The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 23

You are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem, and SMARTER than you think.




"We were living just fine until she came into all of our lives!"

"We cannot go up against the council, it's ridiculous!"

"We'll never survive an attack from the Crystal Covenant!"

The nerve of these ignorant fools!!

"Silence!" I shout, my voice booming. Which makes the entire yard shake and members baring their necks in submission. Did they forget, I'm half alpha too.

"You people's arrogance and ignorance disgust me!” I exclaimed, outraged, barely containing myself from losing what little patience I've got.

“Now listen up, and you listen well. The werewolf council needs a few new leaders and fresher blood. It's the way of the council that has brought on rogues!" I sneer at the elders, passing around every one of them. Because they're the ones who've been making outbursts all morning. I see their shocked faces and it makes me feel damn good about things.

Rogues are known to be feral animals, but you only become feral if you've got nothing living for or to protect. But most of these rogues are people just trying to live their lives in peace, but they wouldn't know that.

"Yes. You heard me. Rogues! Because of your fucked up rules and views of mixed couples and way of living, there are more rogues than there's ever been throughout history! That's even if you took the time to know.”

“You people may hate me. Hell, one of your alliance gave me up, but I'll be damned if this pack goes down without a fight; and trust me. When I say I'll fight for what's mine, and the Howlers aren't just mine to protect. And I'll die trying, ” I declared.

“So, you're either with me or against me. Because if we're united, we stand and have a chance to wipe out all of them. But if we are divided, we fall and they'll take over; and if you're not with me, I suggest to get the hell out of my way. So what's it gonna be?" I asked, waiting expectantly.

I remember what the rogue had said in the forest just before I killed him.

After killing Shade, I take after the rogue who's trying to escape. Tackling him to the ground. "Shift!" I command. He reluctantly does, because no one can resist an alpha’s command—unless you're me—I'm somehow immune to it.

"Now, tell me what you're after. And no bullshit about me, because I know this is more than just about me." I sneer.

"You're a smart one." He chuckles.

"It's not only about you, but it's also about your entire covenant's powers. I don't think you know how powerful you can be, you have both elements don't you." He stated.

"How do you know that?" I ask shocked since no one's aware of it. I'm no expert like my mom, but I can dabble with the water element a bit.

"You killed Shade without touching her, it wasn't air she lacked. She was trying to figure out why her blood was overflowing, I'm guessing you don't have full control of it—the element." He says smugly.

"Not like you're going to live to tell about it." I retort darkly.

He laughs. "You kill me and someone else is already there to take my place. There are hundreds of us and we grow every day!" He says before I drive the spear throughout his heart, making him howl in pain.

"We stand behind you Alpha Destiny," a thickly accented voice says. We all turn around and we see a small group of people along with children, walking out of the surrounding forest.

"State your business, trespasser!" Travis barks out and Demon growls, taking a protective stance in front of the small group, ready to attack. Well, this is interesting.

"Stand down," I command Travis.

Because one move and Demon would not hesitate to attack just as he's been taught. This guy seems so familiar somehow, yet I've never seen him before. He's got curly orange-reddish hair, stands at about 5'7, slender, his eyes match his hair and he's got an oddly peaceful aura.

"There's something about you. You look oddly familiar,” I say.

The man that spoke up steps forward and I watch memorize as he shifts into a beautiful orange-reddish fox. Wait a minute.

"My name is Aaron Bartley. I'm a spirit fox and yes, it was I you saw at the beach," he introduces himself once he'd shift back and see the recognition clear on my face.

So, I wasn't seeing things after all.

"Baby," Tyler's worried voice reaches my ears before I can get deep into my thoughts.

I give him a reassuring smile and he nods, backing up an inch. A spirit fox? How freaking rare, they are known to love and protect not fight.

"You're a spirit fox. Your kind protects nature and guides lost souls onto the greater path. Why would you stand with me if this war ever does come?" I ask in pure curiosity.

"This war was set thousands of centuries ago,” Aaron replied. “It's written in stone of the pure, promise child who would not only set witches free but set nature itself free," he says, the yard becomes frozen at this information.

Not this shit again!

"You've got the wrong person. I'm a hybrid and I'm far from pure," I respond, Aaron just walks up towards me with a gentle smile and grabs my hand.

"You were conceived out of love." He declared, his words anger me for some odd reason and I snatch my hand away from him, sneering animalistic.

"LOVE!" I scream and laugh coldly. Is this guy serious, how dare he!

"I'm nothing but a bastard child, who's a mistake to a naive young girl who mistook lust for love and an arrogant alpha who turns out to be nothing but a coward who was afraid to let the world know he was more than screwing a witch! Or haven't you heard?" I retort sarcastically.

I'm tired of hearing this.

The air is so tense and awkward, no one knows how to react to my outburst. But what I do pick up, is shock and pity and it's hitting me in waves. I don't need anyone's pity.

Aaron grabs my hand again and images of my mom and dad flash before my eyes. What the hell! I see my mom happy and my dad's hugging her from behind. I see them making love for the first time it seems and my dad looks at my mom the way Tyler looks at me. “I love you, Maureen,” he whispered in her ear.

"What was that?" I asked once he let go of my hand.

"Yes. Your mother was naive, but she was also strong, or have you forgotten? She gave birth to a healthy, living, and breathing hybrid child—at the cost of her own life.” Aaron begins, shaking my shoulder.

“One who not only possesses great and ancient powers but also has a foot in both the supernatural and spiritual world. Do you even know how many lives you've changed since news got around about the hybrid child, who turns out not only to be alpha but a descendant of the most powerful witch of the Reese sisters, Mystic.”

“ She was almost like nature herself. Mixed couples have been coming out not afraid about the consequences, for you are a living consequence and a beacon of hope. There's a lot of us who only wish for a home, and to live in peace.”

“And for that, Alpha Destiny. We will fight by your side to restore the balance of nature and begin a new start," Aaron concluded with conviction.

Then he gets down on his knee and now, the small group of people he came with following his action.

W-what? He's willing to fight with me.

"Destiny. I've only heard stories of your family's history from my mother, and the Hawthorne's bloodline is of great power. It would be an honor for any witch. So I, Jennifer Silverstone, Heir to the Silverstone Coven, we stand with you and we'll fight by your side," Jenny declared and I see her bow along with the rest of her family, including Aunt Cammy.

Just then, a group of wolves steps out of the shadows, and the larger one among them steps forward and shifts. To my outer shock, it's Martin Santos bowing.

"I, Martin Santos. Alpha of the Nightshade Hunters, pledge alliance with Destiny, Luna of the Greyson Night Howlers,” Martin declared. “I also ask that you forgive my childish and arrogant antics,” he added.

An alpha seeking someone's acceptance is so rare since previous predecessors declared that the title of alpha is superior above all.

Everyone seems shocked at Martin's proposal alongside his apology and I know for sure, he's being honest and genuine. So I nod and he sighs in relief.

"Thank you. We will fight by your side when the time comes," he says.

"Months ago, I came home to my little brother who was always socially awkward in public with just a few friends. He bragged about a girl who had stood up for him on her very first day, not because he's a Parker nor who his big brother is, but because he was just any other person who matters.”

“Destiny. I, Brandon Parker, Alpha of the Shadow Hunters, will stand by you when the time is called for." Brandon declares.

I nod in appreciation.

"We never thought Alpha Greyson would ever take over his responsibility of the pack this soon, because even though we feel the protectiveness and love of our alpha. We still felt disconnected somehow with him but ever since you arrive, the once weak connection is now a strong unbreakable bond. Destiny Hawthorne, our Luna. We, the Howlers, will stand by you in battle when it turns up at our doorstep," Travis says with loyalty, determination, and conviction.

Before you know it, I have a little over a hundred people bowing before me and I'm shocked as hell. I walk towards Tyler and grab his hand, trying to contain my anxiety. However it only spikes as doubt creeps up my spine, I can't be responsible for so many lives.

My vision is blurred, only seeing red. Familiar primal urges spread right throughout my body, overheating it.

“Destiny, calm down.” A voice says in my head, making me grip it. “Control the animal within!” It continued.

“SHUT UP!” I roared, my canines involuntarily rips through my gums—making them bleed.

“Baby, you need to calm down!” Tyler's voice temporarily clears my bloodthirsty need.

Looking around, everyone's on the ground—my forcefield only protecting Tyler and I. Dropping the shield, I did the one thing I promised myself I'd never do.

I ran.


Diving in and out, I twirl at the bottom—repeating the process over again until my lungs burn.

“Thinking any clearer?” the distinctively gruff voice of Damion questioned.

Surfacing, sure enough, it's him—with a robe in his outstretched hand. “Come on sis, if necessary, I'll drag you out myself.” He huffs.

“I'd like to see you try kid,” I taunt, smirking.

Glaring at me, Damion gestures at the robe again—closing his eyes afterward. Snatching it out of his hand, I shrug it on. “Happy,” I grumbled.

Sitting at the shoreline, I keep my feet in the water—the only thing that keeps me level-headed.

“Come on, talk to me,” he insisted.

“How did you find me?” I answered, redirecting the conversation with a question of my own.

“Destiny,” Damion sighs. “We naturally have a sibling connection,” he continued.

“Bonds in our family is an indefinite link we cherish. We feel each other's wolves whenever they're in distress, pain, or even joy.” Damion says, hugging me from sideways.

“But I'm not a wolf-” I begin to say but he cuts me off.

“I don't care if you're a half-witch, half-wolf. What matters to me, you're a DeLuca, and my big sister—that's enough for me.” Damion stated, giving my shoulder a comforting squeeze.

“Growing up, I only needed to worry about me—only I mattered,” I retort. “Now, suddenly, all these people are declaring their lives to me, feels like an unforeseen pressure clogging my windpipe—and I just care about protecting myself from it,” I confess my doubts a little.

“The pressure makes your body kicks in defense mode, from the fear of failure,” Damion replies, my head has never whipped around to look at anyone so fast. “What?” he retorts. “You forget I was the eldest before you came here.”

“I'm sorry for taking your spot,” I apologized.

“No, it's okay. I'm not mad or anything, just relieved,” he replies. “For years I watched our dad looking gloomily as the pack whispered about the lack of heir my mom failed to produce. You turning up is the best thing that ever happened to us, dad isn't the only one who found his missing soul. I-I-I felt so empty growing up, questioning if something was wrong with m-m-e. I was afraid and lonely even with my brothers.” Damion sobbed, and all but stuff his face in the crook of my neck as I shush him.

“It's okay, nothing is wrong with you. You're beautiful,” I encouraged.

“More like handsome, but I guess beautiful works too.” Damion retorts with a sniffle.

“Cocky son of a bitch,” I grumbled, jabbing him in the ribs for being a smart ass.

Shrugging, he splashes me with water—causing a full-out war between the two of us—our laughter bouncing in the air like aftershock waves.

I know I'm being a coward by staying here, but it beats the odds if I return right now to those people. I'd be putting them in danger. While the air is my element, water has always been my anchor of strength—keeping me level head—just like mama.

I guess in some way, she's still looking out for me. But how long can the waves tame my bloodthirst is the real problem.


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Until next time!

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