The Guardian's Mark

Chapter 8

I dreamt of my brother that night. We were out in the middle of the sea; standing atop the water yet miraculously we hadn’t fallen in. I took a step toward him and the water rippled, however Myles seemed not to notice. His head was tilted back, eyes as wide as saucers as he stared up at the sky. He seemed not to care that we were doing the impossible.

“Myles!” I called, my voice a soft echo rather than the yell I’d intended. Panic rose in my throat. He couldn’t hear me and it was going to take me too long to reach him. He was only a few yards away but my feet felt heavy, weighed down by some invisible force.

A light appeared suddenly from above, shining down like a spotlight. It engulfed us both, canceling out the sunny blue sky.

Myles gasped, his eyes glowing in wonder.

I looked up and froze, a figure above us with massive wings. The figure glided down, it’s hand outstretched toward me. My body responded automatically, arm lifting as I stretched my fingers up. I felt a warmth consume me and glanced over at my brother.

But he was gone.

The panic returned full force as I glanced down, only to see him sinking below the water as if dragged by quicksand. He opened his mouth to scream my name but only bubbles came out.

I looked up at the angel to tell him to wait, save my brother, and saw Gavin’s face.

He smiled down at me. “Where you go, he cannot come...”

“No!” I shouted but it was too late. Myles had floated down even further, disappearing into the black abyss.

I woke drenched in sweat, my heart racing. Dream or not, nothing had ever felt so real. The symbolism didn’t get past me either. A heavy weight had settled in my chest that wouldn’t be lifted until I was reunited with my brother. As the older one, he usually spent his time worrying about my safety and health. It was rare to have the roles reversed and I never liked when they were.

I was certainly motivated to give it my all in training today.

I dragged myself out of bed and noted that it looked to be a dewy morning, probably earlier than I would normally wake up. Unfortunately I had no interest in sleeping and needed to somehow bring myself out of this stupor. I needed to be strong for my brother, not buckle under the pressure.

A note had been slipped under my door and lay on the floor. I half hoped it was from Gavin due to the secrecy of it but it turned out to be from Elyon.

Meet me in the library.

A slight prickle ran over my skin as images of what I’d done last in the library came rushing to the front of my mind. I’d enjoyed it immensely but now even the smallest reference to it filled me with unease.

What could Elyon possibly want? And in the library of all places. It was such a private place where interruption was unlikely. What could he possibly have to speak to me about that couldn’t be said in front of others? Perhaps there was news of my brother?

Rather than dwell on the note, I went to shower and dress, throwing on an outfit of black leggings, a violet tank, and black sneakers. Natalia had filled the armoire of my room with clothes and I was forever grateful to her for that. The clothes were high quality and durable with monochromatic style.

I passed a few unfamiliar angels on my way downstairs and realized they were probably the reinforcements Nakir had sent Cassiel to collect. They were all impeccably dressed and beautiful, some of them with their massive wings and others in human form. The men were all built and the women varied from toned to extremely toned. They all had this entitled powerful aura about them, some less humble than others. Two of them nodded at me as I walked by and the others kept their gazes forward.

I would have cared more about the lack of acknowledgement before but now I had no interest in caring about what others thought. I only cared about my purpose now. To save my brother and stop Lucifer before his demons managed to end my life.

As soon as I reached the library I was satisfied to see that Elyon was calm despite the changing dynamics of the household, seated in a chair with a book. His dark hair was slicked back, tan skin seeming darker when accentuated by the navy nylon shirt and jogger pants he wore, black boots on his feet. He stood when I entered and set the book aside, smiling lightly.

“How are you this morning?”

Wanting to cry, scream, or punch something. “I’m alright. All things considered anyway.”

“It’s difficult, I know. Just stay focused and don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment. We’re all here for you and will sacrifice ourselves to ensure you succeed.”

“I know you are.”

“Good. I’ll be training you today. Natalia was called away and Nakir feels I would be best to show you the next stage.”

That still didn’t explain the one thing I was wondering. “And we’ll be training in the library?”

Elyon smiled, genuine friendliness shining through. “Kind of.” He turned from me and headed for the bookcase behind the desk. Lifting a hand, he merely waved it to the side. The bookcase rotated forward, revealing a dimly lit stone hallway.

I hesitated as he moved forward, not too fond of unfamiliar creepy places. Elyon hadn’t given me a reason to distrust him but I still was wary by automatic reaction. Was everyone else aware of where we would be training? Like Gavin?

“You’re safe, Ava. No one can get into the house. We’ve got twenty-four fellows guarding the property.” He beckoned me forward with his friendly gaze.

I nodded, taking a deep breath before walking forward. I had no response for his commentary but I believed him.

The hallway was long and at one point morphed into stairs, taking us down to a better lit room that resembled a cellar. This cellar however was filled with weapons. Most of them ancient looking but all in brand new condition. There were massive swords and daggers, even sai swords and guns.

Wait, guns?

I walked over to the right, facing the wall of guns and raised a brow. “Angels use guns?”

“Only in their human form but most prefer not to. For you it might be ideal since it’s easier to teach someone how to shoot than how to handle a sword.”

“Well, that’s a surprise. I just never imagined angels so...”

“Violent?” he supplied.

“More or less.” Turning, I joined him at the table in the center of the room, placing my hands on the edge.

His kind brown eyes seemed more sinister in the dim lighting however I attributed it to the dreary layout of the room. “We have evolved over centuries, forced to change our ways with the growth of mankind and all of the creatures of the underworld.”

“Has an angel ever hurt a human with these?”

“One who is possessed? Yes.”

“And one who isn’t?”

“Unfortunately also yes.”

I didn’t know why it mattered so much but his answer saddened me. What need would an angel have for weapons against a human? We were powerless against them. I wanted to dive further into this story but figured it probably wasn’t the time for it. I needed to focus on my training, not stories that would cause me to distrust the angels I was relying on. If I couldn’t trust them, I was going to be in some serious trouble.

“Ready to begin?”

Was that a trick question? “Yes, I’m ready.”

The next few hours were spent practicing all sorts of things I never thought I’d need to know. From how to throw a ninja star to how to slice a jugular with a sai sword. We took a break halfway through the day, ate, and then Natalia took me to the back lawn to continue hand combat training. By the end of the day, my head was swimming with all the information I’d been forced to take in. I was insanely sore and knew I’d barely be able to get out of bed the next morning but I felt much more comfortable knowing I’d be sleeping alone. My irrational fear of demons being able to reach me while I slept had dwindled down.

It was dark outside when we finished and once again I barely had the energy to make it to dinner. Apparently the scout had returned and was hoping to meet me. I wasn’t sure why since he had no news of my brother.

Returning to my room, I found that a black dress had been laid out on the bed. I figured Gavin had mentioned my love for dark colors, hence the choice of black. The dress was knee length and form fitting, thin straps crisscrossing over the chest. Strappy black sandals had been placed on the floor, relieving me of my fear of walking in heels when I could barely stand as it was.

I showered and took my time in doing my hair, setting the waves in a perfectionist sort of way with the curling iron. I’d been sweaty all day so I wanted to feel refreshed and presentable. This way the fellows wouldn’t realize what an emotional mess I was inside.

I studied myself in the mirror attached to the boudoir once I was ready and was somewhat pleased with what I saw. The training had straightened my posture; muscles sore in my lower back that I didn’t even know existed. I’d also gotten a light tan from being outside with Natalia. I looked the same but something was different. A part of me had changed and I wasn’t exactly sure what. It was mental and I had a feeling I was going to go through many more changes before this was over.

Natalia stopped by to tell me that Gavin wanted to see me before I met with the scout. He would be in the library waiting.

I knew he would only send Natalia if it was something important but I also wondered for a moment if it was for purely romantic reasons...which I wouldn’t mind.

He wasn’t reading this time when I reached the library. He was facing the fireplace in front of the desk, staring into the flames as the logs burned. His arms were crossed and his intense gaze almost had me walking right back out. Clearly something heavy was on his mind.

I slowly closed the door behind myself and smiled lightly, hoping my positive attitude would bring him out of this funk. “Hey. Natalia said you wanted to see me?”

“Yeah, how did your training go?” He turned to me, taking a few steps away from the fire. He uncrossed his arms but his posture was guarded and tense, as if he would flinch away from the slightest touch.

“It went alright. I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow but I feel much more comfortable with the possibility of having to defend myself.”

A corner of his mouth lifted, so small it almost went unnoticed. His eyes did a quick up and down over my dress. “I’m really glad to hear that. Natalia and Elyon are two of the best trainers we have. I know they’d never give you less than their best. Natalia especially has a passion for empowering and supporting others.”

I was growing close to Natalia but I still felt that sting of jealousy whenever she interacted with Gavin. They’d known each other so much longer than I’d known him, And she also had a potential future with him. What did I have? Not much. An inkling of understanding for who Gavin was and a childish hope that maybe there was a way for him to stay once this was all over.

“Yeah, she’s been really great to me, even outside of the training.”

“Good. So how are you doing? With your brother and all that’s going on?”

The mere mention of my brother sent waves of sadness through me but I fought to keep the tears at bay, frustrated that I even wanted to cry. Myles needed my strength, not my overwhelming emotions. I took a deep breath before answering, filling my lungs with much needed air. “I’m alright. I’m just trying to stay focused on what I need to do. Myles would want me to be strong. He would probably be pissed if he knew what I was training for but he was always my my rock. Whenever I’m going through a tough situation he always tells me the same thing: God would never give you more than you could handle.”

“Wise words. The few times I conversed with him were surprisingly eye opening. He’s got a great head on his shoulders.”

I selfishly wanted Gavin to be a real part of my life instead of just a temporary interlude. Damn these rules. Especially after hearing him speak of my brother this way. “I know. He’s kind of amazing. Although he’d probably give you the Spanish inquisition first to make sure you’re good enough for me and then he’d invite you out for a beer.”

Gavin smiled lightly but didn’t comment on what I’d said. “You’re lucky to have him...” He walked over to the desk where a leather case lay. “I have something for you.”

A gift? For what?

I moved closer to the desk, standing beside him with my hands clasped.

“Now that you know how to defend yourself, you need something to actually do that with.” Pulling up the lid, he revealed a beautiful blade, a dagger similar to the ones I’d seen strapped to the waistbands of the fellows that patrolled the grounds. Beside it lay a gun, silver with inscriptions all around it. I was now comfortable with holding a gun but could I use it? The last item was a cross pendant attached to a silver chain, a beautiful sky blue stone in the center of it, Gavin picked up the pendant, unclasping the chain and putting it around my neck.

I looked down at the pendant, twirling it in my fingers. I already felt better wearing it.

“Please promise me you’ll wear it at all times.”

“I promise.” My eyes locked with his however the earnest look made me nervous. “What is it?”

“It will ward off demons and hide you from them. Right now they can smell you from miles away. This will throw them off and scramble the trail.”

Smell? Like dogs?

“If a demon is near, it will glow brightly.”

“How will I know where the demon is?”

“Unfortunately there is no way to know if a person is possessed but it will burn once it comes in contact with their skin.”

Which meant I had to be close in order to know. Not a comforting feeling but at least I would have a warning. “Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“It wont as long as I’m around...I also wanted to talk to you about something else.”

This was probably the thing that was bothering him and I was tempted to run out of the room screaming “La-La-La!” like a child. “What is it?”

Gavin shuffled his weight, his hand lying lightly on the desk. He paused for an excruciatingly long time before speaking, eyes trained on me. “Going forward, I think it’s best for your safety that we discontinue anything romantic between us. I’ve been unfair to you in trying to figure out what this is between us. We both need to focus and the loss of your brother made me realize that.”

I was rendered speechless; afraid to speak and have my emotions come pouring out like a waterfall. I didn’t expect his words to hurt as much as they did but my chest was heavy once he finished, my breathing shallow. I knew he was right but I didn’t want him to be. Why couldn’t we be together and work well together at the same time?

Gavin paused again, watching my reaction. “I’m sorry I let it go this far. It was selfish of me to not stop it before it began. I’m a guardian. I know better.”

My original urge to run out of the room came back but I knew I had to keep it together and break down later. “I understand. It’s not your fault. The blame is on me as well. I knew the risk we were both taking but did it anyway.”

“Regardless, I shouldn’t have ever allowed myself to develop feelings for you. I’m sorry I wasn’t more responsible. From here on out I will focus completely on your safety and the mission, first goal being we get your brother back.”

My feelings for Gavin had become so strong I selfishly wanted to tell him I didn’t care, regardless of whether or not my brother was safe. I knew this would be better when it came to rescuing him and I felt as if I was betraying Myles for not wanting Gavin to be focused but...I was falling for him. I hadn’t felt this strongly about anyone since Carter. How was I supposed to move on from that?

“Thank you. I know we’ll get him back. I’m pretty exhausted. Was that all?”

“Uh-” Gavin looked taken back, perhaps by my unexpected attempt to change the subject. “Yes, that’s all...Are you okay with everything?”

“Fine.” I didn’t mean for my answer to come out short but I couldn’t control it. I needed to get out of there. I only had a few minutes to contain myself before dinner.

“Okay...I’ll see you at dinner.” Gavin put his hands in his pockets, looking torn but defeated.

“See you.” I grabbed the case holding the gun and knife, rushing for the door.



I stopped with my hand on the doorknob, feeling the tears well up. “Yes?” I only turned back slightly, hiding my face behind my hair the best I could.

“Please always carry the dagger with you.”

I nodded and walked out, unable to even form words. All I wanted to do was cry. I felt so insanely alone and depressed. How on Earth had so much changed in a matter of days? Carter was gone. My brother was a demon hostage. Gavin wanted nothing to do with me romantically. The men in my life were either being taken away or running away. And I had no control over any of it.

I passed a guardian on the way to my room and had to duck my head so he wouldn’t see the tears streaming down my face. As soon as I was in my room I broke down, seating myself in the corner chair as I let the tears go.

I collected myself after I’d had a good cry, covering my splotchy face with concealer. I felt better although slightly broken inside. All I wanted now was to find my brother and get him somewhere safe.

The dagger was strapped to my thigh, hidden by my dress, and the pendant lay on my chest, warmer than it should have been considering it was made of silver...or so I assumed.

I emerged from my room and made my way downstairs, my footsteps light. Nakir was rounding the corner as I reached the bottom and smiled at me. She was dressed in a gorgeous white pants suit with a black bodice, the first time I’d seen her in anything but a dress.

“You look lovely. Natalia really does have good taste. She’s pin pointed your style perfectly.”

I forced a minute smile. “I know. I can’t thank her enough.”

Nakir placed her hand lightly on my back and steered me toward the hallway. “Rainen is waiting for you in the library.”

“Is he in his angelic form?” I felt silly asking but the last thing I wanted was another episode like the one I’d had with Cassiel.

She smiled lightly. “No, he’s in human form. You have nothing to fear.”

We entered the dimly lit library and for a moment my mind flashed back to my time with Gavin in here. A steamy time it had been. And it would never happen again.

A man stood facing the bookcase, either reading the titles of the books or staring off into space, his hands clasped behind him. He was tall and had silvery white curly hair. He turned around, revealing a matching pair of silvery white brows and deep brown eyes, his skin so pale it was almost translucent. His appearance was shockingly beautiful. It was hard not to stare in a dumbstruck sort of way.

“Ava. It’s so great to meet you. Your reputation does you no justice.”

Reputation? For what? “Thank you.”

He clasped his hands in front of his body, his expression kind. “Elyon tells me your training is going well. He thinks you’re a fast learner.”

Really? Well this was news to me. “Learning as quickly as I can.”

Nakir politely cut in, placing her hand lightly on my shoulder. “Ava has chosen to close the gates and we are all eternally grateful. However I feel her mind will be elsewhere until her brother is found and that is not a distraction she can afford.”

She was right about that. I wouldn’t be able to sleep soundly until I could hug Myles. I was intimidated by all of these angels but I wasn’t afraid to speak my mind. “I need to know anything you do.”

Rainen nodded slowly. “Of course. You have every right to know. I received a tip that he might have been in a remote location about forty miles north. I left right away but the building was abandoned once I arrived. There are whispers that someone close to the fellows in this area has turned and is aiding Lucifer. I intend to do everything I can to find out who.”

Rainen seemed earnest enough but I didn’t know him so I couldn’t trust him yet. His words in fact made me want to physically pull away from Nakir. Who could I trust here? No one really but Gavin.

I wasn’t in much of a mood for a formal dinner but I wanted to show strength and hiding away in my room would do just the opposite. Nakir chose the walk to the dining room to converse with me, unaware of how much I wanted to avoid conversation.

“How do you feel?” Her piercing gold eyes were locked steadily on me, appearing to be searching for something.

I straightened my posture, uncomfortable with the scrutiny. “I feel okay. Worried, of course, but I’m fine.”

“I figured you would be. Your brother will be protected. I just want to make sure your mind is prepared for what you’re about to go through. Things will only become more difficult so you must ground yourself. Always remember your purpose and worry not about the ifs.”

I nodded in understanding but I wasn’t sure whether I could forget about the “ifs”.

“A long time ago I went through something similar with my older sister and I would have done anything to make sure she made it home safe. I wanted nothing more than to lose my mind and shut everyone out. But I realized I needed to be strong and keep a level head. Having a mental breakdown wouldn’t help anyone. Thankfully we found her.”

I knew her story was meant to calm me but it only magnified my worry. Even if my brother was found safely, how could his safety be guaranteed from here on out? I would spend the rest of my life concerned for him and my loved ones. Would any of them ever truly be safe now that I had a target on my back?

Perhaps if I was able to close the gates.

“I know I need to be strong but sometimes I feel so helpless. Who am I to go up against the devil himself?”

Nakir’s eyes revealed nothing but kindness and empathy. “The stronger you are, the more of a chance we have at beating Lucifer. He has no power over us if we present a united front. Finding out you aren’t falling apart will infuriate him and he’s bound to make a mistake. When he does, we’ll strike.”

I nodded. “I know you’re obligated to do everything you can but thank you anyway.”

She smiled lightly. “You’re welcome.”

Voices from the dining room were echoing down the hallway long before we reached it, some more excited than others. I felt nervous as I neared the double doors, hoping the attention wouldn’t be on me once I entered.

However, most heads turned to me once I did, the chatter only growing louder. The table was full, all thirty or so seats, and the room was in chaos. I wasn’t picking up much in the conversations but single words like “brother”, “Lucifer”, “transition”, and “murdered”. I had to remind myself not to worry until I found out what all the excitement was for.

It seemed as if they all had developed a staring problem though, each of them alternating in looking over at me. Natalia sat to my left and Cassiel to my right, silent and pensive. He always made me nervous but tonight I was just annoyed. If he opened his mouth and said anything I didn’t like I was going to let him have it. My patience for any sort of attitude from anyone was now limited.

Idris sat across the table, conversing with Elyon, but glancing over at me ever so often as well, seemingly feeling guilty for what had occurred. I didn’t feel any anger toward him but I did wish he would quit contributing to the stare fest.

There was one person I didn’t see at the table though: Gavin. I’d been expecting him to train me and instead that responsibility had been passed on to Elyon. He was now late to dinner and just the tiniest bit of worry was beginning to creep into my chest. What could he be busy doing?

Dinner was served in an elegant and orderly fashion. I wasn’t very hungry so I instead took the glass of wine before me and swished the crimson liquid around in the glass. Hopefully no one would comment on my lack of appetite.

Cassiel was silent beside me, his hands in his lap as he stared down at his meal. He turned to look at me, pausing before speaking. “How is your training going?”

Ugh. I was not in the mood for forced chitchat. “It’s going well. Thank you.” Now stop talking to me.

“Good. A week’s time is plenty for this sort of training. Both Natalia and Elyon are the best at what they do. You’ll be ready when the time comes.”

I wanted to see what he’d said as a positive thing but his dull tone was condescending as per usual and it seemed as if he were indicating that he didn’t expect much of me. It was time to put him in his place. “Cassiel-”

“Idris, are you alright?”

Zamira had spoken, the concern in her voice pulling the attention of a few of the other table occupants, including my own.

Idris had gone pale and was hunched over, taking deep breaths. There was still a lot of chatter at the table so most hadn’t thrown him a second glance. Until he gasped and threw his head back, his eyes igniting a bright red.

“Idris!” Zamira shouted but her voice fell on deaf ears.

After that, everything seemed to move in slow motion. He started to choke, gripping the table with his hands as a scarlet light crawled up from his chest, a glow through his white shirt, and slowly began to weave its way through his body. There was a sizzling sound as the fire spread through his veins, slowly curling and swirling around in an almost beautiful pattern.

The angels nearest him swiftly slid their chairs back and stood, looks of confusion and horror on their faces. I didn’t realize I’d stood too, feeling almost drawn to the evil presence that had suddenly filled the room, radiating from Idris.

Zamira reached out to touch his shoulder then recoiled with a yelp, her hand a bright red.

“Do something!” Someone shouted but we all knew how this would end, even if it was only subconsciously.

Idris was going to die.

My chest lurched as he finally let out a yell, the fire reaching his face and connecting to his eyes. His shirt had completely burned away, now a pile of black dust. The horrific scream magnified until all in one moment he exploded into black ash, scattering over the table and chair.

The room was silent.

Zamira took a step forward to survey the burnt chair. “Idris.....” Her voice broke, tears welling up in her eyes. “What just happened....How did this happen...”

“I don’t understand,” Rainen said, his voice calm but disturbed. “If there were poison in the food, why was he the only one affected?”

“Because he was targeted.”

I didn’t even realize Cassiel had spoken, suddenly aware of his presence beside me.

“This is Lucifer sending a message.” Once again he was eerily calm, however this time his hands were balled into fists. “He wants us to know that he can end any of us whenever he chooses. And he chose Idris because he was closest to Myles.”

“But why only kill Idris when he could have killed us all?” Zamira had spoken again, having wiped away her tears.

“Because he’s hoping that we’ll turn against each other and one of us will hand over Ava to protect their own life.”

I’d only mildly been wary of trusting anyone but Gavin before this incident. Now....well now I wasn’t so sure I wanted to stay in this house anymore. I suddenly felt alone in this room full of superior beings and wished now more than ever that Gavin were here with me. Natalia was kind as was Elyon but Gavin had become the one I relied on the most. He was basically my lifeline in this place. So why wasn’t he here?

“We do not and will not panic.” Nakir’s voice boomed throughout the room, silencing the nervous whispers that had begun. It was almost as if she had some sort of invisible angelic microphone. “Each of you that are on duty need to go to your posts. The rest of you meet in the common room. Natalia, please take Ava upstairs.”

I shook my head, tired of being left out of the loop. “No, I’m coming.”

A few turned to look at me and Natalia reached out to touch my arm. Nakir had probably never been spoken to like this before so I wasn’t sure how she would react but I didn’t care. From now on I wanted to be seen as an equal, not a nuisance or a child.

Nakir paused before answering, her gaze calm and her tone neutral. “Alright then. Ava, you may join this meeting.”

My heart was hammering in my chest but I was glad I’d spoken up. Nakir had been right earlier. Instead of wallowing in self pity, I needed to be strong and keep a level head. If not for myself, for Myles.

Ten of the angels filed into the common room, some sitting, others choosing to stand. I sat beside Zamira on the couch who seemed to be having trouble keeping it together. Idris’s death had affected her the most and I wondered briefly what sort of relationship they’d had.

Nakir stood at the front of the room before the fireplace, Natalia beside her. She hadn’t reacted as strongly as some to Idris’s sudden death but she did seem slightly on edge. “It’s clear we underestimated the sort of action Lucifer would take against us. It is also clear there is someone here we cannot trust. Perhaps more than one fellow. Our priority now, along with Myles, is to figure out who that is.” She paused to look around the room, her eyes lingering on me for an uncomfortable amount of time. “We all know what is at stake here and each of you have been trained, not only physically but mentally. Whoever has been operating under the radar all this time will not be able to hide much longer.”

“Perhaps we should have a guardian at both entrances to Ava’s room.” Natalia had spoken, her tone respectful. “I don’t doubt that this fellow who’s betrayed us may be a bit more aggressive now that their time is running out.”

“I agree. I volunteer to take the first watch.” Rainen stood from his armchair off to my right, nodding at me.

Zamira was next to speak, nodding softly at me before looking at Nakir. “I will join him.”

“Alright, it’s settled then. We’ll rotate every six hours.” Nakir nodded at the two of them. “In the meantime, each fellow in this house must see me and be tested by the Dagger of Certitude. I’d like to start with you Rainen seeing as you were the most recent to arrive. Zamira you may accompany Ava to her room. The rest of you I need to scan the contents of the kitchen and dining room to find out if there is anything left of the poison. Throw out any of the food that was made today. In the morning we shall reconvene and come up with a new course of action if the traitor has not been found.”

“Nakir...” The timid voice of one of the angels I hadn’t been introduced to yet spoke, a younger guy with sun streaked blond hair and an innocent demeanor. “Have we thought of the option that maybe Idris was the traitor? And Lucifer somehow found a way to delay the reaction of the poison until he was within our walls?”

Before Nakir had a chance to speak, Zamira did. Her tone was enraged and it almost seemed as if at any moment she would jump across the room to strangle this young angel. “How dare you. Idris was better than all of us and was nothing but loyal.”

“I didn’t mean to off-”

She cut him off, her tongue as lethal as her gaze. “Let those of us with more experience make the assumptions around here.”

"Zamira.” Nakir’s icy tone silenced the redhead, ending her tirade. “I will not tolerate this in my house. We must question any and every angle. That includes the tough question of whether or not Idris was involved. I’ve known him over a century so if anyone doubts he was capable of turning, it would be me. Still, we must question it.”

Zamira looked defeated, her jaw clenched. She didn’t look at the young angel nor Nakir.

“Perhaps you should take the first watch Oliver. I believe Zamira needs some time to compose herself.”

Oliver, the young blond angel, nodded. He seemed to be actively avoiding Zamira’s gaze for fear she might murder him in front of us all. “Of course.”

“Ullrick and Rainen, come with me. The rest of you get as much rest as you can in between shifts if you’ll be staying in your mortal form.”

The room slowly emptied and I didn’t realize I was being followed by Oliver until I was halfway up the stairs. I turned to look back at him and he offered me a half hearted smile, instantly tugging at my sympathetic heartstrings.

We had just reached the top of the stairs and started down the hallway when I heard familiar voices. Gavin and Natalia’s. I hadn’t noticed her go up the stairs. What could they be meeting about in his room? And when had he gotten back?

“Um...” I paused, turning to speak quietly to my new bodyguard. “Could I meet you at my room? I need to speak with my guardian alone.”

“Of course. Be sure to call if you need anything.”

I nodded gratefully and waited until he was further down the hall to approach the cracked door of Gavin’s room. Their voices were muffled but decipherable, loud enough for me to understand the conversation.

“She’s not ready to know yet. I can tell she already doesn’t trust anyone.”

“She trusts you. That’s all we need.” Natalia’s voice was certain, strong against Gavin’s more exasperated one.

“I’m not willing to risk everything on the chance that she might understand. I’m supposed to protect her.”

“Yes, well I can’t be with the person I love until then. Don’t you care? About us?”

Us? I’d been jealous of Natalia in the beginning but over time that fear had faded. Now it came back full force, almost pulling me away from the door. I didn’t know if I could handle anymore of this conversation but I needed to hear. Were they lovers?

“Of course I do...” Gavin paused, his voice softening. “I want everything the way it was as much as you do. But Ava would never understand. She’d think I betrayed her. Or even that I was in this for the wrong reasons.”

“She’s a smart girl. She can handle it.”

“I don’t want to hurt her Nat. I can’t.”

Except he already had.

I backed away from the door, my breath caught in my throat. Tears welled in my eyes as I hurried down the hall, hoping to put as much distance as I could between myself and this conversation.

Oliver stood outside my door as I approached and his eyes widened at my appearance.

I didn’t have the heart to acknowledge him seeing as I was trying to hold back a flood of tears. Instead I rushed past him into my room and closed the door. I was two seconds away from letting the waterworks flow before I realized I wasn’t alone.

When was I going to catch a break?


“Ava...Are you alright?”

Wiping away the tears that had escaped, I pushed away from the door. “What are you doing here?”

Olivia was seated on the side of my bed, legs crossed with her hands clasped over her knee. She resembled nothing of the state she’d been in when she arrived. She looked fresh faced, her olive skin flawless, black silky hair lying perfectly over her shoulders. The navy blue dress she wore fit her slim figure like a glove, almost looking as if it had been designed for her.

This was wonderful to see however the main question on my mind was: Why was she here if Carter had already left? And secondly, where had she been all day?

“I’m sorry I snuck into your room. I needed to speak with you and the angels kept me hidden I guess to avoid questions. They told me normally humans aren’t allowed to stay here and Nakir thought it best the newcomers didn’t find out.”

“I’m sorry. I would have visited you had I known.” Maybe. “Are you leaving?” I quickly berated myself for asking such a heartless question. I should have been asking how she was feeling.

Something passed behind her eyes. Perhaps hurt. “I am, yes. Which is why I wanted to speak with you before I did.”

I nodded, crossing my arms unconsciously, a defense mechanism I usually worked hard to avoid. “Of course.”

“I mostly wanted to say thank you and I’m sorry.”

Well that was unexpected.

“I’ve hurt you so much and I don’t expect you to forgive me but this experience made me realize how awful I was to you. I don’t want your forgiveness as I said but I hope you do accept the sincerity of my apology.”

I shuffled my feet, at a loss for words. The Olivia I was used to, terrible ill-doing Olivia, was gone and in her place was a kindhearted woman I didn’t recognize.

“You wont hear from me again and I’m not sure I’ll remember this conversation since Natalia told me my memory is going to be wiped.” The idea of a memory wipe seemed to make her nervous but she didn’t comment on it. “I feel a change though and I know I wont ever try to hurt you like that again. My feelings for Carter were always real, I just dealt with my jealousy in a childish way.” She stood, smoothing down the front of her dress, her heels giving her a few inches over me. “Natalia told me about what you have to do. I think you’re incredibly brave and I’ve already prayed more than I ever have in my life since I’ve been here that you’re successful.”

I shook her hand hesitantly then decided to just pull her in for a hug, almost unaware I’d even done it until we pulled apart. “Thank you.”

Olivia smiled lightly. “See you around.”

I felt strange as I watched her leave, wishing I had said more but taking comfort in the fact that she would probably be alright.

I hadn’t realized it but the moment I sat down on the bed a wave of fatigue hit me. This day had been so taxing but adrenaline had been pumping through my veins all evening so I hadn’t realized how tired I was.

I kicked off the sandals and laid down, pulling the spare pillow to my chest and locking my arms tight around it. Tomorrow I would face the world. Right now I needed rest.

I prayed I wouldn’t have anymore horrible dreams but I had a feeling they weren’t done with me yet...

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