The Grateful Rejection

Chapter Epilogue

Hunter let out a huge yawn snuggling towards his mother, "Tell me another story" he mumbled groggily with his eyes closed. Nora smiled at her little angel, “Not today, my prince. Now sleep” she cooed him who let out a whine, "But I am not sleepy” he said making her chuckle. She started humming a lullaby and before he knows it he was fast asleep. She kissed his forehead and pulled the duvet upto his chin and switched off the light of his room, "Sleep tight, my baby!" She whispered and walked out of the room to her's.

The second master bedroom was empty when she entered, she let out a sigh and went downstairs. She opened the back door and sat on the porch waiting for Sebastain. She looked at the abyss darkness of the forest which enveloped her with safety and tranquility. She leaned back on the wall and closed her eyes, she could feel his grief. He is still in pain, no matter how much she tried or what she did, his pain never alleviated.

It's been over a year since that day. Sebastain screams in horror almost every night remembering that day, that unfaithful day when he had to choose between his daughter and his wife and son. He was never the same from that day, a part of him died. He had to kill the same girl whom he used to take to the park on his shoulder, the same girl whose eyes used to brighten whenever she saw him. The same little girl who giggled out “daddy’ playing hide and seek. He had to kill his own daughter to protect his son and wife.

When Sebastian's family learnt of Kristen's doing they were shocked to say the least but they did too sympathise with him nonetheless.

Now his only hope is Hunter and Nora, the only two reasons that give his life meaning. Someday his emotion will just spiral down and he'd just take off in the forest for hours and someday he'd be nonchalant to his deceased daughter. Sebastain has managed to hurt Hunter deeply with his mood swings. Sometimes the poor boy cies for his father ignoring him, just a few hours back he cried to his mother sating that his father is angry with him and he is usually sad because Hunter has been naughty. The poor boy thinks this is all his fault but enough is enough now, there is a limit to things. And this has to stop now.

Nora narrowed her eyes as Sebastain's lycan came closer to the forest clearing. He came through the trees shifting as he walked towards the house, "You're not asleep yet?" He asked picking up shorts and wearing it.

"I was waiting for you" she said getting up from the porch, Sebastain sighed shaking his head, "I just wanted to clear up my head" he said going inside the house with Nora trailing behind him.

He pulled a cold bottle of water and drank it not making any eye contact with Nora

"You want something to eat?" She asked knowingly. He nodded his head looking vacantly into the space. She pulled out a packet of tortillas and packed it with meat, flavoured rice and avocado. She made five burritos and Sebastain sniffed them off in a few minutes.

She poured him a glass of iced tea and sat beside him while he sipped on it.

"Sebastain" she whispered putting her head on his shoulder. He looked down at her humming, "I need to talk to you about something" she said choosing her words carefully.

Sebastain put his head on hers, "I know.." he said, "I heard him crying.." he whispered rubbing his face with his palms. Nora sat up with a sad look on her face.

"I am a terrible father" he said with his eyes closed, there were tears already forming in his eyes. Nora took a deep breath trying to control herself, "First Kristen whom I raised with so much love turned out to be vengeful and now Hunter thinks his father is sad because of him." He said shaking his head as tears roll down from his cheeks.

"The kids would have been better off without me in their lives--" he was stopped by Nora snapping at him, "Shut up! You need to shut the hell up! Things have been a nightmare for you and I fully understand. Killing your own blood is not easy and you needed time to get over her. I completely understand it! But ever wondered what would have happened if you didn't stop her that day? Or you wouldn't have found about her in the first place? She would have killed Hunter, then she would have gone down the hill and killed everyone you loved and then you! Just out of spite. You are the best son, brother, father and husband anyone could have ever asked for. You're the best thing that has ever happened to everyone in your life. You did your best to raise her but it's not your fault that she turned out to be like this!" She let out her mind as Sebastain looked at her dumbfound, "What did you just say?" He asked

Nora rolled her eyes, "I said it's not your fau--"

"Not that! Before that. You siad something about her killing spree.” he said getting up from his chair looking at his wife in fury and confusion.

Nora went tight lipped, "What did you saw?" Sebastain asked caging his wife between his arms. Nora shook her head, "I didn't want to tell you this.." she softly said with a sad look on her face. Tears gathered in his eyes, "Please Nora" he whispered brokenly.

Nora sighed in defeat, "She was planning on killing your mother and father... On their anniversary last year. She had been torturing Hunter for years, that's the reason why he used to get nightmares. If you wouldn't have found out about her last year half of your family would have been wiped away.." she finally revealed the big secret.

"She was planning on killing your parents first then your siblings and lastly when you're at your lowest.. she planned on torturing Hunter infront of you and finally killing you.." she bit her lips not saying anything more. Sebastain straightened up and walked towards the window looking at the half moon in the sky.

There were minutes of silence, this truth was like swallowing rock for Sebastain, "Why didn't you tell me this before?" He asked softly.

"Because whatever she was.. she was after all your daughter. You thought she just did this to me to hurt you.. if you would have known the truth.. it would have destroyed you.." her calmness only added to his anger.


Nora took a calming breath, she didn't wanna shout and have another fight. After all they were fighting too much now a days, "I did it to protect you. If you were in my shoes you would have done the same, but if you think I made a mistake then I am sorry.” She said and went upstairs to her room.

"Mumma, wake up! Wake up mumma!" Hunter shook his mother. Nora peeled her eyes and Hunter's bright face came in her view, "Hey there my love!" She said groggily sitting up and placing Hunter on her lap. He smiled brightly and put his face on her chest, "Good morning Mumma!" He said with a sigh of relief. Nora wrapped her arms around his little form and kissed his head repeatedly. It's was Hunter's habit, every morning he would wake up and go straight to his Mumma, hug her and kiss her a good morning. He is a total Mumma's boy.

He pulled back and kissed his mother's cheeks, "Mumma I want to eat something savoury" he said with a timid smile making Nora chuckle.

"Sure baby! I'll make you whatever you want. But first go and brush your teeth and shower before you come downstairs. Okay?" She kissed his chubby cheeks. He giggled and jumped off the bed, "Aye, Aye captain!" He saluted and ran off to his room.

After getting fresh Nora was going downstairs when she saw the door of Sebastain's room was open, she peeked in and saw the bed was untouched. She sighed shaking her head. For days they have been arguing over anything to everything, in anger Sebastain picked up his stuff and shifted in another room. That hurt Nora to extend but she understood that he was troubled and needed time. Months after coming back she finally made peace with her sisters, though things would never be the way it used to be between the three but at least the air is clear. Maybe in the years to come the pain she went through would finally fade away but not now, her wounds are still raw from their betrayal.

Even though it was not exactly Nora who killed her mother but she still had her hand in it.

Aurelia made sure to visit her in various ways to show that whatever happened wasn't her fault and that she had no control over herself. More over it was already Aurelia's and Earl's time to go, no body in the world stays longer than they are suppose to. Aurelia had already seen her death by Nora's hand that is why she said her goodbyes before and made sure Nora knew that she loved her. Earl had blessed his little princess with many surprises yet to come her way, it's just his way of showing his love.

Nora has forgiven herself but there is still a weight in her heart that she knew will never go away. Nora hastily went downstairs to make Hunter some Benedict. When she reached the kitchen she saw Sebastain behind the stove, "What are you doing?" She asked coming beside him. Sebastain smiled at her, "Making breakfast for my wife and son" he said charmingly handing her a jar of iced tea. Nora narrowed her eyes in suspicion and took the mason jar and sat on the kitchen bench. "Hunter wants something savoury.” she said with her brows furrowed sipping on her tea.

"I know, love. He after all got your taste." he said opening the oven and taking out a skillet, "Also I heard the two of you talking." He said with a shrug. Putting the hot skillet on the table, "Sebastain.. are you okay?" She asked when she was not able to figure out his cheery mood.

Sebastain smiled at his confused wife, "I am fine babe. I finally feel fine." he said coming around the island infront of her. He took both of her hands, "Thank you for tolerating me for months. If it were someone else they would have dumped my ass but you stayed thanks babe" he said caressing her cheeks. Nora leaned to his touch intertwining her hand with his, "Well I decied to marry you.. so it's not like I have many options anyway.." she joked making him chuckle, "Yeah, unfortunately you're stuck with me forever" he shrugged wrapping his arms around her.

"Fortunately" she corrected him hugging him. It's been months since they were this close, a type of content spread in their heart to hold each other in their arms. They felt complete to be near each other, "All I needed was the truth to get over her death" he said pulling away from her. Nora nodded sadly, "I understand.. I am sorry” she said softly. Sebastain smiled softly looking at her beautiful blue-grey eyes, "You have nothing to be sorry about.." he whispered and lightly place his lips on hers.

Their lycans howled in bliss. Sebastain picked up Nora in his arms as their lips moved passionately in sync. She had wrapped her legs around his wait and her arms around his neck, grinding on him. Her moans made Sebastain growl as his neon blue eyes shinned in need.

Little steps fastly coming downstairs broke the two. Nora pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as hse tried to contain her hormons that are begging her to jump on her husband. Sebastain cursed under his breath and went around the island to adjust his need poking in his pants. God! He feels like a hormonal teenager!

Hunter jumped off the last two stairs and ran in the kitchen, "Give me foooooooddd" he ran inside wearing Spider-Man pants and an Ironman tshirt. Nora smiled picking up her son and plaing him on the chair, "What did you make mumma?" He asked wagging his legs

"Ask you father, he made you breakfast.” She said sitting next to him. Hunter pressed his lips, "He is not angry with me?" Hunter asked innocently. Sebastain's heart dropped, "1 will never be angry with you, my prince. You have done nothing to make me angry at you. You're the best boy in the world!" Sebastain said coming his way.

"Really?" Hunter asked shyly. Sebastain nodded his head, "You're the best son" he said kissing his forehead. Hunter smiled shyly, "You're the best too daddy!" He said hugging his father. Nora smiled looking at the father-son duo. She went around and cut the frittata Sebastain had made for three and served them breakfast.

They spent their breakfast talking and joking, being a family after so long. As soon as Hunter left the house to play with his friends, Sebastain was behind Nora kissing her neck, "Let pick up where we left" Sebastain purred sniffing her soothing smell. Nora giggled turning around, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Yes please" she said huskily pushing herself on him. Sebastain growled wrapping his arms around her waist and twirling her, "God I missed you!" He said smacking his lips on hers.

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