The God of War - Editing

Chapter Breakfast in Bed

Julie POV

“Good morning, Julie.” Before I opened my eyes, I smelled food, and when I opened them, Max was waiting for me with a bright smile and a food tray in his hands. “Good morning, Max.” Tenderness flooded inside me, and I knew it came from him. I was learning when it was my feelings and when it was his. He sat on the bed beside me and moved the tray to the middle of us.

“Ares and Aphrodite slept outside, and I brought you in this morning. I got you some food, and we could go on an adventure after breakfast. Have you been to the Ocean?” That made me smile at him. The Ocean must be beautiful. “No. That is the first time I have been out of the Woodland Pack. I have been only to restaurants before with my family. But everything nearby the land, my father did not like to go out much and only went out of the pack to attend Alpha meetings with other Alphas.”

Max spread butter on my toast, put it on the plate with eggs, and gave it to me. “Well, then today, little wolf, you will see the Ocean.” He took a bit of his toast and winked at me. His green eyes got darker looking at me. He knew I was unclothed under the bedsheets. “We are mated now. And I don’t think I make you tired anymore. I can teach you how to shift before we go, and we can run till there. Are you feeling your head less heavy now?”

I took a minute to think. Maybe I could try it. I was a Luna now, and I could use our time here to learn. I did not want to disappoint now that the whole pack knew who I was. I felt his hands on my arm, and the sparkles comforted me. “You will never disappoint the pack, Julie. They know you already, and they adore you.” I widened my eyes after what he said. Did he feel it? “I can read your thoughts. Julie.” I frowned, surprised. “How? Is it because of Ares?”

He played with a piece of my hair. His eyes never left it. “It is a fated mate thing. You will get used to it. Now finish your food, and we can go outside.” He returned to his breakfast, and so did I. I had so much to learn. My parents were not fated mates. That may be why my mother never mentioned anything about it.

We finished our breakfast, and Max put the tray aside and grabbed my hand to go outside. I held tight to the bedsheet until we were out, and he chuckled. “Julie, I am your mate. We are mated and wolves. There is no room for shyness, at least not in front of me. We cannot shift wearing clothes, you know it.” I shook my head. I knew that was stupid of me. “Yes, of course, Max. Sorry I was being silly.”

Max took his shirt off, and I let the bedsheet fall. His eyes got darker, and he pulled me to him by the waist for a kiss. His kiss was not slow as the last time. This time he was hungry. He grabbed my bottoms to lift me and wrapped my legs around his waist. My breasts touched his chest when he put his hand on my back, pushing me even closer. Everywhere he touched, I felt wanted, and the alluring sparks were driving me wild this time. I was not sure what was happening. I was shy and holding the bedsheet for dear life a minute ago.

He stopped the kiss and looked at me. His eyes had a spark, and he seemed amused. “What is happening, little wolf, is that you want me as much as I want you now.” Max was not interested in my reply. He lowered his head, and his tongue slowly played with my left nipple. A soft moan escaped my lips. I was feeling so good and was ready to mate again. His thumb caressed the mark, and Max moved to my ear and delivered small bites. “I will take you now, little one.”

Holding me with one hand, he pulled his shorts down and entered me. We both sighed in pleasure, and this time everything was better. The emotions inside me were different. I think it is because he was not making me tired anymore, and I had a regular werewolf body now, or because I had a higher rank now and could feel my feelings and his.

“Max.” It was difficult to talk. My breath was ragged, and I held his shoulders. I knew my release was close. He nibbled my mark, making me moan louder. “It feels good.” He kissed me again, squeezed my bottom, and got deeper inside me. “I know, Julie. I will make you come now.” He softly bit my mark, and I was done calling his name. He breathed heavily on my ear and came too.

He held me tight till our hearts slowed down and petted my hair. He smirked at me, putting me down. “I think we have done a warm-up now. You are ready to shift.” I playfully hit his arm and giggled. Everything felt so easy now. He took his shorts off and looked down at my face, lovingly stroking my cheek. I closed my eyes to feel the sparks on my cheek. I would never get used to it. “Everything feels easy because I have accepted you in my heart, little one. Soon the mate bond will dominate my body, just like it did yours since your arrival.”

I forgot he could read my mind. But now, nothing bothered me because soon we would be one.


Jordan POV

We needed to leave Woodland and soon. I was exposed being here, and any day, the council would be coming to take Michael. I should not have promised the Witch to break her mate free. I hoped Robbie followed all my orders to get her mate out of the pack cells without raising alarms. Kell and Ferdinand could not suspect anything.

I was looking at Melissa. It had been two days since Robbie had left, and she said she would explain anything regarding Julie’s wolf only after she had her mate. She will learn soon that I do not accept demands. Killing her mate crossed my mind to teach her a lesson, but I am sure she would be more inclined to do as I asked if she had him here. It might be easier if I had him near. I can always tell Robbie to torture him in case she does not cooperate.

I could not smell Robbie outside when they arrived. The Witch had made him a potion to disguise his scent. Melissa’s orange eyes glowed, and she ran to the door, and I was right beside her. She ran to embrace the weak Omega that was panting from their run. The Capital was far, and Omegas were weak and not fit to travel this distance.

I went to the porch, got trousers and gave them to them. “Now, Witch, enough with the mate drama and give me what I want.” She needed to provide me with her side of the bargain, or the Omega would feel pain. She stopped hugging him and nodded at me.

“There is a legend about the Goddess Aphrodite. After her lover, Ares, falls in love with Eos, Aphrodite gets angry, and Eos curses her for life to leave without true love. Aphrodite had multiple lovers but never found the ideal partner to live up to her expectations as Ares did.”

I looked at Robbie, and he was intrigued by the story. “Aphrodite was tired of living with the curse and wanted Ares as her mate for eternity. After her lover, Ares, was killed. Aphrodite allured Selene with her beauty and love and asked her to make them one for eternity. Only the three virgin goddesses, Artemis, Athena and Hestia, were immune to Aphrodite’s powers, so the Moon Goddess became enchanted by her love, giving her exactly what she wanted. Ares and Aphrodite created the first mate bond for an Alpha and Luna.”

She looked at the pack house. “If Michael is right about the name, she must be a powerful elemental wolf. The legend says that Aphrodite was never killed, and when Selene made her a wolf, she kept her powers as when she was a Goddess.”

Robbie snorted, and I kept looking at her face. “Are you telling me that weak Omega is the Goddess Aphrodite?” Robbie asked Melissa, and I could feel he was not convinced.

Melissa narrowed her eyes. “I am telling what I know. It is a legend, and she is not an Omega right now. She must be mated with Maximus already and is a Luna.”

Thousands of thoughts went through my head, I consulted my wolf, and he did not have anything to say. Looking at Melissa, I rubbed my forehead. “If she is mated with Maximus, his wolf must be Ares. Maximus can use her for his gains. He could become Alpha King now and take my place.”

Melissa took her time thinking. “He will never use her. You don’t need to worry about it. They are mates. Maximus would never use his mate. The mate bond would not allow it.”

Melissa smirked again. “Now we only have to take her from him to get him to do what you want. He will be like a pup in your hands, begging you to let him have her again. And soon will bow and put you on your throne.”

If this Witch were right, Julie would be much more valuable to Maximus than we thought. Mates were always a weakness. Sure, if I took her from him, he would be weak.

It is time to visit Alpha John. In those two days we were waiting on Robbie, I made all the plans to get my hands on her without letting the council find anything out. ”I will get Michael while you pack everything, Robbie. We should head to Shadows Pack to put the plans in motion. Michael will be hidden there till it is time. And so will you, Melissa, with your mate.”

Robbie only nodded and went to get our bags, and Melissa could not say anything, even if she did not want to go. She was under my command now and would do what I wanted. Now Michael was a different story. His lazy ass did not want to leave the pack house. He had an easy life here, running his pack to the ground and only decided to grab his bags when I told him that his wolf would have Julie soon because his wolf was the only thing bothering him.

We drove the whole night, and when we arrived at Shadows Pack, John and Tania were waiting for us at the entrance of the pack house, and I could sense how displeased he was that we brought a Witch into his pack. Tania was smiling, and I was sure she thought we were there because of the claim and would be taking Julie into custody. Without a word, John motioned for us to follow him to his office.

“Don’t need to be angry, Alpha John. She is only a Witch. Perhaps she could make some company to the other Witches you have in your cells. They must be lonely there with their powers bound.” John looked surprised that I knew about his Witch hunt and had never prosecuted him. Of course, I knew everything. I had been collecting all the wrongdoings the Alphas were doing to be able to exploit when the time came.

I sensed anger coming from Melissa, sure the Witches on the cells were not from her coven, but they were from the same species, and she felt like protecting them. I looked at her. “If you try anything, Melissa, while you are here, Robbie will kill your mate in front of you in the most painful way.” I had to warn Melissa off. I needed John on my side, and taking away his plaything would not make him do anything I wanted.

I smiled at John. “Don’t worry, John, my Witch will not take away your favourite toys. I am sure you are having a good time torturing them in your cells. It must be liberating to your soul.”

“Why are you here, Jordan? Did you come here to threaten me?” John was angry, and Tania held her father’s arm. “Daddy, don’t be like that. They must be here to deliver good news. Tell me, have you killed that Witch/Omega yet? Is Max out of her spell and ready to mate me?”

“I am here with Michael because, as I said on the phone, he needed to disappear from his pack for a while. Maximus is after him. The Omega returns to Woodland with Michael, and Maximus will be yours, Tania, if you all do everything as I asked.”

“And you are here doing everything for my daughter out of the goodness of your heart Jordan?” John snorted. I knew he was not buying it.

“I am not doing anything for your daughter John. Michael and I have been friends for many years, and I do not leave a friend in need. I was hoping you could keep my dear friend safe, and I know your daughter wants Maximus. It is a simple trade.”

“It is a great idea, Daddy. We don’t have any guests now. They can stay in the guest wing.” Tania was very gullible, and I was glad she was in the room. John adored her, and his uneasiness disappeared when she talked.

“Very well. What do you have in mind, Jordan?”

I was happy now that John was on the same page as everybody else in the room, and I would use everyone to get me what I wanted.

It was a steamy chapter today with Max in full Alpha mode😊 Jordan was already putting his plans into action and did not tell anyone anything. He sure will manipulate everyone.

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