The Guardian's Mark

Chapter 9

Pale and lifeless, Myles was lying on the floor. His eyes were open in shock as if he hadn’t seen it coming. Above him stood a shadowed figure. The man’s back was to me, his fists clenched. We were in a dark room with stone floors, the moonlight casting a glow over the scene before me. The room was empty save for the three of us.

The terror at seeing my freshly deceased brother was stronger than the curiosity at who this stranger was. I dropped to my knees, guilt and despair racking my body and causing me to choke on the scream I so desperately wanted to release.

I could have saved him. I knew deep down that I had the power to save him and I hadn’t. I’d been a coward.

“Stand up, Ava.”

The voice was unrecognizable. It was ominous and wicked, immediately filling me with fear. The instinct to run was overwhelming but my body was heavy. My limbs moved of their own accord and in a moment I was standing, arms immobile at my sides.

“I’ve been anxious to meet you. The girl, blessed by Him, protected by one of the greatest guardians to ever live. And yet, you are so much less than what I imagined.”

The anger was growing in my chest, eager to explode but my body was frozen. I no longer had control over it, only my mouth and the words that came out of it. “I could say the same for you.”

His head lifted, back still to me. “It’s not wise to poke the lion. However I do find your determination entertaining.” He paused, straightening his spine and rolling his shoulders back. “We will meet again Ava.”

His statement sent a shiver through me as I struggled to break through his psychic hold on me. He began to turn, slowly rotating until he was facing me.

I sucked in a breath, horrified. “No.”

Carter smirked at me, his eyes a demonic red, teeth sharpened to a point. “I’ll see you soon

Hands gripped my arms, shaking me roughly. I was in a daze, surrounded by darkness and afraid of the confusion. I was choking, choking on the air I needed to breath.

“Ava! Ava, wake up!”

The voice was uneasy and gruff but familiar. It took me a moment to fight the haze, clawing my way through to consciousness. My eyes flew open, a gasp erupting from my throat followed by a gut wrenching cry. My eyes met a familiar pair of green ones and it took me a moment to identify them as Gavin’s.

I rapidly pulled my arms from his grip and threw them around his neck, pressing my face into his shoulder. My body shivered as the tears came, weak from the tossing I’d probably done in my sleep. “He killed him. He killed my brother.”

Gavin’s arms were wrapped around me, a hand rubbing calming circles on my back. “It was a dream, Ava. Breathe. None of it was real.”

“But I-I saw him. Myles. He was dead. Lucifer-”

“He tricked you. He connected with you through your dreams. Everything you saw was what he created.”

“It felt so real.” My words were barely audible between the deep breaths I was taking and I was pretty sure my tears had soaked through his shirt. I didn’t care though. I was just so happy to have him to hold on to.

“It wasn’t. Now focus on your breathing. Control it.” His voice was firm, hand still rubbing circles on my lower back.

My breathing immediately began to slow, that familiar warmth crawling out from his fingers and spreading through my body. One by one, my muscles began to relax, uncoiling and filling me with relief. I loosened my grip, slowly pulling my arms apart and sitting back, one hand resting on his shoulder and the other on his forearm.

“That’s it. Take a deep breath.”

Obeying his instruction, I inhaled deeply then released the breath, my eyes locking with his. It was then that I remembered what I’d learned only hours ago.

That he was in love with Natalia, not me.

My body tensed slightly again but the feelings of despair and heavy sorrow had dissipated.


I nodded, afraid to speak for fear my voice would give away too much.

Despite it being some odd hour of the morning, Gavin looked fresh faced and his hair was put together unlike the bedhead I was probably sporting. Had he slept?

“I heard you crying out and when I got here Oliver had been trying to wake you. You were tossing and turning. I think somehow Lucifer was able to keep you in that dream state. If it happens again, you can fight him out.”


“The same way you would fight a bad thought. Think of something good and pure. Don’t listen to the evil. And concentrate on filling the dream with light. Your pendant...” He reached up to gently flip over the beautiful sky blue pendant I hadn’t taken off since I’d received it. “Concentrate on it. It will send out the light, cancelling out the darkness. I didn’t tell you how to use it before because I thought it would be enough of a barrier. I’m sorry I made that mistake.”

I nodded, suddenly all too aware that I was still wearing the tight black dress from dinner and his hand was now resting on my thigh. I quickly scooted back, moving my legs to the side in order to slide out from under his hand. “It’s alright. I’m glad I know what he’s capable of.”

Gavin seemed to notice but didn’t comment, placing his hand on the bed. “I guess it is good to know. I stopped by earlier but you were sleeping. There’s been some news about your brother.”

“What? What news?”

“He was spotted in upper Manhattan. We’ve already sent a team for him.”

“What? And you didn’t think this was important enough to wake me earlier?”

He had a response at the ready, undeterred by my frustration. “I didn’t want to stress you out. You’ve barely been sleeping as it is. There’s nothing you can do until we hear from Rainen-”

“I could be there for him. That’s what I could do. What’s the point of all this training if you keep me locked away in this house?” I swung my legs over the bed and stood, separating myself as much as I could from him. Just as he couldn’t afford any distractions, neither could I.

“Ava, there’s no reason to send you when our fellows are completely capable.” He rotated to face me, keeping his seat on the edge of the bed.

“There’s a traitor here!” I didn’t know when I’d begun to pace, my face flaming up, but I was losing my patience with his nonchalant attitude.

“They were all tested by the sword. The ones that haven’t are here.”

“And how do we know this sword is foolproof?”

“Because it was created by God himself and he has never been wrong before.”

Well, he had me there.

I stopped my pacing and faced my guardian, quieting the fluttering of my heart when my eyes met his emerald ones. “Regardless, I want-No, I need to know where my brother is.”

Gavin stood, sighing. “I can’t tell you that.”

“What? I thought you weren’t allowed to lie to me?”

“You’re right. I can’t lie. But I can omit for your safety.”

He wasn’t going to budge and neither was I. This stand off was going to last a while if I didn’t think of something.

“Fine, I’ll ask Nakir.”

“She isn’t here. She went to visit another guardian.”

“She left? At a time like this?” I hated to sound so self-centered but what could have been more important than the brother of the girl everyone thought would save the world?

“Your brother will be safe Ava. Most of the fellows have been around for centuries. If anyone should be worried, it’s Lucifer.”

“No, if anyone should be worried it’s me. My brother has been taken by the devil and I can’t trust anyone. I have to go-”

Gavin stepped forward. “It’s not safe for you out there. You can’t leave the house.”

I straightened my spine, puffing up my chest. “Are you holding me hostage then? Do I not have free will?”

He faltered. “You do. But-”

“I want to be alone right now.”

He looked unsure of what to do. “Ava...”

“Now, Gavin.”

“Alright. Just...let Oliver know if you need anything.” He seemed as if he wanted to say more but didn’t, exiting the room.

I heaved a sigh, unsure of whether to cry or scream. Perhaps both?

Pacing the room, it took me a moment to realize I needed air. I couldn’t stay cooped up in here. Zamira stood just outside on the balcony but thankfully the door was closed. I’d only caught a peek of her through the curtains, surveying the large yard before her as the wind whipped about her fiery red hair. I wanted to go outside but I didn’t quite feel comfortable around her so Oliver was my best bet. The front of the house was probably empty save for a few of the fellows around the edge of the property. Oliver was kind so it would be easier for me to persuade him to give me some space.

Taking a few deep breaths and raking my hands through my hair, I pulled open the door and smiled gently at the boyish face that greeted me. “Hi Oliver.”

“Hello Ava.” His hands were clasped in front of him in true security guard fashion and for the first time I noticed how young he was. Seventeen, maybe eighteen, tall and lanky with his floppy blond waves pushed back out of his face. The white collared shirt and pants he wore painted him in such a light of innocence I almost felt guilty trying to deceive him.

“I need to get some fresh air so I’ll be back in a little bit if anyone asks.”

“Are you sure you don’t want any company?”

His gentle tone almost broke my heart but I continued to smile softly at him. “I’m alright. Thank you.” I started to walk away then stopped, turning back. “Oliver. How old were you when you...”

His soft grey eyes were friendly and understanding. “I was sixteen Miss.”

Cue tugging on my heartstrings. “And did you become a guardian right away?”

“I did. There was nothing I wanted more.”

“You’re better than me.” Sixteen and his life had been stolen from him. He was basically a child and now risked his life, or afterlife, to protect others.

The corners of his mouth lifted. “If I were better than you, our roles would be reversed.”

His words struck a chord with me, so much so I was left speechless. I paused then smiled lightly. “Thanks.”

The outside air turned out to be just what I needed. Cool with a light breeze. I almost wished I’d brought a sweater, the wind sending a chill through me.

The only angels I saw were far over to the corner edge of the property, two of them and lost in conversation. I was sure there were twenty in total from the dinner but they were probably concealed by the trees or...some sort of angel invisibility magic.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I stepped out onto the gravel, the rocks bumpy beneath the soles of my sandals. The wind whipped past me, rustling my hair. I wasn’t sure what time it was but the sky was still black so it had to be fairly late, maybe even after midnight.

The gravel path leading to the gate seemed much longer than it had when we’d arrived and I suddenly felt the claustrophobia kicking in again. I missed the city. The lights, the people, even the chaos. Maybe a walk around the neighborhood would help. There wasn’t much that could happen with so many guardians around...unless of course one of them was the traitor.

My walk was slow as I approached the gate, enjoying the breeze and sound of the birds in the trees. When there were cheerful birds around, nothing could go wrong, right?


I was nearing the gate, distracted by my thoughts, when I heard a whooshing sound and looked up; realizing the gust of wind that had blown my hair about had come from above. Before I had time to react, Cassiel was landing just in front of me, the power shaking the ground, his massive wings outstretched. The ringing in my ears was immediate, the force of his presence knocking me back a few feet. I stumbled to regain my footing, pressing my hands to my ringing ears as my face wrinkled in frustration.

“You cannot leave the grounds. Turn back now.”

Unbeknownst to him, I’d about reached my limit when it came to patience. The anger that had been sizzling inside me came boiling up, slowly spreading a hot fire through me. Instead of giving in to the affect an angel’s presence had on me, I took a deep breath and forced the pressure on my head away. I wasn’t sure what words were going to come out but they were not going to be pleasant.

“I am so sick of everyone trying to control me! ENOUGH!” The last word came out in a fury, my hands dropping from my ears as I directed my anger at Cassiel.

Cassiel had no time to react, his eyes widening as a gust of blue energy came rushing at him, lifting him up off his feet and sending him flying backward. He landed on his back, skidding a ways over the rocks before stopping.

My breathing had slowed drastically as the shock at what I’d done immobilized me. I released the fists I’d put my hands in, watching as Cassiel slowly rose to one knee.

How on Earth had I done that?

Gavin came rushing past me and knelt beside Cassiel, placing his hand on the fellow’s shoulder. “You alright?”

“I’m fine.” He stood slowly, his gaze moving from the ground to me. “The real question is: is she alright....”

I felt like a deer caught in the headlights, my feet just as immobile as the rest of me. I didn’t much like the spotlight as it was so I really wasn’t enjoying two sets of eyes giving me indecipherable looks. “I-I’m sorry.”

Gavin moved toward me slowly, not afraid but hesitant. It was unclear whether he knew already what I was capable of. “It’s alright.”

“It’s not. What’s happening to me?” My voice broke, my defenses going down. I knew I was supposed to be mad at him but I didn’t have the energy.

Gavin reached out to touch my hand then dropped his arm, seeming to reconsider. “I don’t know.”

Well there went my hope for answers.

“I do.” Cassiel had approached, keeping a few feet between us. He seemed to have fully recovered from being thrown like a rag doll, his wings folded against his back.

We both looked at him, my eyes exposing my desperation for an answer.

“It’s the stone. The one around your neck. It’s not just meant to protect your subconscious. However you could not be told of this. You had to discover it on your own.”

“You picked the wrong time to mess with her then.”

Cassiel smiled albeit lightly, the first expression other than passive I’d seen him make. “It seems that way.”

“What do you mean? Why couldn’t I be told what this necklace can give me the ability to do beforehand? I could have hurt you!”

Cassiel’s expression returned to passive. “Not the first time you used it. The stone is hard to control but only practice can make you stronger.”

I turned to Gavin. “Did you already know what it could do?”

“No. Nakir told me to give it to you but she didn’t say anything about it being a talisman. Now we know so you can use it to your advantage.”

Something about his answer seemed too casual but I didn’t dwell on it. “Is someone going to show me how to use it?”

Gavin started to speak but Cassiel beat him to it. “Only the user can control the stone therefore you must practice on your own. It reacts differently for each person but this one I believe was designed just for you. Spend some time alone with it and be open to whatever happens.”

A question was digging at the back of my mind, one that seemed ridiculous but needed to be asked. “Can I hurt myself?”

“Only if you try to use it with mal intent. Or if another person tries to use it. It was intended for you and you alone.”

As terrifying as it was to know I was wearing a weapon around my neck, it filled me with comfort knowing I had something other than physical weapons for defense. The power I’d emitted just moments ago was exhilarating and I would have enjoyed it had it not been such a surprise.

“I think it’s best we get you inside now,” Gavin said, avoiding physical contact but stepping toward me.

I nodded, uninterested in any sort of argument. I was tired but my sleep pattern was so out of whack I didn’t know whether it was physical or emotional. “Alright.”

“My patrol hasn’t finished. I’ll see you both in the morning.” Cassiel stepped back and bent his knees. His wings spread then lifted and came down, the flap having enough power to lift him off his feet and send him propelling toward the sky.

I watched him soar upward, noticing for the first time the other angels dotting the sky as they flew above us. Had they always been there?

“Ava, we should go.”

I tore my eyes away from the sky and looked at Gavin. “Yeah...”

We started toward the house, walking in silence. I was lost in my thoughts but still aware of Gavin’s presence beside me. It hurt every time I thought of what I’d learned. Our trust was broken and would never heal. I’d felt alone before but I’d had him to rely on. Now I was truly alone. I had no one. I hated to even entertain the thought but in that moment I truly missed Carter.

Natalia was coming down the stairs as we entered, dressed down in a cream floor length nightgown. Her long blond tresses cascaded over her shoulders and as usual, she was glowing.

The jealousy flared up again but I kept it at bay, smiling lightly at her. “Hi Natalia.”

She looked confused as she met us at the bottom of the stairs, glancing at Gavin. “Hi Ava. Is everything alright?”

“It will be.” I walked around her. “Goodnight.” As usual, I could feel eyes on my back but I didn’t dare look back at them, going up the stairs and straight to my room.

Once I was there I turned on my phone and dialed Carter’s number, fiddling with the stone at my neck. I didn’t know whether he’d pick up but I needed to at least hear his voice. The recording on his voicemail would do if anything.

On the fourth ring he picked up, his voice gruff. “Mmm...hello?”

Relief filled me at the sound. I didn’t realize until that moment how much I’d truly missed him. “Hi, Carter.”

“Ava?” There was a rustling and then he cleared his throat. “I didn’t even check the caller I.D. Is everything alright?”

I wanted to say yes. Lie. Pretend it was. But I couldn’t. I was reaching my emotional limit and I just needed someone familiar to talk to. I hadn’t realized however that this would cause my emotions to come crawling back up. “No.” I couldn’t get out the next words, the tears surfacing.

There was more rustling. “What’s going on? Are you hurt?”

I shook my head even though he couldn’t see me. “No, I’m alright. I just needed to hear your voice. I feel so alone here and I realized that I overreacted before and I’m so so sorry.” I wasn’t sure how much of that he’d understood through my sobs but I was hopeful the important parts were decipherable.

“Don’t apologize. You had a right to be angry. I would have been, had I been in your shoes.”

“I know. I just feel so selfish and unappreciative of everything you’ve done since this all started. I just don’t want to be here right now. I’m so tired of everything and Myles is missing and there could be a traitor-”

“Wait, Myles is missing?”

I’d been sitting on the edge of the bed, barely able to hold myself up. Carter’s words were all it took to send me sinking to the floor, pulling my legs to my chest. The tears were coming full force now but I was silent, unable to speak.

“Ava? Ava, what happened to Myles?”

“He’s-” I gasped for air, my chest heavy. “Lucifer took him. I don’t know where he is and I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared and I can’t trust anyone here.”

“I’m coming to get you.”

“Carter, they won’t let me go.”

“You’re not a hostage. Find a way to sneak out and meet me down the road. Otherwise I’ll have to come knock down the front door.”

I didn’t know how I was going to get out. But I did know that I needed some space from this place and the overbearing angels I would never grow used to. “Alright, I’ll figure it out. How soon can you be here?”

“One hour.”

“Okay. I’ll be outside. And Carter?”


“Thank you.”

“Of course. See you soon.”

I ended the call, already feeling lighter as the tears slowed. I wasn’t out of hot water yet but soon I’d be safe. Well, maybe not safe but I’d feel better. I would return because I needed to know if they’d found my brother and I still had a responsibility to carry out what I’d promised. But just for a few hours I’d get myself out. Clear my head and come back feeling stronger.

The first thing I needed to do was get out of this dress.

“Ava? You should be asleep. Is everything alright?”

I smiled at Oliver, closing the bedroom door behind me. ” I can’t sleep. I’m just going to head up to the roof for some fresh air. I’ll be back in a bit.”

“I’d love to let you go but Gavin said not to let you out of my sight.”

Of course he had. “I can understand that but Gavin is only my guardian. He doesn’t control what I do.”

“It’s only for your safety. I know it’s frustrating but certain precautions must be taken.”

I amped up my puppy dog eyes. “What if I’m back in ten minutes? I swear I’ll keep it short. You wont even notice I’m gone.”

He hesitated. “Five minutes and then I’m coming after you. Alright?”

The smile returned. “Of course. Thank you.”

Did I feel guilty? Perhaps. But I also knew Oliver would only get a slap on the wrist for letting me out of his sight because I would be back. Hopefully I’d be able to talk some sense into Gavin later who insisted on being overbearing.

I wasn’t seen on my way to the roof and once I was up there I quickly made my way to the ladder I’d spotted the previous day. I was dressed in dark jeans, a black long sleeved top, black zip up hoodie, and black sneakers, hopeful this outfit would help me camouflage myself.

I scaled the ladder in record time, rushing for cover under the nearest tree. The guardians were meant to be making sure no one breached the property. They weren’t meant to make sure no one left it and I hoped that would lean in my favor. It was weird though. I hadn’t seen a guardian yet, not even in the sky. Where were they all? It was just my luck that they’d all disappeared. It struck me as odd but I didn’t give myself time to dwell on it.

I sprinted to the edge of the property and then down the road, my heart thumping in my chest.

Where the heck was Carter?

I slowed my run to a walk, thankful to my training that I wasn’t out of breath. I’d stuck the sheathed dagger in the back of my pants and it was now rubbing against my spine. I knew Carter wouldn’t approve of me carrying it around though so I wouldn’t be able to remove it until he brought me back to the house.

Unless, I was forced to use it, of course.

Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.

A pair of headlights began to creep around the corner and for a second I froze, fearful it might be a civilian who would question why I was out walking around at one am. Upon closer inspection though I recognized the license plate and relief washed over me. I stepped out into the road and made my way to the passenger side as Carter pulled to a stop. Glancing around one last time, I pulled the door open and got in the car.

Carter was watching me as I got in and immediately I was hit with the scent of his woodsy cologne. He looked as if he’d just showered, his dark hair damp. He was dressed in black sweats and a crisp grey pullover sweatshirt, his eyes raking me over in search of something. “Hey. Thought I might have to circle a few more times.”

“Sorry. I got caught up. Can you pull over once we make it out of the neighborhood?”

“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah....” I just might break down and cry for the tenth time but yes, everything is just dandy.

Carter maneuvered the road for the next couple minutes then pulled over once we’d turned the corner onto the main street.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and reached over to pull him into a hug, letting out the breath I’d been holding in. “Thank you so much for coming.”

His immediate response was to return the hug, his arms wrapping fiercely around me. “I’m sorry I left you. It wont happen again. Even if you scream at me.”

I laughed in his shoulder, unaware of when I’d begun crying. I was such an insane mess lately. It was time for me to pull it together. “No, I told you to go and I shouldn’t have.”

“Well, what matters is that I’m here now and you’re okay.” He pulled back from the hug, lightly putting his hand under my chin to lift my head up. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and then my temple.

I gripped his sweatshirt, that familiar warmth crawling through my veins. I didn’t say anything, afraid to ruin the moment as his lips landed on my cheek and then the corner of my mouth. Soon after they met my lips and that hand that gripped his shirt moved up to grip his hair, the kiss tender and passionate.

Carter shifted himself, reaching up to grip the back of my neck and hold me in place as our lips danced together, an old dance we both knew the steps to.

It had been so long since I’d kissed him and I was surprised to find I actually missed it. And yet a void was beginning to make itself known, one that Carter couldn’t fill.

Only Gavin.

I abruptly pulled out of the kiss, sitting back in my seat though my hand lingered on his arm. Carter cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. Bad timing-”

“It’s alright.” I was the one to blame. My heart belonged to another and unfortunately that meant any romance with Carter was pointless. He was comfortable, that much I knew. But he wasn’t the one I thought of night and day anymore. I would always love him but I was no longer in love with him.

“Let’s get you home.”

Walking through my front door felt strange, almost alien. As if I was breaking into some stranger’s house but happened to have the key. Everything was just as I’d left it. The same book lying open on the coffee table. The unused mug beside it. The sheets on my bed rustled as if I’d just rolled out of bed only hours ago. I was home and yet it didn’t quite feel like home.

“I know you said you want to go back in a few hours but are you sure that’s the best idea? You said you couldn’t trust anyone.” Carter shut the door behind us, tossing his car keys on the small table beside it. He flipped on the lights then put his hands in his pockets, strolling around the room.

I sighed, crossing my arms. “I know but...if they get my brother they’ll bring him back to that house and I have to be there. I can’t leave him alone, especially when the traitor could still be there.”

“I don’t understand why an angel would want to go dark.”

“Neither do I.” I headed for the kitchen, grabbing a bottled water from the fridge. “Want anything?”

Carter shook his head, his gaze focused on me but unreadable. No doubt he was probably replaying our kiss in his mind. “I’m fine, thank you.”

At least that’s exactly what I was doing, trying to figure out what I felt about it.

I moved to sit on the couch and patted the cushion beside me, offering him a seat. The knife once again was painful against my back but I still didn’t feel comfortable showing it to him. For some strange reason my subconscious was telling me to keep it a secret.

Carter sat down, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his legs. “So what are you going to do when you get back?”

“I don’t know...Find out where my brother is and then...I haven’t really figured out the next part.”

“You should come stay with me once your brother is safe. I’ll protect you.”

As sweet as his offer was, I knew I couldn’t do that. I had a responsibility now regardless of whom I did or didn’t trust. It wasn’t to be taken lightly or discarded at the first sign of trouble. I looked over at him, taking in those reassuring brown eyes I’d relied on for years, almost feeling awkward with the vulnerability I saw. “Thank you but I have to go back. Will you watch over Myles once he’s safe?” I wouldn’t accept any other reality which is why I spoke of my brother’s safety as if it was a sure thing.

“You know I will. I can’t leave you alone there though. Gavin told me to protect you that night outside of the club and I intend to do just that.”

That night. I’d almost managed to push it completely to the back of my mind. It wasn’t a fond memory of mine except for the end...when I’d seen Gavin for the first time. That now felt like ages ago.

“I’ll be fine. They’ve been training me and I know some of them have good intentions.” Like Elyon and Nakir and...well, that was it.

“I don’t like the idea of you being alone. Please call me if anything happens. Even if you suspect something might happen.”

I took his hand. “I will. I promise.”

I didn’t know what sort of dream I’d had because it left me as quick as it had come although it did force me to wake up frantically. As had been the last few nights, this dream had filled me with dread however this time I had no image to attach to it. Only a bad feeling in my gut.

I was still on the couch though I’d shifted to a laying position. The sunlight peaked in through the drawn curtains, suggesting it was definitely past six in the morning.

Crap. I’d overslept.

“Carter?” Holy cow my muscles were sore. Even the slow dragging way with which I stood up from the couch was painful, each muscle screaming in protest. As I stretched my arms above my head I noticed a figure appear in the doorway to the kitchen. Turning, I dropped my arms and yawned. “Hey. Did you sleep?”

Carter didn’t speak, his face hidden in the shadows. He stood stock still, unresponsive with his arms at his sides.

I narrowed my brow, squinting as my eyes attempted to adjust to the dark. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. What’s that necklace you’re wearing...”

I looked down and my heart immediately skipped a beat. It was glowing, a bright blue light. I hadn’t even noticed. I touched it and it was smooth but unexpectedly cool. “We have to go. It glows when there are demons nearby.” My heart had sped up, my breathing shallow as I looked up at Carter.

Except he hadn’t moved.

“Carter. We need to go now.”

“Did he give that to you...” His voice was deeper, almost...menacing.

I stepped forward. “Who? Gavin? Of course.”

He stepped forward and reached a hand out, clasping it around the necklace now that he was within an arm’s reach. “Of course he did-” As soon as his fingers closed around the stone there was a sizzling sound and he yelped, jumping back as he held his now red hand.

My heart constricted as my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness of the room, catching a glimpse of his eyes. They were red. And not in the “I’ve been crying all night” type of way.

He was possessed.

“I should have known. Those angel scum enjoy their tricks.”

I backed up a couple steps, running possible escape options through my mind. I had the dagger but I couldn’t hurt him. I had to get away and then somehow get him unharmed to the house so Gavin could perform an exorcism. How the heck I was going to do that I had no clue. Fortunately the front door was only a few feet away.

Taking only a moment to contemplate the repercussions, I ran.

Carter spent no more time cradling his hand, rushing after me.

I had barely grasped the handle when I was yanked away from it, his hand firm around my forearm. I wasn’t able to put up much of a fight as he pulled me to the side and pressed me up against the wall. I reached my free hand back for the knife but Carter grabbed it, slamming it against the wall.

He pressed his lips to my ear. “What do you think you’re doing? He’s waiting for me to bring you to him. It was almost too easy. Did those angel scum teach you nothing?”

Of course. My training. Eventually it would come to me naturally when the element of surprise didn’t distract me so much.

“They did actually.” I twisted my wrists in his grip, throwing my head back into his.

Carter grunted, his grip loosening as he stumbled back.

I twisted my wrists further, freeing my hands and whipping around, lifting my leg to deliver a swift kick to the side of his head. It was enough to send him falling to the floor, after which I quickly delivered another kick to his side. I didn’t pause to make sure I hadn’t seriously injured him, knowing full well the quick recovery he would make because of the demon currently in control of his body.

Swinging around, I wrenched open the door, prepared to run through it. Instead I came face to face with my brother’s girlfriend.


She smiled, her eyes glowing red. “Hello Ava.”

I didn’t have time to process the fact that she was possessed, a hard object colliding with the side of my head.

Once again, the black void welcomed me like a familiar friend.

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