The Gamer's System

Chapter 203: The Battle at the Valley

Quinn and Vask continued on their journey in search for the god yet again. There was an innate tracking skill which the [Monarchs] could make use of. Allowing them to sense if a fellow [Monarch] was nearby. Yet even this proved to be useless at the moment because, Vask needed to recharge his lost [Chaos Energy].

The [Monarch] used up too much on the last fight. It wasn't easy for him to absorb the said energy because the amount present on [Mythos] was scarce. Adding to the fact that, it wasn't his own body. Making it a bit incompatible with what he needed to do.

However, Vask was not worried. With what he did in the last fight, he was sure that the enemy was still recovering. Because of this, Pier would need to stay within the Demon Continent of Helios until he was fully recovered and, this gave the [Chaos Monarch] enough time to look for him.

While they did this, Quinn continued gathering information from the [Monarch]. One which Vask generously handed down to Quinn as he knew that the human could do nothing to harm him. And at that specific moment, it was Vask's specialty which they talked about.

"I have another question for you." Quinn began, making one final leap as he reached the summit of a mountain.

"Goodness you never run out of questions, do you?" Vask said in reply. 

Quinn thought how weird the being was. Although Vask would torture him from time to time, he was a calm and collected individual for the most part of them being together. In fact, he was never a person who was rude to Quinn just because he wanted to. The [Chaos Monarch] would only use force and violence under two circumstances.

One was when Quinn didn't want to listen to him. And two was whenever the human showed rudeness. Quinn tried to avoid these as much as possible of course; only rousing Vask's anger once again after his fight against Pier. One which left his body sore from a nightmarish punishment yet again.

"So can I ask or not?" Quinn continued, trying to sense any dangerous presence nearby.

"Go ahead human, we've got all the time in the world anyway." Vask said in reply, with Quinn doing just this.

"The skill you make use of. It's connected to gravity, right?" Vask immediately laughed after hearing this. It wasn't one of mockery but instead of pleasant entertainment. One which suggested to Quinn that Vask was in a good mood.

"Quinn you're starting to grow on me you know that? How did you even figure that out huh?" Vask answered with a series of questions himself.

"So I'm right?" Quinn asked; concluding based on the words Vask just said.

"A bit. Now explain to me why you assumed something like this and I'll explain the details as you move along." Vask said in reply, entertained once again by the fact that the human was able to figure out a portion of the truth related to his skill.

"There has only been two instances when you appeared in Mythos. One was against Sylph and the other was against Pier." Quinn began.

"On the first instance, you made a cocky move and stayed within an area like a sitting duck against a long-range enemy. Not just any ordinary enemy at that but arguably the strongest archer in the whole of Mythos." Quinn began running towards a single direction. Down a valley that was covered by the mountain range.

"Well I need to show the difference in our power levels don't I? That should've at least scared her off and yet she still insisted on continuing the fight. Dear me." Vask said in reply. 

Here again, Quinn noticed that the[ Monarch] wasn't fond of disputes despite his title. With what he just said, it proved that he had no intention of killing Sylph from the start and was rather wishing that she would simply go away after feeling his presence. Yet this didn't happen and since Sylph didn't take his offer, the only choice left for her was death. One which was prevented when Quinn intervened. 

The human disregarded this for the momenta and proceeded to his explanations. Killing a few monsters that appeared along the way. A necessity in order for [Avarice] not to reset.

"Yes and, although it would seem that you were dodging, I'm guessing that some kind of gravitational field is placed right in front of my body whenever you are using it. There were some irregularities after all. Moments when you made it look like you were dodging when in fact the projectiles curved away on their own." There were 10 monsters in total. All consumed by Quinn.

"So you were observing me closely even when you got defeated?"

"Of course I was. Anyway, that's veering away from the subject. So am I correct?" This was the first instance mentioned by Quinn. Vask was impressed at how the human noticed this even though he couldn't see [Chaos Energy].

"I take back what I said earlier. Now I need you to explain the other point before I explain things to you. I might spoil the fun if I give you hints now." Vask said, wanting to hear how Quinn knitted the other pieces of information.

"Fine have it your way." Quinn said in reply. Staying true to his commitment of not getting on the bad side of the [Monarch].

"During your fight with Pier, there was only a single type of spell that you made use of. One which both hurled Pier to the bottom of the ocean while also pulling him back up from the depths. The same concept applied when you forced the gigantic ball of flame to fly up instead of hurling down the sea. All those would only be possible if you have gravitational magic." 

Quinn received a heartful laugh from Vask as he mentioned all the details. It was just as the [Monarch] expected, Quinn was the perfect host for someone like him. One which was also deemed as the prodigy among the twelve [Monarchs].

"Well you're not entirely wrong. However what I'm doing is not control gravity but rather disrupt space." Vask said, confusing Quinn a little bit

"What do you mean?"

"It's easy to dismiss my powers as [Gravitational Magic] because that is the common comprehension of beings like you. I mean I don't blame you though. There was a time that people thought thunder was cause by a mythological god named Zeus whom they say to be angry during those moments. Although I do commend you for stitching the facts together as you did. No other human would probably be able to do it as well as you have."

"Is that a compliment?" Quinn asked.

"Don't get too full of yourself." Vask simply replied as he continued his explanation.

"As a [Monarch of Chaos], my specialty is creating [Chaos] on space itself. I can either add to the existing space or remove this. Doing so creates an imbalance and disorder; something which we [Chaos Monarchs] specialize in."

"So does that mean that the others also have different specialties?"

"Correct. Each [Chaos Monarch] specializes on one field. Just like how every god and goddess only have a single specialty of their own." Vask said in reply. Immediately furthering his explanation.

"The barrier you said that I put up on your body was not a gravitational filed but an adding of space just outside your body. Preventing most of the projectiles from hitting as the invisible disruption takes them off course."

"I see, that does explain a lot." Quinn simply commented as he reached halfway down the mountain as he added another question.

"So what about the fight against Pier?"

"Well for that instance I used both. I placed more space on top of him to push him down the ocean. Then I removed space when he was already drowning to pull him back up. The flame that I deflected also went away on the same concept."

"Then doesn't that destroy the space on those places where you've disrupted them?" Quinn furthered which delighted the Monarch.

"That's a good question yet again. But you see, the effects aren't actually permanent. Just on the duration that I wished for it to activate. Disrupting space takes up a significant amount of [Chaos Energy] after all."

"That explains a lot. Although I need to know what that [Chaos Energy] actually is." Quinn furthered.

"I'll reveal everything to you in good time. For now, I need you to focus on the objective." Vask said, noticing that they have finally reached the valley. One which seemed to hold some amount of [Chaos Energy] within it. Yet, this was not the only thing accumulating the said energy.

With his body slowly getting accustomed to the [Chaos Monarch] it holds, Quinn was steadily getting stronger. The elite was beginning to generate [Chaos Energy] which Vask also took notice of. Yet, he didn't tell it to the human nor was the [Monarch] planning to do so anytime soon. 

After all, [Chaos Energy] was dangerous and as soon as he finishes his mission, Vask intends to leave Quinn's body as well as take all the energy with him. 

"By the way you sure you should be telling me these things? I'm not exactly a subordinate of yours." Quinn mentioned which was a fact. He was simply the host that the [Monarch] made use of to achieve his goals.contemporary romance

"Oh don't worry about things like that. I can handle you perfectly fine Quinn." The monarch simply jested as they finally entered the valley. Hearing screams that seemed to come from monsters which made Quinn get ready right away.

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