The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 29

My scars tell a story. They are reminders of when LIFE tried to break me but FAILED.


Warning: This chapter consists of violence, which may make some readers uncomfortable.



I've been staring at her, again. Just like I've been doing for days now. She's scared, bruised, and empty. Marks coats her once flawlessly, beautiful skin.

Her deep silver eyes held such hope, fierceness, warmth, love, happiness, and care. Are now hollow, icy-cold, and dull. Who's that person in my mirror staring back at me, what's her reason for living? What purpose does she have in life?

Sighing, I get out of the bathroom, dragging my feet into the bedroom. Digging through the closet drawers, I lazily drag on a pair of navy-blue sweatpants, an oversized black hoodie, and a pair of multi-colored socks.

I should've been in physiotherapy two hours ago—working on my arm and leg with Jackson. But I'm not in the mood for that today, it sucks to be in pain for this long. I've never missed my werewolf abilities as I have now.

It's been a few weeks since my outburst and I'm yet to feel any sort of remorse for my behavior towards my family. But how can I, when a part of me is missing? Lost even. How can a hybrid be a hybrid without the beast within? What's my purpose if I can't even reproduce? I ponder to myself.

“Hey boy,” I muttered, scratching behind Demon's ear. “You want to go for a walk?” I ask in suggestion and he whined.

“Let's go,” I tell Demon, putting on my sneakers. The moment I step outside, the happy atmosphere in the yard, dims—in all honesty, it hurts even if I didn't show it. "Travis," I call out to the beta.

"Luna. How may I be of assistance?" Travis politely enquires, taking his military stance.

"Bianca Michaelson, I don't care how you get her here. Just see to it that she's here, but bring her unharmed," I ordered and he nods.

I don't even risk a glimpse at Tyler. I just can't deal with that right now. We've been sleeping separately as of late, well it's my own doing. I've been avoiding him like the plague. He has tried so hard to communicate with me, but I keep shutting him out.

“We need to talk about this beautiful, you're not in this alone,” Tyler says, gently taking my hand into his.

“Don't you have Kara for that?” I snapped, glaring at him.

“What the hell does she have to with this? We're talking about us,” he objected.

“Don't play dumb Greyson, I saw the video—the one where you were kissing her!” I yelled, recognition flashing in his eyes.

“She's the one that kissed me, I was so drunk I don't even recall how I got into bed that night!”

“Oooooh, I bet it was a good night for you while your mate was going through hell!” I retort.

“You're trying to get under my skin, I won't fall for it. Destiny, I don't want to talk about Kara. We need to discuss how best to move on with our lives.” Tyler insisted not taking the bate.

“Move on with what exactly Tyler, what the fuck did you lose huh?” I sarcastically ask.

Taking deep breaths, Tyler arises from the chair he has been sitting in and sauntered his way over towards me, grabbing my chin. “No matter how you push, you should know, I'll push harder. I love you, I got training to oversee. We'll talk later,” he says aiming to kiss me, but he kisses my cheek instead.

Sighing to myself as I watched Tyler's broad back walking away from me, tears glistening in my eyes as he did. He keeps coming back. It's only a matter of time before he stops. And even if he does decide to replace me with that slut, he'll have my blessings.

After all, he took the biggest risk in history for me and what did he get in return? Nothing but a sick twisted game of disappointment.

"Destiny!" Tyler shouts suddenly but I don't stop. I just walk away, heading back to my room to pity myself. “Destiny, don't you walk away from me!” I hear his voice echoing through the hallway but I paid no heed.


It only takes Travis and the trackers a few hours in finding Bianca. On her knees and bound, she's glaring at me with utter hatred as if I cared.

"Remove her bondage," I instruct.

Travis hesitates for a split second but compiles. Taking out the pocket knife I'd placed inside my waist, I slice my palm open.

Grabbing Bianca's right hand, she tried to shake me off. However, I knew she's still under the influence of the sleeping drugs, making her powers dormant for the moment. Slicing her palm open, I intertwine our bloody hands together tightly—as a burning tingle rushes through my body.

"I, Destiny Hawthorne. “Σας προκαλούν σε μια δίκη ορκωμοσίας του αίματος από την μάχη [Challenge you to a blood oath trial by combat],” I say, whispering the ancient words as Bianca smirks, making Alexis along with Aunt Cammy stare at me like I'm crazy, and just maybe, I am.

Our blood gets mixed, sealing our wounds shut as if they weren't just bleeding. This means the Blood Oath is sealed and approved by the ancestors—the challenge to kill one another is accepted.

Blood oaths can only be won through blood, and you have no other option but to kill your opponent or be killed yourself.

"Rest Alpha Greyson, or is it, Hawthorne. Oh, wait, aren't you suppose a DeLuca," Bianca taunts. Trying to get under my skin with a smug smirk, one I'm itching to wipe clean off her face.

However, I listened to logic by walking away before I do something I'd end up regretting. Confrontation before the actual fight isn't a wise move. Blood oaths aren't to be messed with, there's a reason it's rarely used.

“Destiny, I can only imagine what you've been through, but a fight of this magnitude is death. Without your were-healing, you need to continue physiotherapy treatment.” Alexis argued.

“She's right, you're not thinking straight,” Luca agreed.

“What I need is for you two to get out of my face, and leave me alone!” I yelled, slamming my fist against the night table beside the bed.

“Push us all you want, I'm not giving up on you. You're my best friend dammit, and I will not be bullied by you!” Luca growled. “I'll be back later with your food and you better have this door open.” Huffing, he turns around, stomping his way out.

“We're all here for you Destiny, please remember that, ” Alexis says. “Your brothers are here too, I'll inform them you're not up for any company.” She added, walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Letting out a frustrated breath, I lay down, trying to get rid of a nagging headache that's starting to brew in my head. It's not like I'm fully recuperated, it still hurts to move. “Fuck my life,” is the last thing I remember mumbling.


Today, I'm completely on edge. I do my routine. This consists of me waking up, taking a shower, stare at myself, get dressed, munch on a few fruits since I've got trouble eating, and sit at the bedroom window; gazing at nothing. But, today is different. It's the day I either die or live to see another pathetic day, I thought as I make my way outside, only to be met by Tyler.

“Destiny, please, reconsider this.” He pleads, reaching for my hand, but I flinched away on reflex.

“Get away from me!” I scream in anger. It's not that him wanting to touch me that makes me angry, it's the fact that I flinched away from the one person who my body desired so much.

“I'm sorry, it's alright,” Tyler replied, backing away from me with his hands up in the air—making way for me to walk past him.

Entering the middle of the training ground, I have nothing on my mind but to draw blood.

"You are both aware of the rules. Fight until the death," Cammy announced. Glancing at me wearily, and Bianca and I both nod in awareness. "Begin!" She shouts.

We take our respective stances. Bianca being the predictable bitch she is starts by blasting me with her water elemental powers—sending me flat on my ass, not being able to dodge it.

Nonetheless, I get right back up, stunning both myself and Bianca for a second, but we quickly recover. She tries to create another water vortex but fails to develop it properly. It disappears halfway as if her powers were stripped from her.

"See. That's the thing with elemental powers, Bianca. Unless you're surrounded by your element, your power means nothing,” I say, smugly. “So, I ensured all water systems nearby are turned off,” I added.

"No matter,” Bianca replies with a grin. “Hand to hand combat it is," she says, charging at me.

I'm a bit slow because of my injuries, so her right-hook punch to my not so fully healed, ribs along with her kick, hurt like hell.

"Well... This will be easy, the mighty alpha hybrid. What a fucking disgrace you are, just like your entire family!" Bianca scoffs in disgust and I don't know, but something inside of me snapped and I lunged at her.

My movement is so sudden, that I jabbed Bianca right in the face unexpectedly. But I wasn't done quite yet, grabbing her by the face, I head-butted her. Which sends her sprawling in the air, landing her on her ass with a very painful yelp.

Bianca recovers, but I don't give her the time. Delivering a roundhouse kick to the stomach, she lands a distance from where we were, dry heaving. As soon as she's on her feet, I charge with an uppercut to the face as blood oozes out of her mouth—which somehow spikes the adrenaline inside of me.

"A disgrace, you say,” I retort to her earlier taunt. “Well, watch this disgrace send your noble ass to your ancestors," I growled, venom leaking with every word, as I stalk to where she's laying on the ground.

Bianca staggers, trying desperately to steady herself, but I wasn't having it. A right-left hook lands her on the hard ground and I pounce. Slamming her further into the ground, she grunts. I raise my fist and launch it at her face like a rocket. Straddling her, I punch, and not once did I eased up.

Punch after punch, I kept smashing her face in letting out all my anger, loss, pain, and frustration into my blows—even when my knuckles begin tearing themselves wide open. I didn't let up.

Even though I feel Bianca's energy frequency slowly disappearing, I kept on punching. Then finally, her magical energy completely vanishes.

Getting off Bianca's corpse, I stare at her. It's a horrible sight. Her blood is everywhere, her face is so bashed in, it's barely unrecognizable. Still, not enough, the dagger that I had used to slice our palms two days ago—taking it out—I plunged it into her already dead heart, twisting it.

"Ahhh!!!" I scream in anger, it's still not enough.

The pack looks at me in shock and horror as if I'm a monster. Leona's eyes are filled with fear and I feed off it. Of course, I had her and her disgusting son present. I grin a sadist smile, that makes her whimper.

Standing in front of her, she looks up. "Leona, you stole from me. You stole my grandmother by burning her alive. You took my alpha powers, you took my identity from me. You took my children from me!" I kneed her in the face because I was getting even angrier if that was possible.

"And now, Leona. Watch not only will I take you or your son, but I'm also going to take your entire family, wiping out your name like it's nothing." I say.

"Your family, the Michaelson's, and that bitch Bridgette tried to wipe out the Hawthorne bloodline, failing rather pathetically. Leona, watch how it's properly done." I declared, taking out a remote controller, pressing the button.

A loud, echoing, boom is heard in the distance. Thick, black, clouds of smoke fill the air—along with the burning of flesh as the dying howls of werewolves mixed with the ashes, swirls slowly around in the air.

"No!" Leona yells, getting back on her knees weeping. "You monster!" she hollers at me.

"Hypocrite! You did it to my family, and when I return the favor, I'm the monster?" I chastise.

Silence. Nothing but silence is heard.

Walking over to her son. "Steven, you had me drugged. You touched me, you tried to rape and impregnate me! You had me hanging from a ceiling in chains, cold, battered, and whipped—with my blood dripping on the ground." I recall my time as a captive.

Taking off my blood-soaked hoodie, revealing my healing scars. Collective gasps go around the yard, it's the first time the true nature of my ordeal is said out in public.

"Steven, you shot me. Killing not only the very thing that made me a hybrid. You killed my chance of ever being called mom." I remind him, the pack is stun—Tyler and Dante seem ready to kill. Tyler mostly.

"Michelangelo," I call out and Mickey steps forward. I hated the way I said his beautiful name so harshly, but it's necessary. "Dammi la pistola [give me the gun]," I demand in his native Italian language. He knows better than to protest, handing me the weapon that took my everything.

These bullets are laced with wolfsbane, a harmless plant but when reduced to powder it is poisonous and it's the same type of ingredient that I was shot with. It took them some time, but eventually, they figured out what the bullets contained.

Steven’s amber-like eyes go wide, tears are gathering. That's when I pulled the trigger. "Ci vediamo in hell stronzo [see you in hell asshole]," I whisper. His dead body thuds to the ground, but it wasn't enough for me, standing over it. I pulled the trigger, again and again, almost emptying the clip.

I turn to Leona.

"Time to be with your friend, Bridgette. Tell her I said hi," I proclaimed deadpan, wasting no time in pulling the trigger.

Leona's lifeless body lays there and I just want her to be alive again, so I could kill her a couple more times.

I'm covered in the blood of my enemies, but my rage is still there. I wasn't remotely satisfied. It was as if something wanted to be unleashed and not be tamed. Suddenly my father walks up to me and says the most ridiculous thing.

"Fight me."

Scoffing, I start to walk away from the entire scene—brushing right pass him. I don't have time to play games. Just when I'm about to open the door.

"Your mother loved me, but I was ashamed to say we were more than just an alpha and a witch," he begins to say causing me to grip the door handle.

"I needed a legacy, a pure heir—that bears the mark just like I have. Your grandfather, his father, and like the rest of the DeLuca bloodline and your mother...Well, she was a witch for fuck sakes and not a strong one I might add."

That's it, he blew the last damn straw! "Shut your fucking mouth." I turn and sneer.

"Why? It's the truth," Dante continues. "I needed strong heirs and your mother was never going to cut it."

"How fucking dare you!" I scream at him. Only seeing red, running full speed ahead—just as he begins to charge right back at me in his full-on alpha mode.


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