The Gamer's System

Chapter 208: The Results of Training

Within the month that passed Zeke made sure that the elites were properly trained. Day in and day out, Morpheus fought against them, heightening the child's instinctive battle senses even more while also giving the elites a clue on what they needed to do in order to get stronger. Since Morpheus could turn into almost any creature, he was the perfect fit to train against the elites and expose all their weaknesses.

Of course this training went as Heron did with them before. With Morpheus being cloned to the number of elites as they fought within the realm created through [Cloud of Dreams]. Adding to this were the crystals specifically made to prolong the effects of the realm. Allowing the elites to maximize their time of training.

Indeed, even though it was only a month in the real world, the elites have already trained for one whole year. Fighting day in and day out and being motivated by no other goal than to get strong enough to not be a bother to Zeke.

Thus, they reached their peak. Not leveling up but sharpening their skills and battle senses even further. Allowing them to make quick decisions that would benefit them in fights. They fought Morpheus individually and also as a group. With different circumstances to the fights being blended each and every time.

Yet it wasn't their battle prowess that improved but also their mental state. They have matured quite well, being proper fighters without any shred of arrogance. Fighting at their best each and every time and using their moves depending on the situation. They didn't start off with their ultimate moves anymore but instead measured their enemies and progressed from that point on.

"So its an underwater battle this time around." Amare said, with the other elites standing together with her. She has completely swapped places with Kaguya being the one in charge of the command while Kaguya acted like the queen in a chess game. Being useful in any situation during the fight.

On that specific instance, the elites were on a small island. The vast ocean was before them, surrounding them on every area. Their enemy was on the sea, deep within it for that matter and only Amare could actually see him

"It's not like this is the first time we fought against sea creature Mory." Merlin said in reply, waiting for the command as patiently as everyone else. Creating a thick layer of illusion that spread throughout the sea in order to confuse their enemy.

"Well he does change his strategy each and every time. In fact, when has Mory used the same trick ion us twice?" All of them were thinking at that point, with nobody coming up with an answer to the question.

"He could at least make this like a game where there are certain patterns we can follow. Why is he getting stronger anyway?" Jake furthered thinking that no matter how hard they trained they never got the upper hand against Mory. In fact they were always in a tight spot. Fighting using all the tactics they could think of and never loosing focus of their surroundings for a single minute.

Through this kind of training the elites have managed to synchronize with one another. Allowing them to fight and instantly see the needs of their fellow elites in the battlefield. Requiring Amare to only give the most basic instructions as she focused on observing the total flow of the battle. Using her tactician job class that fit her role.

"We should get going then." Amare said, seeing what kind of creature Morpheus turned to that time around. It was a kraken and, one with a couple of gigantic tentacles as his main weapons. She made the calculations based on this and every other factor that was connected with the sea.

"We'll use formation zeta." She declared; with every other member moving based on the command.

They didn't have the [Party Function] anymore. Zeke took it away from them; preventing them from getting the same kind of benefit they were having before. Hence they thought up of something else, with Amare firing spells in the sky based on the next phase of the command. This is only possible with Gawain always by the side of the commanding Amare. contemporary romance

"Horus, you're up first." Amare commanded; making the summoner deploy low level monsters to the sea.

These were the fastest ones available which were also equipped with [Detonates]. Through this Amare was able to gather more information about their enemy who began moving its tentacles. The small summons could easily be destroyed by these yet this was also part of the plan. 

Zilg's [Detonates] froze a small area where the summons were. Allowing them to cause a greater effect before they could be destroyed. In turn, this prevented Morpheus from doing any real damage as Amare continued gathering data.

"You're up next." Amare said to Zane, Merlin and Gawain. 

The sniping archer was the first to move. Releasing a wave of air so forceful that a hole was made on the sea. Zane and Merlin quickly followed this attack up. With one using up a fire spell while the other made use of lightning.

Morpheus didn't take this beating without retaliating of course. Hence he released his gigantic tentacles out of the body of water. Making its way to squish the down the elites.

However, Amare was also prepared for this. Part of formation Zeta was the task of the defenders to raise a barrier over the whole area where they were. Layers of this was present when Morpheus attacked; with his tentacle only being able to shatter one.

The exposed body part wasn't allowed to go back without any retaliation. Hence Jake and Eerie attacked it, being the swiftest members of the group. Damaging the body part as it went back to the sea. This caused waves to raise high as they felt Morpheus being irritated by their stunt.

"We won't be able to use this strategy for much longer." Amare said as more tentacles came up and tried taking them down. More layers of the barriers were shattered; with new ones being set up as quickly as possible. Maintaining the solid defense of the group while Amare thought of the next move.

There was no pressure of the barriers getting destroyed over this interval because the defenders learned the thinning of the barriers and the reduction of their size. These were sturdier as the mana was only being condensed on smaller spaces. Hence even with the increase of tentacles, they were able to hold out as Eerie, Jake, and Kaguya focused on taking them down.

"We'll proceed with the next part of the plan now." Amare said; knowing that Morpheus would increase in aggression soon and so they needed to catch him by surprise.

"Its body is at the far left of the sea. You'd die if you swim until you reach that point so Gawain would fire you to that area." Amare began, moving on to giving Gawain and the defenders their instructions. 

"Set a barrier which you'd be stepping on. Make sure that its easy enough to break. Gawain you will release your stronger wind spell below it. Kaguya would then activate [Oblivion] at the furthest part of the sea where she could. Pulling all the members to the sea while Merlin and Zane would give you water breathing." 

"You're such a slave driver." Mordred jokingly commented as they immediately acted on the commands. 

Kaguya as happy about it of course as Amare was able to make such good decisions with the short amount of time that they entered the fight. In fact, compared to Quinn, Amare seemed to be a better tactician at that point. Forced to develop with the countless battles that changed each and every day.

"The fire spell didn't do much to it but the lightning did. Ice would also be useful so we'll go with that option. Zilg you know what to do." Amare said as the preparations were already finished. And quickly, they were thrown to the middle of the sea without doubting any of Amare's words.

Things went just as their tactician expected. Morpheus was a little surprised with the sudden change of pacing. He wasn't able to move his tentacles toward them as [Oblivion] would also suck these. So he just continued swirling the waters using the tentacles. Creating a whirlpool that awaited the elites who were about to reach the water.

Yet Amare was also prepared for this, leaving Gawain on her side who immediately fired his strongest wind spell toward the sea. Creating a counterflow of water that restored the sea back to its proper shape – the waves crashing like crazy because of the sudden changes that happened. 

"Get ready." Kaguya instructed as they all plunged into the sea.

Kaguya cancelled out [Oblivion] at this point and it was the turn of both Merlin and Zayne; deploying a wind spell yet again which threw the bodies of the elites towards different directions. 

Meanwhile, Kaguya and Jake focused on getting to the deepest parts of the sea. With Kaguya coating herself in [Oblivion] to not get crushed by the pressure while Jake continued piercing the water which created a safe space for his body.

The other elites then met with the tentacle which were much slower in the sea. Swinging at them as they fought these gigantic body parts. Zilg then activated the [Detonates] which he placed on a marble given to every other member. The elites made this stick to the tentacles as they were hurled away by Morpheus' attack – freezing the tentacles immediately as both Kaguya and Jake reached the body of Morpheus. Catching its head and forcing Morpheus to give up.

"Checkmate." Amare stated as Heron took down the [Cloud of Dreams]. With the elites emerging successful in the battel yet again. 

"You guys are plenty fun to play with." Morpheus commented, leaving the room perfectly fine while almost every member of the elites were drenched in sea water.

"Congratulations." Heron commended as he looked at the out of breath elites. 

"Thank you." Amare said in reply, being the one in charge of talking with the [Dragon Morpher] every after their trainings.

"With that we've finally finished all the simulations that Morpheus and I could give you. That also ends your training regime with us." Heron declared which got loud sounds of cheers around the room.

"So what does that mean exactly?" Amare asked as Heron never told them what comes after the training.

"It means you're ready to fight Zeke's [Conjures]."

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