The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 27

I'm a fighter, I will not give up. I will stumble and I will fall but I will stand back up. It might take longer at times but I WILL stand back up and keep fighting.


Trigger Warning: This chapter consists of abuse and the suggestion of rape, which may make some readers uncomfortable. You've been warned.

Missing Home


It's been a few days without any form of my blood getting spilled. But I don't let my guard down for sick bastards such as Steven, never give up. I spoke too soon. Speak of the shit and I shall smell him.

"You're one tough woman, Destiny. I admire that. You've been stabbed, drowned, whipped, among other things, but you still fight me. Well, I have a gift for you," he says pulling out a tablet; powering it up. What the hell is he up?

What I see makes my blood boil and my heart hurts. No, he would never betray me like that! "You're trying to mess with my mind, don't you! You think I'd fall for that! It'll take more than a fake video, you piece of shit," I retort in anger. Tyler would never do anything like that.

"But is it? Look, there's Demon. He accepts the situation and you should too," Steven insists softly, faking concern.

"Go fuck yourself," I uttered, trying to sound dejected; the act causes him to smile like he has won some prize. I'll play your little mind game for now Steven.

"Finally. I'll give you the rest of this week to heal up. Then you'll wear something sexier than what you're wearing baby. I'm going to enjoy making you mine including my baby mama," he says kissing my thighs.

It didn't happen, I know it didn't. Tyler would never betray me. Come on Destiny. Focus and think of something. This room is full of dark and powerful magic, therefore it messes with my senses.

"Use, honor, and respect your powers in return. They'll respect and protect you." Mom's voice echoes making me smile. Thanks, mama. I silently praise and that's what I'm about to do, trust my abilities.

Breathe and focus. Breathe and focus. I chant in my head.


Meditation has been my company for the past few days which in return helped me to track down my necklace's energy frequency. I'll get it tomorrow. For tomorrow. I'm going home.

"Tesoro, the master has requested that I prepare you." Mickey's gentle voice muttered. Just then, that prick Connor comes into view.

"Try anything and I'll snap his scrawny neck. I hear you're rather attached to him." He says smiling menacingly, referring to Mickey like we're talking about the weather. I only nod which makes him grin.

These cuffs they have me in are also witch binding, so I'm being carried bridal style since I can't use my legs just yet. I'm bathed, pampered, and dressed in a beautiful deep blue floral lingerie set and currently handcuffed eagle wide to Steven's bedpost, including my legs.

"You know I can't help, but feel giddy as to what the 'great' Dante DeLuca has to say about his soon-to-be grandchild, who will share my blood," Steven’s voice says, deeper with hatred and venom. "Your family pride themselves as the top wolves. Then, that prick Tyler, they're second," he recites his little speech which I completely zone out.

So annoying!

I’m not even aware he had stopped bitching until I feel cold, wet, hands creeping up my thighs, breaking me from my train of thought.

The further Steven’s hands progress, the more I feel drowsy. How the heck is he drugging me? Oh shit. The coldness of his hands, they're lace with something and my mind's getting a bit foggy.

Though motionless, I'm aware he's kissing me, nibbling at my flesh like an insect. He's caressing my skin, sucking on my nipple through the thin material. He strokes his average-sized cock a few times before positioning himself between my legs while pulling down my panties.

Fight Destiny! Fight! A voice keeps whispering, sounding so familiar.

“Here I come baby, get ready for me,” Steven mumbled.

The moment he reaches my face to kiss me, I find the energy to extend my canines ripping through his jaw.

As I said, he would never touch me that way. The move is so sudden, he didn't expect me to be able to move at all and he's left slightly dazed and shock as hell.

"Ahh! You fucking bitch," Steven roars as I spit out the chunk of flesh out of my mouth with a smirk. He springs forward, but I headbutt him with everything I've got, knocking his ass out cold. Damn, that hurts.

Trying extremely hard to focus and clear my mind even though it's beginning to feel more dizzy and fuzzy. I begin to levitate, which is proving to be difficult too. Just when I think it's not working, I begin to float. That's enough for me to start yanking the shit out of these cuffs. Come on!

I almost rejoiced once the cuffs are off, the deep, gash in my wrist so worth it. I take a last glance at Steven and dash the door.


Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, my instincts are in survival mode—which I'm currently tracking my necklace—it leads me into a bedroom that stinks of Leona.

That bitch had my necklace all this time.

Running into a few guards, punching and snapping necks as I run like a bat out of hell. I'm just working with my guts here. My powers aren't quite there yet which means, I'm running average which isn't good.

Colliding into a small body causing both of us to sprawl out onto the floor. "Destiny!" Mickey yells in surprise, helping me up.

"Mickey, go and get your wife. We're ditching this place," I command, but he stands his ground.

"I can't leave them. My wife and I aren't the only Omegas here," he informs me and I nod in understanding. Oh, so there's more of them.

"Okay, let's go. We've got to move quickly. I'm like fifty percent here." I replied and he quickly nods and we run towards a dark passage—we end up in a basement. More like an underground cell, and what I discover makes me growl in anger.

Women, both young and old, children looking dirty and unfed. A little girl runs up to me, touching my birthmark.

"I like your tattoo," she whispers in awe. That's right. I'm still in this shit, but I can't think about clothes right now.

"Okay, all the young pups are with me. Mickey, your wife is with you, and everyone else, you guys help the elderly. Now follow my lead and stick together no matter what happens. Let's move," I whisper-yell at the group, which is about thirty of them.

Ancestors, goddess please give me the strength and guidance. I pray, gripping my necklace.

We've been twisting and turning in this god damn maze of a mansion with the guidance of my necklace and a little help from Mickey. We halt towards a lonely door. Shit, it's bolted shut, but I know it exists because we can hear the wind howling. This means it's going to be cold.

"Okay. When I say run, you guys run like hell and don't look back! Understood?" With determination, they all nod "Goddess, help me," I whisper and I feel my canines extend, including my claws. Yes, now we're getting somewhere!

Colliding my already exhausted, half-naked body into the ironclad door. I rammed into it repeatedly with everything I could muster up, until finally running forward and kicked that shit in. It opens with a bang, just like I thought, the cold air whooshes past us.

"RUN," I roar as I slump to the ground but instead of running. They turn around and two older females, about thirty, hauled me up, supporting my weight—my leg is still a problem since I haven't taken the time to heal properly.

"Come on honey, we're not leaving you. Now let's go!" one of them says gently. And that's what we do, run for our lives.

Running for freedom.


We've been running for a while now, finally, we see the woods about a mile up ahead. We'll be safe there. I thought. But thundering paws can be heard in a distance not so far from us. We look back and sure enough, a small army of about twenty-five huge freaking warrior wolves is hot on our tails. I have to buy them some time. They'll never survive this.

"Mickey. Get these people to safety, I'll distract them and save you guys some time to escape!" I scream at him, but he shakes his head.

"We're not leaving you behind. You're hurt pretty bad," he protests, worriedly and stubbornly. Damn it! Loyal and brave, but now's not the time.

"MICHELANGELO! I AM THE ALPHA, AND I COMMAND YOU TO GET THESE PEOPLE TO SAFETY!" I roar, making him flinch away from me. He gathers the small group of Omegas and they make a mad dash for the woods.

Once they're out of reach, I take my stance, ready to fight with my claws and canines on display. The first asshole that lunges at me gets backhanded. Which sends him flying through the air, landing in a painful thud as I sidestep his fellow warrior's attack. The rest that is charging at me are stun. Did they forget whom they're dealing with?

They focus their gaze back on me and continues charging.

"Bring it you assholes!" I growl.

It's becoming a bloodbath. Wolf after wolf tries to pounce on me. Thank goddess for my speed, some were successful in getting a few scratches and bite marks on me here and there, but none that's too deadly. Goddess. All my muscles are screaming and I'm beyond exhausted. I'm down to five wolves which include the bastard, Conner. How the hell am I gonna survive this?

Before I can charge, a shot rings throughout the quiet night. Pain rips through my lower abdomen, my legs giving way as I crash to the ground. They shot me, but why does it burn so badly. I see Steven smirking which means this bullet is probably laced with something toxic since I'm burning up in the cold night.

My breathing is becoming shallow, my skin is on fire, but I try to get up even though my muscles are screaming at me to stop. Conner who's still in wolf form stands ready to attack and growls, daring me to move. Like please bitch. Have you not learned anything for the past few weeks. As long as I have breath, I'll fight.

"Don't be stupid Destiny, you're badly injured. You can't win against us," Bianca's annoying yet smug voice declared as she steps into view. Damn, I can't get a break.

"Bianca. Just your voice makes me want to kill myself, here and now. So do us all a huge favor and shut the fuck up," I huff, annoyed.

"Still with your smart mouth. I guess I should've broken that pretty jaw of yours huh." A now human Conner sneered, signaling the guys to attack. Just when I thought for sure I'm good as dead, four huge gorgeous white wolves rush to my defense.

The bigger one runs in my direction, while the other three go towards the group of remaining warriors. Coming to my aid, he lowers his head.


Oh, he wants me to get on his back—which I struggle to do on my own at first. Once I'm secured on his back, he briefly glanced at the other three—they nod and he takes off with a mad sprint towards the woods—all I can hear are growls, snarls, and yelps behind us.


"Tesoro, wake up. Come on, Destiny. I need you to wake up." A concerned voice says.

What? Oh yeah, we escaped. I fly open my eyes, jumping up to which I come to regret, the moment I feel a sharp pain in my side. Oh right, that asshole shot me.

"Try to take it easy," Mickey says, helping me to lay back down. I'm now only fully aware that I'm wearing clothes, well a shirt. Thank goodness, we're somewhere in the forest. But we have to move. My senses are telling me we’re still being hunted, I can feel the vibration in the air.

"Mickey, we have to move. We can't stay, not here, that is. We have to move deeper into the forest." I tell him to which he nods his head but still looks worried before his eyes travel to my wound. "It's fine for now. I promise I'll take it slow, but we have to move, now," I reassure him.

Gathering the children, we started to trod our way deeper into the forest. Well, they did. I all, but crawl. Mickey takes half my weight since he's my support, and I'm grateful—I'm starting to slouch.

A thought occurs to me.

"Mickey, there were some wolves. Four of them, they were all white," I struggled to breathe out— as recognition comes clear in his eyes.

"Yeah, that's how we found you. Well, you found us. We heard a howl at first, then we saw a huge white wolf lowering you onto the ground.” He recalls, I only hum in understanding. I wonder who were they, but whoever they were, they had an energy of peace and reassurance.

We've been walking for what seems like days, but I'm sure it's been approximately two hours or more. Suddenly, my necklace glows which causes us to come to a halt. We see a path.

“Follow the path,” the wind whispered.

Sure enough, the moment I make the first few steps, the necklace beams. We follow the path— in the middle is the most beautiful and largest tree I've ever seen—a sense of peace surrounds us. "We're good here, we'll be safe," I proclaim assuring the group.

We set up makeshift camping tents, made out of leaves and vines. A few of the women found berries, along with other exotic fruits to eat—drinking water from the nearby steam just a minute away from where we're staying.

“Here you go alpha,” the little girl who'd touched my mark beams; handing me a bunch of blueberries.

“Thank you cutie, and what's your name?” I asked with a smile.

“Olivia, I'm seven years old.” She replies, holding up seven fingers.

“That's a pretty name, where's your parents’ sweetie?” I regret my answer when her smile vanished.

“Come on sweetheart, it's time for bed,” she gets ushered away by one of the middle-aged women.

The moment they're all asleep, I collapse heavily to the ground like a log. I've been putting on a brave face, the pain has been crippling my insides the entire time, and I'm tasting blood. Letting go, I hear my name, but I'm so tired.


"Alpha. She has…..broken fingers….. arm…... leg….lost a lot of blood. The bullet...wake up...the surgery." I hear a groggy voice mumbling, but I can barely keep up or make out what they're saying exactly. I feel nothing but exhaustion as I plunge back into darkness again.


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