The Gamer's System

Chapter 206: The Trap

Vask and Quinn weren't the only ones looking for Pier. Within the heavens, the gods have already finished taking back all the heroes that were needed in the mission. 100 heroes from worlds that were saved. 

Some of them were actually still in the process of saving their worlds as Nisha mentioned. Yet these were already on the latter stages. Where victory was supposed to be inevitable. On the other hand, the other heroes had different circumstances before getting summoned once again.

Since they were deployed by the minor gods, they didn't enjoy the same benefits given by the major deities. They couldn't be brought back to their worlds even after clearing the quest as, their real bodies were already decaying corpses. Hence these heroes stayed within their respective realms, taking up jobs of various sorts.

Some became counts. Some became rulers. Some lived simple lives. While there were those that continued on to being adventurers. Then there were also those which indulged in worldly pleasures. Enjoying all that lust, gluttony, and avarice could provide for them.contemporary romance

Adding to this is the fact that, they weren't as morally upright as the elites. In fact, many of them even succumbed to corruption as soon as they defeated the [Demon Lords] on the worlds they saved.

"Either you die as a hero or you live long enough to see yourself as the villain." These words rang true for some of them. Nevertheless, they were chosen because of their overall capability. With the gods knowing that they were the finest among the thousands of human heroes forcefully abducted from earth.

The three main deities were the ones to meet them. Pier, who was disguising himself as Nisha was also there. Both Sinclair and Chrono were still unsuspectful of him at that moment. Making his game of pretend a walk in the park even against major deities. And with him being there it meant that, things were still flowing based on what he wanted.

"Greetings heroes! I'm sure that you are all confused about this sudden meeting." Sinclair began, with the heroes unable to grasp the situation right away. All of them were in the middle of their daily businesses after all and so, the sudden transport took them by surprise.


"I think we need to calm them down first." Chrono said as he acted out on these words. Activating one of his powers which fast forwarded the minds of the heroes. Allowing them to all be on a calmer state as he finished.

Thus, they finally recognized who they were facing. Bowing down in respect to the three main deities. A gesture which Sinclair delighted in. 

"To what honor do we owe this meeting dear deities." One of the heroes said, a man who lost his arm and replaced it with a mechanized one. Holding a hyper energy cannon within it that could destroy half a continent if he so wished.

"Please raise your heads." Sinclair said in reply, snapping her fingers and giving all the heroes chairs to sit in as they ere transported to a meeting hall. With the main deities in front.

"There is a predicament that we are facing. One which we believe could only be solved by you." Nisha began, showing mythos that appeared as a vivid hologram in the middle. An exact replica of what the world actually looked like.

"Is this going to be another demon lord because I do believe we've done our part and served you well already." Kisha said, a queen on the world which she saved.

"Wait let's hear the main deities out first." Another hero said in reply as the murmuring began within the hall. This didn't last log however as Nisha emitted a chilling aura which immediately silenced the heroes.

They didn't even need to be told of it. They knew that the main deities meant business and that, they could do nothing but listen at that point. Destruction. Creation. Time. All of this were within the control of the main deities. 

"As I was saying. We are facing a great predicament and no, it is not some measly demon lord. But you guessed right, you do need to defeat another evil this time around." Nisha furthered with a hand being raised from the crowd of heroes.

"It's something that requires all of us present here? So by the looks of it the enemy must be a god correct?" A female hero said in reply. Being one of the smarter ones within the bunch.

"Ding ding! Ten points for that missy!" Chrono said in reply. A knowledge that made the room even more unsettled.

"The enemy this time is indeed a god. It is a god which has betrayed us and left the heavens. Entering the world we are showing you right now." Sinclair said, getting another hand raised from the crowd.

"So which god is it? If it's one of our benefactors then that may raise some problems among us." A hero commented.

"Don't worry, it is a minor god who was never assigned to choosing his own champion. His name is Pier. The god of mischief and deceit." Nisha answered, raising some audible murmurs once again. One which died out as soon as it began as they knew what may come next if they caused too much noise. Hence another hero raised his hand, speaking in behalf of the heroes who were present there.

"I don't want to be misunderstood nor do I want to sound rude but, isn't that a bit unfair on our part? I mean, each of us here were sent to dangerous worlds forcefully. Not a day passed when we weren't exposed to danger. I'm sure that it is in everyone's experience that they have met death that's too close for comfort."

"So what is your point exactly?" Nisha asked.

"Please excuse my choice of words. We are veteran heroes after all and no flowery words would work on us anymore." He said, with the main deities taking this point into account.

They thought about all the possibilities that may arise from the meeting. Since the humans they met were already veteran heroes, these were wiser. Ones which would not allow the gods to do as they pleased. In fact, they may even revolt if the gods forced the decision on them. Doing the opposite and destroying Mythos instead of saving it.

That's why they created an appropriate reward. One which was so great that no human would be able to resist it. Nisha was the one who thought of it, or rather, Pier. 

"I know that this is unfair. In fact it would be cruel of us to send you on such a dangerous task and that is why we have prepared something to motivate you."

"And what is that exactly?" The same hero asked, with Nisha smiling as the human took the bait.

"The heroes who defeat the god will be granted whatever they ask for. Be it a new world where they rule. The gift of being an immortal god themself. These things are yours for the taking." Nisha began, with Sinclair adding the clauses before the heroes think of anything stupid.

"Of course this excludes some extreme clauses such as the destruction of everything that has ever existed. The taking of the position of any gods which are still alive. Any forced relationship with gods is also forbidden. Then there is a whole list of the other things which we limit you from asking as they would destroy the balance we have been trying to maintain all these years."

"Other than that, you can get anything you want. ANYTHIIING!" Chrono finished, rousing the voices of the heroes. This time, it was a pleasant melody as the main deities knew that they would agree.

"What would happen if we refuse the offer?" One of them asked, wanting nothing more from his life as he was already satisfied.

"Oh you can't refuse. You see, this mission already had your souls bounded to Mythos the moment we summoned you here." Chrono continued, getting the immediate reaction which was expected from this information.


"This isn't right!"

These were only some of the negative complaints of the heroes. Even the main deities knew that it wasn't right to ask of such a thing. Nor was it at the very least justifiable for them to shove these heroes down a dangerous path. Yet it was their only option as none of the gods wanted to come back down and turn mortal.

Chrono and Sinclair also wanted to go themselves. Yet, they were indispensable. Their roles were crucial and were in the core of everything that existed. Just taking down one of them would cause a certain calamity to begin. One which was already underway because of Nisha's death.

At that moment, Pier was delighted. The god who was hiding under the guise of the goddess of darkness was having everything according to his plan.

Of course some heroes wouldn't want this. Of course some of them would feel that they have been striped of the lives they earned. And Pier knew that this was enough of a motivation for them to go against the gods. With his mortal counterpart prepared to greet them as soon as they descended to Mythos.

"This meeting is adjourned." Sinclair said as the heroes were unable to move anymore. Freezing in place with even their mouths shut tight.

"We hope you understand that this is the only choice available at the moment. Please just work together and do your best to stop the god." She furthered, snapping her finger which caught all the heroes in a blinding flash of light. Hurling them all down Mythos like shooting stars that fell to different areas. Something which the gamer felt right away as there were a few that descended near his hideout.

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