The Grey Girl, The Van Tassel Murders

Chapter This is the End

As soon as Chloe opened her eyes, the world was in chaos. Not knowing where she was, she screamed for Alex. In the foyer Aaron and Arthur smashed through the door to the den. As soon as they were through, Lewis and Henry blocked the doorway. Chloe flew up the stairs, down the hall, and through the door to the fighting. Seeing her materialize through the door, Alex thundered down the stairs as Liza threw spells at Emily and Alistair. Simon stood off to the side, a faint blue glow surrounding him like a defensive bubble. Amelia rose out of the floor, the ghost cat joined her, and together they flew at Emily, distracting her from Alex and Chloe and the fight.

“Alex! Have your family bring the trunk out here!” Liza shouted. “Chloe! Follow him!”

Alex rushed straight through Henry. Chloe paused enough for the guardians to separate. Arthur was pulling the trunk free from behind the fireplace.

“Chloe!” Aaron and Arthur shouted.

“I missed you too, but right now we have to get this out to Liza!” she cried.

“Who?” Aaron asked.

“Never mind. Just come on!” Alex shouted, grabbing one of the brittle leather handles.

“Seriously!” Aaron shouted over exploding spells and curses. “Is it too much to be kept in the loop? I mean here I am again …” He struggled with his side as the handle disintegrated in his hand. “Oof! … in the middle of some supernatural battle.” Arthur moved to help him heft the heavy chest as he contained, “And I still have no damn clue what’s going on.” He dropped the chest, casting a quick protective spell over Alex and his father. “Oh, no need for thanks, I just learned this crap after you decided to get yourself a ghost girlfriend.” He was rambling and annoyed that no one was listening to him.

“Open it!” Liza shouted, earning her shouts from the others.

“No, if Emily gets to it …”

“We can’t let her get there first!”

“That can’t happen!”

“Just do it, ya numpties!” Liza shouted.

Alex dropped to his knees, trying to rip the lock off, but Arthur pushed him aside, pulling a small tool pouch from his pocket as he did.

Aaron was sweating as he held out his hands, creating a shield. Screaming wraiths bounced off the shield, knocking him to one knee. “This is so much worse than last time,” he yelled.

“I’m so sorry,” Chloe whispered to Alex.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tried to keep you from everything,” he replied, running a hand along her ghostly arm. “I miss holding you.”

“I miss being held.”

“That is sooooo sweet,” Aaron growled. “Makes me wanna barf. But sweet.”

Ignoring Aaron, Alex continued, “I promise, when this is over, not to be overprotective. If you want to find a place of your own, I’ll help you look.” When she looked at him fearfully, he added, “I don’t want you to go, but if you need some time and space …”

“Between the strain of this and you guys, I am seriously going to puke,” Aaron whined, “God. So. Not. The. Time!”

“I want my freedom, but I want to be with you,” Chloe said softly. “Can’t we have both?”

“Yes!” Arthur shouted. They both looked over at him. “I got it open.”

Chloe seemed to sag slightly.

“… and yes, she can. Just trust each other. Your mother and I did.”

“Alex! Get her necklace out!” Liza called.


Emily was aware of Alistair fighting against something she couldn’t see. She was alone against Liza. “You have grown powerful since we last met,” Emily stated, unconcerned as she threw a snake made of flame at the black cat near Liza’s feet. Fear opened his mouth and swallowed the serpent.

“Oh, Constance—or is it Emily—you think I’m even trying right now?” Even as Liza spoke, she was backing away from Emily’s assault.

“Yes, you barely seem up to the challenge.” Emily’s smile turned to a sneer. “Alistair! What are you doing?”

Behind her, Alistair fired off spell after spell into the darkness.

“If this is you not trying, you may want to change tactics. You are almost up against the wall.” Constance threw shadows at Liza, who dodged each of them. The wall behind her immediately scorched, a hole appearing as the area disintegrated to dust. “Alistair, stop wasting time and kill those men.” She motioned to Alex and his family then carefully began removing Chloe’s remains from the chest.

“There is something back there!” Alistair shouted. “Something huge.” As he spoke, the ghost cat ran from the shadows.

“Fool!” Emily cried. Now she was being backed up with an onslaught of lightning.

“No, there’s something else …” Alistair cried. Black tendrils shot out, slashing a deep cut in his face. Two, then three, then a fourth creature emerged from the gloom. Each figure was repulsive, dripping with decay and gore. “No! You are my servants!” Alistair cried. The corpses of the family he murdered continued to advance on him.

Emily stood with her back to Chloe and Alex. She was so intent on her fight with Liza that she barely noticed Alistair was losing his battle.

Simon was watching, however. He could almost taste victory. Either Emily would gain the body and fulfill her bargain, or she would fail and he would pull her to hell.

“Things are looking very good for you, aren’t they?” Lewis asked.

If Simon was surprised, it did not show. His face remained impassive, almost serene. “Yes, today is a good day, no matter the outcome.” He smiled, ignoring the mumbled reply from Lewis.

“Well, it looks like it might just be a trip back to hell.” Lewis pointed to the group huddled around Chloe’s body.

Simon looked over and sighed, shrugging his minute shoulders. “Ah, well.” He let himself slump slightly. “That will make the master happy.”

“Now! Give her the necklace now,” Liza shouted.

Alex placed the thin chain around Chloe’s neck. It stayed around her transparent throat for a moment. Everyone held in their rejoicing. Alex suddenly cried out as the silver chain began to sink through her as if she were water.

“Move!” Liza shouted and then she moved with incredible speed. Emily shrieked and shock plastered across her face as Liza grabbed her by the arms.

“You shouldn’t be able to touch me!” Emily screamed into Liza’s determined face.

Together, they left the ground, sailing straight at Chloe, who cried out in terror. Alex’s shouts mingled with Aaron’s and Arthur’s. Henry and Amelia rushed toward Chloe as a blinding white light and a blast sent everyone flying back.

“Chloe!” Alex shouted.

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