The Forbidden Freshman: Chapter 38
I drive home in a rage, my heart pounding, my knuckles white as I grip the wheel.
I want to get shit-faced drunk. I want to punch a wall.
“Fuck!” I roar, slamming on the brakes and slapping the wheel a few times.
This is why I don’t do fucking romance!
The first girl who has ever made me feel anything more than lust or mild interest, and it was all bullshit.
She was playing me.
And I fell for it like a fucking sap.
Damn those sorority girls. They think they’re so fucking great. Well, screw them!
I thought she was different, but the only difference about her was that she was so good at playing the role. I fell for it like some clueless idiot.
Was any of it real?
Did she know that first night we met?
I slam the door shut behind me and storm into the house. It’s busy with guys. They’ve all returned from the bar and are now surrounding the TV, watching Casey play Devil’s Doorway while Liam cooks up grilled cheeses in the kitchen.
Storming in there, I grab a beer can off the bench and find it already empty. With a growl, I hurl it against the wall.
“Whoa.” Liam whips around to gape at me. “What’s up, man?”
The genuine concern on his face kills me. I can’t admit it to him. I can’t admit it to any of these guys.
Asher saunters into the room, snickering. “He’s just pissed because he nearly lost the bet tonight. Good self-control, though, dude.” He slaps my shoulder.
I shake him off with a growl, shoving him out of my way and stomping up the stairs.
“Ethan?” Liam chases after me.
“Back off,” I shout, then wince, leaning against the railing and shaking my head at him. “Please, man, just… I’m okay.”
He knows I’m not, but he lets me go.
I shuffle up the rest of the stairs, slipping into my room and staring at the bed. Less than an hour ago, Mikayla was lying on that thing, her legs spread open, begging me to come in. And I hesitated.
It’s fucking good that I did.
She didn’t mean it anyway.
But it had felt like it.
“Shit.” I plunk down on the edge of the bed and drag my hands through my hair.
It had felt so real.