The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 31

Third person's POV

~~The evening of the Blood Hunt~~

(A/n: due to very obvious reasons I have changed the BloodMoon Hunt to Blood Hunt)

The day started out just like a normal day when two souls were supposed to get united under the blessing of the gods and goddesses. Excitement and eager had taken over the atmosphere nobody would have guessed the horror the night took.

Sebastian lightly rocked the baby in his arms singing a lullaby. He admired the bundle of joy in his arms, sleeping like a innocent little angel. His soft snoring was like a melody of joy for Sebastian, he poked his son's soft chubby cheeks making it bounce. His blonde hair neatly brushed back, all thanks to the new mom who doesn't want her son to feel hot because of hair falling on his face. Apparently that's a thing, thought Sebastian. He kissed the baby all over his face making him turn a few times. Sebastian was in complete awe of the precious little baby.

But only him and his soon to be wife knows, this little angel doesn't let them sleep all night. He chuckled remembering when once his mother told him, how he never let his parents sleep all night. Throughout the day he'd sleep and all the energy come at night.

That's where Hunter got his little trait, from him. Hunter looks nothing like either of his parents though he has both of their eyes, Hunter is a carbon copy of his grandfather, alpha Amell and that wolf couldn't have been happier.

"Sebastian" Edmund's voice called out, "It's almost time. You should get ready" he added walking in the room. Sebastian nodded and handed over Hunter to Edmund, "Take care of your godchild" Sebastian said. Edmund made a poker face, "No I plan to play catch-catch with him" Ed rolled his eyes and started bouncing him softly in his arms. Sebastian slapped the back of his head, "You are turning into a male version of Ariana" he chuckled and stripping his clothes.

Ed scrunched his face in disgust, "Dude I know I am very hot and all but I am not interested in you" Ed shivered, Sebastian left a throaty laugh, "Oh Edmund, you have got me so hard" Seb teased seductively making Ed gag in disgust as he ran out of the room, "YES BABY JUST LIKE THAT" Sebastian yelled at Ed.

"YOU'RE DISGUSTING SEB" he shouted making Sebastian laugh out loudly.

Where one place there was humor and excitement ringing the atmosphere, in the other place Nora was having a mental break down.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO HUNT IN THIS?" She asked her mother picking up the long silk trail of her red dress.

"Wasn't hunting supposed to be done in.. I don't know? Pants?" Her eyes wide in disbelief.

Her mother shrugged her shoulders, "It's you who wanted the traditional lycan wedding” she said sipping her wine.

"Mom please tell me, how am I supposed to hunt a freaking rhino in a bloody silk dress?" Nora crossed her hands.

"Watch you language young lady! You're a mother now. And what obssesion do you have with rhinos? Where the hell would you find rhinos here? They don't even like here!" Aurelia asked the doltish bride who was fuming in agitation.

"Dad's gonna help me.. teleport one here” Nora said sitting down

Ariana emerged from the dressing room, "Mom can you help me with the zipper?" She asked turning around wearing a silver dress, "Don’t you look good?" Ari said with a smile.

"You know I have to hunt in this gown?" She asked throwing her hands up.

"What did you thought you'd get? Army pants and t-shirt?" Ari chuckled at her sister.

"Well something closer" Nora raised her shoulder making ari roll her eyes, “Seriously Nora?! This is how traditional lycan weddings are! In dress if you have opted for the modern one then you'd have you tits and pussy covered in a piece of cloth” she said nonchalantly making Nora snort.

Arora entered the room with a big smile on her face, "The moon is out!" She said with a big smile. Aurelia put her wine down on the table, she couldn't keep the tough facade longer now.

She came and hugged Nora, “I am so proud of you, my little princess.” She said tearing up, "I feel like it's was just yesterday the three of you were fighting to get the breakfast first. Now look at you all grown up, looking beautiful. Gosh why did you have to grow up so fast?" she lightly pecked Nora's cheeks, "Come out whenever you're ready!" She whispered gi her daughter and walked out of the room.

Ari looked at Nora, "Wasn't that yesterday?" She enquired, "Yupp! Mom was out shopping. Dad was serving us" they both chuckled, "We are never changing” ari commented, "Never" they both did their secret handshake and walked out of the room.

The Blood Moon was shining brightly in the sky giving a both erotic and dangerous hue of red to everything the light touched. The air was softly humming with the leaves of the trees singing a song of the future to come. The sound of the ocean's water furiously hitting the cliff only added the final touch of danger that was needed.

On top of that cliff stood Sebastian eagerly waiting for his bride to come. He kept on fidgeting as the time passed by. As the back door of the mansion of his parent's house opened Sebastian's breath was knocked off. Nora looked extremely ferocious in her red dress. The high low dress that came inches above her knees in the front and trailed at the back. Sebastian was awe stuck, he could have never imagined his beautiful Nora looking so perilous. The top of the dress cling to her like second skin and the low V neckline amplified her ample blossoms. Her long legs shining under the moonlight and her soft black hair sensually being blown by the wind and her fierce blue-grey eyes shining with mischief as she approached Sebastian with a smirk on her pink lips made him dizzy for some reason.

Sebastian's eyes twinkled with wonder as she stood in front of him. No doubt Nora looks much better bare faced, she smiled at him, "You're gawking" she whispered softly.

"How can I take my eyes off such a beautiful woman?" He whispered love stuck making her chuckle, "You look handsome" she commented as her eyes again ranked down her soon to be husband's body.

The red shirt hung tight to his body, enhancing every contour and muscles he had packed over the years. He had kept three top buttons open making his chiseled bronze chest shine under the moonlight. The black pants had done every justice to his thickly muscled legs and his perfectly round arse. Her mouth went dry thinking of the various way she'll rip that piece of cloth.

"I can smell your arousal” Sebastian whispered in her ears making her blush.

Erik( Sebastian's father) cleared his throat as he, Amell and Earl stepped between them.

"Today we are gathered here to celebrate the union of two souls. Over the years love is one of the thing that has become alien in the world we live in but these two here have managed to find and sustain it regardless of all the hardships they have faced" Erik's boomed powerfully

"But as we all know, love has never been enough to form a relationship. Respect, gratitude, loyalty, trust are some of the things that are needed in a relationship. But we can't actually predict the situation the future brings to each person. But what we can do is ensure that the two of them are able to provide for each other. The Blood Hunt is a symbolic representation of all the needs and wants one will fulfil to another.” Earl added with the same authority as his old friend

The Huntsons, Gretfields, Hounds were all in awe of the couples who looked looked at each other with compassion.

Amell turned to look at Sebastian, "Do you swear to protect and love our daughter till the end of eternity?" The power in in voice read enough to scramble anyone in seconds. Sebastian looked directly into his eyes, "I do" he answered.

Erik turned to Nora, "Do you swear to love, protect and cherish my son till the end of eternity?" He asked without an ounce of emotion leaking from his face.

"I do" her voice rang, just as determined as Nora Huntsons is known for.

"Do remember not to turn into your lycan" Earl added before Erik could speak, "Now let the hunt begin” Erik said as Nora gave her father earl a smirk, to which he nodded back indicating that the rhino is here. Both of them took a run into the forest, Sebastian already knew he had to hunt her a grizzly bear so he went to the area where they are usually spotted.

Nora thought of following the screaming sound of a freightened rhino. But the thing is, she never heard of one. So she did only one thing, she followed any sound of distress or heavy distruction of trees or any flora. As she ran through the bushes her dress kept on getting stuck on the branches, growling in frustration she tore off the stupid trail then tore a small strip of it and tied her hair in a pony tail.

She started sniffing the air for some unusual smell, the night had something very eerie about it. The forest was buzzing with too much noises, her guy feeling had it something was wrong but she shrugged it off thinking it was just nervousness. She was too caught up in her thought to notice 2000kg of mass heading her way. Only when the rhino was a couple of meters away did Nora notice it and moved away from its path but not before it did some damage to Nora. The horn of the rhino slashed her waist from the side.

Nora let out a low growl and ran after it. The rhino though thousand of kilograms was fast. She caught it's tail but instead of stopping the rhino started to jump to and fro from its hing legs to front legs. All this while Nora was careful of it not stepping on her. Though she is a lycan, getting stomped by a rhino is not what she wants. But even though she was careful the rhino managed to stomp on her knee. Her scream of agony rang throughout the forest alarming everyone near the mansion.

Her brothers were about to run after her but their father stopped them, "You are not to help her" Earl said even though his hands were itching to help his daughter.

As the rhino managed to get the attacker on the ground, it raised its front legs to stomp on her chest but she managed to roll off at the last second. The rhino lowered it's horn and ran after Nora whose back was facing the rhino. It pierced it's horn inside Nora's back. Her entire body felt like it was being torn apart, the buring of the injury in her back. The rhino again attacked her by tossing her up in the air like a football.

On air Nora changed her stance from defense to attack, she landed on the rhinos back making it again jump trying to get the attacker off its back. Nora had no option but to let her demon out. She dug her enlarged nails then her hands in its neck, the rhino screamed in pain as she dugg her hands further into the mammal. The rhino fell on the ground and turned on its back to crush the attacker. Nora was crushed by that 2000kg of mammal but she had managed to reach its spine and crush it in her palm then she grabbed it's head and twisted it there by killing the rhino. All this while she was under the rhino, with great difficulty she pushed it off and turned on her stomach. She howled in pain as the rhino had crushed her bone. Before she knows it black dots appeared befor eher eyes and she passed out.

Sebastian was already near the cliff with a huge grizzly bear lying dead near his feet as he was waiting for Nora to come. Her last scream really terrified everyone.

Sebastian's brothers had to hold him back from running to get Nora. It had already been half and hour and there was no sign of Nora. Containing Sebastian proved to be more difficult than anticipated, he had managed to throw all of his six brothers off him he was about to run into Nora's direction when a huge mass came flying from the edge of the forest and landed right on top of the bear.

Everyone was shocked to see a 5 and a half foot tall rhinoceros, weighing at least 2300kg if not less. The the edge came Nora huffing loudly, she limped towards the feast that the two had for each other, "You were right Mom, I shouldn't have gone for a fucking rhino. But I killed it! Yaayy" she cheered softly, now her both arms and back hurt for throwing the damn thing in the air.

As she reached the carcass she sat on the ground and layed on the ground like a star fish, "You can start, I need to take a breath. Uff" her ribs still hurt by being crushed by the rhino. Sebastian stood both confused and petrified looking at the rhino, he swore not to piss Nora off because if she can kill a rhino she can definately kill him in a blink of an eye. He shook his head and helped Nora get up, "A fucking rhinoceros?" He breathed out. Nora looked at the ludicrous Sebastian, "Dude you smashed you head against a tree or what?" She asked his preposterously.

As her lycan now had her healed she stretched her back looking at dumbfound Sebastian, "Let me see what you got for me” she said excitedly as all the nervousness evaporated. Nora's brothers snickered humorously, "She's up for a surprise” Clark commented.

As Nora pushed the rhino off her feast her smile had dropped with a poker face she looked at Sebastian who looked very embarrassed, "I got you a rhino and you get me a bear?" She said, "I do not accept your feast" she crossed her hand in front of her. There were gasp heard from Sebastian's sisters and sisters in law. He furrowed his brows he was about to open his mouth when Nora stopped him, "You are a lycan, an ultimate predator. And what do you hunt me? A meeky bear? If you want me you have to hunt me a predator.” She said with a smirk and sat on the chair near her mother.

Sebastian stood there dumbfound but he shook his head and looked at Nora determined, "Anything for you" he said ripping off his shirt and jumped off the cliff into the ocean. Nora's smirk was wiped off as she ran to the edge of the cliff looking for Sebastian.

"NORA!" Aurelia glared at her daughter, "What? I didn't tell him to jump off the cliff" she said. "Don't worry my son is not that weak to die by falling off a cliff" Erik waved his hand as Sebastian emerged from the water and swam further into the ocean.

"What do you think he's getting?" Arora asked Henry who shrugged, "Tuna maybe?" Both of them nodded, what else could he hunt underwater anyway?

"You know.." Louis came near Nora, "A rhino has never been hunted to be given in the blood hunt." she trailed off impressed by her daughter in law.

"Yeah, I wanted to give him something more than a feast. A promise to be with him even in the hardest of times" she said mentioning her intention to hunt a rhino.

"Sebastian is lucky ti have someone like you" she patted her head, "You're a strong woman" she smirked at Nora who smiled back at her, "Learnt from the best" nira said looking at her mother. "Let's sit down" one of Sebastian's sister said, they all nodded and sat on the grand table. Everyone started talking and chatting among themselves, Nora took Hunter and fed him untill his father came back. It was almost past 9 and Sebastian still hasn't returned. Someone them were getting really worried but Nora assured them that he is alright. If something would have happened her lycan would have told her.

They heard grunts coming from the edge of the forest, their attention turned towards the sound. Sebastian emerged from the forest, he was dripping wet in water as he dragged something from over his shoulder. He panted as he reached the clearing, "Fucking finally" he said and threw a 15 feet great white shark near the rhino. Nora's eyes went wide in shock and awe looking at the beautiful shark.

"Now that's a real hunt" Nora said and went to Sebastian. He gave her a smirk, "Now you satisfied?" He asked wrapping his arms around her waist, "More than satisfied" she said and kissed Sebastian. He pulled back with a smirk, "Now you're officially my wife" he said and kissed her in excitement. "Enough the two of you, now turn and eat you hunt" Erik said as the two pulled apart. The two changed into their lycan and went to their hunt. Sebastian picked up the very heavy rhino looking at Nora's lycan. He lowered it's mouth and grabbed it's throat ripped it off. Nora's lycan gave him a toothy grin and picked up the shark ripping off its back with her teeth. After the two lycans had their share, they went back into the mansion and changed into fresh clothes to join the rest in the bonfire. The two were in different room so they didn't get a chance to have a proper talk.

As Nora was showering she heard a sizzling sound, she stopped momentarily as a unfamiliar smell reached her nose. She enlarged her poisonous claws as the removed the curtains. There stood a very odd looking woman, "Who are you? And what do you want?" Nora asked as her eyes went stark white, both her beat and demon out infront to attack the woman.

She let out a creepy smile, "A friend to give what's her's?" She said and whipped her hand in the air as a purple fog clogged tried to clog Nora. Nora went for the kill before the woman could disappear, Nora had managed to sink her claw in the witch's stomach before she disappeared.

As soon as the woman disappeared along with the purple fog Nora's gut feeling came true, someone close to her is gonna die today.

Sebastian had possessively wrapped his arms around her waist as they came out of the house. Nora was a little scared, sensing his wife's mood Sebastian stopped her, "What's wrong? And DON'T lie" he warned her.

She bite her lips contemplating whether or not she should tell him. She decided to tell him the half truth, "I have a bad feeling. Something is wrong, I don't know what but be cautious.” She told him. He wanted to ask more knowing fully well she was hiding something. He nodded his head and motioned her to go out, "I'll bring hunter down" he said and jogged upstairs to get their son.

Nora was very cautious during the festival, she had her eyes set on anything peculiar. Everyone was oblivious to Nora's distress as they kept on dancing, drinking, eating and mingling. Nora, Sebastian and hunter played for a little while untill hunter started crying in hunger. Nora asked her mother to accompany her in the side while she feeds the baby.

Hunter happily latched onto his mother eating his food. He let out cute little rumbling while drinking from his mother. Nora softly caressed his cheeks and kissed him. Her heart suddenly seem to stop whenever she sees her little angel, "My handsome boy" she whispered as he stopped latching, now sleeping peacefully.

As Nora looked up from her son she saw her mother tearing up, "What's wrong mumma?” She asked in concern. With a warily smile she shook her head, "I am just so happy to see you happy" Aurelia brushed off the strands of hair from Nora's face and caressed it, "You're my best daughter” he said and kissed Nora's head. Nora suddenly teared up too, "You're the bestest mumma in all of the realms” Nora said and wrapped one hand around her mother's shoulder, "I love you maa" Nora said like a baby and snuggled her face in her mother's neck.

"I love you too my love. I love you all" she choked on her voice and smiled at Nora, "Mom do you mind holding him? I want to look for Sebastian" Nora requested kindly.

Aurelia nodded with a smile, "Give me my grandson” she teased and took the little bundle of joy in her arms. Nora smiled and went to look for her husband. She looked around a bit but when she didn't find him she went to ask Kristen, "Hey Kris? Have You--" Nora began to cough as her throat felt dry. Concerned Kristen gave her the cup she was drinking. Nora drowned the cup at once, "You okay?" Kristen asked rubbing Nora's back. She nodded her head, "Yeah ehm.. sorry I was just a little thirsty. Anyway have you seen you father?” Nora asked composing herself.

"Yeah he is by the cliff with uncles" Kristen nodded at the direction, Nora thanked her and went to that direction. Sebastian was with his brothers smoking cigarettes, "Mom likes your Erastis a lot" his older brother commented making him chuckle, "Yes she does. Growing up Nora use to admire mom. She has her morals" Sebastian said taking one puff of the cigarette.

"Welp you got mom as your Erastis!" Another one of his older brother commented making everyone laugh apart from seb who gaged in disgust, "Nora is far from mom. She just has a strong opinion like mom. But unlike mom she doesn't looks down upon those who don't have an opinion” seb corrected them. But that didn't stop the brothers from fooling around, they kept on teasing him how Nora is just a 2.0 version of their mother.

"Bastian?" Nora's voice came from behind making them all turn back, "Yeah babe?" He crushed the butt of the cigarette and walked towards her, "I'll see you guys tomorrow" he waved off his brothers and went to Nora, "Yes love?" He asked

"I hope I didn't disturb you" she said guiltily as seb wrapped his arm around her waist, "Nah! You saved me, they were pulling my leg" he pouted at his wife. She bite the inside of her cheeks trying to stop herself from bursting out laughing.

"I was sleepy. And I wanted to sleep on top of you" she said snuggling herself closer to him. Sebastian chuckled at his sweet wife, "I am tired too" he yawned, "Where is hunter?" He asked his wife who was sniffing his shirt.

"Mom" her voice came as she kept on sniffing his chest. Sebastain smirked kissing her head and walked towards Aurelia who was alone by the table. Nora suddenly turned around as that strange witch's smell again reached her nose. She let out a warning growl making everyone pause.

That redheaded witch had Hunter in her arms, "As I said, giving back what's her's” an evil smirk pasted on her face. Nora's heart stopped when she saw a knife in her hand raised just above Hunter. Before anyone could have blinked Nora's demon wolf rushed out as she ran towards the redhead and slashed the witch's throat then snatched hunter from her arm.

"You missed me!" Her voice again came from behind. Nora whipped around and headed her way with Hunter in her arms. Before she could raise her claws Sebastian had twisted her hand and took Hunter from her, "NORA! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER" Sebastian yelled at her and took Kristen in his arms who looked at Nora in horror. Nora looked at him as if he has gone crazy, "It's the witch. It's was her. She had Hunter! She tried to kill Hunter" Nora said but before Sebastian could say anything Nora's head whipped to the side as her cheeks throbbed. She looked up and saw Ariana, "YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" She yelled at her and threw her at the tree with an invisible force.


"BECAUSE YOU KILLED MY MOTHER, YOU FUCKING BITCH" Ariana tossed her in air and far away in the forest.

Arora cuddled her dead mother in her arms, "Mumma No! Please don't leave me! Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me." She kept on chanting rocking her dead mother. Andrew, Jacob and Stephan dropped on their knees in front on their mother. Her once warm face that had the most contiguous smile is cold and pale now. Their head had stopped functioning looking at their worst nightmare come true. Them standing helpless over their mother's dead body.

Earl softly limped towards his mate who laid peacefully in their daughter's arms, "Ru? Baby?" He fell in the ground next to her mate. His shakey hands tried to reach for his mate's hand which laid cold on the ground. Earl shook her body, "Wake up Ru! Wake up! Please don't leave me Ru. I cannot live without you. Please don't leave me" he begged taking her hand in his and kissing her hand, "Please come back to me Ru! Please come back to me" he wailed loudly. His soul felt like it was being both burned in fire and drowned in acid. His body started withering in pain as a white foam came out of his mouth. He smiled, "I see her" he said and dropped on top of his mate.

"DAAAADDDDDD!!" Stephan screamed in agony holding his father, "Dad! No no no no. Please not you. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please” Arora wailed hold her dead dad in her arms. Both of her parents died in her arms. Jacob and Andrew cried holding their parents. Stephan buried his face in his mother's shoulder as he cried begging for her to come back. Ariana stood there without uttering a single word as tears freely flowed down her eyes.

Sebastian held both of his kids in his arms. He couldn't believe Nora would kill her own mother then try to kill Kristen. His heart was pumping in fright. Louis managed to push everyone inside the house with tears streaming down her face. There was just the Huntsons, Nora and Sebastian left outside. Nora emerged from the forest all bloodied as she looked at her mother and father in shock, "Maa?" She called out, "Papa?" A gasp left her mouth when she saw the two people she loved the most dead on the ground.

"MAAAAI!" She cried and ran towards her mother, "Wake up maa. Wake up please" she shook her body, "Papa! Wake up Papa. What game are you playing?? Wake up!" She shouted at her father and grasped him in her arms, "Papa" she cried loudly rocking him, "Don't leave me. How will I live without you?" She cried out. Arora snapped at her and threw Nora against the tree again.

"You fucking bitch! You killed them! You killed our parents" she shouted at her. Nora was shocked, "Are you insane why will I kill my own parents??" She cried loudly when she felt her bones crack. Ariana looked at nira with hatred, "Why don't you explain it to them yourself" she said darkly and raised her hand imitating as if she's holding someone by the throat. Nora rose up in the air as she felt pressure in her throat.

"Leave her alone!" Sebastian growled at Ariana shifting into his lycan, Arora spoke a spell and Sebastian fell unconscious on the ground. The mansion was them wrapped around by a powerful wall which nobody could cross. There were growling from Sebastian's sisters and brothers as they saw their brother unconscious on the ground.

"Don't kill her so easily" Arora said getting up and walking beside Ariana, "We learnt from her. Never kill you enemies soon. Make them feel your pain.” She spat at Nora in hatred.

The three brothers still oblivious to their sisters doing as they kept on wailing, crying for their parents to come back.

Arora started chanting a spell as her eyes grew darker every chant, Ariana remembered the chant and joined her sister. Nora's eyes went wide as her body started to feel heavier and stiffer. She started shaking and screaming for her sisters to stop but that all went in deaf ears. In an instant her legs stopped moving then her torso then her arms. Her neck stiffened as she looked wide eyed at her sisters, "It wasn't my fault" she whispered out remembering years back when her own had wronged her. Maybe what they say is right. History always repeats itself. It did, it is doing now. Nora fell on the ground as her body turned into stone. Nora felt an incredible pull making her gasp as she floated above her body that now turned to a stoned statue.

"You will see everything Nora. You will hear everything. You'll know everything. But can hear you or see you. I'll show you what pain is" Arora's eyes glowed as was able to see Nora's soul floating in the air.

"What did you do Rora?" Nora looked at Arora in horror who smirked at her, "This is for killing our parents” she said and closed her eyes as they went back to the normal brown. Nora's soul rushed to Arora trying to stop her as the two sister again started chanting but Nora went right through Arora Suddenly a teleport opened beside Nora's statue and it sucked the statute in. Nora looked in terror as her physical self got suck into an abyss of darkness, "Why didn't you hear me out, Rora?" She whispered to herself as a lone tear left her eye.

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