The Guardian's Mark

Chapter 7

Nakir wasn’t surprised to see us when we arrived and I wasn’t surprised by the fact that she’d been expecting us. She was dressed to the nines in a beautiful flowing navy dress and I wondered briefly if she ever slept or wasn’t clothed as if going to a ball.

Olivia was still confused but seemed more awake as Carter helped her into the house. She was almost childlike in her confusion, so unlike the alpha persona she usually embodied.

“We’ll take her Carter. Thank you.” Natalia had come to join us in the main foyer and took Olivia’s arm.

Carter looked surprised she knew his name but reluctantly stepped back.

“Ava, come with me.” Natalia had spoken as she turned and guided a weak Olivia to the stairs, her tone firm but kind.

Gavin smiled reassuringly at me as I moved to follow her. Carter was watching me and seemed annoyed that he was being left alone with his nemesis and a foreign woman. I wanted to stay behind and drag him off to talk but I knew my priority now was to make sure Olivia was okay.

I rushed to catch up to Natalia and took Olivia’s other arm, helping her up the last of the steps. I could feel three pairs of eyes on our backs but kept my gaze forward. It was unnerving and I wondered if my hesitation to be near Olivia was obvious.

Natalia clearly had no problem playing the role of caretaker as she guided us into an empty guest room and busied herself making the newest house guest comfortable. She placed a wet washcloth across Olivia’s forehead moments after we laid her on the bed and came back with water which was hastily chugged down.

“Possession dramatically dehydrates its victim. Fortunately she was only possessed for a few hours.” Natalia sat down beside Olivia who had fallen asleep almost immediately, her face pale, skin cold and sweaty to the touch.

I kept my distance, standing beside the bed but avoiding touching it. I wasn’t sure if Natalia could sense my discomfort and I felt like a jerk for not being more caring toward Olivia’s condition but the past was a heavy weight on my shoulders. Some grudges weren’t so easy to let go.

“Are you okay?”

I’d been watching my enemy sleep and switched my gaze to Natalia, unsure of how to respond to her question. “I think so.” I felt numb which wasn’t a feeling I was accustomed to. I was usually in touch with my emotions but my mental response to this situation was to block out any.

Natalia spoke softly, careful not to disturb the newest visitor of the house. “I know it’s a lot and your mind is probably running a mile a minute. We’ll protect you at all costs. Our number one priority is ensuring your survival.”

She said it with such conviction that I wanted to believe her but I couldn’t. Who could I really trust? I felt...No, I knew I could trust Gavin. But if my previous guardian had turned on me, what’s to say the rest of them wouldn’t?

“I know. You’re right. It’s just overwhelming right now. They’re able to slip by so easily and I never see it coming.”

“We can still start training tomorrow if you’d like...” Her sentence had a dual meaning. If I decided to begin training, I would be deciding to take on the task I’d been given. Was I ready?

I looked down at Olivia again and felt a bewildering need to protect her from further harm, despite any hard feelings. “Alright, let’s do it.”

Natalia smiled, clearly satisfied by this answer. “Meet me in the courtyard at sunrise.”

I hardly slept that night, unable to lie still for more than five minutes. Each time I dozed off, a nightmare would invade my dreams and I’d wake up, my heart jumping out of my chest. At about four I decided to take a walk around the house, unable to lie in bed any longer. The long corridors were dark and the marble flooring created a chill in the air. I was glad I’d worn socks as I padded down the hallway, zipping up the gray sweatshirt Natalia had let me borrow. The moonlight was streaming in through the windows of the entrance foyer, casting a tranquil glow.

I descended the stairs slowly, enjoying the way the vines and the animated ceiling danced. The ceiling now reflected a night sky, black and littered with twinkling stars. I stood for a moment in the foyer and stared up at them, entranced by the beauty of such simple magic. Of course this sky would not hold the same amount of magic the real sky did but it came close.

I was satisfied with my stargazing after a few moments and headed for the hallway that led to the sunroom. I figured some fresh air was what I needed right then. The house was silent but in a peaceful way. Every wall felt comforting, every shadow had good intentions, and the moonlight was special in its own calming way.

I arrived at the the double doors to the sunroom and as I reached for the handle, I realized I wasn’t alone. A certain dark haired man was already seated in the room, facing the yard, his back to the door. I turned the handle and entered, causing him to sit up and rotate to look back at me.

“Hey.” Carter relaxed once he realized it was me, leaning back in the chair once again. His eyes followed me as I crossed the floor and sat in the chair beside him.

“Hey,” I said gently. I crossed my legs but forced my arms to stay uncrossed, avoiding any hostile body language.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

I sighed, relieving some of the tension in my body. “Not really. And from the looks of it, neither could you.”

Carter looked tired, dark bags under his eyes but his hair still perfectly coiffed. He was wearing what I assumed was a pair of borrowed sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Possibly Gavin’s although I had a hard time seeing Carter accept anything from his nemesis.

We sat in silence for a moment, a tension-filled silence that caused my muscles to tighten up again in anticipation of the upcoming conversation. I wasn’t a fan of confrontation but when I felt something was wrong, I needed to speak on it lest it bother me forever. “So I wanted to talk to you about something...”

“Oh really...” He looked over at me, raising a brow.

“Yes. About everything that’s going on and the way you treated Gavin.” My tone sounded unintentionally berating.

His response to Gavin’s name was immediate. His shoulders tensed and his eyes narrowed. “What about him.”

“To start off, you had no right to act the way you did. All he’s done is help me and now you, yet you acted as if he’s done something to hurt you.”

“It’s not me he’s hurt. It’s you he’s going to hurt. I don’t trust him and I don’t trust what’s going on.”

I bit back the tongue lashing I wanted to release on him and instead forced myself to respond calmly. “And you lying to me means that you’re the more trustworthy one?”

“I lied to protect you.” His eyes danced with intense emotions as he leaned forward and placed a hand on his thigh. “Can’t you see that? I wanted to figure out what was going on before I told you. I thought I had hallucinated the entire thing. That night was one of the scariest of my life. I thought you were going to die and I felt useless.”

My heart swelled for Carter despite my anger toward him. He really did mean well, he just didn’t know how to show it. And as much as I wanted to ignore it to satisfy my own guilty conscience, he cared.

“When Gavin showed up, I was stunned. I thought for sure I was seeing things. He healed you right in front of me like it was nothing. And then he told me I needed to watch out for you. So when you disappeared and wouldn’t answer my calls, I was freaked. I didn’t know what to think and I was praying to God nothing had happened.”

I felt my defenses going down, as usual unable to stay angry with him when he was so honest. “I’m sorry you were worried. Everything happened so fast and I wasn’t sure who to tell or whether I should even say anything.”

“And your first instinct told you not to trust me?”

“It’s not that I thought I couldn’t trust you. I was afraid to get you involved.”

“I’ve been involved since day one.”

“And I was supposed to know this how?”

He sat back and blew out a breath. “It doesn’t matter whether or not you thought I knew. What matters is that you didn’t think to confide in me. After everything we’ve been through. I was there for you at the hospital. I’ve been there.”

“I’m sorry. I just wanted to figure out what was going on before I involved anyone-”

“No, you chose to trust Gavin over me. I’m not blind. You’re not fooling anyone with this crush you have on him. He’s only here to protect you and then he’s gone. And who knows if he’s even who he says he is. I, for one, don’t buy his story for a minute.”

I narrowed my brow at him. “Did you only come here to criticize me?” Every single one of his words had stung just as harshly as the last and it took every ounce of self-control I had to keep from crying. Carter knew just what to do to make me smile and just what to say to make me miserable. I hated the power he held over my emotions.

“No, I came to protect you from yourself since clearly you’re too blind to see that he’s playing you and you’re letting him.”

That was it. I’d had enough. This conversation was clearly only making things worse between us. He really knew how to be cruel when he wanted to be. “Has it ever occurred to you that maybe his intentions are pure? You see the world so darkly sometimes it’s a wonder you don’t choke on your own negativity.” I stood from my chair, continuing to speak quickly before he could interrupt. “It was my choice to trust Gavin and I didn’t ask you to come save me. I can handle myself. As soon as Olivia is well enough you should go.” I turned from Carter’s shocked expression and stormed back into the house, shaking with fury.

How dare he lecture me on trusting people when his biggest flaw was loyalty.

My blood was boiling as I headed back to the second floor, deciding I needed a nice warm shower to calm me down. Anger was not an emotional state I welcomed and I wanted it gone as soon as possible. I had to stop letting Carter affect me like this, especially when he didn’t care about what he put me through as long as his point was proven. I was done being his emotional doormat.

A while later I was freshly showered and had time to kill so I headed for the library I’d spotted the first time I’d come to the house, curious as to what books would be on an angel’s reading list. The library was on the first floor, near the entrance to the sunroom. I hoped Carter was already back in his room and had vacated that area so I could avoid a second hostile encounter.

I walked as quickly and quietly as possible down the hallway to the library, slipping into the room and shutting the door quietly. The light was already on and I didn’t realize I wasn’t alone until I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin. Twice in one morning? What were the chances?

“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be in here.”

Gavin smiled, seated on the edge of the desk at the far end of the room. He was wearing a pair of black jogger pants and a thin gray t-shirt, the casual look working well for him. He closed the book he’d been reading, eyes focused on me. “Hiding from someone?”

I smiled, shrugging my shoulders. “Is it that obvious?”

“The whole sneaky slip into the room might have given you away.”

I decided to make my way over to him, curious about what he was reading. “Well, I think I was successful so forget you saw that.”

Gavin’s relaxed posture didn’t change as I closed in, his eyes never wavering. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“Good. So what are you reading?” I reached out to take the book from him, an electricity passing between us when our fingers touched.

“Flamethrowers. A mixture of history and art but I like it for the love story. It’s a twisted romance.”

“Hmph...” I pretended to read the summary on the back, distracted by how close I hadn’t realized I was to him until this moment. It hadn’t even been a full twelve hours but I wanted his hands on me again. “Sounds interesting. Doesn’t seem like your typical angel reading.”

“I was once a human and I loved to read.”

I was curious about his life before being a guardian but I wasn’t sure of how much he would let me in. I also didn’t want to waste another minute talking when memories of our intimacy only hours ago were running through my mind. “Would you tell me about your life before if I asked?”

He lightly took the book from my hands. “I would. However I’d rather tell you about that another time.”

“Alright...” I watched him set the book down on the desk, his attention never leaving me. If I wasn’t mistaken, lust swam in his eyes, a sensation I hadn’t known he was capable of. He was an angel. Were they even allowed to entertain such feelings?

“I have to be honest. It’s selfish with all that’s happened but all I’ve been able to think about since we got here is what was interrupted before Carter showed up at my door.” He reached up to cup my face with his hand, his palm warm to the touch.

I felt a shiver run through my body and down to my toes, giddy by what he’d just told me. “That’s all I’ve been thinking about too.” I reached up to take hold of his arm, praying he wouldn’t let go.

“I don’t know what it is about you...You’re different. I know I shouldn’t but I almost don’t even care.”

I knew exactly what he meant because I felt it too. I hadn’t had feelings this strong about someone in a while and I wasn’t sure I even wanted to. This kind of infatuation was borderline unhealthy, not to mention ridiculous since any day now he would be nothing but a memory.

I held his gaze, gripping his arm as if a slight shift would send him recoiling from me. “It’s okay to go for what you want if it feels right. This feels right to me...” I trailed off, waiting for his reaction.

His green eyes were a pool of emotions. It was almost hard to look directly at them. And yet they pulled me in, unwavering in their hold and control over me. “If you knew more about me, you wouldn’t feel as you do now.”

“If anyone doesn’t have the right to judge, it’s me. I like you. That’s all you need to know right now and all I need to know is that you like me back.”

“Like is putting it lightly...”

My cheeks fired up at those words, giving away the effect they had on me. Like was definitely putting it lightly but I wasn’t ready to be that vulnerable yet.

Gavin pulled me closer, my waist settling between his spread legs. He paused just centimeters away, sliding his hand back into my hair, his grip much more aggressive than the gentle romantic touch I’d come to expect. He paused only a moment longer before pressing his lips to mine, the spark instantaneous.

I couldn’t tell if the connection was just as good or better than the first time. Kissing him came with a sensation I’d never experienced before. It was terrifying and amazing all at once. It made me want to run away yet tear his clothes off. Aggressive and timid at the same time? Was that possible?

His other hand pulled me close, his arm wrapping around my waist in a way that would make it next to impossible to escape. He slowly turned us until I was the one backed up against the desk and lifted me up, hands under my thighs as he gently sat me down atop it.

I opened my legs, allowing him to move his waist in to fill the void. I then wrapped both arms around his neck as our lips danced passionately, tongues dipping in and out.

Gavin wasn’t holding back this time, perhaps because of the exclusivity of our make-out spot or perhaps because his comfort with me was growing. His hands danced across every inch of my body, sliding up under my shirt to roughly caress my bare lower back before maneuvering their way to the front.

I clenched my abs when his fingers grazed a little closer to my waistband than expected and accidentally let out a giggle.

He smiled against my lips, moving to kiss my cheek and then my neck. “What’s so funny?”

I bit my lip, his kisses distracting and sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. “This. It’s also just laugher at how much-” I inhaled deeply, his tongue igniting every nerve in my neck. “Why are you so good at that...” My eyes would have rolled into the back of my head if they hadn’t already been closed.

Gavin moved back to my lips and delivered a deep kiss, his hands resting on my thighs. “Maybe you just bring it out of me.”

“You’re welcome for the inspiration then.” The sexual ambiance was sizzling. I wanted more but I also knew Natalia would be expecting me for training soon and I wasn’t too fond of the idea of her search party walking in on us.

He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, a secret something in his eyes. “I think you might be my kryptonite.”

I smiled up at him. “So I guess that makes me Lois Lane and you my Clark Kent.”

Gavin returned the smile lightly but it seemed as if he was already beginning to get lost in his thoughts.

“Or your Superman...”

I moved to kiss him gently, my fingers playing with the scruff on the back of his neck. When I pulled back he seemed distracted. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking about how selfish I’m being. You have no clue of the gravity of the situation and I’m taking advantage of that.”

“I appreciate the concern but you don’t have to take the blame. I know what I’m doing.”

It was clear in his facial expression that his guilt had returned, a constant battle he might never win. “You think you do but you don’t. The consequences for what we’re doing aren’t taken lightly.”

“I don’t understand how something like this can be considered so bad.”

Gavin’s gaze was earnest and concerned. “Because that’s how people die and Lucifer wins. It’s a distraction. And that’s all he needs. To find a loophole in our defenses and strike.”

“So what would be the punishment if we were caught?”

He hesitated, looking down for a moment before returning his gaze to my eyes. “For some it’s just been a demoting in the ranks. For others you lose your right to be a guardian. Once, a fellow was sent to hell.”

My heart jumped at his last statement, worry for him doubling over. “How could it have been so bad that they were sent to hell?”

“It was centuries ago but the human was possessed by a malevolent spirit and the fellow knew that she had already died yet he couldn’t let her go. So he tried to hide her until he could figure out how to bring her spirit back. Things went wrong and the demon ended up killing innocent people before he was forced to kill her himself.”

I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say. After a story like that, how could I not understand his guilt?

Gavin moved his hand to my hip, tracing circles on the exposed skin. “As much as I want to give in and forget the rules, I can’t be distracted. What happened with Olivia is a perfect example.”

“That wasn’t even your fault.”

“I would have sensed them had I not been distracted. Things would have gone differently. I put you in harm’s way by neglecting the one responsibility I have. And that’s keeping you safe.”

I wanted to argue but I knew he was right. Nevertheless it still hurt to hear our romantic encounters referred to as a distraction. I knew they were but they meant more than that. “Even if that’s true, it doesn’t mean you’re not doing an amazing job of protecting me.” It sounded like elementary commentary as it came out of my mouth but I hoped he took the essential meaning from it.

“Maybe...” He leaned down to kiss my forehead softly before sighing. “Natalia will be expecting you soon. We should get out of here before the search party comes looking.”

“Funny you say that. I was thinking the same thing...”

Natalia had a gracious kind personality but her teaching methods were much harsher. It was clear why she was the teacher. If a move wasn’t perfect, she’d make me do it until it was. The warm up alone was a feat. Three miles of running and countless weight lifting exercises. I was already a runner but my fitness level was nowhere near what she expected. I needed to be a soldier so it made sense but that didn’t mean it wasn’t exhausting. I was weak and shaky by the time we’d begun the actual training which was mostly martial arts mixed with self defense.

“Your form is good but your motivation is lacking. I know it’s hard to simulate an actual attack but tomorrow try to imagine yourself more in the moment. We’re done for today though. Good job.”

I was so exhausted her words barely registered but I managed to nod and get out a “Thank you.”

Natalia smiled. “Why don’t you go shower and relax in the jacuzzi? I promise it will be the best remedy for your tense muscles.”

I nodded again, my legs wobbly as we headed for the house. “That sounds wonderful right now.” However I intended to shower and nap.

The walk to my room proved uneventful which was worrisome. I had hoped to see Carter on the way, my guilty conscience nagging at me about how I’d treated him only hours earlier. I’d meant what I said at the time though now I was beginning to feel the pangs of regret. I wanted him gone because I was frustrated but also worried. That was hardly a good reason for being rude. He was overprotective as it was and tended to act out when feeling threatened. I knew this but I’d been so caught up in defending Gavin that I hadn’t stopped to put myself in Carter’s shoes. I wanted to make amends now or at least make sure he didn’t hate me.

My shower was quick because I was more than ready for a nap but as soon as my head hit the pillow there was a knock on the door.

I dragged myself out of the bed and made my way to the door, groggy and slightly annoyed. As soon as it was open I snapped out of my haze.

Gavin smirked, looking scrumptious in faded jeans and a black V-neck. He really knew how to rock simple. “You look exhausted.”

I leaned into the door, my legs feeling unstable. “I feel like a million bucks.”

“You look it. I came to see if you were hungry but I think I interrupted a nap.”

Nope! Not sleepy when you’re around. “I could eat right now. Sleep can wait.”

“Alright then. Everyone else already had dinner so I set something up.”

Just when I thought he couldn’t do any better, he sets up a dinner just for me. I was exhausted but I was also starving so his offer was more than welcome. “Thank you. Let me grab my sandals and we’ll go.”

The house was peaceful and quiet as we walked through it however I did have to awkwardly avoid eye contact with Cassiel when we passed him. I could tell Gavin sensed my discomfort but he didn’t speak on it.

I spotted Olivia with Natalia in the dining room talking quietly over empty plates and considered going to ask how she was doing before deciding against it. If she was still here though that meant Carter was too. Last thing I wanted was a repeat of the fiasco at Gavin’s place so I heaved a silent sigh of relief when we passed the sun room, no sign of Carter, and started up a winding set of stairs at the far side of the house.

“I thought we were going outside?” I said, confused as we climbed.

“We are.”

My legs wanted to give way with each step but I managed to pull it together and make it to the top of the seemingly never-ending staircase. A door greeted us at the top and as soon as I stepped through it once again I wished I’d brought my camera.

We were on the roof, so high up I could see out miles over the tops of the trees in the forest. To the left a white table with two chairs had been set up, dressed with a table cloth and candle light, a fresh meal sending it’s scent our way. It was all over the top romantic, a nice escape from the perilous reality I now lived in.

“Wow.” I walked to the edge, placing my hands on the waist high wall. I took a moment to appreciate the view before turning my eyes upward. The stars glittered against the black sky as if winking down at us...or showing off their beauty. It was a breathtaking sight, one that filled me with a sense of calm.

“The sun room is nice but this view can’t be beat.” Gavin had walked up behind me, so quiet I hadn’t heard him.

“It’s amazing. I could spend hours up here.”

“I sometimes do.” His breath was hot near my ear, sending an involuntary shiver through me.

I slowly turned around, my heart racing as we came face to face, only inches from one another. We’d kissed so recently however each time felt like the first, as incredibly cheesy as that sounded. I leaned back against the wall and forced my hands to stay put at my sides, fighting the urge to reach up and grab a fistful of his hair.

Gavin had just reached up to caress my face when he paused and looked up over my head. His entire body stiffened and for a moment I was confused.


A whooshing sound greeted us, a large gust of wind rushing past and whipping about my hair. I pivoted and looked out over the wall, my eyes widening at the sight before me. It was a man-no angel, and he had been flying straight for us. His massive white wings had faltered though and instead he’d taken a dive, soaring at an angle before crashing into the gravel driveway and skidding forward a few feet. He was covered in blood and from the looks of it, some not his own.

“Stay inside the house,” was all Gavin got out before rushing toward the door that led back inside.

I hesitated for about a millisecond before deciding to follow him, hoping he wouldn’t be too angry when I ignored his request.

He was much quicker than me, taking long inhumanely fast strides down the stairs and through the hallways. By the time I reached the front door he was already outside, Nakir at his side as he knelt down before the newcomer. Natalia and Elyon were rushing out the door just moments after, coming to stand beside me.

“It’s Idris,” Elyon said, his tone concerned. “I thought he was supposed to be guarding-”

“Ava, you should probably go inside.” Natalia was quick to cut Elyon off, her voice tense as if the rest of his sentence was too alarming to be spoken aloud.

I looked over at her. “Why? He’s an angel. He wouldn’t hurt me.” And from the looks of it, he couldn’t even if he wanted to. His wings were bloodied and stripped of feathers in chunks as if they had been clawed at. Cuts marked his body, one massive gash along his side that bled heavily. Even his shaved head was covered in scratches, some probably from the crash landing. He was on his knees, barely able to sit up as he gripped Gavin’s arm for support. Gavin had kneeled beside him and was listening intently as the angel spoke.

“It was an ambush,” Idris said, his breathing even but his deep voice unsteady. “They had cursed weapons. I don’t know how they came across so many but Lucifer must have found a more efficient way to make them.”

The mention of Lucifer sent a chill through me. I hated the fear even his name brought me but it was an automatic reaction.

“What of the boy Idris? What happened to him? Is he alright?” Nakir had spoken, a sense of urgency in her voice.

Idris lowered his head in shame and sorrow, clearly upset by her question. “They took him. They took them both. Myles was brave despite his confusion but we were outnumbered too heavily.”

My heart lurched, a panic rising in me.

Myles. My brother. They had taken my brother. Who had taken him? Demons?

I rushed forward, dropping to my knees before the massive angel, my heart hammering so hard I could barely think straight. “Who took my brother?”

“Ava-” Gavin started.

I swiftly cut him off, throwing my guardian a stern glance. “No, Gavin. If he means my brother, I have to know.”

Idris raised his head enough to meet my eyes, his exhaustion not from physical pain but from the disappointment he obviously felt for being unable to protect his guarded. “I’m sorry, Ava. I fought as hard as I could but one angel against nearly a hundred malevolent spirits is not anywhere close to a fair match.”

My heart hurt so badly I thought I might have a heart attack. There was a burning behind my eyes as tears formed but I refused to let them fall. “Where did they take him?”

“I believe to a lair he has in Harlem. I heard one of them mention that their master would be waiting there.”

I opened my mouth to speak again but this time Nakir stopped me, firm but understanding. “Ava, your brother and his girlfriend aren’t in any immediate danger. If they were, they would have been killed on the spot. Lucifer wants to use them to lure you but he wont hurt them. Right now we need to get Idris inside to heal and then figure out what the best course of action is.”

I wanted to argue with her but she had been nothing but kind to me and I respected her. She was clearly wise and knew how to handle situations such as this. I nodded and stood as Gavin helped Idris to his feet. Stepping aside, I watched anxiously as Gavin walked him into the house.

If demons could do that to an angel, how safe was my brother really?

Elyon had followed beside Nakir but Natalia waited at the entrance for me, concern etched into her eyes. “Don’t worry Ava. We’ll get him back. Both of them.”

I wanted so badly to believe her but worry and dread had consumed me. I wouldn’t be able to relax until I saw him again and could wrap my arms around him. My brother meant more to me than my own life and I would do anything to save him.

My legs felt like jelly as I walked inside beside Natalia, barely aware of what was going on around me. I was only partially aware of Natalia leading me to the large common room where Gavin, Elyon, and Cassiel stood conversing. The energy in the room was tense but their voices were calm, a talent I wished I possessed. I felt that if I spoke I would lose it and become hysterical. I needed to remain poised and find out what the plan was going to be.

“Have a seat. You look pale.” Natalia steered me toward the nearest white tufted couch and sat me down. “Do you need anything? Water?”

I shook my head. “I’m fine.” I wasn’t but water wasn’t going to help. I needed answers.

“What we need to do is bring everyone in that could be a target,” Gavin was saying. “If they got to Myles we don’t know how long until they attack again. The next time could be fatal.”

“But why go after someone else if they’ve already got the person most important to her?” Cassiel’s tone was neutral as usual, void of any emotion. He was standing with his arms at his sides, relaxed compared to Elyon’s more tense stance. It seemed as if nothing short of an atomic bomb would rattle him. “Bringing everyone in could be chaos. We also don’t want to inform them of our presence if it is unnecessary, even if they later will be made to forget.”

Made to forget? They could erase memories? I knew they were powerful but this information was shocking and I wasn’t quite sure why. They were angels so of course they had unlimited abilities.

Natalia stood beside me protectively, listening intently to the conversation. I was grateful for her presence at a time like this. I felt utterly alone being a human outnumbered by angels in this house and essentially powerless.

“Regardless, we can’t make the mistake of leaving that up to chance.” Elyon had spoken, siding with Gavin to my relief. “If there’s even the slightest possibility that they could be in danger, we need to take them out of the equation. I have no doubt Lucifer is ready to strike again and soon.”

“Bringing them in could set off a chain reaction. What if they aren’t in danger and this puts them in danger? That could be just what he’s expecting us to do.” Cassiel was still speaking in a calm tone but there was an undercurrent of annoyance. “We have to anticipate his every move. This would bring too much attention.”

“Our first priority is the safety of our guarded. We cannot gamble with innocent lives.”

I felt affection swell in my chest for Gavin. He was fighting for what was the most important to me. The lives of my family and friends were in danger and Cassiel seemed not to care. For an angel, he was surprisingly heartless.

“I’m sorry to say this but Cassiel is right. We cannot involve any of the mortals until we know more about Lucifer’s plans.” Nakir had entered the room, her footsteps silent but the ever present powerful aura radiating from her. She didn’t glance at me but moved to the center of the room. “Unnecessarily involving these people would do more harm than good. And as Cassiel said, that could be exactly what Lucifer wants us to do. Massive movement like this could alert our enemies. We need to strengthen our defenses and make sure we are prepared if there is another attack. Two guardians to each guarded.”

I found myself growing angry with Nakir. The plan did make sense however I was upset that she seemed not to care as much as I wished she would for the safety of my loved ones. The only reason they were even in danger was because of me and now I had to add their safety to my worries. If anything happened I would never be able to forgive myself, regardless of whose fault it was.

“We also need to speed up Ava’s preparations. Natalia, skip any unnecessary basic training. She needs to be ready in one week.”

One week? I only had one week to train to defend myself against demons? Was she insane?

All eyes were on me now except Natalia who spoke up next. “Nakir, she needs more time. There’s no way I can have her ready with no former training. She’d be slaughtered within seconds if they cornered her.”

As I almost had been in that alley only days ago. The memory of that moment came rushing to the front of my mind, the foul smell of the demon possessed man something I could never forget. I wanted to feel capable given another situation like that were to arise. How could I ever be properly prepared with only a week’s time?

Nakir’s voice was firm but kind. It was clear she would have the last word despite anyone’s protests. “Lesser men have done much more and survived. We don’t have the luxury of time Natalia. If we have any hope of beating Lucifer, we must act quickly. I know she’s up for the task. She wouldn’t have been chosen if she weren’t.”

Natalia looked as if she wanted to argue further but held her tongue, looking down at me.

I felt as though they were all waiting for me to speak. I avoided Gavin’s gaze, knowing one exchanged glance with him would give away the emotional turmoil I was going through. Instead I focused on Nakir, straightening my posture. “Finding my brother is the most important thing to me right now. I’ll do whatever it takes to save him.” And I meant it.

“Your brother is lucky to have you.” Nakir’s eyes twinkled at me for a moment before she turned to the men. “Elyon, I need you to contact the guardians and inform them of what has happened. Cassiel, I need you to go see Zamira. And Gavin, you will need to teach Ava that which Natalia cannot. In the meantime, I’d like to speak with you privately.”

A fog had clouded my brain, leaving me barely aware as everyone but Natalia left the room. My entire body felt numb. I wasn’t sure if I was going to collapse or not but I didn’t trust myself with standing. I felt a hand on my shoulder and realized Natalia had leaned down to speak to me.

“Ava....Ava, let’s get you upstairs. You need rest. You’ve had a long taxing day.”

I agreed with her however I couldn’t find the words. I nodded mutely instead and let her help me from the couch, steering me toward the main foyer stairs.

We passed Cassiel on the way, pulling on a jacket as he walked. He merely nodded at us, his expression stoic.

I was so numb I wasn’t bothered in the slightest by this interaction. Normally I would have been irked but each step was heavier than the last as Natalia led me to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I felt myself relax, however the tears decided now was their chance to make a break for it.

Natalia looked torn, seating herself on the bed beside me. “I know we’ve been told to keep everyone where they are for the moment but I could speak with Nakir for you. Perhaps we could at least bring a few of family members here.”

I shook my head, taking a moment to find my voice. “No...”

“Do you want me to call anyone?”

I shook my head again, silent tears running down my cheeks.

“Alright, I’ll leave you be. Please let me know if you need anything.” She moved to stand and was at the door before she stopped and turned back to look at me, her beautiful blue eyes full of empathy. “Your brother will be fine. The best thing you can do for him now is stay strong and work hard in your training.”

I didn’t respond, too numb to really listen to her words. Seconds later the door shut softly behind her and I was left in the darkness of the room, the moon blazing through the drawn curtains. There was the hoot of an owl outside, a soft breeze rustling the curtains. I wasn’t sure how long it was but I was asleep before I knew it, dreaming of being reunited with my brother. And Gavin....always Gavin....

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