The God of War - Editing

Chapter The Perfect Ares

Julie POV

Everything was perfect in this wooden cabin, and I could see Max and Ares had put a lot of effort into this place. The ceilings were high, and the living room was open with big glass windows. I sat on the windowsill facing the calm lake. The comfortable cushion under me made this spot even more enjoyable.

Even though everything was enchanting, my head was heavy, and my body felt funny reading the book. My senses were heightened as it was always supposed to be. I could smell the food and sense Max’s presence in the kitchen.

“This anxiety inside you won’t go away till you learn how to be a true werewolf, Jules. You will not trust him, others or your instincts if you don’t let our mate help you.” I felt Aphrodite’s presence in my mind, and she tried to help me.

“You did not say anything before, A. Why?” She sat on my mind, ready to talk, and I was hoping she would share some clarity.

“Because we have a purpose, Jules. We must follow Selene’s plans and stay consistent with them. Bad things have already happened in our world because you were not gifted to him earlier. If I had not kept everything from you since our arrival and had not controlled your emotions when I was stronger, you would not have mated Max. You should have learned many things before finding our mate. You were supposed to be an Alpha’s daughter going around packs to find Max. A monster was hiding us from the world, Julie.”

I knew Aphrodite was right. I did not know anything, not even things taught to Omegas. I took a deep breath and remembered her words when we were hiding. “In the woods, you said our mate is the key to everything. What did you mean, A?”

“Ares is the strongest wolf now, Jules because we made him. That is how it must be. He accepted his gift not because he was a power-hungry wolf. He accepted us because he knew that was the only way to prevent chaos. He is the key to going against anyone that can make threats against our kind. Our mate will protect our kind even against our male pups that will be sent to us for a reason.”

I listened carefully to everything she had to say and was thinking about my family. My twin brother was an Alpha, was he destinated to do something like me for our world? If yes, Michael took it from him. He did not have his wolf when he was killed.

I felt sadness rushing inside me, it was so strong, and I reached out for Aphrodite. “What is it, A? Are you sad?” Her love wrapped around my body." It is not our feelings. It is Max’s because you have been in this room for a long time. He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable and is waiting for you to come to him. He has made us lunch. It will take a few days till Ares doesn’t need us beside him all the time.”

I had read enough for one day. I put the book on the cushion and padded the carpet flooring to the spacious kitchen barefoot. Max already had a bright smile when I opened the door, and I felt the mate bond pulsing. I was sure he sensed me before I opened the door.

The food smelled delicious. “I can feel you are hungry, Julie. I was hoping we could have our first meal here.” His voice was soft like this morning, and I looked at his bright face. He looked even more handsome now that we were mated. If Aphrodite was sure that he was not like my uncle, I had to trust her. I needed him to survive, and making him weak was not a solution.

I nodded. “Yes. Lunch will be lovely. Max. Thank you for cooking.” His eyes sparkled. He moved a chair for me and waited for me to sit before he started to plate our food. “Feeding you is our pleasure, Julie.” I knew he meant him and Ares. I was sure Ares could not wait to play with Aphrodite again.

This time I knew what I had to do. While Max had his eyes on me, I took the first bite, and he followed. The steak was tender and tasty. “Thank you! It is perfect.” Aphrodite urged me to praise him as soon as I finished the first bite.

His eyes got darker, and I felt how proud he was of his skills. It was strange to feel everything now. It had never happened before. Max held my hand, and the delightful sparks and warmth were back. “You can ask me anything if you are confused. I know it is all new to you.”

I was glad he offered. I had many things that I wanted to know. “The sparks, would this fade away with time?” He squeezed my hand. “No. We feel it much more intense at the first mating, but the way you feel now will be till I die.” I returned to my food but wanted to ask about the book. “In the book, I saw many other mates and wondered if they were alive. Do you think they are alive now?”

“It is possible. I have met only an elemental wolf before. But he never found his mate.” I watched when he spoke. The way he sat and ate demanded authority anyone would be able to tell he was an Alpha with his broad shoulders and perfectly tanned skin.

We finished the rest of our food, and Max escorted me back to the open living room. We sat on the comfortable sofa, and he reached for my hand. His eyes were darker green, and Max inhaled the air. I could feel how pleased he was now that my scent had changed and was mixed with his.

With his other hand, he caressed my cheek. His actions had intimacy, and his hand stroked my cheek slowly. “The wolves need to mate, Julie. Ares is too restless inside me. If I don’t let him out now, he will take control, and I don’t want him to be rough with you.”

Max did not let me answer as a smirk appeared on his lips, and his golden glowing eyes told me Ares was in control. I thought Aphrodite would show up as faster as he did, but no. “I want to taste your lips first, little one.” I was surprised Ares said that, and he pulled me closer by the back of my head and pressed his mouth against mine. His kiss was nothing compared to Max’s. It was dominating and rough. His hand was firmly on my hair, setting me in place during it. He stopped kissing me when I felt like I could no longer breathe.

He nibbled my lower lip a few times. “You taste good, but I am afraid I want something else now, and I have not asked Max for permission yet.” He smirked again after he expressed his needs, and Aphrodite pushed me to the back of her mind.


3rd person POV

The enchanting pink eyes were darker from the anticipation while looking at her mate. “At last, my love.” As Ares grabbed Aphrodite’s hair much rougher this time, he said playfully. Aphrodite was not looking for him as long as he was for her, but she also felt it was an eternity till she had Ares’ hands finally around her. Without waiting for anything, she had to say Ares had his mouth against hers.

His actions showed no softness in their passionate kiss, just pure animalistic instincts. They needed to do their part in the mating, and Ares was looking forward to having Aphrodite pressed under him on the floor.

He was the Alpha male in the room and would show Aphrodite what that meant. Ripping her pretty dress off, he pushed her to the floor. “Oh, Ares! I have been waiting for it for so long.” Aphrodite purred at her mate, enticing him to suck her soft nipples. The feeling was intense, and she threw her head back and lifted her chest, giving herself to him to do as he pleased.

They were equals now, but she liked his dominating aura. Ares ripped the last barrier that prevented him from seeing her naked body; now that her knickers were lying on the carpet, he could have her all to himself.

Aphrodite’s hands worked fast, taking Ares’ t-shirt off while he rubbed her clit and bit the base of her neck. He would love to savoury her pussy next time. Now he wanted her ready for him fast. Before Aphrodite could take his trousers off, Ares moved her to lie on her chest.

Aphrodite spread her legs for him to take her from behind. He laid on top of her, nibbling her mark, a unique mark he was so proud to see on her. With fast hands, Ares managed to open the front of his trousers just enough to set his cock free and hold her shoulder firmly. He shoved it inside her.

Aphrodite’s eyes glowed, and she moaned louder. Love flooded Ares’ body, and he knew it was coming from her. Ares knew she loved any moment of it. “I can feel you loved that, my perfect mate.” Ares rushed out with ragged breaths.

Ares entangled his hand in her hair and pulled her face back to kiss her again. He gave her desperate, hungry kisses as if his life depended on it. Ares increased his pace, eager to please her, and their grunts of pleasure would be heard if they had neighbours. “Faster, Ares!” Aphrodite did not even have to ask as they were one, and he knew exactly what she wanted. He was attentive to all her needs and wanted to be a perfect mate for her.

The desperation of their first mating and the needy to start their lives together was evident in their eyes when they looked at each other. “Let’s get the twins nested inside you, my love.” Ares was about to come, and he would ensure they did it together. His pace increased as if it was possible, and they came together, howling with pleasure.

After a few minutes of having her in his arms, their breaths were quiet, and they were in full mode again. Ares wanted to show off their land, how equipped he was to be her mate and, most importantly, how he had prepared everything for her arrival.

“Let’s go outside to shift. I want to sleep under the stars with you snuggled beside me for warmth. You will love it here, my little one. The sky is clear, and I made a beautiful spot for us to rest.” He had his arms around her. It felt like a perfect cage when he talked with his commanding voice like that. Aphrodite turned her head back to look at him, her eyes shone delightfully, and Ares could not have prayed for anything better than the gift the Moon Goddess had given him. “I would love to see everything you made thinking of me, handsome.” Ares smiled at her and kissed her again.

Getting rid of the trousers that were now on his feet, Ares got up and offered his hand. “Come, my love. You will be amazed at what I can provide for you.”

Happy 2023 everyone. I hope you all had a lovely time with friends and family. 💕💕

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