The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 24

Inner strength is your outer foundation. - Allan Rufus


I Choose You


‘It's going to be okay.’

‘You're protected.’

‘Trust the element.’

I'm wide awake. My brain won't turn off, the voices in my head getting louder by the second—and I have the urge to punch something.

What is wrong with me? I'm in Tyler's strong and reassuring arms, but why can't I shake this feeling. A sensation I've only ever experience once—the day I lost my mother. That sensation where it seemed no matter how powerful I am, things won't work out. That feeling, I despise—that emotion of fear.

Gently getting out of Tyler's vice grip, throwing on his discarded shirt onto my naked body. I saunter towards the bedroom window, staring up at the beautiful night sky.

Peeking back at Tyler cuddling my pillow, I go closer to gaze at his face. His long lashes, straight nose, and his perfect lips that I can't get enough of seems so fairy tale. All in all, my alpha is a sexy, beautiful guy and I kiss him lightly.

Tyler Greyson, who would've thought, he wanted more than just getting me in his bed. I smile when my hand goes automatically to my mark. So engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't sense that he's awake nor when he got out of the bed. It wasn't until I feel his arms around me and a kiss to said mark that I realize he's up.

"What's wrong beautiful and don't lie to me," he says, turning me around to face him.

Having no choice, I sigh before blabbering. "What if this is a mistake? What if our efforts aren't enough? Do you know how many had tried to take out the crystal covenant, or even the council!? I never should've gotten involved with any of you people! I never should've listened to my heart and became a part of your lives. Your life Tyler," I finished my little meltdown—leaving out my real reason for being in Rosewood in the first place.

Tyler kisses me, not the gentle or possessive kind he normally gives—this is bruising. Feeling a sharp pinch, I taste blood. Did he bite me?

"You talked, I listened, now it's my turn. Do you know what my life was like before you came? Well... let me tell you," Tyler grits out and for once, I feel like an enemy and not the person he loves.

He drags me away from the window with an iron grip on my hand, which started to ache.

"Tyler! You're hurting me," I whimper, but he pays no attention to me. He throws me on the bed roughly, pinning me down. He hovers over me and normally, this is a turn on but I'm terrified of him right now.

"I love my pack with everything I've got but you heard Travis right. I was cold and empty. I was in somewhat of a dark place, trust me. If it wasn't for Brandon, you don't want to know. He managed to knock some sense into me and only then did I escape the darkness, but not fully,” Tyler begins.

“I would crack a smile for my baby brother and a few people, but you? For you, I smile, snicker, I laugh, and then eventually; I started to share my joy with the pack. So you did more good than harm. You came into our lives and woke us up from that darker place and showed us what is good.”

“The Santos are very proud people. Sure we're allies, but they never committed themselves the way they did for you today. So you pull yourself together, I didn't choose a woman who runs from doing what's right.”

“I choose the powerful woman I saw walking out of that Inn, the person that stood up for someone not because of power, but for genuine care. I choose the woman who had Dante DeLuca practically on his knees, begging for a chance. I choose the person who is kick-ass with a badass dog. I choose the one I want to be my wife and mother of my children. I choose you." By the time Tyler finished his lengthy speech, he's breathing hard and I'm a mess beneath him.

I never thought of that.

"I'm sorry," I apologize in a small voice.

"Baby. I told you, I've got you. And I don't know where this doubt is coming from all of a sudden, but you need to get rid of it. It's not just you and Demon anymore. You've got me, friends, family, and a pack," Tyler cooed.

I'm dying for him to kiss me now, that's all my focus is on at the moment.

"Can you kiss me now, please," I beg and he rolls his eyes, chuckling.

"How about I do more than just kiss you beautiful," he coaxed with lustful green eyes. My shirt is torn in half and he pounces on me. Oh, this is going to be a long night and I'm going to wake deliciously sore.


“You're serious!” I exclaimed truly astonished.

“I swear on my coven,” she chuckled. “Just two hours ago a boat full of them showed up here, it's amazing this much-mixed species keeps turning up since word got out about your marking.” She added, the excitement in her voice hard not to miss.

“They're risking too much Aunty Amiyah, for someone like me. We're not even sure about the exact numbers the crystal possesses.” I retort frustrated.

“Someone like you?” Amiyah sarcastically responds. “You mean the girl who took down two crystals in one day or standing up to those high and mighty enforcers—saving a family. Destiny, you did what no one did for your mother when she was pregnant with you—the mother didn't need to run, and the father stood by her.”

“I'm just-” I don't even know how to voice it.

“You're scared, and it's okay,” Amiyah confirmed. “Listen, we'll keep our ears open over here—you keep your focus over there. Things must be solid there first, never forget that.” She added.

“Alright, thanks for calling,” I rush out.

“Destiny, never be a victim.” She says, disconnecting the call and triggering a memory.

Coughing, she covers her mouth with her frail hand. “Come here Angel, mama has something to say.” She says, pulling on her breathing mask.

“Mama, are you okay?”

“That's not important,” she smiled. “Do you remember our visit to the fields the other day?” She questioned, and I nod yes. “Good, you recall what happened?”

“The lion tried to eat the baby hawk, but he couldn't—it flew away.” I giggled.

“Perfect,” she praised. “When you get older, you'll be like that hawk. Your troubles will be like the lion, but you listen—never be a victim. You don't cry, or run when things get complicated—you try and spread your wings until you've overcome your fear.” She says coughing vigorously.

“Destiny!” I'm shaken from my memory.


“What's wrong beautiful?” A frowning Tyler enquired.

“Tyler, gather the packs, along with the refugees,” I instruct, getting out of bed. “I'm going for a swim, I'll be back in an hour,” I added quickly, pecking him on the lips.

Grabbing one of his hoodies, I shrug it on. Ignoring the soreness between my legs, I open the bedroom window—jumping out—but not landing on the ground. Levitating, I take off towards the ocean.

I had suppressed that memory, it was the first time I truly saw just how sick my mom was. Two weeks before that conversation, we saw a nest with a baby hawk inside. It didn't know how to use its wings just yet, however, it didn't stop the little guy from trying to fly countless times when the lion kept teasing it.

Reaching the crystal clear water, I drag off the hoodie mid-air, diving right to the bottom. Sitting, I let out the deep breath I had taken—the water filled my lungs—oddly I can still breathe. Swimming to the surface, I chuckle.

“Never be a victim,” I mumbled, remaining myself of the motto.


“Thank you for attending Alphas.” I greet, showing my respect to both Santos, and Brandon.

“Never be weak, never be a victim,” words my mother drilled into me since I was seven. To be specific, never be a victim, our favorite line.” I smiled, everyone in the yard looking at me in confusion.

Taking a minute. “I Destiny Hawthorne, Luna of The Howlers, accept each one of you offer. Witches and wolves lived peacefully once, I say why not try and make those days exist again. Like it or not, united we stand, divided, we fall.”

“I'm sorry for running out on you guys the way I did yesterday,” I apologized. “What do you say, are you still with me?”

“I never go back on my word,” Santos declared.

“What he said,” Brandon agreed.

“We're with you ‘til the end Luna,” Travis chips in.

“United we stand!" my voice booms.

The crowd shifts, howling together in a union—a powerful harmony rings out—one that shakes the ground to its core. I wish I could shift as well and join them.

Tyler shifts into his huge, beautiful, light-brown wolf, joining the crowd. Stepping towards his wolf form, going on my knees—grabbing his face, pressing my forehead to his—staring deep within his green eyes—it feels like I'm staring into his soul.

I don't know why I did it, but I did, and suddenly all members of our pack shift back into human form, grabbing onto their shoulders; the most amazing thing happens next.

A tattoo starts to appear.

And it turns out to be the tribal infinity mark, with the word ‘family’ engraved in cursive writing. I hunch over, feeling the intense bond-forming—the love and respect coming from my pack forging with my energy. The tattoo seems to have bound us together and it's for life, for I will die protecting my pack if it's the last thing I do.

So bring it, you old bastards. I'll be ready and waiting for anything you throw my way!

With those thoughts, different battle strategies started forming in my head—each one more complex than the previous. I hope they can manage what I have in store for them.


Amiyah, do you remember her?

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