The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 20

You're my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace.




I've been sitting here on the sofa like a creep, watching the little vixen. A very naked and beautiful vixen, that's sprawled out in the middle of the bed.

A curtain full of raven hair covers her round face like a shield. Her olive skin glows angelic with the candle's dim lighting. Watching her sleeping peacefully, my mind goes on the replay of our earlier activities; I'm more than happy Destiny's finally mine in every way.

I marked her. I chuckle lightly at the thought. She passed out on me. I wasn't even through with her yet and she was on the verge of unconsciousness.

I'm aware of my actions along with the consequences in not only claiming Destiny but with her baring my mark. She's safe now, at least from the council. They wouldn't dare target an Alpha's mate with baseless accusations.

Marks mean everything in our world, it's one of the essences of our existence. For a high-born werewolf, an alpha more so to mark a witch much less a hybrid is unheard of.

However, fuck history. It’s meant to be broken and rewritten. I love seeing my mark on Destiny. It appeared a while ago on her right shoulder blade. It has my wolf's face within my paw and I'm bloody ecstatic.

I had witnessed unhappy and disapproving stares on a few pack members’ faces. Mainly, from the elders. But do I give a damn? No. I love my pack. I do, ever since I was a child, but this girl became my world the moment I laid my eyes on her.

A groan shakes me from my thoughts.

"Damn. I cannot feel my legs, ugh. I can't feel anything, that bastard," Destiny whines making me wince.

I did go a bit hard on her for her first time.

"I love you like this you know. Naked, flustered, and sore," I whisper against Destiny's flushed skin. Before she can pout, I kiss her sweetly. She returns the favor with a little bit of aggression. Hmm. It seems my little vixen can go another round.

"Come on beautiful. Let's get you cleaned up before we eat, shall we?" I say, picking her up bridal style, she gasps once we're inside the bathroom.

"I love you so much," Destiny whispers in my arms as I place her in the tub full of fluffy white suds making her sigh in relief.

I wanted to take my sweet time cleaning and caressing her body once I got in the tub with her, but Destiny has other plans. A few moments of washing each other. She turns around, facing me. Only for her to position her pussy above the tip of my semi awakened shaft.

The heat she's radiating awakes my now throbbing and painfully hard cock. Apart of me can't wait to dive back into her, but this is her play.

Destiny gently sits on my cock with a hiss at first then starts to move her hips slowly. Holding onto her round ass, she moans softly; picking up speed. She's close to climaxing after a while, and I can feel her walls beginning to clench around me as she milks my cock for everything it's worth, once her orgasm becomes undone.

"You okay beautiful?" I ask Destiny once she calms down from her intense high.

"Mmmm," she mumbles making me chuckle.

It takes another hour for us to really get clean up and somewhat dressed before we settled down out on the patio, staring off at the glistening sea.


"I'm starving babe," Destiny whines sometime later and I chuckle, already getting up, making my way to the kitchen.

This girl's appetite is something else. I had already made dinner plans for us before, so I just walk in with the tray of food I’d already made.

"I do love you," Destiny says with her mouth full.

My cooking's nothing like my mom's, but for Destiny, I sure try my best. I whipped up a quick plate of steaks, mash potatoes, and greens. And I'm glad she's enjoying it.

"Hmm. That's because I got you food," I retorted making Destiny snicker.

She's so adorable like this, happy and content.

“Did Brandon know about this?” Destiny questions me with a glare.

“No!” I answered too quickly

“Mhmm,” Destiny grumbles. “When are we going back home?” she asked, sipping her drink.

“Unfortunately, we head back later. I've got to meet with the elders,” I inform her.

“Do I need to be there as the Luna?” Destiny asks, uncertainty lacing her voice.

Grabbing her hand, gently kissing it. “No, there's no need for that yet,” I replied. “Technically, you're still in high school, I want you to finish before you take on this role,” I suggested, hating the thought of her losing out on her education.

“Okay then, sounds like a plan,” Destiny says in agreement. “This tastes good by the way. I never knew you could cook,” she compliments.

“It tastes almost good as you,” I replied cheekily, making Destiny blush but not enough to make her stop eating. “I’m gonna go ahead and pack our stuff, ” I tell her, making my way out of the room.


"What's wrong?" I ask Destiny, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence surrounding my office and driving me crazy. I've noticed she's been a bit too quiet ever since we came home five hours ago.

"It just occurred to me that you marked me and...that's never been done to a witch much less a hybrid throughout history Tyler,” Destiny replied.

“So what?” I asked, confused.

“This is serious and the council is gonna come after us with everything they've got. Well, come after me, especially since I killed their best enforcer." She says with a frown.

Does she regret what we did, what I did?

Getting out of my chair, walk around to Destiny's side of the desk. "Look at me and tell me you regret any of it," I demand sternly. Trying not to get angry.

"Of course not," Destiny says without hesitation, glaring at me as if I'm crazy. I would be if she had regret what happened between us.

"Well then, I suggest you get your ass out of my office and go get your stuff from your dad's and Blue's place. Because I'm not sleeping without my vixen tonight." I say, smacking her ass, and she yelps but I also know she's turned on, but I have stuff to do.

"I hate you," Destiny tells me pouting, stomping her way out of my office once she realizes that she won't be getting laid.

Hmm. I know baby, but I'm busy today. I thought to myself, groaning at the tightness of my jeans.


"You marked her," my beta Travis declares rather than ask; the only confirmation I give him is a nod. "What about the council Ty? They'll be coming,” he says, making me laugh at what he says but don't answer.

Like I give a damn about those bastards.

Sighing, Travis looks at me before speaking. "I'll see you in the meeting within a few," he says tiredly. But I still don't answer.

"This is insane! A werewolf marking a witch is unheard of!" a member shouts.

“We cannot have a hybrid for a Luna!” Another yelled.

“What about Kara?! You're both twenty-year-olds compared to an eighteen-year-old girl, she'd make a better Luna!”

These are just a few of the comments that I've been hearing for the past hour we've been here and my fucking patience is running thin. "ENOUGH!" I growled, banging my fist on the table making the entire room go silent.

"I won't repeat myself. Destiny will be the only woman who will run this pack with me and carry my future heirs. If you people think I'm going to hide what we are, like Dante and the DeLuca's did. Then you better guess the hell again. If I have to, I will choose her over this pack," I sneered.

“You know what, this meeting is adjourned.” I declared, stepping away. Only because, I fight the urge to not beat the crap out of these ancient dicks who fail to release the old ways is utter bullshit.


"So how did it go?" Is the first thing Destiny asks me once I stepped inside my office.

Sighing because I don't feel like talking about it. "That bad huh? Okay then, change of topic. Christmas is in a few more weeks and we're invited at the Parker's... Also, I've decided once I graduate, which is in a few months; I'm going off to college. I want to get my business degree, so I can continue running the Inn and Cafe once Martha and Blue step down." Destiny rambles on excitingly.

So, she wants to run the Inn huh. That's not a bad idea. "I love you. You know that right." I state once we left the office and head to the bedroom.

"Of course I do,” Destiny replies. “What's wrong Tyler and the truth this time," she demands.

Ignoring her, I pull her onto my lap instead—kissing her mark to which she shivers.

"It's nothing I can't handle," I mumbled and she scoffs.

"You mean we? It's both of us, babe," Destiny says sternly. How much I adore this woman.

"You're right beautiful. It's us against the world." I replied, kissing her flat stomach. Hmmm. I can't wait for her to become a mother and round with my pup. "Us against the world. Just you and me and no one else." I proclaimed happily.

"I love you." Destiny purrs seductively, pulling my shirt over my head.

Her silver eyes are filled with lust and that makes me extremely hard. I just can't get enough of her beautiful and expressive eyes. Kissing me ever so slowly and sweetly. Her warm tongue glides down to my navel, and she dips it in there—twirling it. An embarrassing whale-like sound leaves my lips. Unbuckling my jeans, my full erection springs out proudly.

"No underwear alpha, what a naug boy you arestiny teased. Just as she's about to take me in her mouth.

"Alpha, sorry to disturb you. But your mother is here." Travis informs me timidly through the mindlink.

"Dammit! I'll be there." I respond annoyed.

"This will have to wait beautiful, my mom's here," I say and she adjusts herself quickly.

"Oh my god, Tyler!" Destiny whisper-yell. We quickly fix ourselves and make our way downstairs. My mother is not someone you want to keep waiting.

"My baby boy!" My mom screams the moment I'm in her vision as she grabs my face, peppering it with kisses.

"Mom!" I say in embarrassment and Destiny giggles.

"Well. Hello there, Destiny." My mom says sweetly with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Hi, Mrs. Greyson," Destiny replied politely.

"You make me sound so old, call me Victoria." My mother whines like a child. "Anywho, I came here to tell you. We'll be celebrating Christmas at our cabin this year and not at the Parkers." She says in overly odd excitement and I don't know if I should be happy or dread spending time with my family. But I'm smart enough not to turn down my mother's offer. So I'll have to put up with them.

"Sure thing mom," I retort through grit teeth.

"What's your problem Tyler? Ever since you met Destiny, you're not home anymore. You don't call me like you use to." My mom mindlinks.

"Mom, we'll be there," I say with a pointed look, cutting the mindlink not wanting to be rude since Destiny can't. My mother smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"It was nice seeing you again Destiny. See you guys at the cabin." She says, hugging us each goodbye before she left.


"Ahh!!!" I growled, knocking the punching bag right through the wall.

"Christmas with your family, can't be all that bad baby." Destiny's soft voice says behind me. She moves so light on her feet, I didn't even feel her presence. "Hey, wanna spar?" She suggests.

"No," I reply in annoyance.

"Okay. How about we pick up where we left off, from earlier?" Her voice is now silky smooth.

"I said no, can't you see I want to be alone!" I growled.

My face painfully swings to the left side causing me to stumble backward, losing my balance a bit. Destiny stands at her full height. In normal times, this would be laughable. She's only 5'3, compared to my 6'3 and larger body mass.

"You ever talk to me like that again Tyler. And I will knock you into the spirit world." She says deadly calm, with hollow silver eyes.

She walks out, leaving me with a fractured jaw. But, within a few minutes; I'm completely healed. Damn! She packs a mean right hook.


It's been a few hours since my outburst, and I need to make it up to Destiny. Walking into our bedroom, I see her leaning at the window. The sight of her, makes me feel even worse about what happened in the workout room.

"I'm sorry. I never should've talked to you like that." I say sincerely.

With her back still turned to me. "I'm not like my mother Tyler, I refuse to be," Destiny murmured gloomily. And it only takes me a minute to figure out what she means.

Turning her to face me, I cup her face, staring her straight into her eyes. "We'll never be like your parents. I love you too much to lose you." I exclaimed.

"I love you too Tyler. And I'm sorry for the punch." She apologizes and I chuckle.

"It's okay. Plus, you pack a mean right hook," I declare. "Now, how about you refresh my memory from your earlier performance," I demand.

"You're such a horn dog!" She giggles and I'm relieved.

Her giggles, I can never get enough of. I feel guilty about keeping the real reason for my sudden mood. How do I tell her, that not all of my family accepts her?


There's that name Kara again! What's your prediction about what happens next?

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Hope you enjoyed that chapter, until then.

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