad howl.

"We're not even through yet and you're howling like the bitch you are," I sneered in her face—forcing her up to stand on her feet by the hair. "Bring her back to her cage," I say throwing her forward causing her to loses her footing; resulting in her tripping flat on her face.

"Don't let him die," I order Jackson.

"Steven! Steven! No! Don't hurt my baby." Leona wails as Travis drags her out.


"Hey boy," I mumbled, hugging Demon while I sit beside Destiny's bed. It's been like this for the past few weeks. I spend some time with Steven. Always fighting the urge in killing him, then I'll wash up to come here. "You have to wake up beautiful. We need you," I murmured against Destiny's almost pale skin.

Feeling a small pull of my hand, jolting me awake. Sighing. It's always like this. I may fall asleep sometimes with both our hands intertwined and I think she's trying to squeeze it. Attempting to get up, a firm grip stops me. Turning around to look at her, I'm met with those deep silver eyes staring back at me.

"Get Jackson the hell in here. Destiny's awake," I order Travis through the link.

"Yes Alpha," he responded immediately, sounding as though he were relieved.

"Tyler?" Destiny calls out to me, confused. Unable to contain myself, I kiss her pouty lips.

"Yes baby, it's me. You're home, you're safe." I retort, giving her some water to soothe her voice, moistening her lips as she accepts it gratefully, drinking off the entire cup.

She looks dazed and disoriented. Until I catch a spark in her eyes, a lot of raw emotions swimming around in those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Where's Mickey? Michelangelo," she clarifies once she notices my confusion.

"He's fine, including the rest," I informed her.

"Did you slept with her?" Destiny sneered, but I don't get to answer. Jackson storms into the room in full doctor mode. He checks and explains the injuries, taking blood samples—the entire time Destiny hasn't said a word.


Everyone's happy Destiny's awake. It's been hours since she woke up. The gangs here, but still, she hasn't said anything.

"I'm a mistake," Destiny's dejected voice rings throughout the happy atmosphere.

"Destiny?" Sara questions.

Destiny laughs then started to curl into herself. "I'm a mistake, a hybrid psssh. I'm just the result of a fucking naive disgraced witch and a cocky alpha. I'm what you call, not wearing a condom or birth control." She says more clearly.

"I'm what you get for not closing your legs. I'm a dirty secret that never should've happened," Destiny continues to ramble on.

"DESTINY!" An appalled Sara shouts.

Intense silence fills the air, it's almost choking us. Destiny looks up and I think the room just got colder.

"You, have no power over me. Not anymore! So, get out!" Destiny replied, her chest heaving angrily. Once she realized that no one made the effort to leave—mainly because of utter shock, her voice full of hatred rings out; almost shaking the room.

"ALL OF YOU, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY MOTHERFUCKING FACE!!" She screams as the small amount of furniture inside the room begins to levitate. "Take this shit with you!" Destiny added, ripping off her necklace, throwing it at Sara's feet forcefully before curling in her bed away from everyone else.

"She's so broken. I-I-I promised her mother I would be there for her no matter what. Now, she has rejected the ancestors." Sara says gloomy, dropping to the floor hugging the necklace.

Demon scratches at the door with a whine. A few more minutes, we hear the lock click and he walks in. The door bangs shut, the sound bouncing along the deadly quiet hallway. We're all too busy deep in our thoughts to say a thing to each other so we go our separate ways. Stuffing my hands inside my jeans pocket, I stride outside. Clearing my head is always best since I can't think straight right now.

What the hell was she talking about earlier before? I frown to myself. Goddess, we need you more than ever. I silently prayed, looking up at the moon.


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