The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 32

~~orned YEARS LATER~ ~~~

He stifled his laugh when he saw her, "Why are you crying baby?" He cooed at her as the camera pointed towards the crying woman, "Because I love gelato!" She wailed stuffing her mouth with spoonful chocolate gelato.

"But why are you crying?" Sebastain asked sitting infront of her.

"B-because the gelato is almost finished and I can't stop eating it! I want more! The baby wants more" Nora wailed again stuffing her mouth with a spoonful of gelato.

Sebastian cracked a laughed making her give him a death glare. She hit his head with the spoon, "What are you laughing at? You got me pregnant! Now I can't stop eating gelato!" She sniffled.

"Oh baby I laughed because you look cute!" He cooed at her. She looked at him with her captivating blue-grey eyes with chocolate sneered all around her mouth, "Really? You think I am cute?” She started to tear up, "I thought I looked ugly" she pouted her pink lips.

"Nooo! You're anything but ugly, moya malen“kaya al'fa. Ty samaya krasivaya zhenshchina v mire!" He said love bound in his native tongue (You're the most beautiful woman in the world!)

"Je ne comprenais pas la merde tu as dit mais tu es si sexy!"(I didn't understand shit you said but you're so sexy!) She purred at her fiance making him smirk, "Vy ocharovatel'ny, zhena" ( You're adorable, wife) he kissed her nose.

She put her face up for him to kiss her, "No baby, do you want our son to see is kissing?" He said looking at the camera he was still holding. She pouted, "How long are you going to film us?"

"As long as I want to" he said kissing his fiancee's shoulder.

"Oh now our son won't look" she snorted as he kept on kissing her neck, "Yeah, he doesn't need to see anything now he said making Nora giggle as the video went off.

He rewind the video and paused at her eating her favourite dessert, a tear spilled out of his eyes looking at the old recordings. He poured himself another drink and gulped it down at once. He longingly looked at his wife's face, he wanted nothing more to see her face, feel her warm skin underneath his finger tips, smell her sweet honey smell but that was far from being real.

He threw his head back as tears kept coming out of his eyes, "I shouldn't have left you even for a second" he whimpered to himself remember that unfaithful day. A sob left his mouth remembering how everything had happened just before his eyes and he was too helpless to even help her. What ifs had clouded his mind for years, "I wish I could have saved you" another sob followed as he took another shot of the drink.

The dark room was just like his heart, dark and empty. The only light was from the projector that displayed Nora's lovely face.

"You're still the most beautiful woman in the world, moya malen’kaya zhena" (my little wife) he sobbed, "I miss you so much" he cried looking at Nora's picture. For years he had searched ways to bring back Nora, even though people said she was dead. How can she be? They marked each other, if she's dead, he is dead too.

But he is not. Nora is alive he knows it. The only thing that has kept him and his lycan from going insane is their son, Hunter. Their little boy is growing up so fast, everyday he sees a glimpse of Nora in him. Hunter's one blue-grey eye reminds Sebastain of his wife and that's all keeping away his insanity.

He heard his door open and soft sniffles, “Daddy?” A timid voice came from the door step. Sebastain hastily put his drink away and went to his son, "Yes my prince! What's wrong?" He asked picking up his four year old son who was rubbing his eyes with a sad frown on his cute little face, "I had a nightmare” he said putting his face in his father's neck, "I am scared daddy" he whispered softly clinging onto his father.

"Do you wanna sleep with daddy today?" He asked the rhetorical question, baby hunter just hummed sniffing his father's neck. Sebastain put him down on his bed and tucked him in, he went to the other side and layed with him. Hunter looked curiously at his mother's picture, "Daddy?" He asked softly, "Yes my prince?" He cooed his son who was intently looking at the his mother face on the wall.

"Is mommy eating poo poo?" He asked innocently making Sebastain chuckle, "No my prince, your mommy is eating her favourite dessert. Chocolate gelato!" He exclaimed, Hunter's face brightened and his eyes went wide in surprise, "Mommy likes the same dessert as me?" He sat up with a huge smile in his face.

"Yes, the two of you have similar taste” Sebastain said looking at his son who looked at his mother in awe, "I have eye like mommy and now I also have her taste? Am I like mommy, daddy?" He asked looking at his father, "Indeed you're like your mommy" he said pulling his son on his arms and playing with his hair.

"Daddy.. when will mommy come back from her trip?" He asked yawning as his father did the magic trick if playing with his hair. Sebastain's heart stopped beating and his lycan howled in grief. A sob wanted to break lose from his mouth but he contained it, "Soon my prince. Soon.” He hated lying to his son. But he knew better, he wasn't lying to his son but himself. He wanted Nora to still live in someone and that someone is their son.

"Daddy?" Hunter yawned with his eyes half open. Sebastain hummed in response, "Don't let her take me from you" he mumbled incoherently, "She hurt me like mommy" he said and fell asleep. His father looked at his son sleeping peacefully, "Sleep well my prince. I will never let anything harm you, not ever!" He pecked his forehead and enveloped him in his arms, "I will always protect you my prince” he said as he starts to fall into darkness himself.

Nora stood by the bed looking at her husband and son, "Nobody is ever gonna hurt either of you" she whispered giving flying kiss to the two most precious men in her life. She hung her head low in disgrace, she had been infront of their eyes for years but still nobody could hear her, feel her or see her. Arora was right, this is the worst punishment, even worst than dead. For years she has been seeing her husband struggle with everything, break down every night, cry and beg for her to come back, blame himself for what had happened but she couldn't do anything but cry with him. The only thing that keeps him happy is their son. Oh what an amazing boy he is turning to be, so active and full of life. Sebastain is raising him right, maybe better than she would have. But even then, she can see her boy need his mother, "I am so sorry for not being there for you my prince” he looked at the sleeping angel in her husband's arms.

Arora tossed and turned in her bed wide awake, "You ain't asleep?" Henry asked groggily rubbing his eyes. Arora looked at her husband with a small smile, "I don't feel sleepy. You go to sleep” she said collecting him in her arms as he rested his head comfortably on his wife's chest, “Tomorrow is 30th of March” he mumbled and looked up to his wife with forced a smile but had tears in her eyes, "I just miss them" she sniffed as a lone tear slipped out of her eye. Henry let out a sigh and got up from her embrace. He took both of her hands and wrapped it around his torso, hugging her, "I think wherever they are, they are very sad" he said making her look at him baffled, "They don't want their daughter to be sad, not amymore. You have been through a lot as it is, just let the bad memories go away and keep the good ones" he rocked her softly. She hummed in reply, "I try but I don't know there is this weight in me. Holding me back from all of that, I can't understand" she said.

"You sure you're not pregnant?" Henry joked making her slap his chest playfully, "No, you idiot" she chuckled and took a deep breath, "Thank you for everything..” she trailed off as he started to humm a lullaby. Before she knows it she is fast asleep, Henry looked at his wife, "It's not your parent's death keeping you awake, it's the guilt of ruining your sister's life." He had stopped saying this many times but he knew better. For she not only killed her sister but Sebastain leaving Hunter with a shell of a father.

Sebastain woke up to the birds chirping. He groaned and looked at the clock, it showed 9.30 am. He remembered what day today is and didn't feel like getting up from the bed but the soft snoring of his son made him get up. He went to the bathroom and came out all showered up, only to see his son still fast asleep like a star fish. He chuckled and sat next to Hunter, "Hey sleepy head" Sebastain rubbed his son's hair making him stir, "Wake up my prince. I have a royal breakfast for you" he said in a baby voice. Hunter opened his eyes groggily, "Food?" He asked softly still incoherent of his senses.

"Yes food!" Sebastain let out a laugh, "Like mother like son" he muttered to himself, "Come on prince Hunter! Don't you wanna see dragons fly?" He said making a smile appear on Hunter's face and nod, "Yes daddy" he answered back stretching and yawning on the bed, "So go now brush your teeth. I'll have your breakfast ready" Sebastain sat up Hunter who was still rubbing his eyes, "But Daddy! How doesn't brushing my teeth has to do with seeing dragons?” He asked.

Sebastain was speechless for a second, "Uh.. umm.. dragons don't. like bad breath?" He said with furrowed brows. Hunter pouted, "I thought dragons breath fire so all the smell burns off" he said jumping off the bed and heading to the washroom.

Sebastain cursed under his breath and went downstairs, that boy is too smart for his age, he said to himself. After what had happened four years ago, he couldn't bear to live with his pack where he sees his wife's traitors everyday more over he felt empty without her. She was a part of him and loosing a part of your soul can drive anyone insane, who was Sebastain to fight that? He then decided to move to Italy where he had bought a home for the three of them

He flipped Hunter's favourite savoury waffles on his star wars plate with two sausages. Hunter came skipping down the stairway, "Daddy! Can we go out to play today?" He jumped on his chair and shoving food in his mouth.

"Slow down there, Prince. You don't wanna choke one the food!" Sebastain came by his side a pushed a glass of apple juice.

Hunter gulped it down and looked at father with a goofy smile, "Sorry" he said and resumed eating. Sebastain pulled the plated for himself and sat beside his son, "Daddy can I play with your lycan?" He asked his father. Sebastain nodded his head, "Yes, prince Hunter" Sebastain winked at his son who cheered happily then choked on his food, "How many times have I told you not to talk with food in your mouth” Sebastain scolded softly patting Hunter's back.

The Huntsons siblings walked through the woods early in the morning. Each step they took closer made them feel how much far away “they’ have gone, and no matter even if they are near their parents.. they are still too far away.

After walking for another 10 mins they finally reached their parents’ graveyard. As soon as Ariana was before the gate, she broke down crying. Arora collected her in her arms as she too silently cried remembering their pale faces. Stephan was already swallowing his sobs trying to remain calm but the shaking of his body gave away that he was anything but calm. As the eldest of the family Jacob and Andrew tried to be tough but the thought of their parents grave had them breaking down on their knees.

With shaky legs they stood on the foot of the sarcophagus, both the sisters layed beside it, hugging their parents. Stephan put his head on his father's foot stone remembering the old days when the two used to have their bonding time. Jacob sat near his mother's head stone looking at the sculpture of her mother's face, she is finally resting, he chanted to himself before he broke down crying again. Andrew beside Stephan who looked at peace being near their parents.

Aurelia and Earl had been buried together in the sacred forest of Sorcery where noble witches, sorcerers and sorceress were buried. Like the tradition has it, they are buried beneath the sarcophagus of themselves. It was a beautiful sculpture of them, each and every detail of their faces, hands and feet were beautifully shows. The two of them were buried in the same casket as they had always wished for and thier sarcophagus were made in one big block of stone.

Hours passed by as the siblings stayed with their parents, feeling closer to them. Laying beside their parents they felt with a year old child again. All the pain, anguish and all the self hatred they had for themselves went away in a snap. With their parents they were at peace.

People usually say losing their significant other or child is most painful but they have never guessed the pain they felt of losing both their parents. It had felt like their very soul was buring and hell was praying for their suffering to end.

Atleast every month the siblings come here to spend time with their parents, they also spend a month in their parents home as mom would always have wanted for them. To be together, as one. The Huntsons brothers took Nora's disappearance hard, Stephan was the one closest to Nora and he knew well that Nora would never kill their mother. Even if she is in the worst case scenario, she'll die herself than to think about any harm to their mother. The three of them were really disappointed with the two sister's act, they had been searching for Nora's statue ever since they got to know their sister's betrayal. But that was all in vain, Arora had casted a spell on herself and Ariana making them forget the place where Nora's statue was thrown. For all they knew, it could have been corroded down to dust.

As it is the three brothers had lost both their parents and their youngest sister, they couldn't afford to lose their sisters as well. Stephan still has some of Nora's belongings, all the stupid perfumes she used that made his nose twitch to all the type of whisks that she used. Stephan still eats all the candies they used to have late at night hiding from their siblings, they were the best duo to say the least. While Andrew and Jacob have the rest of her belongings that the two sisters had thrown out of their apartment years back. Through the three live in different houses, there is one room in each house that has Nora's stuff, a way of remembering her.

It was almost Sun down when they decided to head back to their car. They walked reached their car in a few minutes of walking. They sat on the hood of the car for a while before they drive down to their houses. They all were lost in their thought to notice a figure coming their way.

"Huntsons?" A screechy voice said snapping them off of their trance. A redheaded woman appeared from the other side of the road on a wheelchair. Stephan jumped off the car and narrowed his eyes at her, "Who are you?" He asked.

A smile formed on her lips, that's what she asked first as well, she chuckled internally.

"I mean no harm.. I just need your help.. just as much you need me" she said choosing her words correctly.

"Did you run away from a psychiatric hospital, lady?" Jacob rolled his eyes at Andrew's comment. "Nora didn't kill them" she blurted out. All of them looked shocked at the woman, before anyone could react Stephan had her hanging in the air by her throat, "What did you do?" Stephan growled lowly, all his dark energy came forth, turning the entire place dark.

The redhead dandled off in the air as she tried to move her legs but that was all in vein, "TELL ME!" He shouted furiously at her.

"N--ora is inno-cent. S-She was fram-ed!" she gasped out in between her breath as she kept on struggling to breath. Jacob looked furious at her as tears clouded in his eyes, he opened a portal and they landed in Jacob's basement.

"Tell me what did you do before I torture you untill you die” Andrew growled at her petrified face. "If you kill me, you wouldn't know shit. I told you I need your help just as much as you need me" she gasped out when Stephan had dropped her on the floor.

"How do you know this?" Ariana finally said looking at her with maliciously, "For all we know you could be a hoax!" She added looking at the redhead.

"Because I am the last one inflected with her venom" she said raising her shirt that showed a big gush of claw mark that was rotten. Arora gasped in horror stepping away from her, "It's Nora's mark" she whispered.

"What did you do want?" Stephan finally asked.

"I want her venom! I know only her venom can cure me." She said looking down on the ground. "Tell us who did this!" Arora whispered maniacally as her lycan came forward.

"Before that I need you blood oath that you will not harm me in anyway after I tell you the truth” she added.

"You have our word, we won't do anytime to you. Just tell us the truth” Jacob said looking at her with a cold face.

"Your words ain't enough, I want an oath that you won't be the one to pull the trigger” she said narrowing her eyes.

"Fine! What's your name?" Ariana said and pulled out a knife from thin air, "Danya Fishee" her replied came. Ariana walked towards her and squatted in front of her, "I, Ariana Huntsons daughter of Earl and Aurelia Huntsons hereby oath to not kill Danya Fishee and not let my sibling do the same. If you truthfully tell us what happened to our sister, Nora Huntsons-Hounds and who was involved in the conspiracy against her.” she said cuting her palms and pulling Danya's palm and cutting it too. She clasped their hands together and a white light appeared when their cuts connected to each other. Danya took a breath of relief after the oath but that was not long enough as Ariana flickered her wrist and Danya fell on the ground fast asleep.

"Bring Sebastain” Jacob whispered to Stephan who nodded his head. A mumbled a spell and a portal opened showing Sebastian's lycan playing with his son. A dead weight set on both the sisters’ heart looking at young Hunter, they stole a mother from son. They still had a mother to begin with with whom they spent hundreds of years but this little boy didn't even know what a mother's love feels like. And that all because they didn't listen, they did this all.. to their own sister.

"Sebastain!" Andrew called out to the lycan playing in wild. Sebastain stiffened and turned around baring his teeth at the threats. When he saw its Stephan and the twins he relaxed a bit, "UNCLE PEN!" Hunter ran towards his uncle and jumped on Stephan's arms, "It's been so long uncle pen!" He snuggled more into his uncle's arms. Being close to hunter made Stephan close to Nora, he wrapped his arms around the little man's body and hugged him tightly, "I missed you too Hunter!" He said kissing his forehead.

"Not the time Stephan! Take him upstairs" Jacob said looking at the uncle and nephew duo. Stephan nodded his head and carried him upstairs, "Uncle Jacob has bought new legos for you!" Stephan whispered in Hunter's ears making his attention divert from the woman laying on the ground. Hunter's eyes twinkled, "New legos?" He said looking straight ahead.

"Take me to the legos treasure, warrior!” Hunter shouted making Stephan laugh, "As you wish, your highness!" Stephan ran across the house where Jacob had a room for kids and had stocked up legos collection specially for Hunter.

As soon as his son went out of the basement, Sebastain entred through the portal and changed back to his human form, "What's the meaning of this?" He asked Jacob ignoring the two “sisters’ of his wife.

"There is something you should know!" Andrew said.

Sebastain tried to retaliate but Ariana stopped him, "Nora was framed" she silently whispered. Sebastain rolled his eyes, "I know she was. She told me that day she wasn't feeling well. And I told you.." he spat maniacally walking towards Ariana, "I told you a million times that she was innocent! But you didn't listen! You didn't believe that your own sister who loved her parents more than anything in the world would kill them." He growled.

"I am sorry" she whispered making Sebastain scoff, "Take your sorry and shove it up your ass!" He said and turned towards Jacob, "Who is she?" He asked looking at the redhead.

"She is the one who says Nora is innocent. I think she had something to do with it. She has Nora's claw marks on her abdomen." Jacob explained looking at Danya.

"Where did they put Nora's sta--" Sebastain was interrupted by Andrew, "They casted a spell on each other making them forget whe--"

"She is in dad's basement" Arora said not looking at them.

Jacob looked mad, "When we asked you why did you lie then?" He snapped at her.

"Because we thought that she killed them!" She shouted breaking down.

"You can never understand what a daugh--"

"Oh my god shut up! Nobody wants to hear about your pity party! Just bring her in" Sebastain snapped at her. Jacob had to agree with Sebastain it wasn't the time for self pity. They had to bring Nora. Has has been gone for too long now, it's time she comes back.

Andrew opened a portal to their parents’ basement. Arora went inside the basement and mumbled a spell and just like that Nora's statue that had been missing for four years now is in front of them. Arora couldn't bear to look at Nora. Sebastain in a speed of light went inside the portal and bought the statue.

His eyes couldn't believe that Nora was finally here.

"Undo it!" Jacob said to his two sisters who nodded with a shameful look on their faces.

They began mumbling the reverse spell that turned Nora into a block of stone.

All this while Sebastain looked at Nora's horrified face. Sebastain wasn't in his senses when that all happened years ago. Now that she is here, he could see the pain, both physical and mental. Her eyes held horror and her mouth was open in shock. She had her one hand outreached as if trying to stop her sisters. There was a stray tear that had slipped out of her eyes at that time as the drop itself turned into stone. The pain she went through was unimaginable, Sebastain grasped her head and layed his lips on hers, “I am sorry for not saving you!" He cried and kissing her lips repeatedly.

A cracking sound was heard throughout the basement, Sebastain curiously looked at the statue as cracks began to form on the statue. A white light appeared from each crack as Ariana and Arora kept on mumbling the spell.

The statue began shaking furiously for a few seconds then it came to a halt, suddenly the statue busted as the stones went flying all around the basement. The white light blinded everyone in the room, forcing them to cover their eyes.

A gasp came from the light followed by a thump noise, the light disappeared.

Nora layed on the floor her eyes half open. She groggily looked at only one person, "Sebastain" she whispered with a smile and fell on the unconscious.

Sebastain hurried to her side and collected her in his arms. He rocked her crying softly, he kissed all over her soft face, "I am never letting you out of my sight again!" He said kissing her lips. His lycan howled in joy finally being able to touch his Erastis, see her, smell her, feel her. She was back. Nora was finally back.

His lycan started jumping around when he felt Nora's lycan with him. The two of the lycan jumped on each other, licking each other's face. His lycan held her lycan close and growled madly in love with her.

Sebastain picked her sleeping Erastis in his arms, "Wait till I get back" Sebastain said without looking up from Nora. He carried her upstairs, he followed the smell of their son without looking away from Nora's peaceful face.

Sebastain kicked open the door where Hunter was playing, "Look Hunter! Mommy is back” he purred at Nora.

A big smile pasted on Hunter's face, "MOMMMYYYY!!l" She shouted in excitement.

Stephan released a breath of relief looking at his sister, he walked towards her slowly.

Sebastain let out a warning grow! at the man trying to come close to his Erastis. His lycan was in control, he didn't acknowledge who was a friend or foe of her Erastis. He didn't want anyone close to his Erastis other than their son.

Stephan backed off with his hands raised, "I am Nora's brother" he said. The lycan let out a grunt and walked off the room to the room opposite to it.

He layed Nora on the soft mattress and pulled a quilt on her, he switched on the AC, "Take care of mommy till I come back. Don't let anyone.. ANYONE come near mommy!" Sebastain said tucking their son beside her mother.

Hunter was in complete awe of his mother, "Mommy is so butiful, Daddy." He said looking at his mother. He poked her cheeks and when it bounced back he let out a giggle, "Mommy soft soft" he said and layed his head on his mother's shoulder. Sebastain smiled at the two and went out of the room locking them from outside.

He looked at Stephan with raging neon blue eyes, "Let's get this over.” He said and went downstairs in the basement where Danya was sitting by the wall, rubbing her eyes, "What happened?" She asked in confusion.

"You fell unconscious" Ariana rolled her eyes lying through her teeth.

"Now tell us! Who did this?" Stephan warned her.

She nodded her head, "She came to me saying that she needed help. She was depressed and crying. She said that.. that woman is trying to steal away what's her's" she said with a furrowed brows.

"She said that Nora killed her mother.. and she wants to take vengeance not by killing her.. no! But making her killing her own mother.

That night, when Nora was showering I came there.” She gulped looking at the furious faces of everyone in the room. She hung her head taking a deep breath, "I released a Trinfl, that made her hallucinate but being a lycan it wasn't enough. She had mixed a heavy dose of Oxerana to everyone's drink but since they hadn't inhaled the gas Trinfl they weren't effected.. it was just Nora" she concluded.

A series of gasp was hear in the room. Trinfl was not something to mess with, it is used to weaken even the strongest of werewolves to a point they would be nothing but mere walking flesh. Silver and wolfsbane is not nearly as dangerous as Trinfl. But being a lycan, it only haywire with one's brain.

Oxerana works like a fire to gunpowder with Trinfl. Oxerana is a type of drug made to sedate higher supernaturals, like lycan, weretiger, werelions, dragons etc. But that is only when it is mixed with Trinfl, alone it will just be like.. 98% alcohol, strong and easily manipulated. It is not usually found, it grows for a week once in a century and that is enough to last a century.

"She asked you and you just walked right into the plan?" Andrew growled at her making her flinch, "No.. I didn't want to do to at first but promised me great riches and a position in the witch's council." she said not looking up.

"Who was she?" Sebastain asked.

"She was a lycan herself. " she said making everyone confused.

"Who?" Ariana asked dreading the answer.. for she suspected one too.

"Kristen, the half lycan" she whispered.

Sebastain's world went blank in an instant. His heart stopped beating for a second, a buzzing sound was ringing in his head. He couldn't hear or feel anything. It's was just all blank, "Bring Kristen" Sebastain whispered looking down in the ground.

Ariana closed her eyes, she knew it. She felt it the moment she met Kristen, her foul energy had clogged her throat. But she brushed it off when Nora told her how close she was to her mother and still grieves of her death.

Arora in an instant opened a portal to Kristen's bedroom where she was sleeping peacefully. Arora went inside and gripped her hair yanking her off the bed and into Jacob's basement. Kristen was so shocked that sue couldn't mutter a single word. She looked at the raging Arora, "What the hell Arora?!l Why would you do that!" She snapped at her.

"Does killing our mother enough to justify?" Jacob growled at her. Kristen's eyes went wide, "Wh- what?" She stuttered, her eyes then snapped towards Danya who was glaring daggers at her. She bit her lips, "Wh-what are you talking about? How can I kill yo-your mother? It was Nora! Don't you guys remember?" She let out a nervous laugh.

"We shall see it for ourselves!" Stephan said and gripped the top of her head. Her head fell back as all the people in the room were is in her memory.

They were shocked to see her stalking Nora way before the two met. She cursed at Nora, hated her guts. She couldn't meet her eyes knowing fully well she'll want to kill Nora.

Sebastain was silently watching all of this, from meeting with witch to meeting with Justin and taking down Nora to forcing Nora's biological mother to set her restaurant on fire to everything that happened that night. A sly smirk was pasted on her lips when Nora was being turned into a statue.

Stephan pulled back his hand in hatred, "Touching you is a sin!" He spat in hatred as she dizzily sat on the ground.

"Why did you do this, Kristen? Why?" Sebastain asked looking at her in confusion. A snarl pasted on Kristen's face, "Why? WHY? You ask me why???" She shouted at her father standing up.

"It was all because of that bitch that you let my mother die!” She shouted crying.


"You have no idea how much I wanted to see her dead, writhing in pain.. just like MY mother did!" She broke down crying.

"In one place it was me without a mother and an absent father and in another place was that bitch who had it all! Including my father! MY OWN FUCKING FATHER!" She shouted making Sebastian shake in fury, he went to her and slapped her hard making her hit the wall that was a feet away from her.




"Ever since she came to your life you have forgotten about me! Before her.. I was your priority and now I am not. And after all of that you decide to have a child with her? A FUCKING BASTARD THAT BOY IS!" She spat venomously.

"KRISTEN! WATCH HOW YOU SPEAK OF MY SON!" Sebastain's yelled at her shaking in fury.

"See! You're telling at your own daughter for that bastard! I'll kill him! I KILL THAY SON OF A BITCH!" She yelled pulling her hair as she ran out of the basement. Sebastain followed her as she went to Hunter's direction. Sebastain knew what he had to do but he and his lycan didn't wanted to do this. She is after all his daughter, his first born. The child is merely misguided.. but she was all far gone now. Nothing can stop her.. apart from her father.

Kristen burst open the door where Nora and her son slept peacefully, she was horrified to see Nora back, "You brought her back?? Fine! I'll kill her even if it means you'll die too. I have always been a mumma's girl anyway" a tear fell from her eyes as she looked at her father for the last time.

The Huntsons ran behind Sebastain, Arora was about to interrupt that maniac when Jacob stopped her, "It's his fight now." He said.

"Don't do this Kristen.. don't make me do this" Sebastain whispered with a weight in his heart. Kristen scoffed and ran towards Hunter with her hand raised.

Blood filled her mouth as it dripped down her chin. Her body fell sideways as a cracking sound was heard throughout the house. Sebastain pulled out the rest of her spine as Kristen fell on the ground dead.

Sebastain fell on his knees collecting his daughter in his arms as he cried, "Why did you do this Kristen?? WHY??" He cried rocking her. He kissed his daughters cheeks, "My beautiful daughter!” He looked at her. Her eyes were wide open but they held no life in them, her skin started becoming cold as he held her close. Stephan picked up a stiring Hunter in his arms and took him out of the room. The boy is too young to see death.

The night was calm peaceful after so long, there was no sound apart from the winds that brushed passed through the nooks and corners of the tree's branches.

A gasp left her mouth as she sat awake on the bed, Sebastian woke up next to her, "Nora" he said with a sad smile. Nora looked at him with tears in her eyes, "Sebastain!" She whispered cupping his face. She smashed her lips to his, feeling the soft contours of his lips after years. They cried in the kiss as Sebastain pulled her on his laps and hugged her tightly as the two cried happily in each other's arms.

"I missed you so much, love!" He cried kissing her face, she let out a series of giggles that melted Sebastain's heart. He started tickling her more as her giggles turned into full blown laughter, her laugh was like the music of heaven to his ears.

"I missed you too!" She said kissing his nose, "I missed you so much!" She said looking into his warm brown eyes that twinkled with love.

The door to their bedroom opened, "MOMMMYYYY!!I" Hunter screeched jumping on bed trackling his mother in a big hug, "Where did you go mommy?? You know how much I missed you??" He pouted wrapping his legs on her waist and his arms around her neck.

Nora wrapped her arms around her little angel, content finally filled her soul, "I was on a trip baby as daddy told you.. I am sorry for being gone so long! I promise I won't ever leave you my prince!" She said kissing his face.

Sebastain furrowed his brows looking at her. She sadly looked at Sebastain as their son was hugging his mother, "I was always here baby. I could see you, hear you but you couldn't" she explained with a small smile, "I was always with you" she said making tears appear in Sebastian's eyes.

"Now you're not leaving me, na?" Hunter asked pulling back from the hug looking at his mother with his beautiful brown and blue grey eyes.

"No my prince! I am never leaving you.. ever!" She said making a smile appear on Hunter's face, "I love you Mommy!" He said hugging his mother again.

"I love you too baby!" She replied with a smile. Her heart filled with adoration, she was finally able to say that to him.

"What about me?" Sebastain butted in with a pout. Hunter pulled his father in a hug, "I love you too daddy!" He giggled

"I love you too my prince" he replied with a smile.

"Mommy can I sleep with you tonight?" Hunter asked his mother.

"Of course my prince?" She replied putting him in between the two.

After a minute of silence a Hunter opened his mouth, "Mommy do you know, daddy always smells werid at night but today he is not smelling weird" he said making the two chuckle, of course he is not drinking today. Hunter kept on talking to his mother for almost an hour, neither Nora or Sebastain had the heart to stop him from talking to his mother. After taking so long Hunter fell asleep, "Finally!" Sebastain breathed out in relief making Nora hit his shoulder playfully.

He took her hand in his and kissed the back of her hand, "I love you, wifey" he said looking at his wife. Nora blushed at his comment, "I love you too puppy!" She giggled out. He growled playfully at his old nickname, "Come here mommy!" He pulled her on him, "Hunter is here" she scolded him as Sebastain pushed Hunter in Nora's place and pulled Nora in the middle, "I want mommy too" he copied Hunter's voice making her giggle. He spooned his wife who spoon their son, "Thank you so much for everything, moya malen'kaya zhena" he yawned sniffing her calming honey and baby powder smell.

"Thank you for everything, ma brute de mari" (my brute of a husband) she said as his refreshing rain on soil with a hint of musk.

"I love you, Nora" he said falling asleep.

"I love you too, Sebastain!" She too fell asleep in her Erastis, her husband's arms. They were at peace at last.

The End.

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