The Fire Within

Chapter 12: Six against the World

They reached the bottom of the canyon as the sun began to stain the sky. Though the shadows had not yet retreated from the sun. Lance was favoring his shoulder, but he still held onto Adrian. They had walked down the slope that the party had passed down earlier, with the fire at the entrance faded with the night there would be nothing to stop the goblin war parties from advancing as well.

Caitlin reached the bottom first and ran ahead to where the horses were and looked around questioning. “Where did they go?

Lance made it to the horses before he relented and allowed Adrian to stand on his own. Adrian staggered a couple times then accepted a skin of ale that Lance had pulled out of his saddlebags. He munched on some dried meat and cheese after giving some to Caitlin.

“If I had to guess. I’d say that torn up section of plants would be a good start.” Lance said looking off at the underbrush.

“Why don’t we follow the arrow?” Adrian said kicking dirt over the rocks Sam had left. Lance and Caitlin exchanged glances, then smiles.

“We missed you.” Caitlin said taking the aleskin from him.

“Missed you guys too. Thanks for coming back for me.” Adrian said, pulling a sword out of Lance’s pack. “Mind if I borrow this?”

“If you can use it.” Lance said offering him some food.

“Much appreciated, we need to get moving. The goblins will be after us soon and they are much faster.” Adrian said, kicking the rocks away and tucking the sword under his arm. He chewed on dried meat as he lead them off into the brush. In the distance they heard a long howl as they stepped off the rocks into the tall bushes.

“I really hope that’s Flake.” Caitlin said pausing for a second.

Lance pulled his sword and motioned ahead of him for her to keep moving. “Just in case it’s not.”

They found the path quickly and made good time passing though the downed leaves and branches that Ted and Sam had cleared. They heard the loud howl again and this time an answer from farther back, then another from behind them. Quickly they discovered they were surrounded and all three stood together with blades in hand. Adrian steadied himself, he was feeling better, but was not at his best still. When the first wolf appeared they were ready, but quickly became confused as the wolf did not attack, or approach, instead it sat where it was clearly visible.

“What is it doing?” Caitlin asked, looking to Lance.

“I don’t know, but I say we don’t wait to find out.”

“Agreed. Keep moving.” Adrian said. Together they moved slowly away from the wolf, but it stood and trotted several more steps, neither falling behind or gaining ground, simply keeping pace. The wolf howled and the reply came much quicker and closer. Quickly they were surrounded, staring down a large grey wolf with a black spot on his head. He turned his head back towards the leaves and stepped to the side as Flake appeared beside him.

“Flake!” Caitlin said louder than expected, and put her blades away. He trotted over and rubbed up against her, she knelt down to pet him and scratch his ears. Adrian reached down, and Flake liked his hand.

“Missed you too. Can you take us to the others?” He asked, Flake barked and headed out the way he had come, behind him the other wolves followed.

“I guess we follow him.” Lance said putting his dagger away and sheathing his sword. They reached the clearing without incident keeping pace with the wolves as they climbed over and went around the fallen buildings. Flake turned often to make sure they were still behind him before moving on, when they reached the tall pile of rubble that Sam had climbed earlier they got their first view of the temple. Their jaws dropped as the sun hit the side of the building and streamed across the front giving the temple the look of being solid gold. Flake yapped at them bringing their attention back to him.

“I think he said we need to keep moving.” Adrian said with a smile to Caitlin.

“Yeah. Let’s get closer to that.” Lance said staring.

“I think that is where we are headed.” Caitlin said pointing to the little man on the temple waving back at them. As they approached Sam and Laeha joined Ted at the temple steps and greeted their comrades warmly. Laeha gave Adrian a big hug, and he felt the warmth from her body soaking into him. He felt rejuvenated and exhausted at the same time. Around them the wolves lounged on the steps of the temple and in the surrounding debris. They all braced themselves as the earth shook and groaned, a large crash came from somewhere off in the distance. As soon as they recovered their footing they looked off in the distance at a large plume of smoke that began snaking its way into the sky.

Laeha stared, walking a few steps away from the party towards the plume. She stopped when Caitlin’s voice brought her back.

“Laeha? Is everything alright?”

Laeha turned to look at her, her eyes wide and her mouth slack. I have to go.

“Alright, let’s get moving.” Caitlin said.

“Let’s grab our gear and we will be right there.” Ted said, heading towards the temple and the sack of gems that he and Sam had found.

No. This part I go alone. This is the end of my journey. Please. Please, see yourselves safely home. Laeha said.

“Laeha!” Caitlin said, confused. She reached for her arm, but stopped short. “We will miss you.”

“That’s it then?” Sam asked to no one in particular, then turned to Ted.

“I guess so.” Ted answered.

“I hate to spoil the farewells, but we have a bigger problem.” Lance said pointing back down the road. The goblins had navigated the underbrush and were beginning to spill out into the ruins.

Farewell my friends. Laeha said again then turned and ran off towards the temple, as she disappeared down the side the wolves ran down the sides of the temple and followed her. The looked after her for a second until Adrian brought them all to him.

Sam, Caitlin take those two buildings see if you can pick off a few. Take Ted’s bolt thrower. Lance, Ted and I will keep them out of the building and face them here.” Adrian called out and Ted unslung his bolts and handed them to Caitlin, Sam moved off into the building on the right and ran up the stairs, he jumped the gap in the steps sending debris to the first floor, but found a window overlooking the street. He used his bow to clear the last of the glass from the window and began firing arrows down the street. Across the street, Caitlin found the stairs intact and took the first door, the room was large, and the floor was worn with a large hole in the center. She carefully picked her steps on the side until she could stand by the window, with each step the floor creaked and shifted. From the window she could see Lance moving towards her building and Ted moving towards Sam. In the middle of the street stood Adrian, his sword over his shoulder. Waiting.

Laeha disappeared into the tall hedges that lined the back of the temple, a few steps behind Flake lead the pack after her. He leapt up beside her and matched her pace, as she pulled at the ties of her clothes. The wolves trampled over the shirt and pants as they flew behind her, her skin melted away again as she looked over to Flake.

You should take the pack and leave the canyon. Laeha said as the skin returned to flames and the ash trailed behind her.

“I will, once you are safely to the lava, my Queen.” Flake said, not looking over to her.

I’m pretty sure I can handle it from here.

“If I may my Queen, we have failed you once, we will see you to the lava or die trying.” Frost said, moving up to Laeha’s other side.

As you wish. Laeha said and reached for the plants ahead of her, at her touch, the plant burnt away and her body moved quicker, jumping from plant to plant, snaking across the grass. The wolves doubled their efforts to keep up with her, dodging around plants, and jumping over boulders and debris from the collapse. They skidded to a stop as the brush gave way to ravine almost immediately. At the edge Laeha stood with her hand on her chest and eyes closed.

“That was close.” Frost said as the rest of the pack stopped around them and laid down.

I am home. Laeha said as she lifted her head into the breeze. She turned, and smiled to Flake, then jumped into the lava. Flake watched at the edge as she splashed into the fiery liquid and disappeared. The earth shook and cracks appeared at the mouth of the gorge. He whimpered once and waited until she rose back to the surface. The lava splashed around her as she pulled herself into a sitting position on the surface. She waved her hand at Flake and he barked back.

“Let’s go. We need to get out of here quickly.” Flake said to the pack.

“This way, there is a slope over here.” Frost said racing off down the length of the gorge and turning towards the other side of the canyon. Flake followed behind, feeling like he belonged as the rest of the pack spread out around him.

“I’m out!” Cried Sam from the second floor of the adjacent building.

“Great, then get down here!” Ted called back to him, but as he looked over his shoulder he was struck from behind.

“Ted!” Sam yelled and bolted from the window. Ted staggered and recovered throwing a punch that sent its target flying. He put his hand to his head and felt the warm pulse of blood. Adrian appeared at his side slicing through two more. He was breathing heavy, but seemed like he had endless energy.

“Are you alright?” He asked at Ted’s elbow.

“I’m fine.” Ted said wiping the blood on his pants away from Adrian’s eyesight. Sam appeared at this side a second later.

“Are you alright?” He asked, tossing his bow aside.

“I’m fine.” He said more angrily than he intended. “Get your sword out, and help Lance.”

Sam nodded and headed into the fray. Adrian followed behind and the two of them spread out in the street. Sam worked his way across the street. He stopped periodically as the goblins turned to face him. He made short work of them, but the wave of goblins coming up the street seemed endless. He reached the building, but could find no sign of Lance. Two goblins came flying across the street and landed at Sam’s feet. Sam looked up to find Lance throwing goblins around from the building in front of him. He looked back at the building in time to see a goblin fall out of the window.

‘Caitlin.’ He thought and rushed inside the building, bodies lined the floor and he could see Caitlin above him. Three goblins broken through a window and were heading for the stairs. He cut them off, slamming into two of them. The third rushed for the stairs. Sam gave chase, a few steps behind as they raced up the stairs. He rounded the corner into the room where Caitlin threw another goblin aside.

Caitlin fired the bolt thrower from the window, each shot hit a goblin, but not every shot was a killing shot. She looked back at the street while she reloaded as Lance threw the goblins back three at a time. She took aim and picked off one as he leapt from the rubble at Lance. He was building a wall of bodies around him as he kicked back another victim onto the pile. When his movement became restricted he moved to the side and began again. She had to admit she admired the man’s sheer determination. She heard the shout and looked though the opposite window at Sam’s building. Ted spun around and slammed his sword into a goblin sending it end over end backwards. Adrian ran towards him and she fired a bolt out the side window falling a goblin behind him. She turned back to Lance and found him advancing across the street to the building across from her. She wasn’t sure what he was doing, but she notched another bolt and fired dropping another goblin. She turned back towards Ted and saw Sam rushing across the street followed by Adrian, who stopped and parried an incoming blow. She loaded the bolt thrower again and pointed out the window, but a sound behind her caught her attention. She turned and fired as the first of six goblins jumped across the hole in the floor. The bolt spun him around and he rolled down the floor into the hole. The two that followed forced her to abandon the window. She threw the bolt thrower at the first and braced herself as their added weight began shaking the floor. She would have to be quick, two throwing daggers from one hand sent one goblin in front of her down and rolling, as well as one in the air trying to jump across. Both fell to the ground and rolled to the hole in the floor. She caught the incoming blade with her dagger and grabbed his arm. She spun him around and threw him out of the window. She stumbled as the remaining two jumped onto her platform shaking the floor loose. They retained their balance and moved towards her. She caught the first swing with her blade, but before she could parry she had to move from the incoming slice of the second. She could hear more coming up the stairs and knew she couldn’t continue from the window. She caught another blade and threw in backwards, pulling a throwing dagger in her free hand. As the goblin turned backwards and recovered she turned to the second. She side stepped his sword and slammed her dagger into his throat, but the first recovered and swung at her. She turned the second goblin into the path of the blade and released her dagger. She grabbed the arm of the first goblin and slammed the throwing dagger into his chest repeatedly, then used her weight to toss him from the window as well. She spun back for the door and launched the dagger anticipating his jump across the gap, but he didn’t. Instead he slipped on the blood and fell into the hole. The dagger however found a mark, slamming into Sam’s chest as he rounded the doorway.

“Sam!” She screamed as he stumbled backwards and slammed heavy into the wall. His face contorted in surprise as he slid down the wall. Caitlin rushed to jump the gap, but a second shockwave rippled through the earth, shaking the building and bringing the weakened floor to the ground. She fell with the floor landing hard and motionless on the first floor among the rubble and bits of ceiling that came down.

Lance rushed to the building and looked inside at the dust and debris that filled the air. He couldn’t see anything. He looked back at the street at Adrian and Ted as they rushed towards him. Another shake split the ground between them with a small crack, easily jumpable, but the lava that began to form at the surface was unmistakable.

“Go.” Lance called back pointing towards the canyon wall. Adrian slid to a stop as the lava began bubbling out. He grabbed Ted’s arm and stopped him.

“He will get them out. We need to go!” Adrian said pushing Ted back the way they had come in.

“But.” Ted started, but turned as he was commanded. He swung at an incoming goblin, slamming the sword wide and moving out of the way as he ran headlong into the lava and bursting into flames.

“We need to go now. Lance!” He called back across the growing pit. Lance turned back from the building and Adrian pointed off behind him, there was another path out that they could use. Lance looked behind him and nodded, then disappeared into the building. Adrian turned back to Ted. “He will get them. We need to worry about us or it won’t matter.”

Lance waved his arms and coughing as he tried to see through the debris. He picked up a rock and kicked another aside as he reached the fallen floor. He found Caitlin battered and unconscious, but breathing. He smacked her face lightly a couple times and she moaned, but didn’t move.

“That will do.” He said and pulled the rocks off of her legs. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He grunted, she wasn’t heavy, but his injured shoulder made carrying her difficult. He grabbed his sword from the ground and made his way back out to the street. He burst from the dust into the fresh air and saw the remaining goblins fleeing. On top of the fallen building stood the warchief yelling furiously at his retreating men. Lance turned back towards his friends and found the street empty, he looked down at the seeping lava and sighed. He turned to the left and headed off towards the sloop on the wall. He jumped over cracks as they appeared, and paused for earthquakes as the ground became to unsteady to run. It looked promising until he burst through a tall bush and found himself staring at a river of lava rolling down the street, pouring through the broken out buildings. He looked around and found a tall building sitting higher than the rest. He made for it. A few minutes later he found the remains of the building sitting onto of a large slab of earth that fell intact. High walls on either side.

‘Why didn’t we find this first?’ He thought to himself of this clearly defensible position. He sheathed his sword and looked around for a hand hold. He shifted Caitlin to his strong arm and began to climb the side of the mound. The lava rose below him as he rolled her onto the ledge. He took a deep breath and pulled himself up beside her. He lay with his feet hanging over the side and he breathed heavily for the exertion. Suddenly he felt a hand on his foot and he froze and looked around. He rolled over and looked back over the side. Laeha smiled at him from the lava as it continued to rise.

I found you. She said with a smile. And you are alive.

“Yes. For now anyways.” Lance said looking over the wall at the lava as it continued to roll around them.

I was fearful when I found Sam.

“You found Sam? I didn’t see him.” Lance said looking around trying to see if he could see him.

He has been returned to the earth. She said and Lance’s jaw dropped. He recovered quickly.

“I see. I’m sure we will as well.”

No you will live. I will see to it. Laeha said then stepped back into the lava that had rose to her feet. She spread her arms wide and and held them. The lava pushed the boulder they were on up and it began to rise with the lava as the canyon filled. Lance looked around in awe.

“Have you seen Adrian and Ted?” Lance called back over the side as they sailed away from Laeha.

I have not. She said, looking around. Lance pointed off the direction they had come in.

“They were heading for the sloop we came in on. Go find them. We can manage here.” Lance shouted back. Laeha nodded then dove into the lava and was gone.

‘I really hope I don’t regret that.’ Lance thought to himself as he rolled over to Caitlin. She was still breathing and he smiled. He took his time and worked his hands over her bones looking for what was broken, and bandaging her cuts. He made splints from nearby twigs and picked up fruit from one of the trees attached on boulder they were adrift on. Once he was satisfied, he pulled her towards the entrance of the building. If nothing else it would keep the embers from hitting them, but as he entered the building he dropped her and stared. In front of him was a vault door twice his size hanging open and inside were mounds of gold and gems.

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