The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 22

Don't try to figure me out.

I'm my own unique brand of wrapped and twisted.



WARNING: Expletive, mild sexual content, and mild gore below.


"What did you say, motherfucker?" Destiny growls, shaking in rage. Shit!

"You heard what I said. Your mother was a loose witch-" Uncle Gregory begins to recall, but fails to finish.

The force of my punch knocks him out cold and bloody. A week, just one fucking week was just too much to ask from these people!

“Gregory!” mom shrieked, springing into action—attending to the bastard that's sprawled out on the wooden floor.

Breathing hard, trying to stop myself from shifting. But to no avail. “FUCK!” I roared. The familiar hot tingles and breaking of bones rush throughout my body. Quickly leaping outside, I shift into my huge dark-brown wolf.

Shaking out my fur, I take off.

Running full speed through this forest feels like home. I sense a presence, but it's only Destiny hot on my trial. Enjoying the chase, I push myself to run even faster.

"Challenge accepted!" Destiny yells in excitement.

Taking a chance to look back, there's no sign of her. That's until I suddenly feel a weight on my back. Should've known better, I thought to myself.

"Run like the wind, my alpha." Alpha purrs softly in my ears while hanging onto my fur. The fact that my mate is on my back, sends me into overdrive. My paws dig deeper into the earth, as I run faster than before.

Wrapping her arms around my neck more securely. "Do you trust me?" Destiny asks softly. I nod my head. "There's a cliff up ahead, increase your speed, and don't stop," she instructs.

Without thinking about it, I speed up. Sure enough, there's a cliff. I don't hesitate and just leap off, the heavy breeze slapping me smack in the face.

Instead of feeling the crashing waves that are below, I'm looking downward instead. We're in mid-air, it almost feels like flying. Moving my paws as if I'm still on land, I trot forward; the sight below us is even more breathtaking. I can see the essence of nature at its best.

The multicolored trees look like dancing fire flames since it doesn't snow here—just a bit more chilly during winter. The birds are chirping musically with the instrumental support of the wind. I wish I could mindlink Destiny, praising my appreciation for nature.

"She's beautiful, isn't she. Mother nature is truly one of a kind," she says lovingly as if reading my thoughts.

Looking down at the crystal clear stream, I trot slowly downwards to it. Upon reaching the surface, I can see our reflections. We look good together just the way we are, happy in each others’ company. Thinking of an idea, I give her a wolfish smirk.

"Tyler, don't you dare!" Tyler exclaims.

But she's too late. Shrugging her off my back, Destiny tilts over with a squeak of disbelief making a loud splash once she lands into the stream. Laughing internally, a force drives me deep within the heavy current as well. Below the water, Destiny looks like an angel. Swimming up towards the surface, I shift.

Destiny yelps when I tackle her to the ground in human form. She chuckles and I smile. Gazing deep into her radiating silver eyes, I feel like a wall has broken between us just now. I felt it the moment I jumped off that cliff without a second guess.

"Tyler?" Destiny frowns in concern, but I capture her wet, invitingly, soft lips. Kissing her sweetly, slowly, and passionately. She moans inside my mouth, as she tugs at my wet hair.

"I'm in love with you, and you're my home." I declare, capturing her lips again, not giving her a chance to respond.

Taking off her wet top, her lovely perky breasts are on display. No bra!

Leaving open-mouth hot kisses against her sensitive skin, making my way to the caramel bud that's her nipple, popping it into my mouth. While my mouth is busy with each nipple, my free hands slip off her shorts and thong.

Subconsciously, Destiny opens her legs more to accommodate me. Wrapping her legs around me, I take my time to thrust deep inside her warm, wet, entrance-making her moan.

"Tyler," Destiny breathes softly as I keep my steady rhythm, in and out of her pussy, slowly and lovingly.

Destiny’s a moaning mess, as she claws at my back; drawing blood—closing her eyes as if savoring the moment. But I want to see them. "Open, your eyes gorgeous," I demand and she flutters them open. Just plain beautiful. Flipping us over, so she's on top. "Ride me," I growl, giving in to the beast within.

Looking me in the eyes, Destiny begins to move her hips back and forth slowly. Her intense stare makes me even harder, not to mention the little bounce she's currently doing. I grunt at the obvious pleasure, feeling the need to mark her again.

Propping up on my elbows, I extend my canines. This seems to be a turn-on for her, those silver orbs become a shade darker as though a thunderstorm. I feel her getting close to climaxing, not wanting to drag it out; I sink my teeth in the crook of her neck and we become undone together. She's like my personal drug.

"That was extremely amazing," she muttered out of breath; in a tired voice.

"Sleep baby, I've got you," I reassure her. She nods and smiles. The slow patterns of her heart rate and her steady breathing on my bare chest indicate she's sleeping.

I lay her on the soft grass, while I shift into my wolf. Scanning for any danger, all I hear is the soothing wind and chirping birds. I cover Destiny's body with mine providing warmth and comfort. Immediately she's curled herself into my soft fur, nuzzling her neck, I take in her scent before I let sleep take over my body as well.


"Aunt Sonia, can you do me a favor by opening the back door please." I mindlink my aunt—the only one along with her mate who is genuinely happy for us.

"On it!" She replies instantly.

Trotting towards the back door. Aunt Sonia is standing there with a pair of sweats in hand. "I can hold her for you," she offers. Referring to the still sleeping Destiny on my back.

Nodding, she takes her for a bit, while I shift, throwing on the sweats. Once clothed, she hands over my precious cargo.

Going up the stairs, entering our room, I head straight to the bathroom to get a wet towel. I clean, and dress my little vixen for the night, then go ahead to get myself cleaned up as well.

A hot shower works wonders, I'm more calm, cool, and collective. It's the first time I'm shifting out of control, it has never happened to me before—not even during my preteens—where your wolf is more aggressive. Looking at a peaceful Destiny, I kiss her forehead and tuck her in.

"Is she okay?" Aunt Sonia asks with genuine concern, the moment I reached the bottom of the stairs. The motherly look in her eyes makes me feel sorry she wasn't able to conceive, she would've been a great mother.

"She's okay," I reply and she lets out a relieved sigh.

“That's good,” Trevor commented.

Entering the family room, it becomes intense. My mother looks at me apologetically, but I just glare. I see Uncle Gregory looking timid, and I feel like beating the shit out of him.

Leaning against the wall, I cross my arms, staring directly at Kara. “Why are you here?” I truly questioned for the first since her appearance.

Fidgeting with her hands, Kara peeks through her long lashes. “What do you mean Ty?” she counteracts.

Playing dumb are we, no worries.

“It's Alpha Greyson,” I declared shocking her no doubt. “Now, why are you here Kara?”

“I-I-I..” Kara stutters and stumbled. I just raise my hand, signaling her to stop—putting an end to her pathetic excuse.

"I didn't want to come here, but I was under the impression you people had good intentions towards the person I intend to spend and build my life with." I spit out and everyone except Aunt Sonia, Trevor, and my dad visually cringes at my coldness.

"Tyler-" my mother begins, but I don't want to hear it since she's the instigator—still pegging for Kara and me to be a mated couple.

"You shut the hell up, mother." I spit in disgust and my father growls at the disrespect towards his mate. "You changed the moment I claimed Destiny as my mate. You invite Kara here, with fucked up intentions—we only fucked like twice, and trust me she's no Luna material.” I added, a raging Kara storming out of the room.

“And, to add the cherry on top, you were a complete bitch towards Destiny, mom. So please, keep your weak excuse to yourself!" I shout angrily.

"As for you, Gregory,” I spit purposely leaving out the uncle. “You disgust me as an elder, disrespecting your Luna the way you did.” I point out with a sneer.

“This holiday already brings back bad memories for her, I refuse to let this family add to that pile. We'll be leaving first thing in the morning." I announced icily, moving off the wall, making my way back upstairs.


I didn't sleep a wink last night, my mind, along with my body refused to. All my concerns were for my vixen. I have a feeling I just cannot shake, and it's annoying the hell out of me. I'm flat on my back, with Destiny on top of me.

We're tangled together like a vein. She starts to stir and her movements are making it difficult not to get hard. It's pretty normal for newly mated couples to go at it, but damn my primal needs for her body. Doing the only logical thing I can think of—holding onto her hips, adjusting her to my side instead. Her eyes flutter open, and once she sees where we are; a tint of pink dust her beautiful cheeks.

"Morning," she mumbled shyly. And I chuckle.

"Morning indeed, I'm glad you decided to wake up," I replied smugly because I’m slightly amused by her shyness.

Destiny smacks my chest, snuggling closer to me and I don't complain. "We need to get up baby, we're leaving," I say seriously.

She looks at me. "Tyler, don't leave because of me," Destiny says with a frown.

Flipping her on her back, pinning her hands above her head. "When are you going to realize that, you are my family." I proclaimed with conviction.

"Okay, let's take a shower and pack our stuff." She eventually says in agreement.

"I already packed our bags, all you need to do is shower and get ready. I even laid out our clothes for the trip back." I inform her and she nods while heading to the bathroom.


"Bye Christian, I'll see you when you get back okay." Destiny tries to calm my wailing brother down. My dad takes him inside, probably to watch cartoons.

A flash of burning bright light is seen in my peripheral vision, It passes by me and I'm semi-blinded. Squinting furiously, I see what the light was; a fireball. But I also see the reason why it’s only my eyes that got affected. Destiny's standing in a protective stance, with her hands, held high in front of me and we're covered in a force field including the house.

"Awe, you're no fun hybrid." A voice says darkly.

"I haven't eaten since yesterday morning, show yourself. I'm not in the mood." Destiny snaps.

Two women dressed in trench coats that have a weird symbol on their left pocket steps forward.

"How rude of us, let me introduce ourselves. I'm Ivy and this is my sister Shade." The white-haired one with black-looking eyes speaks.

"We're here to collect the hybrid." The other one. Whom I'm assuming is Shade, says stone cold.

"Over my dead body," Destiny scoffs.

Ivy grins sadistically at Shade. "I'm glad we're doing this the hard way," she says whistling—a group of about fifty rogues steps out of the shadows growling menacingly, a few with white eyes.

"We're surrounded!" My mother screams through our mindlink.

"Tyler," Destiny says with a nod. It's all I needed.

"Mom, get Christian into the safe room below the cabin and stay there. Dad, Uncle Trevor, Aunt Sonia. You guys cover the left side, while the rest of us take the frontal ones." I instruct.

"What about the witches?" Gregory asks like the dumb piece of shit he is. We ignore him and shift taking our stance, growling.

The women take off their coats, revealing some wicked armor. Ivy is wearing full black, she has white low-cut hair and her weapon is a sword. Her sister Shade is a different story. She's got both a sword and a spear—wearing solid deep-green armor with drapings at the end.

Ivy advances first like the speed of light at me, but Destiny is faster. Taking her down with only a back kick. Ivy grunts and throws a ball of fire to which Destiny looks at it bored, before simply blowing at it—the leaves on the trees nearby shake furiously.

Shade advances with both her sword and spear but Destiny sidestep her. She ducks and twists her left leg, kicking Shade right in the kneecap. She screams in agony and falls to the ground.

"Attack!!!!" Ivy screams at the pack of rogues and they head full speed at us.

Leaping for the first one, I capture his neck in my jaws, snapping it with ease. My father joins me and we attack systematically tearing through rogues like nothing, their blood urging my instincts to kill.

Destiny's holding her own against two fire elemental witches and a few rogues. Somehow she possesses Shade's spare and the way she's using it against the sisters’ sword attacks, looks like dancing with steels.

Growls, blasts, and the clinking of metals are the only sounds bouncing around the open yard of the cabin. My dad and I rip through rogues one by one, along with Kara at the front. And I know Aunt Sonia and the rest are doing the same.

"Ahhhh!" Destiny screams in agony, my heart just about stops when I feel her pain through the bond. Her entire left arm is burned and a rogue has his mouth around her ankle, crushing it. While she's still trying to keep her force field up from the sisters’ attacks.

Seeing red, I speed towards her, dragging the mutt off her; shaking him like a rag doll—throwing him on the ground. Ripping out his jugglers.

"That's enough!!!" Destiny roars animalistic, dropping her force field, and launches herself at Ivy—ripping the woman to shreds with only her claws.

Shade looks at her sister's remains in horror and tries to flee, but Destiny forms her hand in a fist from the distance; Shade begins to scratch at her throat gasping for air. Blood oozes out her eyes, ears, and nose until she finally drops to the ground.

"How the hell did your girlfriend do that!! She didn't even touch her!" Kara exclaims.

Ignoring her and focusing on Destiny, she takes off into the forest after a rogue and we shift back.

"Everyone good?" I ask and they all nod. “Gregory, burn the bodies," I command him. The stench of blood and burning flesh is a horrible combination.

A painful howl is heard in the distance, making all the birds scatter around.

"What the hell was that?!" Aunt Sonia enquired in distress.

Just then, Destiny walks out of the forest completely healed and full of blood. Her face has an angry frown and her eyes held rage. "Tyler, we have to get home no later than today. A storm is coming." Is all she says to us.


After all the bodies were burned, we all took a much-needed shower. Aunt Sonia made a huge breakfast and we all dive into it. Destiny is yet to say anything and everyone except me and Aunt Sonia, is a bit warily of her.

Everyone gathers at their respective cars, saying goodbye. Destiny heads towards Gregory's car.

"Hey, Gregory," Destiny mutters tapping him on the shoulder. He turns around and she punches him right in the throat. "Anyone can talk crap about me, but don't you ever say shit about my mother. The next time you even remotely think of her, I'll kill you slowly and painfully." She says deadpan, making everyone one of us visually shivers.

Huddling into the car, she intertwines our hands, kissing my fingers. I smile at her, knowing very well she's hiding something unpleasant from me. Whatever it is, I hope she truly knows; I've got her back.


Who exactly were these two?

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