The Gamer's System

Chapter 202: Retreat and Advance

The battle of Vask and Pier caused Zeke to be on high alert. Preparing as quickly as he could for whatever hell was to come. Yet, he wasn't the only one making preparations.

Within a valley that hid inside the mountain ranges of the Demon Continent, there were screams that echoed out. Ones made by people who were getting murdered by none other than Pier. 

"No. Please have mercy…AHHH!" This was the last scream made as Pier finally disposed of all the researchers present. He wasn't fond of the grotesque killing methods so the were all cleanly murdered. Each getting a single stab at their vitals. 

"Where did he say the lights were on this facility?" The god said, walking along the hallways as if none of the murders happened a few seconds ago.

"Ahh there we go." He said, finally finding the switch that revealed the whole area he was in.

It was a research facility above the surface not seen by anyone because of the cloaking which he used. With Zeke's upgraded [Gamer's Mind] he could easily detected this. But since he only went to the area before the upgrade occurred, he saw nothing but a plain valley.

Within it were the inhumane experiments conducted by Glade on Pier's behalf. It was the god's first time going there himself and, he was impressed. Especially with the perfectly dissected body of the eldest Windsprite – Sylvia. Her body parts were separated into glass containers and maintained fresh using a kind of laboratory produced liquid.

"I gotta hand it to you Glade, you almost seem as sinister as I." Pier commented to the elven king who was still unconscious. With the [Chaos Crystal] deeply embedded on his chest.

Aside from this sample, there were monsters infused with refined [Chaos Shards]. Each monster is placed on a cylindrical container. Bearing the same fluid that kept Sylvia's parts as fresh as possible. All of them had a strange resemblance to one another. Each bearing a horn or more which dictated the power level of these creatures. It was easy for Pier to figure this out because, the monsters mutated to the creatures existing on the lands of the [Monarchs of Chaos]. 

All of this information were taken by the god from the memories of the slumbering [Monarch] inside his body. It happened in a dream, in a consecutive set of dreams for that matter. Revealing to him the pieces of knowledge that came from the lands that existed even before time itself.

"Let's see. From the data given to me by Glade, all of you are supposed to still be on a stage of development." The god said, bringing out a [Chaos Crystal] which he used to determine the power levels of the monsters. The crystal would glow every time he placed it close to a certain type of monster; with the glow itself being stronger or weaker depending on the overall capabilities of the monster.

He could simply rely on their horns to identify their power levels. But, even the single horned monsters had a certain level of difference in their power levels.

"Ohh so he even organized these monsters. Well that's a relief, it save me the trouble of having to identify these one by one." Pier figured out that the monsters have been organized based on power level. With the weakest at the front and the strongest being at the furthest back of the facility. Hence the god went and searched the furthest parts which didn't even take that long for him to say:

"Jackpot!" Pier uttered in a voice that sounded like he won the lottery as he proceeded to the end of the facility.

There they were. The creatures which had five horns on them. Each made the [Chaos Crystal] glow so brightly that there was no mistaking their strength in battle. In fact, they were probably as strong as the [Mythical Creatures] of old. Having the same catastrophic capabilities that would make the [Chaos Flames] look like mere flickers of light.

"These are exactly what I need." Pier said, moving to the data sheets placed in front of each container and reading the descriptions held by the monsters.

On all four continents, these labs exist and are maintained by Glade's research team. These were the same persons killed by Pier, thinking that there was no need for them if he was to release the monsters right then and there.

"That bastard forced me to play this card too early. Just thinking of the revisions to my plans make my head hurt already." Pier commented as the pain from all his wounds made themselves felt again.

Since he was mortal it took him a while to heal from the damage. And there was also the fact that, his enemy had some kind of power that prevented healing skills to work properly on the God. He knew that he was being chased down and so, he needed the perfect distraction. One which would at least stall some time for him as he escapes the continent.

Time was not on his side. Things didn't go as he wanted them to because of the meddling of that entity that went against him. One which resided inside the body of the human.

"That was definitely another [Monarch of Chaos]." Pier said to himself, remembering the sensation he felt quite well. contemporary romance

It was intense, to the point that even he who was a god felt fear for the first time in his life. But it wasn't like it was something new to him. After all, he had the slumbering Vardus Nevermore within his body. A [Monarch of Chaos] whom Pier was slowly harvesting [Chaos Energy] from.

"I wonder if I could've won if my bodies were united." Pier told himself, thinking of the other 50% of his strength that resided within his body in the heavens. 

However, this estimate is incorrect. At the moment it was powerful than he because it was still divine and has garnered the powers of the Goddess of Darkness: Nisha.

Yet this wasn't a cause for any alarm. After all, it was still him and at the end of it all, they would merge again to form the Ultimate Being. One who would hold twice the power of the Goddess of Darkness combined with his own powers as the god of mischief and deceit.

However none of this would be possible if his mortal half on earth died. Hence, he hurried to inspecting every other monster contained within the facility.

"Right now I need to focus on the deployment of these things. That's all that matters." Pier said as he looked at the creatures. Regretting that he couldn't wait for them until they reached their peak.

It was a timely decision because, there was a red light that suddenly came up on the room. Pier followed this only to find that, there was someone closing in on the facility. A person whose face he couldn't forget as his body still ached from the last battle. It was Quinn. Standing on top of one mountain composing the multitude hiding the valley underneath.

"Dammit. How did he get here so fast?" Pier continued, in a state of panic as he looked for the controls. 

He would die. He knew that he would if Quinn reached the area before he left. Pier wasn't sure if the same trick could work in order to escape but, he wasn't stupid enough to try it out. 

"To think that you could track me down so easily, I must've deeply underestimated you." Pier said as he continued looking for the switches needed. He watched as Quinn slowly descended the mountain, getting dangerously nearer to the valley. 

"Ahh there you are." He said in relief, having fortune on his side as he finally found all of the buttons needed. He immediately clicked on all of them – releasing an oozing steam as they woke up one by one. Their screams resounded throughout the valley and Pier could feel the immense amount of [Chaos Energy] being released by the creatures forming an army which was unlike any other.

Pier didn't even need to leave any commands for them. He knew that they would instantly kill whatever entity entered their reach and Pier wasn't stupid enough to still be there when that happens.

"Well I'd love to stay and watch the fight but unfortunately, I still have other plans." The god mentioned, picking up Glade once more and opening up another rift on the dimension using his dagger. 

The rift was a portal that would instantly exit Pier to the Elven Continent of Elysium where he was planning to bid his time. Heal all his wounds. Prepare Glade whom he'd use as a pawn in the battle against the gods. And properly deploy the monsters within the same facility found on the Elven Continent.

Before leaving, he made one final look at the screen. There he saw the human preparing to engage in battle and this placed a smile on Pier's face. One of malice as he thought of ways to win against the opponent.

"The next time we meet, it would be me who's chasing you down." Pier said, entering the portal which closed right away.

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