The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 21

A family is the people in your life and want you in theirs; The ones who accept you for who you are, love you no matter what, and would do anything to make you smile. By: Shea Moisture


Christmas With The Greyson’s Pt.1


Christmas. A festival I once worshiped, and a season I had cherished very much. The holiday that once brought forward precious and happy moments.

Now, it no longer holds those memories, instead, it holds pain, sadness along with emptiness. It's also the season that took my mother.

It's been six years since I've celebrated the holiday and six years since I've seen snow. It's like my mom took the snow with her the moment she died. It was her favorite season, she would get very excited and happy every Christmas.

But I've grown to hate the holiday. Yet, here I am. Sitting in Tyler's slick black renegade jeep, heading to his family's cabin to celebrate the holiday.

I can only imagine the looks we'll be getting. Just because Tyler's parents accept me, does not mean his entire family does. I saw the worried glint in his eyes when Victoria mentioned this trip. The best Christmas I ever had was so long ago; I was only seven years old.

I can still feel the softness of the snow and the chilly feelings it gave me—my moms’ beautiful smile and contagious laughter, forever imprinted in my mind.

Her bright blue eyes, held such warmth and joy as she used her powers to make the snowman. Then, we went on to make snow angels with our bodies.

"Look at that sweetie, your angel wings are so perfect. After all, you're my beautiful angel." She had said with love oozing from her voice.

She always called me her angel. Christmas was the only time we used our powers freely, and I had loved every minute of it. Hence why I had loved the holiday. It was an excuse to use my abilities without a care in the world.

"Destiny!" Tyler shouts.

"Huh?... Why are you shouting?" I ask, startled.

He looks at me in concern. "Baby, I've been calling you for a full five minutes. Your eyes were hollow, wherein your mind did you go?" Tyler questioned, genuinely interested in my answer.

"Thinking about my mom. This was her favorite season." I explained with a small smile.

"I'm sorry beautiful. We don't have to do this if you're not up for it," he says a bit too quickly.

"I'm okay, I promise," I reply, and he nods. If I didn't know better, I swear I saw a hint of guilt in those beautiful green eyes.

Tyler's hiding something from me. I can feel it, not only in the bond created by his mark. But my gut feels it too, and it's never wrong. I will eventually find out what he's hiding. I always find out the truth. I know he's not lying to me, and that's good for him. But he is hiding something.

Getting out of the car, my mouth gaping at the sight. "This is what you call a cabin! It's almost like a regular house, it's so simple; yet beautiful." I exclaim in amazement.

Tyler chuckles.

Just as we're about to open the front door, a small body collides with mine. The move is so sudden, my reflexes are a no-show. And I stumble backward, landing on my back.

"Desi!!! You came! You came!" Shouts Tyler's seven-year-old brother.

"Hey Christian! Of course, I came, what type of friend would I be if I didn't?" I replied, faking a pout, along with a sad face.

Gasping. He hugs me tightly, stuffing his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry, it's just that mommy said you wouldn't because Kara is coming," Christian says, frowning.

Why would Victoria tell him that, when she already knew I said yes. And who the hell is Kara?

"Ewwww!! You smell like Ty! I miss your chocolate chip cookies scent." Christian pouts adorably. Aww, he's so cute with his chubby-like cheeks, big brown eyes and his dimples make him even cuter.

Running my fingers through his soft dark blond hair. "How about I make it up to you by baking you actual chocolate chip cookies." I say sweetly, getting an excited 'Yes'.

Mr. Greyson laughs. "Glad you made it son. Hi Destiny." He greets us, but I saw the same guilty look in his eyes too.

What the hell are they hiding! I said nothing as we made our way inside the cabin.


A full four hours since I've been here. In that period, I baked the cookies for Christian as promised. However, I've been getting a few secret glances and frowns. I was introduced to everyone officially by Tyler. Some of his family members gave us distasteful looks, more specifically towards me.

For Tyler's sake, I said nothing and kept my cool.

The doorbell rings and Tyler's Aunt Sonia comes out of the kitchen. "Destiny dear, will you get that?" Her lovely voice says.

She and her husband are the only ones who had jumped and hugged us in congratulations. She's the older sister of Victoria, but she looks so much younger. Deep dimples give her a youthful look. Her dark green eyes hold warmth and comfort, her long legs stride with grace, and her beautiful smile just melts the heart.

"Sure thing, Aunt Sonia," I reply and she beams. I chuckle and head towards the door. Opening it. On the porch stands a tall, yet, elegant woman with long brunette hair and honey-like skin. She stands at approximately 5'7 and appears to be around Tyler’s age, she's beautiful and I immediately don't like her. Especially since she's got an aura of arrogance.

"Who's at the-... Kara!" Tyler exclaims in excitement, coming from god knows where.

"Hey, Tyler! Look at you, looking fine as hell." The woman standing at the door says somewhat seductively, but to Tyler, it seems like simple teasing.

"Tyler, who's this?" I questioned rather bluntly. This heffer is up to something, she's giving off a bad vibe, I don't need Demon’s wicked sense of smell to figure that out on my own.

"Oh! Kara, this is my mate and girlfriend; Destiny Hawthorne. Destiny, this is my very good friend; Kara Jones." He introduces us. She extends her long hand out to shake, and I accept the offer.

"Nice to meet you," I greet politely.

"Likewise," she says in a clipped tone.

“Well, aren't you going to invite me inside Ty.” Kara retorts with a giggle.

“Right, come on in.” Tyler chuckles, grabbing her two large bags leading her to the room she'll be occupying—the one directly beside ours.

Once she's settled, we all gathered around into the living room—Victoria being the one fawning over Kara like a long-lost daughter.

“Kara, honey, how have you been? I hear you haven't found a mate as yet.” Victoria is quick to enquire and the family nods along.

Sipping the hot mint-chocolate tea, ever so gracefully, flicking her hair. “Well, you know, haven't found him yet,” Kara replies, yet her light greenish eyes are staring at Tyler—who's too busy chomping down cookies to notice. He can be so dense at times.

“Such a shame,” Victoria feign sympathy but I can see through her act.

“What have you been up to for yourself?” Frank, Tyler Snr's younger brother by three years pondered.

“Just completed my masters in business, and I was hoping to get a working position within the pack as one of the financial partners.” She replied with a knowing smile.

“I don't think that will be necessary, we already have a board that's equipped and capable to handle our money; along with other financial necessities. Thank you for offering your services though,” I’m quick to comment—shutting down her intentions from now.

“I'm sorry, how do you know that?” Victoria questions with a twitch to her eye.

“It's a Luna's job to know everything that goes on within the pack,” I respond a bit smug and that's the exact time Tyler looks up from the cookies.

“I'm sure we can find her a spot,” he declared, annoying me in the process.

I only hum in response as the family continues talking as if I'm not even there. Getting up, I make my way outside to clear my head. Ugh, I need a run. With that thought, I stride off into the nearby forest that surrounds the beautiful cabin. Taking off my boots, I wiggle my toes into the soft grass and smile.


It took me an hour, to cool my thoughts. I'm sweaty and hungry as hell. Heading upstairs to shower, I'm stopped by Aunt Sonia.

"Destiny, where have you been?! We've been worried." She grabs me checking for any sign of harm. Her reaction has my eyes glossing with tears unexpectedly, but I don't let them fall.

"I'm fine, just went for a run," I exclaimed and she visually relaxed.

"Phew! Okay, go take a shower. I'll let the others know." She says and I nod.

The others could care less about my whereabouts, that's clear enough. They're too fascinated about Kara to even notice my absence. For some reason, I can't stand her, and it's not about jealousy.

Turning on the shower faucet I let the gush of water cascade my body. Closing my eyes, I let the comforting droplets take over my mind.

“Mama, what makes snow?” I asked curiously sipping my delicious hot cocoa filled with marshmallows.

“Come here,” she says smiling at me. Taking off her gloves, she waves her hand around towards the sky. “Snow occurs when water vapors in the air and freeze before they can turn into water,” she explains, and snow appears right before my eyes. “This happens when the temperature in the clouds is very cold,” she adds.

“Woooow, that's so cool mama!” I giggle, twirling around in the snow.

“I know,” she replies tackling me onto the ground creating a big splash of white fluff.

A smile tugs at my face at the memory, I was only four and it was my first time seeing the snow. Not like it doesn't snow in GreenBay, just not that much.

Hands cups my breast from behind sending shock waves straight to my groin. This feels like deja vu.

“Aunt Sonia said you went for a run. Is this true?" Tyler questioned huskily, spreading my legs—entering one of his thick fingers. I nod and he sinks his canines in my flesh. Yeap, deja vu.

"Words gorgeous, you know I like it when you use words," Tyler whispers, adding another finger into my already wet pussy.

His sexual drive is insane, then again, a newly mated alpha tends to go in overdrive for the first few weeks of the mating cycle. I don't even want to think about how I'll react once my heat hits.

I don't get to moan at the pleasurable sensation Tyler's skilled thick fingers are giving. He's too busy ravishing my mouth completely. I'm so close to climaxing, but he stops.

Disoriented, dissatisfied, and dazed. "Why did you stop?" I ask flustered.

"You don't get to cum until I say so. That's your punishment for having me worried sick." He declared smoothly.

"Are you freaking serious!" I screech in horror.

Tyler only smirks, stepping out of the shower. With a huff of frustration, I lather my body and rinse. Grabbing the towel once that is over with, wrapping myself in it then stomp inside the bedroom.

Grumpily, I dig through the drawer with my undergarments—selecting a creamy lace thong. Not in the mood to dress up for these jerks. I throw on a pair of light blue jeans shorts—not a fan of a bra, I decided to go with a burgundy, slightly flowy tank top and drag on a pair of white vans.

Blow drying my hair, I lightly curl it and apply lip gloss to my lips. Satisfied with my appearance, I head downstairs to the dreadful dinner.

The moment I enter, the room becomes silent. Well shit! It's an elegant dinner after all. Not like I'm going to change into something else. I see envy in Kara's eyes. But I don't give her a second glance. Making my way towards Tyler, I take my seat on his right side. While Kara is on his left, which makes him sandwiched between us.

Victoria, with calculating eyes. "Destiny, why don't you go ahead and change into something more comfortable." She bites out. Okay, it's official, this woman hates me.

"No, thank you, Mrs. Greyson. I'm fine the way I am." I reply sickly sweet and Sonia snickers. She goes to open her mouth, but Tyler gives her a pointed look—no doubt mindliking her a warning.

Sonia comes out with dinner and dear ancestors. My mouth is watering at the delicious sight. Pot roast beef, honey glazed chicken, mash potatoes, roast tomatoes, green beans, fried rice, and I can smell the spicy herbal sauce. This all smells so good! My taste buds ready to lap at all the juices of the food.

Trevor, Sonia’s husband, passes around the food. Once my plate is full and looking sexy to devour, I'm ready to tackle the deliciousness. Already armed and ready with my knife and fork tools, I stab into the pot roast beef first. Just as I'm about to taste it, collective gasps reach my ears and I frown.

"We thank the goddess in this family before eating, " Victoria declared with rage burning in her eyes.

"She would've known that if she had a proper family. But what else can you expect from a bastard child, a worthless witch's child nonetheless." Gregory, one of Tyler's uncle spits out in disgust.

Shaking in rage, I drop my knife and fork. "What did you say, motherfucker?!" I growled, ready to rip him to shreds.


Oh no he didn't!

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