The Grey Girl, The Van Tassel Murders

Chapter Back Again

“Ow,” Chloe moaned, rubbing the back of her head. “No. Ow!” she shouted as her ring got caught in the tangles of her hair. She reached over to the prone figure lying next to her. Alex looked up questioningly as she gripped his hand tightly.

“Chloe! You’re back,” he cried.

“Yes!” she shouted.

The room was oddly quiet, even though Alistair still threw spells at the undead family while Henry and Lewis shielded the reunion.

“And that’s not all.” Liza struggled to claw her way toward them from where she had been lying on the floor. A trickle of blood crept down from her hairline. “You got some of Emily’s power as a bonus.” Smirking in triumph, Liza looked over at the ghost girl who was crumpled against a wall. “Och, ye better use it, because I be spent.” Liza heaved herself over onto her back. Although she stopped moving, her chest continued to rise and fall, a clear sign of her exhaustion. Her eyes fluttered shut as Fear appeared at her side, flexing his claws.

On the other side of the room, Emily struggled to get up. As a ghost, she couldn’t use the wall for support. The little girl seemed to fade as something larger and angrier rose out of her, dragging the child’s form to a standing position. Emily stumbled and tried to grab at the apparition as it left her. “No, wait! Don’t leave. We can still do this.” She tried to grasp the fleeting, dark tail as it swooped away.

Alistair was weeping in panic and frustration. Every spell he sent either tore a chunk from the horrid family or did nothing at all. No matter which spell or curse he tried, they continued to advance. Black tendrils of hate seemed to be controlling them like the strings of an evil puppeteer. Slowly, they surrounded him. More spirits of his victims began to appear, closing the circle.

The demon that had deserted Emily circled the ceiling. Simon watched its angry flight for a moment then called out to it. Nothing happened. Then he became aware of someone behind him. He turned to find Lewis behind him, still muttering. “What have you done?” he cried. Not waiting for an answer, his attention returned to the demon, who was now being sucked toward a portal that was slowly opening in the floor. “No, don’t you dare. That was mine to collect. As is her soul.” Simon pointed at Emily as he struggled against the self-erected shield that surrounded him. Growling, he glanced over at the growing mob. “At least I can collect him.” He pointed at Alistair.

Over the moaning and curses of his victims, Alistair heard Simon. “No! I made no deal. You can’t take me!” he screamed.

The family grabbed at him. Rotten flesh dripped down his arms and body. He gagged and heaved as the putrid flesh of the mother’s hand was stuffed into his mouth. His heel slipped over the edge of the portal, yet the murdered family held him on the threshold. Out of the shadows emerged a huge, red-skinned demon. The top of its head appeared smooth at first, but small horns began to sprout and grow longer the more Alistair was tormented. Chains and metal protruded from the huge, muscled torso. A deep, hateful laugh sounded deep in the barrel chest.

Alistair cleared the hand from his mouth long enough to scream as he fell backward into hell.

“For you.” The Edgar demon nodded to Chloe before walking slowly into the portal. The corpses fell lifeless at his feet, dissolving into putrid sludge.

Forgotten, Emily hissed. Her hand moved as she shouted an incantation. Something shot from the pit. Emily shouted again, trying to fling fire at Edgar, who looked befuddled and scratched at the base of his horns. Her hand moved halfway through, then snapped hard against, the wall. Something held tightly to her hand, then grabbed her other hand and then her legs. Before she knew it, she found herself completely immobilized.

Chloe’s own hand was high in the air. She twisted her arm and flicked her wrist, and as she did, Emily began to move up the wall and turn over.

“I will destroy you,” Emily spat.

“You are such a little bitch,” Chloe said, getting to her feet. Alex still held her other hand. She lifted Emily farther off the ground. Slowly, she moved Emily away from the wall, forcing the struggling witch’s arms behind her back. Curses and spells streamed from Emily as Chloe began to position her closer and closer to the hell mouth. Even with the five feet that separated them, Chloe felt she was too close to Emily. Her anger made her want to hurt Emily, wanted her to feel the pain she had caused. “Do you know how much I hate being a ghost?” Chloe shouted.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Henry and Amelia holding onto each other, their words unheard but obvious: apologizes, words of love and missing each other. It hurt her heart. “Do you know how you’ve hurt these people?” she screamed.

Several more ghosts began to appear around Henry and Lewis. She could see a doctor and recognized the security guard and many of the others who had helped her, as well as some she had not seen who looked like patients. “So many!” Chloe shook her head sadly.

Alex gasped at the crowd of ghosts. Then he remained silent, his hand firmly wrapped around one of Chloe’s.

“Do you see how many souls couldn’t rest because of you!”

Emily struggled against her invisible bonds. She cursed and swore, all while trying to break the hold Chloe had on her.

“She’s mine!” Simon shouted.

“Well, she would be if you could move, I assume.” Kerlvin laughed. Behind him, many of the spirits began to vanish.

“Kerlvin! Where are they going?” Chloe demanded as a few flew past her down into the pit.

“Where they should have gone years ago. Oh, Constance, you have been a bad, bad girl.” He chuckled.

“This was my deal,” Simon pouted. “You said I could be a duke. I did what you asked. You cannot take my mark.”

“A duke will pay a tax to a prince. A serf will give all that he has.” Kerlvin laughed as he vanquished the protective enchantments. Then he sneered, “Today, I take the failed witch and the failed duke.” Kerlvin patted Simon on the head. “I had so hoped you would do better.”

Simon looked up at Kerlvin, uncomprehending. Kerlvin spread his hands.

A feeling warmed Chloe from deep within. By the look on his face, she could tell Lewis had the same feeling. It felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her.

Simon grumbled as flames burst around him. “You shouldn’t leave just yet. We have unfinished business.”

Emily still fought the invisible bonds.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Liza and Fear watched her fight. “I told you centuries ago,” Liza said softly as she rocked back and forth like a little girl. “I am not one to be trifled with.”

“I will destroy you! I will kill all that you have ever loved! All of you!” Emily screamed. “I will be back and you will rue the …” Stitches sewed themselves over her mouth, stopping her threats.

Simon again rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“That is enough of that. Thank you, Simon. Chloe, Liza, always a pleasure.” Kerlvin bowed. “Alex and family. Well, it was not and never has been a pleasure but, well …” He seemed to consider something. “Be well.” His anger was evident as he looked over at Simon. He cleared his throat and glared at the little man. “Oh, when did you get boring?” He gestured to the living. “Well, go ahead.”

“Thank you, my prince.” Simon bowed. “I am sorry to inform you that there may yet be some trouble.” A smile began to play on his lips. “Alistair may have escaped. It seems little Emily got a spell past poor Edgar. He truly is useless.”

“Edgar is many things!” Chloe growled, seeing the huge demon hang its head in shame. “But he is not and has never been useless.”

“You are truly too kind.” Kerlvin smiled, showing his fangs. Edgar waved like a huge child and jumped into the pit. It closed behind him.

Emily’s eyes bulged and Kerlvin’s eyes fixed upon her. Chloe was thankful the scream that came from Emily was silent, but the agony and torment were too obvious.

Kerlvin bowed. “I must be going. If you have need of me …” His evil grin was back. Emily rolled in the air, her face a mask of pain. “Simon will be more than happy to help.” A flash of flame erupted and Kerlvin and Emily were gone.

Simon bowed as much as his rotund, little body would allow. “I am so looking forward to it.” His tone told them nothing was further to the truth. A click of his finger left only bare floor where he had been.

“Great, now we have two demon friends,” Aaron grumbled.

“Three,” Arthur corrected. He had noticed there was another set of three: three ghosts floated, watching everything around them: Amelia, Henry, and the cat. They seemed to be enjoying the exchange.

“It is time you were on your way,” Liza explained to the couple as she shakily stood. Aaron moved quickly to help support her. As if to emphasize the truth of Liza’s words, the house creaked. The pristine surroundings began to fade and crumble.

“Thank you.” Henry wept, holding Amelia tightly.

“Cherish each other.” Amelia smiled through tears of joy.

Husband and wife faded from view, but before disappearing completely, Henry called out to Lewis, “You are welcome to come with us.”

Lewis nodded, smiling, and his body decomposed like a time-lapse film, leaving nothing but bone on the floor. It was quickly covered by falling plaster.

The house seemed to remain untouched. It seemed clear that the disintegrating house was on another plain of existence. This realization made Chloe smile.

“Time to go,” Arthur shouted.

Liza thanked Aaron, assuring him that her strength was returning. Fear jumped into her arms and she stroked the loudly purring cat. “We will meet again, I am sure.” She smiled as she walked over to the room with the blood stain in the doorway. The stain began to vanish as she approached. Pointing down at it, she said, “Looks like things are clearing up.” She continued to the closed door and opened it. Before her, a large section of the stairs gave way. From where she stood, Chloe could see the clear, brightly lit hall of Liza’s house through the opening.

Liza dropped Fear, who ran into the other hall. “Nice meeting you, even if briefly, Arthur.” Liza smiled and stroked the older man’s cheek. She turned to smile at Aaron and said, “You are a very interesting and handsome man.” Her smile seemed as if it was for him alone as she slowly shut the door.

Aaron seemed stunned but quickly came to himself. Arthur began to shepherd the others out, but the door opened back up.

Liza’s head poked out. “Oh, Chloe, please take Oliver.” Seeing the look of puzzlement on Chloe’s face, she explained, “Oliver is the cat.” Liza winked at Aaron, then the door shut again as Chloe saw the ghost cat at her feet.

“Well, come on, Oliver.” Chloe scooped up the cat as they all ran for the door. Minutes later found them all out in the late afternoon sun, covered in dust from the collapsed house.

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