The Fire Within

Chapter 13: Full Circle

Adrian and Ted ran down the street dodging boulders and goblins alike. They turned away from the bulk of the goblin before they reached the warchief, but were close enough to hear him yelling at his forces as they ran past him. They weren’t entirely sure where they were going, just that this direction was the closest way out. A sudden shift in the ground caught ted off guard and he tumbled to the ground in a heap. Adrian slid to a stop and hunched to the ground waiting for the ground to stop. Ted rolled and sat up, shaking his head. He had a large gash across his forehead, with blood dripping down over his eye. Adrian reached for Ted and pulled him to his feet.

“Are you still with me?” Adrian asked over the cracking of stone. Ted braced himself on Adrian’s arm and nodded. “Let’s go.”

They moved off again, but this time the lava was beginning to gain on them. Streams of red flowed through the city causing buildings to crumble and fall behind them. They turned in time to see the warchief thrown from the platform he had been standing on and fall into the lava, he riled and struggled, screaming in agony as his body disappeared. They looked at each other and began running again. They jumped through the brush that had ignited and pulled their shirts over their mouths. Smoke began to roll from everywhere and the sky seemed to vanish in its wake. Finally they reached the slope and charged passed the goblins.

Adrian. He heard and looked around.

Adrian. He heard again and found Laeha standing in the lava. It had reached the base of the slope and was climbing quickly.

“Is this you.” Adrian called back gesturing to the lava.

It is. I will remake my home. She said as she walked up the slope. The lava rose behind her, but never passing her. He stood alone on the slope, having watched the last of the surviving goblins run past him. He could hear them from the ledge above. She gestured forward and together they walked up the rocky path to where Ted stood, sword drawn facing down fifty goblins. I wanted to thank you for bringing me home before you left. I found Caitlin and Lance on the way to you, Caitlin was injured, but she is alive and both will be survive, you have my word, but please do not wait for them.

“Did you find Sam?” Ted called back sparing a look at Laeha as they approached.

I did. I am sorry Ted, the best I can offer you is that he will remain in my care. Always. Laeha said her arms at her side and her head hung low. Ted lowered his sword, his face drawn. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“I. I understand.” He said finally and turned away from them, tears rolling down his cheeks.

“Ted. I.” Adrian started, but stopped as Ted shook his head.

“He died for something I believed in. That is on me.” Ted said wiping the tears and blood from his cheeks.

The goblins before them stood in confusion, some carried swords, some clutched at rocks, but none seemed willing to attack. Several were injured and hobbled back towards their camps. She looked over the crowd, and realized they were watching her. She heard a howl in the distance and looked the east, Flake led the pack as they raced around the edge of the ravine. She smiled. I will prepare you an escort to ensure that you are both safely to Bog Run.

“I appreciate that.” Adrian said looking at the war party in front of him.

She knelt as Flake approached and extended her arms. Flake rushed up to her, slide to a stop and laid on the ground. “I have found you my Queen. We all reached the top in time.”

I am glad. But I have a mission for you, one last request?

“Anything.” Frost said sitting behind Flake. Laeha smiled.

Please make sure Adrian and Ted make it back to Bog Run. Flake looked up at the men, then back to Laeha.

“It would be an honor, my Queen.”

Thank you. Laeha said standing. The pack will take you home. Please do not worry. I will see Lance and Caitlin out safely once they are able.

“Tell Lance I am heading home as well. He will know where to find me.” Adrian said.

I will, but before I let you leave, I supposed I should secure the immediate path. After all it is about time I met my neighbors. Laeha left their company and approached the goblins masses, behind her fire singed the grass she stepped on. In front of her the goblins dropped their swords and fell to the ground, head down. She put her hands in the air and drew their attention to her. Children of the Goblin Tribes, today I stand before you as your enemy, though this is not my wish. I seek nothing but to live in peace in my home, a home that was destroyed long long ago by greed. A greed that I will not tolerate going forward. I do not seek to rule you, nor do I require your praise and worship. I simply wish to live in peace. Today I will rebuild my home, tomorrow if you wish I will welcome you, but I will not tolerate fighting in my house. Please bring mounts for my friends, they will need them for their journey home. Until tomorrow, please return to your families and consider my words.

“How do you know if they understood you?” Adrian asked quietly as she returned to their side.

I spoke in a universal language. You hear it in common, they hear it in goblin, every one understands me, no confusion.

Slowly goblins rose, leaving their weapons behind, they moved towards the ruined tents behind them. A goblin walked towards them leading Sam and Ted’s horse. Adrian’s jaw dropped as he accepted the reins from the goblin. He patted his neck and whispered in his ear. Beside him Ted mirrored his actions. It felt odd, but Adrian thanked the goblin which turned away and hobbled back towards the tents.

Ride safe my friends.

“Thank you.” Adrian said to Laeha then turned to Flake. “Lead the way.”

Flake gave a bark and trotted out in front as the two men followed amid the pack.

“This feels odd.” Ted said from beside Adrian. He turned and looked at him.

“This of all things? This feels odd?” Adrian asked, then looked over his shoulder. Behind them he could make out Laeha pulling the lava over the ledge and cooling it forming the beginnings of her mountain, then pulled more lava over top, and repeating the processes. He smiled and turned back to Ted. “No sir this feels just right.”

Two months later. Caitlin sat up in bed quickly, her head was dripping with sweat and her mouth was dry. She looked around and quickly recognized her room. She breathed a sigh of relief, she was dreaming again. The same dream for the last two months. She rolled to the edge of the bed and swung her legs to the ground and hung her head low.

“I’m so sorry Sam.” She said to herself, letting the tears fall to the floor.

The door swung open and a small female goblin rushed in through the door. She pushed back the curtain over the window and picked up Caitlin’s boots before turning towards her. “Mistress. You up, You up. Come, come.” She said holding Caitlin’s boots out towards her.

Caitlin brushed the tears from her eyes and smiled. “Yes I’m awake.”

Caitlin had been teaching the goblins how to speak for the past month, it started slowly at first, but now several had begun to form their jaws and tongue to make the words. Trixette was one such goblin, she had taken to the language quickly, although still broken common, she was able to communicate more effectively and had offered her assistance. Caitlin pulled on her boots, then turned to her right leg. It still had not healed properly, but they had fashioned a brace to help her movement. She fastened the bars in place then tightened the straps above and below her knee. She gave it a quick test, then stood up and followed Trixette from the room. They walked down a long corridor, then turned into a room that was much hotter than the rest of the house. Immediately the smell of cooking food caught her senses and her stomach rumbled.

“Here.” Trixette said handing her an apple. “Fresh.”

Caitlin took it and bit a large juicy chunk. She smiled, yes it was fresh. “It is. Thank you.” She said and Trixette smiled, her crooked sharp teeth showing through. “Where is the Master?”

“Master. Him out.” Trixette said pointing to the doorway leading out onto the rocky path.

“Of course he is. Come on let’s go see what he is up to.” She said and began limping towards the door. She stepped out onto a dark black stone path made of obsidian and paused. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air. When she opened them again, she took in the view from her doorway. As Laeha formed the mountain she moved their haven farther up into the mountains, making the boulder that had supported their house into a plateau. Below them Lance had set about leading the goblins to a less destructive lifestyle. At Laeha’s request he had become the warchief of the surviving tribes that had attacked them and over the last few months He had begun teaching them to use tools and build stable permanent structures. With Laeha’s help they had carved out sections of the mountain where houses were being built, farms were being planted in the fresh fertile soil, animals were being raised. She even made a series of steps that led from one plateau to the next made of beautiful obsidian. From their house she could see the entire valley, including a small blotch on the horizon that was Bog Run. Much of the gold they had acquired was used to buy the supplies they were using to build the village.

Trixette walked up beside her and pulled on her sleeve, pointing down one of the stairs down into the distances. She smiled and together they walked out down the steps past several structures that they had built a month ago that refined grains, and processed meats. Beside her Kira, Flake’s mate trotted along, her tongue hanging out and her tail wagging. Flake spent much of his time with Laeha, but Kira had taken to Caitlin and spent much of the day following her. She figured it was Flakes way of making sure they were safe and she appreciated the company.

She walked past several houses and greeted the residence as she passed by. Down two more sets of stairs, she could see Lance straddling a beam setup between two braces, hammer in his hand. He called down to Crok, his interpreter, like Trixette, he had taken to common quickly and acted as a go between for Lance as he helped build the city. From the beam Lance was calling instructions, from below him Crok was repeating the orders, occasionally Crok would stop and think of a word then catch up on the instructions.

“What are you doing old man?” Caitlin called from the last two steps as she walked down into the freshly growing grass. Lance turned quickly and smiled.

“How did you sleep?” He asked, moving his way across to a ladder leaning to one side.

“About the same.” She said a grimace on her face.

Lance paused on the ladder, then climbed down. “It’s getting close to that time. You are able to ride again, and we can manage for a few weeks while you are gone.”

“I know. I just don’t know that I am ready yet.” She said looking at the ground as he walked right up to her and wrapped her arms around him.

“There is never a good time, and we are never as ready as we think, but this will help you both heal and move on, besides he deserves to know.” Lance said hugging her close. She pushed away slightly so she could look at him. With a sad smile she nodded.

“Thank you.” She said and leaned up to kiss him sweetly.

Four days later, Caitlin, sat on her horse with Trixette behind her, Flake and Kira at her horse’s feet staring at the Darvin woods. She had rode around to the same place they had entered, rather than ride back through the way they had exited, she figured it was safer.

“We go?” Trixette asked from behind her. Caitlin smiled and nodded, slowly they trotted into the woods.

Adrian stood on a tree branch, blending into the shadows. He wore his pants with a long dagger attached at the hip, no shirt, with streaks of dirt across his face and chest. A spear in one hand and the other bracing himself against the tree. He saw the rider passing the side of the forest, like many others who believed the myth they had created. It had stunned him when the rider stopped, and turned towards the forest. ‘He can’t be that stupid.’ He thought to himself as he hopped trees for a closer look. ‘She?’ He thought to himself as her hair blew in the wind. The branch bent slightly and waved, he looked back Selvia was at his side.

“What do we have here?”

“I’m not sure yet, but she is coming in.” Adrian whispered.

“That is foolish. The wolves will feed good tonight.” She said and signaled to the Wren a few trees over. She nodded and moved over a few branches for a better shot.

“Hello ladies.” They heard from the rider, and Adrian’s face furled questioningly, ‘Could it be?’

Adrian quickly tapped Selvia on the shoulder and gave the signal to wait. She quickly raised her hand to Wren who knelt in the tree waiting for the go ahead.

“Adrian!” The rider called. “Ted! I know one of you are out here.”

Adrian smiled and laughed. “It’s Caitlin.” He whispered to Selvia and she smiled as well. She signalled the ladies to return to their posts and the two of them dropped from the trees landing softly on the ground. Flake gave a loud bark and panted heavily, he was excited. Caitlin smiled and took Trixette’s hand swinging her to the ground, then dismounting herself. Adrian burst from the brush beside them and were greeted with a warm hug. Flake nuzzled up against his leg and was rewarded by hand scratching his head.

“How are you? I wasn’t sure if we would see you again, what happened? Ted will be so happy to see you.” The words spilled out of Adrian’s mouth like a flood he was so happy.

“Ted?” Caitlin said questioningly, she would not have thought he would return here. She questioned their nods. “Here? He didn’t return home?”

“He did actually. I was as surprised as you when he returned a week later.” Adrian said, then caught sight of Trixette standing beside the horse. Caitlin caught his expression and introduced her.

“This is Trixette, she has been my guide, aid and escort for the last few years. A lot has happened and I look forward to telling you all about it.”

“Pleasure.” Trixette said with a slight bow and Adrian smiled.

“The pleasure is mine. Please come in. I know Ted will want to see you.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Caitlin said slyly with a heavy sigh.

They found Ted with Aria, teaching the younger kids about the world around them. Mostly Aria taught, and Ted would regale the class with stories of his youth. When they saw Caitlin, Ted almost stepped on two kids trying to get past. He threw his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. At first Caitlin was shocked, but eventually she melted into his arms and allowed herself to be hugged. “It’s so good to see you. We were beginning to wonder if you would be returning at all.”

“I can’t stay long, a day or two at most. They will need me back in the village before long.” Caitlin said with a smile.

“Oh? You must tell me all about this. Kids. Kids.” Ted turned back to the class and drew their attention. “We have a new story for today.”

The kids cheered and gathered on the floor, Ted moved over to rest with Aria under his arm. It hadn’t caught her eye at first, but on second glance Caitlin could see that she was beginning to show and she smiled. Behind her Adrian gave her a little shove.

“Go on, can’t back out now.”

She looked back at him and he had his arm wrapped around Selvia. Trixette stood by their side nodding. “Well.” Caitlin started, while she looked around for a seat. Once she found one, she sat and told the children of how she and Lance had survived the volcano, became leaders of a goblin tribe and were building a village high on the mountain. The children looked at her in awe. Once she was finished Aria dismissed the children for the day.

“Ted?” Caitlin called as the last of the children exited. “Might I have a word with you?”

“Of course.” He said, releasing Aria and turning back. “I’ll be right there.”

Aria left with Adrian and Selvia. Caitlin nodded to Trixette who followed behind, although she knew she wouldn’t go far. Flake whimpered and Caitlin nodded to him as well. He gave a bark, then followed Trixette.

“Ted.” Caitlin started then paused.

“Something is wrong, isn’t it?” He said a smirk on his face, like he already knew the answer.

“Ted. You are the reason I came. I was stopping off here on the way to your family’s home to find you. Imagine my surprise when I found you here.”

“Yes well, I couldn’t stay at the house. Not with Sam gone.” He said leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. “Ma, you know, always blamed one of us for whatever happened to the other. With him gone, she couldn’t stand to have me around.”

“Ted, I’m so so sorry.” She said then paused thinking of the best way to tell him. In the end she spoke her mind. “I was with him when he died. It was my fault and I was unable to save him. I haven’t been able to sleep since it happened. Lance thought it best if I found you and told you what happened.”

Ted stood in stunned silence. He wasn’t sure what to think, but the silence that filled the room was deafening. When he finally spoke he tried to hide his shock and anger as he spoke only one word. “How?”

Caitlin had looked away, her face was red with the tears that ran down her face. She looked back at him, instantly she could see the anger in his eyes. “I was on the second floor, firing out the window. Several goblins, five, maybe six got past Lance and were in the building. They came up to the room I was in and I had to fight them. I never saw your brother. I swear it. I heard more coming up the stone staircase and threw a dagger.”

“One of mine?” Ted asked and she nodded.

“There was a goblin, it should have hit him. I swear I never saw Sam, but the goblin fell and then Sam was there.”

Ted could see the tears streaming down her face. He knew it was partly his fault as well He had sent Sam to help her. He pushed off the wall and wrapped his arms around her. She cried into his shirt as she finished her tale. “I went to help him, but the floor fell under my feet and I woke up two days later. Lance told me he pulled me clear of the building, but that he never saw Sam.”

“We saw him go into the building, but we had to flee before the lava and goblins got to us. Laeha told us later that she had found Sam. She didn’t tell us how he died.”

“She didn’t know, no one was there but us. I am so so sorry.”

“I know, and it’s not entirely your fault. I sent him over there to help you and Lance. If not for me he wouldn’t have been there. At least I know he died helping you. That is how I will choose to remember it. When they ask, because I know they will, tell them he died a hero.”

She nodded and smiled. “He did. Thank you.”

“Thank you. I feel better knowing how he died.” Ted said releasing her. “Come now. They will want to have a celebration.”

They celebrated that night, shortly before midnight Caitlin crawled into the nest like bed and slept for a solid sleep for the first time in a month. She left two days later with Trixette at her back and Flake at her feet with a smile on her face. She waved back at Adrian and Ted as she again set out for Caldor, a place she could finally call home.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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