The Gamer's System

Chapter 207: Second Generation Vs. Third Generation

A month has passed since the heroes were deployed to Mythos. During this time, other creatures have begun sprouting all over the continent. These are ones which has been influenced by [Chaos Energy] as Pier was beginning to transform the whole of Mythos into the second coming of Gaia. The land where the two factions of [Monarchs] ruled.

Due to the wave of monsters that far surpassed the normal ones, the newly sent heroes were forced to deal with them first. Gaining levels in preparation for the fight against Pier. Although the task was difficult, the main deities made sure to give three proper [System Assistances] to the heroes.

The first was a prevention from any [Player Kill – PK] being done among the heroes. The second was a [Voice Chat] function allowing them to actively make reports to one another whenever progress was made. Lastly, they were given the command of [Player Teleport] which allows any of the heroes to respond whenever one of them was in danger.

While the heroes were thrown to different parts of the continents, they were nevertheless able to form alliances as the days went by. There were only two kinds of heroes who took part in this mission.

Those who were active hunters; wanting to get the reward which was stated by the main deities. Then there were those who were tired from all the fighting. Deciding to just stay within the villages and live peaceful lives. There were a lot of heroes after all and the lax ones thought that these individuals would be able to finish the task.

From time to time, some heroes would encounter Quinn. With Vask residing within him and, with the [Chaos Energy] he emitted, it was easy for the heroes to mistake him for another monster. Quinn explained his predicament to over the first encounters; or rather he tried to.

The heroes didn't listen to him and decided to simply attack. Thinking that Quinn's words were probably nothing more than a trap to lure them in. however, no matter how strong they were, these new heroes were no match for Quinn. 

With the last fight he went through; the former leader of the elites had his power skyrocket. Making him reach the level of Sylph on her transformed state. This was, of course, only an estimate. He needed to actually fight her in order to prove this claim.

Quinn was just as lost as these heroes were in trying to find Pier. With Vask's powers to mingle with space, he was able to instantly travel over long distances. However, this was a skill that they didn't frequently use as Vask needed to conserve his energy. Knowing that it would be needed when they do find Pier once more. And instead of finding the god, Quinn encountered another group of heroes.

"Why do they keep showing up wherever we go?" Quinn thought to himself.

"Well that's probably because you have way more [Chaos Energy] than any of the small fry monsters. You should learn to control that soon, otherwise we'll just continue facing the same predicament." Vask said in reply, with the group of heroes preparing to attack.

"Who are you? What is your connection with Pier?" The one who seemed to lead the group asked. Bearing a black staff on her hand which suggested that she was a mage type. The other two looked like normal run of the mill generals in video games. Probably being even stronger than the type of characters they were associated with.

"Are you really going to listen or are we going to fight anyway?" Quinn asked based on all the instances he fought with the heroes. Never getting any successful negotiation going.

"Pardon?" The female hero said in reply.

"No never mind. I'm Quinn, a human from earth and was part of the second batch sent to Mythos."

"So you are part of the elites?" The female hero furthered, getting this intel on the data sheets provided by the deities as soon as they descended Mythos. She then looked up his name on the list and finally drew an expression on her face which Quinn was quite familiar with.

"Well yes. That would be the case." He said in reply, already feeling the air tense up.

"From the list given to us, you are supposedly the leader of this group. If that is so, where are your members Mr. Quinn?"

This was the point where everything became complicated. The contract Quinn had with Vask prevented him from telling the information regarding his mission. Putting him in a situation where he seemed suspicious.

Three parts of this discourse made Quinn look like an enemy. The first was that he claimed to be the leader of the elites yet does not have his allies nearby. The second was that he held an immense amount of [Chaos Energy] within him which the new heroes only found on monsters. Lastly, when asked about his reason for being alone, Quinn does not have any valid alibi. This was enough of a reason for the heroes to advance. Nodding at each other as they began their attack.

"I knew this would happen." Quinn said as he began dodging their blows.contemporary romance

"Don't take us lightly monster! We have each defeated a demon lord!" One of them uttered. Bearing a gigantic sword which was continuously swung at the seeming weight of a feather. Its defensive capabilities were no joke either as Quinn's spells were being blocked without any problems.

"Who said anything about taking you lightly?" Quinn said in reply as he casted [Impale], raining down spears on his. This attack was also deflected by the heroes as their female leader stopped the spears in mid air.

"Oh? What do we have here?" Vask said as he saw the hero using a similar skill to his. Quinn followed this up by throwing two daggers at the enemies; both of which were deflected.

"Can you at least leave them at a state where they could heal properly?" Quinn asked the [Monarch] who brutally beat up the heroes they've encountered up to that point.

"That would be impossible. Not with someone using a skill similar to mine." Vask said in reply; with Quinn feeling gravity intensify. Pushing him down the ground with the earth around him being pressed down.

With this, the other heroes came in for the kill; with the last member of the group wielding a giant axe. Yet Quinn was able to escape as he made use of [Weapon Blink]. Teleporting to the location of one dagger and immediately firing [Valley of Spears]. 

This was a skill that couldn't be stopped by the same concept used by the female hero. Hence his enemies were forced to move away from their location, entering the trap of Quinn who activated [Oblivion].

"You are obviously making use of the skills of these "elites." Tell me monster, did you consume these humans and took on their form? Or are you the one we've been looking for?" 

"You won't listen to me anyway so why should I answer?" Quinn thought to himself, casting fifty [Fire Balls] which exploded upon contact.

There was no direct hit as the great sword was used to shield the group. Turning into a regular sized sword with a shield on the hero's other hand.

"Ha! You think something of that caliber would work against us?" The hero proudly stated, getting another barrage of fireballs.

"Honestly, I couldn't care less about what you think anymore. I'm growing tired from all these encounters with you buffoons." Quinn furthered which was the signal for Vask to take over. One which the [Monarch] gladly did after a total of [Five Thousand Fireballs] were casted; depleting Quinn's whole mana pool.

The heroes emerged out of the smoke that gathered. Still in one piece but nevertheless appearing tired and worn from the barrage. Then, before Vask could even move, [Gravity magic] was used on him once again.

"That was a bice little show you made there. Unfortunately for you, I can control space so most of the fireballs that you casted only got deleted by me." The leader of the heroes said, noticing the markings which appeared all over Quinn's body.

"I see that you are finally showing your true colors monster." She furthered, densing up the space around Vask which delighted the [Monarch] even further.

"I suppose I should show you how this is done." Vask said as the hero found it difficult to continue her spell. In fact, space was loosening up around Vask; shocking the hero who didn't understand what was happening.

"Kneel." Vask said, instantly forcing the three heroes to their knees. Unable to move anymore no matter how hard they tried.

"Are you copying my skills?" The female hero claimed, making Vask burst out in laughter.

"Oh goodness me. To think that you would be arrogant enough to claim something like that." Vask pointed his finger on the female hero, uttering another command.

"Up." Vask pointed his finger to the said direction. With the hero's body automatically responding. Forced to be on her feet yet unable to make any unnecessary movement.

"Kneel." Vask continued, making her fall back down.

"How dare you!" One of the male heroes said, watching the spectacle.

"release us at once!" The other one demanded.

"I see that you don't learn fast. Grovel." He furthered, with the three forced to put their heads on the ground.

"What manner of sorcery is this? Are you another god which betrayed the heavens?" The female hero said in anger, refusing to accept defeat just like every other successful hero.

"I'm not required to answer you, nor do I feel like there is any need to." Vask said, lifting them back up. This time, suspending their bodies in mid air just like what the hero did with Quinn's spears.

"Now I need you all to forget this little encounter of ours from those tiny brains of yours." The [Monarch] proceeded to releasing [Chaos Energy]. One which covered the heads of the heroes who screamed as the effects began. 

This was the same method which he used on the other heroes. A way to remove their memories of the meeting in order to prevent them from hunting him down. And, with the process being completed, Vask released them all from the hold. Dropping the unconscious bodies of the heroes on the ground and switching back with Quinn.

"I hope we don't meet again." Was all that he said; walking away and continuing the hunt for Pier.

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