The Fire Within

Chapter 9: Friend or Foe?

Bog Run was a few days ride from Firestone, the party seemed in high spirits spending most of the first day laughing and telling stories of their previous adventures. Laeha listened and enjoyed the company that for a change did not revolve around her. As dusk drew closer Flake disappeared several times and returned carrying a small creature in his mouth. Each time he would bring it to Caitlin and leave it in the road at her feet. She would dismount and picked up what would be dinner for the party. When he was finished he walked on the outside of Laeha, far enough behind the horse so as not to spook her. When they stopped for the night the brothers collected firewood while Adrian built a small pit. Caitlin cleaned the kill that Flake had brought her, with him sitting beside her. Once the pit was built Laeha lit wood and guided it to fill the pit. They ate the meat after it finished coupled with a small amount of cheese and bread. Caitlin produced an ale skin from her pack and Sam thanked her enthusiastically.

They were up again the next morning and eating breakfast when the first bolt flew past Adrian’s head hitting the stones making up the fire it.

“Get down!” Adrian called and immediately everyone dropped to the ground. Adrian lifted his head slightly over the log he had been leaning up against. Immediately another bolt pierced the back of the log. He looked at it inquisitively thinking the fins of the bolt looked familiar.

“Good morning in the camp!” He heard from out in the distance. Ted peaked over and ducked just in time as a bolt went over his head. Laeha lay next to Adrian looking up and him, he shook her head knowing what she wanted to do. He looked down the length of the tree, Sam had pulled out his bow and notched it, but he shook his head as well. He didn’t know where to shoot. Then it dawned on him.

“Lance?” Adrian called back.

“You got it!”

“What are you doing here? Thought you were after James Kincaid?” Adrian asked

“Found them.”

“All of them? You know one of them was an innocent?”

“No such thing apparently.” Lance called back and fired another bolt at the tree hitting close to where Sam knelt. “What are you doing with the Crawfords?”

“Funny story. You wanna sit down and talk about it?”

“I’m listening.” They heard the snicker in the distance.

Adrian couldn’t help but chuckle to himself “So a few days ago, I set a trap at the Crystal Ball in Cheshire. I find my prey and spring the trap, just to find out that the guards are corrupt and more than happy to steal my bounty.”

“You should have known that.” Lance broke in firing a bolt. That slammed into the fallen log, Sam stood and fired an arrow wildly, then ducked again.

“What are you doing?” Adrian shouted in a loud whisper.

“Keeping him out there.” Sam said back.

“He’s not that bad of a shot, he is doing this on purpose.” Adrian said and Ted looked at him dumbfounded.

“He’s toying with us?” He asked and Adrian nodded.

“That was a lousy shot. What are you shooting at anyways?”

“That rabbit out there. Thought you were hungry.” Sam called back

“Ha. That must be Samuel. Report said he was a smart ass.”

“Ha. He called you Samuel.” Ted laughed loud enough to be heard.

“That must be Theodore then.” Lance called back, and Sam smacked Ted in the arm. “You wanna tell me how you got roped into this.”

“RIght. So I got into it with the guards. They all died with a little help from my friends Ale and Wine and I managed to make off with Teddy over there. Wouldn’t you know it they came after me.”

“Ha. Can’t believe you didn’t see that one coming.” Lance laughed and fired a bolt over to where Sam and Ted hid, Caitlin pulled her hands over her head and fought back a cough as the debris fell over top of her.

“I should have, but I managed to get rid of them and surprisingly enough they delivered Sammy to me as well.”

“How nice of them.” Lance called back and Sam glared at Adrian as he smiled.

“I took them into Firestone to turn them in and.”

“I’m gonna stop you right there. As much fun as this story has been I know you are lying.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you are good and all, but I know you had help, wanna tell me about the girl now or later?”

“Which girl is that?” Adrian asked, letting his words drip ignorance. Another bolt pegged the trunk by his head and he waited.

“Now why do you have to go and play stupid? If I were a betting man I would say she is about,” He let a bolt fly and as it thumped into the wood directly over Caitlin’s head he finished his sentence. “Here.”

Caitlin yelped in surprised and without seeing they all knew Lance had a huge grin on his face.

“Miss Caitlin question mark, the poster said. What does the question mark stand for?” Lance asked and Caitlin rolled her eyes. “They usually make up a last name, it’s been bugging me all day.”

“It means I don’t have a last name and they are unimaginative.” Caitlin called back

“You wanna tell me what you did that warrants a bounty of fifty thousand gold coins? I mean I have never seen a woman worth more than the three men she is riding with combined.” Caitlin’s eyes widened and the rest of the men looked at her.

“Congratulations.” Adrian said to her and she rolled her eyes.

“Wait, that can’t be right how much am I worth.” Ted called back.

“I can’t believe that is your concern right now.” Caitlin said.

Adrian held up a finger, and pulled his dagger out. In the distance he heard a growl then Lance screamed in pain, and began swearing. Adrian was over the wall in a flash, Caitlin followed close behind as Sam popped up his bow ready to cover them. Adrian could see Flake twenty yards away and he sprinted towards him. Flake jumped back as Lance swung at him. He reached for his bolt gun but was tackled by Adrian instead. Caitlin stepped on his knife and Lance looked at Adrian and then at Caitlin.

“Where did you pick her up?”

“Come on in for breakfast and I’ll tell you the rest of the story, I have someone you have to meet. Other than Flake.”

“Flake? You have a wolf named Flake?” Lance said looking at the wolf as he bared his teeth and stepped closer growling.

“He’s not mine, and he is just protecting his mistress.”

“Not me.” Caitlin said when Lance looked at her.

“Well this I have to see. Come on help me up.”

“Let go of the knife first.” Caitlin said, and Lance smiled, releasing his grip on the knife and letting it fall to the dirt. Adrian pulled him to his feet and began removing his weapons until he was satisfied.

“You wanna check my shorts too or should she?” Lance asked with a sarcastic voice.

“I’ll check it with my knife.” Caitlin said stepping forward.

“I like her. Where did you pick her up?” Lance asked again as Adrian indicated he should follow them into the camp. As they approached Sam kept the arrow trained on him until he was around the log. Ted looked down over the side of the log as he counted the bolts. “I’d like those back when you are done gawking.”

Laeha stood up and regarded him curiously. He was much older than she would have thought he was by his voice. When he caught sight of her he stopped in his tracks, his mouth wide. Caitlin poked him in the back with her dagger, and he turned slightly and kept moving behind Adrian. He looked back at Laeha as he finally took a seat by the fire. Adrian sat on a rotting stump directly across from him and looked around at the party. He stopped at Laeha. “Can you?”

Like a twig. She finished his thought for him and he smiled. He looked between them then shook his hand to Sam indicating he should lower the bow. Then to Caitlin and she stepped away also.

Lance looked around the fire pit at the party. “I knew you were leaving something out. She isn’t on one of the posters.”

“Most of the events happened about the way I said. A few minor variations.” Adrian said squinting his eyes and shaking his head from side to side.

“I don’t know that I would call her minor.” Ted said sarcastically.

“We found her at the Crystal Ball in Cheshire, she is the reason there is no Crystal Ball anymore actually.”

“What did she do, cook? I don’t see her as much of a dancer.” Lance asked in a snarky tone.

“You would be surprised.” Caitlin said under her breath and turned away.

“She, is an elemental.” Adrian said stumbling over the words knowing how it sounded. Lance’s face grew into a smile and he couldn’t help himself.

“You are serious?” He asked, his face growing serious when their expressions didn’t change.

“Can you?” Adrian asked turning towards Laeha, but she extended her hand and rolled up the sleeve. She turned her hand over several times and let the skin flake off and fall to the ground as ash, she squeezed her hand together several times making it grow in size until a ball of fire appeared in hear palm. Lance looked on in amazement then dove to the side as she tossed the ball of fire into the pit scattering embers and ash around the field.

“So. I’m betting she is what happened to Firestone?”

“After a fashion, but yes. They had something of hers that she didn’t know was missing until we grew closer.”

“That is something else.” Lance said sitting upright. He nodded over to Caitlin. “So what’s with her?”

“I’m a spy. I was stationed.” She stopped when he held up his hand.

“I’m good. Don’t need to know the rest. If there is a bounty on you, you are already dead.” He turned back to Adrian. “What are you doing out here with these people, Adrian? I know you are smarter than this.”

“We are taking her home.” Adrian said then finished. “ To Caldor in the Bargrim Valley.”

Lance opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again and looked away. He looked around the party, one face at a time and it was clear he was telling the truth and the entire party had resolved to see it through. “You’re crazy. All of you are. Taking an elemental into a cursed land through swamp and goblin territory, you are out of your mind.”

“No one is asking you to come.” Ted said looking off in the direction they would be heading. Flake trotted into the camp carrying two rabbits in his mouth, he slowed when he saw Lance again, but continued to move over to Caitlin. She reached down and accepted the meat as it was offered, then sat on the log and began cleaning the meat to be cooked. Flake walked past Lance watching him as he went, then laid down at Laeha’s feet.

“That is some trick.” lance said lowly shaking his head in disbelief. “Are you being paid for this?”

Adrian shook his head.

“Are you taking them in when you are done?”

Adrian shook his head again.

“So this is all completely freelance?”

Adrian nodded. Beside him Sam grabbed a pair of skewers and helped Caitlin mount them over the fire. She thanked him and moved back to her seat. Sam sat on the far side of the fire and occasionally turned the rabbits.

“What a cute pair you two make.” Lance said sarcastically.

“Ha. To bad it’s already been decided she is going to kill him someday.” Ted said teasingly with a loud laugh.

“Ah, but what a way to go though.” Sam smiled and looked back to the pit.

“Well at least they are in high spirits.” Lance looked back to Adrian and shifted. “The way I see it, you have two options. You can kill me.”

“I opt for that one.” Sam said quickly cutting off Lance.

“I agree.” Ted said before Lance could start again.

“Or?” Adrian asked allowing Lance to continue.

“Or, I could join you. I figure you can’t let me go knowing I am in the area, I might just get the idea to collect them bounties.” He looked around again. “Lots of money right here.”

“To what good would that do? He would just kill us in our sleep.” Caitlin said standing and gesturing towards Lance.

“It’s not the way he operates. If he says he is going to do something, he means to see it through.” Adrian said. “Give us a minute. Flake keep an eye on him, please.”

The party grouped up on the outside of the logs surrounding the fire pit. Lance looked on from his spot on the ground, in front of him Flake lay lazily in the grass. He wasn’t sure if the wolf was really watching him until he lifted his hand to wipe his forehead and the wolf immediately raised his head to look at him. Lance smiled and slowly put his hand down. He smelled something a little off and turned to see the rabbits beginning to burn so he reached up and turned the spits. He shook his head and looked at Flake. “They were gonna burn breakfast. Not very polite of them.”

Lance gave Flake a smile and Flake turned his head regarding him curiously. Laeha turned and looked back at them, then turned back to the group. After a few more minutes, Lance pulled the skewers off the fire and pulled the rabbit onto the cooler stones. Flake stood and walked over to where he was and sniffed around him. Then sat down in front of him licking his lips. Lance smiled and pulled a little bit of meat from the rabbit and tossed it to Flake. He caught it in his mouth and swallowed it down, then looked back. Lance tossed him a second piece and Flake lifted up on his back legs and caught it as well.

“I think we should wait for the others before we eat too much. Might be more for you afterwards.” Lance said patting Flake on the head. He scratched behind Flake’s ears and the wolf leaned into the affection.

“Some guard dog.” Sam said sarcastically as they all returned to the camp side of the logs. Flake looked up at him and shook his head. Laeha laughed

You are better off not knowing. She said and walked back to her spot by the fire. Sam looked at the wolf again and was greeted by an open mouth smile from Flake. Adrian stepped over the log and walked over to the stump he had been leaning on when he was talking to Lance. Lance looked up at the sad expression on his face and nodded.

“It’s gonna be like that huh? Ok well get on with it, I prefer to see it coming.” Lance said looking down at the ground.

“The party has agreed to let you join us, however, you are not collecting bounties on any of us. Any loot you find along the way is yours.”

“How did you talk them into that?” Lance asked curiously, a smile betraying his emotions.

“I didn’t. It’s her show. I am just making sure she gets there.” Adrian said looking at Laeha.

“I guess we will do it together then.” Lance said offering a hand out to Adrian. He took it and pulled him to his feet.

“Just please. Not like last time.” Adrian said putting a hand on his side.

“Oh, you healed just fine. Come on, before the wolf eats all of breakfast.” Lance said pointing to the rock.

“The wolf is Flake, and trust me he hears you just fine.” Caitlin said from the log.

“You know, one of these days, you are gonna be nice to me and I am not going to know what to do with myself.”

“Keep waiting for that day.” She said and walked over to the meat on the stone.

“She didn’t vote in my favor huh?” Lance whispered leaning closer to Adrian.

“None of them did, so don’t push it.”

Lance nodded, then looked off. “I better get my horse, he’s still resting on the other side of the hill.”

They mounted their horses an hour later and set out for Bog Run, Adrian led the way with Lance beside him. The rest kept a larger than needed gap between them but followed along as well. Flake wandered around looking for food to bring back to the party and investigating noises that caught his ears. When they camped for the night Lance watched as they set about their evening routine, he was in awe as Laeha lit the fire, and Flake as he brought back three rabbits and a squirrel. He made a comment about being impressed, but the majority of the group ignored him. The following day they reached the borders of goblin territory. The grass began to turn brown and the ground turned to muck at their feet. Bog Run was less than a couple hours away, but the journey would take them longer if they couldn’t navigate the swamp.

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