The Fire Within

Chapter 10: Goblin Country

As the ground began to give way more and more to the swamp, the ground began to become more tretourious. Adrian and Lance called the party to a stop on a section of solid ground and looked around.

“We need to know what is solid and what is not. We can’t keep putting the horses though this.” Lance said.

“Why don’t you just ride on out there and find the solid ground for us. If you don’t make it. I’m ok with that.” Caitlin said coldly

Lance opened his mouth, but thought better of it. Laeha looked down at Flake and he looked back at her. Are you sure?

“Of course. I can find my way through this. Where do we want to go?”

Bog Run

“Is that the town ahead of us?” Flake asked.

I believe so.

“I can get us there.”

She looked up and realized that everyone was looking at her. She looked at Adrian, then at Lance. Flake can show us the way.

“I don’t know, the wolf is much lighter than the horses.” Lance said.

“Then we will go single file.” Adrian said and Lance rolled his eyes, then nodded.

Show us the way please. Laeha said to Flake and he trotted off ahead of them. Adrian followed behind testing the ground as the party trailed in a single file line. As they got within a mile of the town the road became more of a bridge built on stilts over a rolling river. The town beyond was more stable than the surrounding area and was populated by a hodge podge of people. From humans, to tolls and dwarves to goblins, the town was a picture of peace. The roads were made of dirt, dotted with cobblestones that had been to heavy to wash away in the rains. The buildings were built of swamp wood and looked ragged from the outside.

“We are staying here?” Caitlin asked her disgust rolling out of her mouth.

“We are just passing though, it’s the last town before we are on our own.” Adrian said over his shoulder.

“I promise it’s much nicer on the inside.” Lance said with a half smile. He had not been able to win them over in the last day or so and today was no different as she rolled her eyes at him and looked away. He turned back around and paused at Adrian’s broad smile.

“Still think she’s spirited nature is a good thing?”

“Ha. I am beginning to see your point.” Lance said and urged his horse forward. “The tavern is this way.”

The tavern looked to be the best built building in the town, larger than any other building and larger than most taverns in the southern towns, it was named the Dark Water. As they approached Lance waved to the Blacksmith, a short dwarf with broad shoulders and a large hammer. His shop sported a furnace, counter and two walls lined with weapons, tools and oddities. The Dwarf raised his hammer and called a greeting to Lance by name. On the other side he leaned forward around Adrian and waved to the storekeeper, a much taller elf long, flowing blonde hair that hung loose over his shoulders. He stood out front of his store and watched them as they rode by, at Lance’s wave he bowed slightly, waving his arm forward in recognition.

“Been here before?” Ted asked rhetorically.

“Once or twice.” Lance said. Several goblins crossed the street in front of them and he gave a friendly wave. The goblins regarded him curiously, then hurried out of the street. They reached the tavern without incident and acquired rooms for the night, for a change no one said anything about Flake as he walked through the door and followed them up the stairs. “Good news about Bog Run, everything that goes into goblin country comes through here.”

“Good news? That’s the good news? What’s the bad news?” Sam asked curiously walking into the room behind his brother.

“Everything that goes into goblin country comes through here.” Lance said.

“The goblin war parties watch the town, if anyone leaves town going farther into their country, the goblin council knows about it.” Adrian explained putting down his and Laeha’s saddles in the corner, then walked over to the pitcher of water on the table. He poured the liquid into the basin and noticed the color was darker than usual.

“Don’t drink the water.” Lance said.

The council will know when leave town. How soon can we expect to see opposition? Laeha asked as she crossed to the bed and sat down. Caitlin sat down beside her and stretched her back, the ride to this point had been longer than she had ever been on and her back ached.

“And is there anyway to avoid a fight? I don’t know that we can take on an entire war camp, let alone multiple.” Caitlin asked as she put her arms down.

“A bribe perhaps?” Ted asked sitting in the corner on his saddle.

“Unfortunately that will bring them faster. If they think we have something of value, they may be waiting for us when we leave.”

“That’s reassuring.” Ted said leaning against the wall.

“I’ll get us some food for tonight, it might be best if we just lay low.” Caitlin said hopping up from the bed and heading for the door. Lance held up a hand indicating that she should wait.

“Someone should go with her.” He said looking to Adrian.

“I am quite capable of” She started.

“I didn’t say you weren’t but if you go down alone they may think you are a servant.” Lance said looking back to Caitlin. Her mouth gaped and she looked as if she were ready to strike him.

“He means property, indicating that if we have servants we may be worth tracking down.” Adrian started bringing her attention to him. “Besides did you see many women around here? I know you are more than capable, but I would rather not reveal that just yet.”

“I’ll go with her.” Sam said getting up. “Protect her from Bog Run.”

“I’ll come too.” Ted said standing and fastening his sword to his belt. “Protect her from you.”

The three of them left the room and headed for the counter downstairs. They returned twenty minutes later, carrying a platter of fruits and burnt meat, The brothers each carried a pitcher of ale. Everyone spread out around the room and ate their food, a few hours later they retired for the evening. The brothers taking one room, Lance and Adrian in another, the ladies shared the third with Flake who dozed at the foot of the bed. Beside him, Laeha sat propped up against the end of the bed. She didn’t need to rest, and other than just before the stone absorbed back into her, she could not remember ever being in an unconscious state like in Firestone. She put her hand on her chest and felt a faint pulse from where she would expect her heart to be.

The night passed without incident and they reconvened in the girls room before dawn to pick at the remains of the platter. They tried to draw as little attention as possible as they headed down the stairs and back out the front door. In the main room several goblins moved around the main room, wiping down tables and pushing brooms cleaning the floor. They were preparing for the morning when their patrons would be rising and leaving. They walked outside into a light mist, and a rising fog. Adrian looked at Lance and he nodded. The fog had its advantages as well as its disadvantages. No one would see them leave, but they wouldn’t hear a war party if it were right outside town.

Adrian turned around and knelt in front of Flake who sat at Laeha’s heel. He scratched his head and Flake’s tongue hung out of his mouth as he leaned into the affection.

“We need your help again.” Adrian started.

Ha, Laeha laughed. He said anything as long as you don’t stop.

Adrian smiled and rubbed his head with both hands. “We need your ears.”

Flake pulled away and regarded him curiously.

No, we are not taking your ears.

“No.” Adrian smiled again “We need you to lead us out of town, heading north. Um. That way. Until this fog lifts we won’t be able to see. Can you do that?”

Flake looked past him, the way that Adrian pointed, the nestled his head under Adrian’s hand and Adrian rubbed his head again. He can do that. Laeha said and Flake trotted down the steps.

“Let’s go. As quietly as possible.” Adrian said to the group. They saddled their horses in the stalls of the stable around the corner of the Dark Water tavern. They rode out slowly and quietly following single file behind Flake. They crossed over a second bridge and unhooked a chain that was meant to bar passage off the bridge. Adrian held the chain until they were all through then reattached it behind them. Lance lead the party keeping a close eye on Flake. Flake’s head bobbed right and left as he walked, his ears would perk and flatten as he listened for sounds. Twenty minutes of slow procession out of town began to bring the smells of cooking meat from their left and Lance looked at Adrian concerned, behind them Ted and Sam lifted and sniffed the air, and looked at each other. Caitlin heard Sam sigh heavily at the smells and she turned to him and shook her head. Adrian urged his horse to pick up the pace and approached Flake. He too was looking to the left and sniffing the air.

“That’s bad. We need to go around.” Adrian whispered. Flake looked back at him, then the way he pointed. He looked back to the left and took two steps forward. Adrian waited concerned that Flake would wander into the camp, but instead he turned and headed to the right. Adrian sighed with relief and began to follow. The ground turned back to grasslands with solid footing, scattered trees a few boulders that looked out of place. The fog lifted a few hours before midday and the party got their first look at the lush grasslands around them. An hour later they could hear large drums beating in rhythm from behind them. Followed by an immediate reply from farther ahead of them, and again to their right. They exchanged glances, then looked to Lance.

“What are they saying?” Caitlin asked curiously.

“How should I know? I don’t speak drum, and if I did. I don’t speak goblin either.” Lance said, a little put out by the assumption.

“I thought you traveled this way before.” She said looking away and rolling her eyes.

“This way maybe, but not this far. It is suicide out here.”

“Then we best keep moving. I’d rather not find out how many of them there are here.” Adrian said and urged his horse forward. They passed between three different sets of drums, obviously communicating with each other. Adrian did his best to keep the party as far away as possible from the sounds of the drums. The first night they made camp in a small cropping of trees with no fire. They did their best to keep conversation and noise to a minimum. By morning the next day, the drums began again, closer than the previous day. By mid day they began to enter a series of rolling hills, at the valleys they were well concealed, at the summit they were clearly visible for miles. As they reached a valley Adrian brought them to a halt with his hand raised. He looked around, then Lance did as well. The sounds of hooves or feet? They weren’t sure, however it was growing closer.

“Stay together. Head for the top of the hill.” Adrian called and pointed forward. They all spurred their horses and rode for the top of the hill as over the hill to their right, thirty goblins poured over the hill and into the valley chasing them. Lance looked back as they were halfway up the hill. There was no way they would out run them. Sam dropped from his horse as he reached the hill and began pelting the goblins with arrows. He was barely aiming as he fired the arrows into the mob. Ted reached the summit second and dropped beside him. He pulled his hand bolt throwers and picked off the goblins as they narrowed in on Laeha. Flake charged in and took down one goblin, biting straight into his throat and was off and running again as the next warrior slammed his sword down on his fallen comrade trying to eliminate the wolf. Caitlin landed beside Ted and ripped a throwing dagger from his chest. She flipped it in her hand and sent it flying as a head came into view over the hill. Ted looked at the goblin then at her and pulled the bandoleer from his shoulder and handed it to her. Lance and Adrian fought from their horses as they bought time for Laeha to reach the rest of the party, when she did turned and followed behind her. The opposing force was dwindling as they reached Adrian. He stepped into them swinging hard into the sword of the first goblin that reached them. As their swords clashed the goblin’s blade snapped in half leaving him stunned and easy prey to the slash that followed as Adrian brought his sword back. Lance walked up beside him firing two bolt throwers sending the next two goblins rolling down the hill, the first knocking into another goblin sending them both reeling down the hill. Sam sent an arrow past them missing his target, but it stopped the goblin in his tracks. He looked around at the remaining five members of the war party and turned to retreat down the hill. Sam took a step forward and sent two arrows chasing after them, the first knocking a goblin down. The goblin screamed at them from the ground as he struggled to pull the arrow from his leg. The second arrow fell short as well.

“Everyone ok?” Adrian asked turning back to the party. They all nodded as he looked over his arms as well. Almost immediately the drums began again from the right. “Let’s get out of here.”

They were on their horses again and riding down into the next valley, Flake following beside Laeha. They rode through the rest of the day and into the night, they were not approached again, however the drums never stopped and at times seemed to be closing in around them. By dawn the next day they were all tired, but all of the drums seemed to be coming from behind them. They passed around small amounts of meat and an ale skin. The valley came into view as the sun grew high in the sky, unfortunately so did the goblin war parties, two hills back, banners rose high in the sky, bearing the marks of three different clans. They had converged in the night and become one massive war party. As they saw the goblins, the goblins in turn saw them as well and the drums picked up the rhythm and poured into the valley like water down the hill.

“We need to move. Make for the slope over there.” Adrian pointed to a slight notch which lead down into the massive crater. He turned to Laeha. “Don’t stop till you reach the valley floor. We will be right behind you.”

He smacked her horse on the rear sending her flying forward. Her horse kept pace with the rest, Adrian and Lance bringing up the rear. Sam reached the slope that lead down to the edge of the canyon then disappeared around the corner and down into the canyon below. He pulled his bow and began firing arrows from his horse, he wasn’t as accurate from there, but it didn’t matter as each arrow found a target. Caitlin reached him first followed by Ted.

“Down there?” Ted asked, and Caitlin turned towards Sam. He hesitated, then fired another arrow. Laeha reached them next and never slowed as she went past, Flake quick on her heels. She was to the slope and around the corner quickly. Ted and Sam exchanged looks, then Sam nodded towards the slope.

“Go!” Ted said to Caitlin and the two moved towards the slope quickly.

“I’ll be right behind you.” Sam said as he fired another arrow. Lance rode towards Sam holding his shoulder, two arrows protruded from between his fingers.

“Come on!” Lance called back, and again Sam hesitated.

“Where’s Adrian?”

“He’s not coming.” Lance shot back.

“Excuse me!” Sam shot back, but turned his horse to follow as hundreds of goblins flooded the hill in front of them. Lance disappeared around the corner and Sam followed him. At the corner Sam tossed a fire bomb he had picked up in Firestone to the ground behind him. As they passed it erupted into flames and spread across the mouth of the canyon. The descent into darkness was slow moving, but shortly after turning the corner they disappeared, several arrows whizzed by as the goblins fired blindly into the chasm. When they reached the floor they found Laeha standing with hand outstretched. Sam looked back and the fire that should have died within minutes spread out and climbed the canyon wall. He smiled to himself.

“Where’s Adrian?” Caitlin asked looking around the party. “She walked over and grabbed Lance by the front of his leather armor. “Where’s Adrian?”

Lance winced in pain. Pushing her away from him. “He didn’t make it.” His horse went down, shot by an arrow. I turned to go back for him. Almost made it too, but I got hit and he shouted to go. Then I got hit again. He was still on his feet when I last saw him.”

“You left him!” Caitlin asked, reaching to hit him. Ted stopped her and held her in place.

“I didn’t have a choice. Can someone get these out of me?” Lance asked pointing at his shoulder as Caitlin stalked away.

“Hold still.” Sam said grabbing the top arrow and started pulling out. Lance let out a yelp and Sam stopped lowering his head. “They have to go through, I’ll tear up your arm pulling them out this way.”

Lance nodded. “Do it.” Sam took the arrow in both hands and snapped the back half of the arrow, then quickly jammed the arrow through his shoulder. On the other side he grabbed the arrow and pulled it free from his body. He repeated the process pulling the second free as well. Lance leaned against his horse for support as he felt light headed.

“We need to bandage those.” Ted said looking through his bags.

“Can you cauterize these?” Lance asked Laeha. She nodded and her finger began to glow.

You know I can’t leave him behind? He would not have left me. Laeha said as she put her finger into his wound. He grimaced biting his tongue.

“I know. And I don’t plan too.” Lance said taking deep breaths then nodding that he was ready for the next wound. As he reeled from the burn he looked at her. “They can go with you. I will catch up after I retrieve Adrian.”

Laeha nodded. I am sorry I got you into this.

“Considering the alternative, I’m not dead yet.” Lance said straightening with a warming smile. “And they will find me much harder to kill.”

They approached the rest of the party Caitlin sat on a large rock, while Ted stood beside her, Sam leaned on a tree next to the horses.

“I truly sorry about Adrian. I have known him for quite sometime and he has always been a good man.”

“You talk about him like he’s already dead.” Caitlin mumbled to herself.

“That is why I can not leave him to them. Darkness has begun to fall and I plan on raiding their camp and finding him. I will bring him back one way or another.” Lance said pausing. “I want you three to take Laeha the rest of the way. We will catch up when I have him.”

“I’m going with you.” Caitlin said stepping off the rock. Her face still showed her disdain for the situation.

“No you are not. I need you with Laeha, besides. I do better alone.” Lance said.

“We can take her.” Ted said. “Besides you are going to need a hand, you can barely use that arm.”

Caitlin smiled and smacked his arm as she walked past.

“Fine.” Lance winced between clenched teeth.

Thank you. Laeha said hugging Lance. He accepted her warmth and sighed.

“We will be back as soon as we can, but we need to get moving. The sun is setting, by the time we get up there it should be dark enough for us to sneak in.” Lance said and moved away towards his horse where he pulled a rope, and a set of foot claws from his bag. Caitlin walked up to stand beside him.

“What’s the plan?” She asked tightening the bandoleer of throwing daggers over her chest. He looked at her, then did a double take. She pulled a dark cloak over her shoulders and a hood up over her head.

“Well I was thinking of using you as bait, but I am rethinking that.” He handed her the foot claws. “You are going to need these.”

She held them in her hands and looked at him confused. He smiled and flung the rope over his shoulder. He looked at the canyon wall in front of them and tried a few hand holds. Slowly he began to climb up the wall. “Coming?”

She shook her head in disbelief and fastened the claws to her feet. She used the foot holds that he had created and dug in with her feet following him up the side of the canyon. Behind them The brothers watched for a minute until they disappeared into the darkness. Laeha looked up as well, then beckoned them over as the turned around. I can feel the mountain around me. The village was just ahead of us if I remember correctly. This way.

“I doubt it is still there.” Sam said shaking his head.

“No but there might be some ruins we can hold up and wait for them to return.” Ted said looking to Laeha who nodded her head.

Leave the horses. They won’t do any good in that brush and shrubs.

Sam gathered a few rocks and made an arrow on the ground indicating which direction they went beside the horses. When he finished they set out on foot leading the horses into the night. Laeha lead the way her hand outstretched giving a little bit of light from her palm.

At the top of the canyon, an hour after departing Lance finally pulled himself over the wall. The sun had set behind the distant mountain range, but the campfires cast shadows around the area as the war parties had settled in by clan and spread across the area. He pulled a long spike out of his belt and pushed it into the ground as far as it would go, then attached the rope to it. He turned back as he heard Caitlin struggling to find a hold on the surface. He took her hand and helped pull her up. She sat on the rocks panting as he coiled the rope and tossed it over the side.

“Where do we start?”

“Over here.” Lance answered in a low whisper.

“How do we know where to look?”

“We don’t.”

“Then how will we find him?” Caitlin asked confused. She didn’t like how this was sounding.

“Luck.” He said pulling on the rope and making sure it was secure.

“Luck? That is your plan? Luck?” Caitlin asked, her voice growing louder, she was furious that he had no idea what he was doing.

“Look.” He started growing very quiet and stern. “I don’t expect to find him alive. Goblins aren’t known for keeping prisoners, instead they eat who they catch. It probably has something to do with the lack of animals in their territory. I am just looking to retrieve a friend before he becomes dinner, if he hasn’t already. I owe him that much at least. Now I didn’t ask you to come along, but if you don’t shut up I’ll feed you to them myself.”

Caitlin looked at him, her mouth gaping, he was right. “Where do we start?”

“Around the outside here, see if we can see where they are keeping their kills. More than likely I am expecting him to be farther in. This center camp seems to be the dominant tribe.” Lance said pointing to the large area in the center.

“Then shouldn’t we start there?”

“We will get there, when it gets darker and they thin out. Tonight they will celebrate their attack. Let’s hope it’s more drinking than eating.” Lance said and began moving towards the first tent. Caitlin looked after him for a second, then followed him, pulling the hood over her head and the cloak tight against her. She was virtually invisible in the shadows.

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