The Gamer's System

Chapter 204: Let's Begin

The cloaking placed by Pier on the area went away as soon as the monster broke out of the facility. It was a high level skill that retained the cloaking as long as there wasn't too much noise or commotion being formed. 

This was also removed when Pier dealt with the researchers but, since it was his skill that was used to set the skill, Pier was able to bring the cloaking effect back up without breaking a sweat. Only to be taken down once again by the monsters of [Chaos].

Quinn felt the difference in power right away. It was immense. An ocean of strength which he himself would not be able to last against. In fact, he knew that it was a job for Vask something which seemed to be a regular occurrence to him ever since the [Monarch] entered his body.

"I know what you're thinking." Vask said as he witnessed the monsters coming out one by one. Both of them had no idea that these just woke up. Not even being fully conscious yet. But the pressure of the aura was enough to make Quinn weary of them.

"So can we switch or do I need to face these monsters myself?" Quinn said, not wanting to try as it was too dangerous of a task this time around. It wasn't simply one enemy after all. It was a whole army of monsters oozing in deadly energy. With a certain thirst for flesh and blood densely occupying the area around them.

"Not this time. You need to go in there and face them yourself for now." Vask said in reply, feeling [Chaos Energy] being abundant on the valley where the monsters resided.

"I'm going to harvest the energy around."

"And that means what exactly?" Quinn asked; still being on high alert.

"It means, you should do your best and be my diversion while I perform this." Vask said in reply.

"That doesn't sound favorable to me now does it." Quinn answered back, not having any proper weapon anymore.

"Well I'm still going to save your ass later on so you might as well follow me. Plus, it's an order. You don't have a say on this matter." Vask continued, with Quinn surrendering to the order as he generated his strongest skill from the get go. 

This was the only move he could think off in order to shave down the number of enemies considerably. From the amount of mana being used, Vask could already figure out what Quinn was planning. He was about to use [Calamity]. The same skill which needed Vask to heal him over and over again - something which the [Monarch] didn't approve of as he commented:

"Hey what are you thinking? I don't have enough energy to heal you this time around you know." He wanted Quinn to be fully aware of this. There was no telling hat would happen to both of them if the human proceeded. 

Although the move was effective, it would shave away the remaining [Chaos Energy] of Vask. This would inevitably leave them defenseless as the skill duration runs out. Making Quinn vulnerable to the attacks of the remaining monsters as, aside from him not having any mana left, Vask would also be depleted of [Chaos Energy]. Preventing him from switching with Quinn and helping out in the fight.

"Relax. I have a plan this time around." Quinn said as a smile formed on his face. One which seemed crazy enough to match Zeke's. 

"There's a lot of them after all." Quinn said bringing out the remaining tool which could be called as a weapon. 

It was a broken dagger. A tool which only had the part of the handle left; without the blade being attached anymore. But it was still enough for what Quinn needed to perform. 

He didn't know why the monsters were still not attacking him. But he wasn't going to wait and find out. Quinn knew that the first strike is crucial in any battle and thus, he threw the weapon. Hitting the middle of the valley as he casted [Weapon Blink].

The monsters recognized him right away but it was too late. They couldn't even respond as Quinn activated [Overdrive] as soon as the swap between the weapon occurred. Allowing his mind to function even faster than normal – casting his ultimate skill before any attack could be made at him.


The whole area got enveloped by the raging torrent of mana. Spiraling in a dome shape. One by one the lesser monsters got destroyed yet, they weren't the only ones as Quinn was also getting heavily damaged by the skill. His flesh coming out from under his skin as the merciless [Calamity] knew no master.

Vask didn't heal him this time around just like what he mentioned a while back. After all, Quinn said that he could handle the first part of the fight.

Hence, the [Monarch of Chaos] simply focused on harvesting all [Chaos Energy] that lingered everywhere. It was a good thing that he did so because, at that moment, he witnessed the wise decision making of Quinn who activated a single skill over and over again. 


"Consume."contemporary romance


It was the job class specific skill. The only skill provided by Quinn's [Avarice]. Unknown to everyone else, Quinn's [Consume] was able to level up. This was largely due to him being the one who killed Slytherin back on the [Rift Mission]. The upgrade that came with the skill was something which was beneficial for Quinn on the factors connected to the fight.

[Skill Name: Consume II]

[Grade: SS]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Mana Consumption: None]

[Information: The caster can activate the skill even though he does not have any direct contact with the creature being consumed. This is as long as he is the one to deal the finishing blow to the opponent.]

[Information: The one casting the skill heals and regenerates for 10% of the health of any foe that has been consumed. This can stack up and does not have any cooldown. However, it must be casted as the skill will not activate on its own.]

[Information: The one casting the skill, recovers for 10% of the mana and whatever energy type is used by the consumed enemy.]

These were the descriptions held by the skill. Quinn wasn't able to make use of this on his first two fights after the events on the rift. This is because, there was nothing to use it on. Sylph was too strong of an opponent and Quinn wasn't planning on [Consuming] her. On the other hand, Pier was a single opponent and Quinn couldn't even make this enemy reach below [50%] of his heath.

Yet the creatures on the valley were different. Collectively they were strong. Maybe even stronger than Pier but, individually, Quinn knew that [Consume] would work. After all, it was a skill that worked best against mobs no matter how strong they may be. Because Quinn could simply cast [Calamity] while partnering it up with [Consume].

"To think that he had something like this up his sleeve. My dear little vessel is growing too rapidly." Vask said as the energy harvesting also sped up. With the number of consumptions made by Quinn greatly aiding this.

Calamity did a certain level of damage to every type of monster. For the single horns, each of them got wiped out by the merciless attack that even seriously damaged a god. The two horned monsters resisted a little but nevertheless got killed by the skill. The three horned monsters were able to live through the attack although getting heavily damaged. The four horned monsters had some level of damage done to them but not to an extent that they have been greatly weakened. And, the five horned monsters only sustained little damage. As if they were on the same level as Pier himself.

This was the effect of [Calamity] being used. And adding to this, Quinn also gained a number of new skills. All making use of [Chaos Energy] which was also overflowing within him at that moment.

Aside from getting filtered to Vask, some of the energy got retained by the host. A result which Vask didn't like but was nevertheless a better outcome.

"Well it does beat having to swap when he's already half dead." Vask said as the tides have instantly turned.

Because of the rash decision making of Pier, the monsters weren't able to wake up properly. Adding to this, they were still confused on their whereabouts and their identity. If Quinn arrived there later rather than sooner, then the outcome might've bene different. But it was specifically because they seemed like newborns that Quinn's [Calamity] was able to capitalize on the moment.

"Man I've never been as full as I am now." Quin mentioned, feeling the overflowing amount of strength he had as he looked at the remaining enemies. 

They were still formidable of course. After all, they were the ones that remained even after [Calamity] being casted and thus, Quinn was wary of them. 

The elite took up two swords that were owned by some of the fallen lesser monsters as he formed a stance. Quinn couldn't use [Calamity] again. Nor would it be efficient with the number of enemies remaining. Indeed, the real fight was about to start. 

With a smile on his face and a boldness that came with his talents. Quinn gave instructions as if it was a training session for new adventurers. Telling the monsters:

"Let's begin."

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