The Fire Within

Chapter 11: In Ruins

They approached the first tent quickly, Caitlin pulled her dagger from her belt and held it against her chest. Lance stood beside her, and for a change she was glad he was here with her. He held up a hand indicating she should stay, then he darted across the opening between the tents. He tried not to lean against the cloth, most of the tents were taken from scavenging runs where they killed their quarry and took their belongings, so they were not built properly and in some case damaged. The one Lance hid behind looked like a strong breeze would send it flying. He waved her over, and she darted across the gap as well. They worked their way across several more tents until they were farther from the partying. They moved slowly between the tents keeping the goblins on the opposite sides until they were forced to duck into a tent as guards passed down both sides. Lance went in first and immediately saw a goblin laying in bed. Caitlin was a step behind and quickly crossed the floor. She put a hand to his mouth and dug the dagger into his chest. His eyes popped open and his hands clawed at her arm, until his heart stopped. She pulled the blanket up around him and rolled in towards the wall.

“What was that for?” Lance whispered as she rejoined him.

“I didn’t want him waking up.” She said and slipped back out of the tent behind the guards. He followed her out and grabbed her arm. She turned on him quickly, her fighting instincts heightened. He pointed down a side path and she nodded. They moved quickly from shadow to shadow, ducking into tents as necessary. If they were occupied they quickly and quietly dispatched the occupants. They rounded a tent and stopped quickly catching their noses as the smell made them gag. A large pit with corpses of various creatures including horse, pig, oxen and cow hung from hooks, bleeding openly onto the ground. Closer to them were legs that had been previously severed, many of which showed signs of rot. Lance quickly waved Caitlin back and they edged their way to the entrance of the tent and ducked inside. Standing at a table with a butcher’s knife stood a tall, wide goblin cutting meat from whatever animal he had found. He began to turn around and Caitlin jumped into action. As he stood facing them, her throwing dagger pierced his throat. The board he held fell to the floor as he stumbled backwards then hit the ground hard.

“That was close.” She said retrieving her dagger from its victim.

“It may have been a mistake too.” Lance said looking back out of the tent flap. “Once they don’t get their food.”

“This late at night? He had to be working on breakfast right?” She asked curiously.

“Let’s hope so. Either way though, that was what we were looking for. It doesn’t look like he is here.”

“We knew that didn’t we? He is in the next camp, remember?” Caitlin said pointing in the direction of the big banner with a wolf head on it.

“Well, that is the thought anyways.” Lance said, looking out the flap then turning to her. “Let’s go find out.”

They worked their way into the shadows and moved off into the grass. They stayed low to the ground, Caitlin pulled her cloak around her tightly. Down a long row tents they could see Adrian strapped to two logs jammed into the ground in an X. He was hung from his wrists and bleeding from various parts of his body, his head hung low. Around him two guards watched the dancing. Opposite him a throne was occupied by a large goblin with several trinkets of gold around him. He chewed on a large chunk of meat and threw wine at his subject as he laughed. Next to him a much smaller female goblin struggled to fill his goblet.

“There he is.” Caitlin whispered loudly.

“I see him. I just can’t figure out how to get to him.” Lance said looking around. “There are way too many of them and that is way too much light.”

“We can’t just leave him there.” Caitlin said raising her head to look around better.

“What makes you think we are leaving him there?” Lance asked, “Come on old man give us a sign.”

They waited for several minutes more, then crouched and began moving closer. They reached the first tent quickly and melted into the shadows it created. Caitlin used her blade to cut a small hole in the cloth and looked inside, once she was sure the tent was empty she cut a slit and disappeared inside. Lance followed her.

“What are you doing?” Lance asked as Caitlin crouched by the tent entrance.

“I was thinking of going tent to tent. It would give us a safe escape route because they would all be dead and it would buy us time since it would take a while to work our way around.” She said looking around for guards.

“I like where your head’s at, but that is a lot of tents.”

“Then we better be quick.” She said as she darted through the flap. He looked after her, but she was already into the next tent. He sighed and followed her over. He burst through the flap and saw her standing next to a goblin, whose face was contorted in shock. Her hand wrapped around the hilt of her dagger still buried in his chest. At her feet lay another goblin with a dagger in his chest.

“To many corpses gives us a better chance of being discovered too.” Lance said looking behind him.

“What do you suggest?” Caitlin asked bending over to retrieve her dagger. She pulled the sword from the first goblin and jammed it into the second then repeated the process.

“Crude, but effective.” He commented. Then looked up the row of tents. “If we can get to that far tent, and around to the other side, we may be able to get to him before they notice we have him.”

“That’s possible, but I think we could use a distraction at that point.” Caitlin said, then it occurred to her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the magic candle that Laeha had been tied to and smiled. He looked at it, then at the center stake and the top of the tent.

“We make a good pair, when we work together”. He said.

She frowned. “Don’t push it.” She sighed then continued. “How’s your shoulder?”

“It hurts still, but it’s not going to kill me.” Lance said and watched for guards. Caitlin lit the candle and set it by the center beam. It would catch eventually and take the whole tent with it, but it would take a while. Hopefully enough time for them to reach Adrian.

“Let’s go.” Caitlin said in a low whisper and followed Lance from the tent. They moved over two rows of tents before advancing. Lance slit a hole in the tent closest to Adrian and peered inside. Stacks of grains, cloth, and wares they had taken from adventurers and unsuspecting merchants along the way lined the tent. “Someone is coming.” He heard and sliced into the cloth, they barely made it inside before two goblins rushed past the tent.

“Now we wait.” Lance said as he made his way to the entrance flap. It didn’t take long before the smoke became noticeable in the distance, shortly thereafter the goblins began to scatter and head towards the fire as it spread from one tent to the next in the steady breeze. From the flap they could see the Chieftain calling commands. It was now or never. They slipped out and silenced the guards at the merchant tent. Half a dozen steps later they were at the platform, hidden as best they could behind the podium as they sliced through the ropes. Adrian’s arms fell to his side, one by one, then Lance pulled him off the platform and onto his good shoulder. He waved his hand forward indicating Caitlin to lead the way. She moved swiftly back to the tent, but instead of going inside she slipped around and into the shadows. Lance followed her and disappeared, behind him He could hear the shouts of the Chieftain as he saw his prize was gone, but his subjects were to busy trying to put out fires to stop.

They passed out into the darkness of the night with little incident, and Lance sat Adrian down. Caitlin poured water into his mouth, and Adrian sat up quickly choking and coughing. Lance covered his mouth to muffle the sounds and looked behind him. Adrian pulled at his hand and inhaled deeply.

“What are you doing here?” He gasped loudly.

“Shhh.” Just taking in the sights. You?” Lance asked sarcastically.

“I got invited to dinner.” Adrian said with a grin.

“Can you walk?” Caitlin asked, hurriedly. “We need to get back to the others.”

“Yeah. Yeah I can walk.” Adrian said rolling himself over to his hands and knees.

“Give me your arm. Cait, you lead the way.” Lance said, and Caitlin nodded.

“Oh it’s Cait now is it? How long have I been gone?” Adrian asked.

“Tonight he can call me whatever he wants.” Caitlin said, motioning for them to follow her. Lance smiled and threw Adrian’s arm over his shoulder. He half carried, half drug him into the darkness heading for the ledge and safety.

Flake led the party, his tail wagging back and forth with his bobbing along as he looked from side to side. Behind him Laeha walked with Sam and Ted on either side, their swords drawn and ready. The tall plants pushed against them, making progress slow. As they encroached on the terrain that had not been touched in centuries except for wildlife Sam and Ted did their best to keep the plants at bay. They had been walking for what seemed like hours when Flake’s ears went back and he froze. He began looking around, bringing everyone to a stop. Their eyes scanned the darkness looking for any movement when Flake began to growl and he lowered his head and crouched ready to strike. In front of him a pair of eyes looked back at them. Then two more, behind them Sam saw two more pairs as well and moved to cover their flank, pulling a dagger in his free hand.

“Stay calm.” Ted said to Laeha, but talking more to himself, as he moved between her and Flake. In front of them the muzzle of a large wolf poked out of the shrubs, followed by his front legs, he moved with authority and purpose. As he became visible the rest of the pack stepped out as well. They were surrounded by six wolves as they looked around, unsure of how they had come so close without detection.

Flake? Laeha asked questioning.

“We have entered his hunting grounds.” Flake said without moving.

We mean you no harm. Laeha said loudly to the pack around them.

“I’m pretty sure they mean us harm though.” Sam said as the two from their rear became three and began to advance, teeth bare.

“He is Frost. He is alpha of this pack, and surrounding lands. He said he will not allow us on his land.” Flake said standing his ground and staring down Frost.

His land? Laeha asked rhetorically. We will just have to see about that.

“I don’t think I like the sound of that.” Sam said to Ted

This is my land.

“Don’t say that he will take it as a challenge to his authority as alpha and he will kill us all.” Flake said the worry showing through his voice. Frost snapped his jowls and stepped forward. Flake stepped back unsure.

Stand aside my friend. If it is a fight he wants, then I will oblige him. Laeha said stepping forward. Flake sat back on his hind legs as Laeha reached him. She rubbed the hair on his head affectionately as she passed by. Ted and Sam stood back to back slowly moving towards flake.

“I don’t think I can allow that, my queen.” Flake said moving to stand beside her.

It is ok. She said with a smile and Flake moved away to stand beside Sam and Ted. Laeha turned to address Frost. She turned her hands palms up at her sides and let the skin flake and burn away. Her eyes began to glow sapphire and drip down her face, singeing the skin as they flowed. She pulled a few strings on her clothes releasing their binds and letting them fall to the ground. She stepped out of the pile of clothes and took two steps towards Frost, he backed away confused as the skin on her body appeared cracked and streaked. I am Queen Kindra, Queen of the Mountain, Protector of Caldor. This is my land and I challenge you for control of my lands.

Frost sat back and whimpered as Laeha stood before him as a ball of flame. He put his head to the ground and the rest of the wolves followed suit. The whole area was bright with her flames as she walked towards him. She knelt in front of Frost and put a hand on his head. The greying mane of his head singed and burned to black.

I hear you now. Laeha said with a smile.

“Forgive me. We did not believe him. These are undoubtedly your lands.” Frost stammered.

There is nothing to forgive. I have been gone to long, but I must pass if I am to regain my kingdom. She said and rose to her feet. Frost rose behind her and followed her as she pulled her body back together and put the clothes back on.

“Why the coverings?” Frost asked, curiously.

It makes them feel better. Laeha said looking at Sam and Ted, who stood in awe of the spectacle they had seen.

“I apologize my son, I was wrong.” Frost said to Flake as they approached. “You have proven yourself worthy to lead the pack.”

Son? Is he your father?

“He is the father of my betrothed.” Flake said to Laeha, then turned to Frost standing beside Laeha. “Thank you Sire, but I must see my Queen home.”

“This time we will do it together.” Frost said, he gave a small bark and the remaining five wolves rose and lined up behind Frost.

I appreciate that, we have friends that should be returning this night.

“We will find them my Queen.” Frost gave an audible bark and the pack scattered into the brush.

“I will join you once I know she is safe.” Flake said with a low bark.

“As you wish.” Frost said in a low bark then disappeared into the shadows.

Thank you my friend.

“It is my honor.” Flake said, wagging his tail.

Let’s go. Laeha said waving a hand at the brothers, who exchanged looks and followed behind Laeha.

“What just happened?” Sam asked.

“I was going to ask you the same thing.” Ted said shaking his head. They walked on for a short time, Flake leading the way, Laeha directly behind with the brothers trailing in the rear. The trees became sparse and the shrubs thinned into piles of stones and boulders. Several times they detoured around large piles of stones and bricks until Ted stopped the party.

“Sam.” Ted said, grabbing him by the shoulder and pointing to a tall pile of rubble that became more visible as the sun left streaks across the sky from the coming dawn. Sam nodded and raced off. They followed behind until they reached the base of the pile. Sam carefully picked his holds and stepped across from boulder to ledge. He finally reached the top and stood thirty feet above Laeha and Ted looking out over a city of ruined buildings, most of which had fallen in on themselves or over into other structures. Ten blocks away stood a temple, which looked to be intact.

“Ted! We’re in a the city!” Sam called down the side of the building.

The city was not this big.

“It looks like they took advantage of you being imprisoned.” Ted said looking back at her for a second.

“There is a temple up ahead. Looks to be a safe place to rest for now!” Sam said then looked around behind them. “I don’t see the others from here either.”

“Ok, come back down and we can wait up ahead!” Ted called back then looked at Laeha. “Will that be ok?”

Yes, let’s do that. Flake, can you find our friends, we will wait up ahead.

Flake stood and trotted off back the way they had come. They waited on the ground as Sam carefully worked his way back down to them.

“Where’s Flake?” He asked when reached the ground.

“He is going back for Adrian, Lance and Caitlin.” Ted said handing him back his equipment that he had removed before climbing. Once he had pulled himself back together they proceeded down what would have been the main road of the town. Stones and piles of rubble toppled over on either side, and the ground was uneven, but set out in a straight line. Four buildings from the temple a flash of blueish white appeared on the steps, it rose and twisted, then repeated a few times before hovering slightly and folding then falling to the stone. The three members of the party ducked to the right side of the road behind the rubble and watched it repeat the process and slam into the temple floor again and again.

“What is that?” Ted asked.

“I don’t know, it’s too far away.”

It’s not alive. Laeha said and they looked at her. Or I would feel it in the ground. Now that I am home my powers are increasing quickly.

“Of course they are.” Sam said sarcastically then looked back down the road. “Shall we get closer?”

“You first.” Ted said with a smile, and Sam rolled his eyes. He slid out towards the street and kept close to the caved in buildings as he led them up the street, sword in hand. As they approached the temple it became clear that it was a ghost they were looking at. A dwarf, in robes of finery, he lifted off the ground and threw balls of fire that disappeared as soon as they left his hand, aimed somewhere down the long road at a target that was no longer there. After four balls flew he looked around questioningly then lifted up and turned over several times before crashing into the stone floor of the temple.

He was the High Priest. Laeha said identifying the clothing he wore.

“I’d say he fell.” Sam said looking around at the cracks and breaks in the walls of the temple. Entrances were caved in and stairs were missing, from what seemed like an intact building from a distance no longer seemed to be stable.

“Of course he fell. That was obvious.” Ted said pointing at the ghost who made no motion to note they were there.

“I meant during the collapse of the city.” Sam said climbing up steps to the landing where the main entrance would have been. Laeha stood in front of the spirit and watched it curiously as it went through its motions again.

“Of course you did.” Ted said to himself as he walked around the base of the temple looking around at the markings in the stone.

“Hey. Hey, I think I found him.” Sam called from the platform farther up. Laeha ignored him as she watched the spirit, Ted raced up to his brother where they stood over a skeleton face down in the ornate red and purple robes that were clearly designed like the spirits. On top of him were two massive pieces that once would have been a tower had the ground not collapsed. Sam reached down and pulled at the robe. “Think it’s worth anything?”

“Probably not.”

Below them the shade felt the pull and blinked, he looked around then settled his eyes on Laeha. She looked back as he descended to the stones and knelt before her. She nodded her head and bid him to rise.

What happened here? Laeha demanded.

“We were foolish. What High Priest Thornfoot did to you was unforgivable, but he hid his secret well. When he died he passed the stone and the lamp on to his son, and made it known that you would only talk to him and his kin. When he died he passed it down to his son who was less competent and much more greedy. He was forced out as High Priest and the stone confiscated, however he had sold the lamp years before. By the time we found out what had transpired, there was nothing we could do. We knew the power was yours and we knew you would return for it, so we kept it safe and secret here in the temple. We used your power, to build great structures and bring wealth to the families that resided here. We dug deep and far and pulled out all the minerals and gems you kept hidden from us in the earth, we traded and bartered, becoming wealthy, so we expanded. We never considered what would happen if it were taken, until one day it was. I tried, my Queen, I tried to keep it safe until your return, but I failed. We were foolish to lock you away, we were foolish to think we could control your power. We were foolish.”

It sounds like you did your best to correct the mistakes of one misguided man, and I can not punish the sons for the sins of their fathers. No matter how much I would like to.

“Thank you my Queen.” The High Priest said and shimmered and faded away. Laeha walked up the broken path to the plateau where the brothers worked to shift the boulders. As she reached the top, the boulder shifted and rolled to one side, Sam reached down and pulled the robes away of the remaining boulders as they shifted.

We will bury the robe with him, down there, at the base of the temple. Laeha said pointing to the ground beneath the runes at the base of the temple.

Sam’s shoulders dropped, he couldn’t believe his ears. “But this is the first thing of value that we have found.”

Laeha’s look was stern, but Ted stepped in with a heavy sigh. “Get the shovel, I’ll carry him down.”

“Are you serious?” Sam asked in disbelief.

“She is, so we will do as she asks until the others return.” Ted said lowly to Sam as he bent to pick up the remains. “In the meantime look around and see if you can find some gems or something.”

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