The Fire Within

Chapter 8: Fire Stone

The next morning Caitlin was the first up and moving, she figured breakfast would be a good thing for the men when they rose and made her way downstairs. She was at the bar waiting for the food to be loaded on her platter when the man from the Aviary entered looking around frantically. When he saw her, he approached slowly, looking around nervously until he was right next to her. He handed her a note and gave her a sad smile then made for the door as fast as he could. She looked down at her hand and realized there were two notes. She looked around and quickly opened the first with the Royal Aviary icon.

Detain or Capture Elemental by any means possible.

No signature, Nothing more, it was the typical type of response she would have expected to receive and she now had her orders. She breathed deeply and sighed at least it would be easy with Laeha incapacitated like she was. Through the night she had tossed and turned, but never woke up, whatever was wrong with her, it was the perfect time to take advantage of it. She looked down at the second note. It was odd that she received two. Carefully she opened it and read the words.

You’re already dead. They don’t plan to bring you back. Run!


She staggered backwards leaning heavily on the counter. Lana worked at the Royal Aviary, she and Caitlin had become friends while she was training, for her to risk sending this meant it was crucial. Caitlin looked around quickly, taking in the surroundings she might have taken for granted. She was already dead. They wrote her off when she disappeared in Cheshire, now they would bring a body home as well. She rushed back to the stairs case and was up them as fast as she could. She banged on the door for the brothers, shouting for them to get up. Then flew back into the room she shared with Laeha, where Adrian had been at the window all night.

“Get up.” She said a little frantically as she strode across the room to the window. The streets below were not hopping with the townsfolk that usually occupied the square which made it a little easier to spot the men as they approached from all sides. They walked across the square in pairs, with one standing beside the statue, he had been watching the door and knew they had not left yet. “Get up. We need to go now.”

Behind them the door opened and the brothers walked in still yawning and pulling swords onto their belts. Adrian blinked a couple times and looked at her.

“We have time we can eat first.” He said yawning slightly.

“No we can’t. I’m sorry I made a mistake.” She said handing him the notes. He blinked a couple of times as he tried to focus.

“Why do you have notes from the Royal Aviary?” He asked.

“I’ll explain that later, read them quickly.” She said watching as the men began to near the front door. He flipped from one note to the second, then was on his feet.

“We have company gentlemen. Be ready.” Adrian said pulling his sword off of a nearby chair and looking out the window. The brothers went out the door quickly for the rest of their gear.

“I count nine, looks like four have made it inside already.” Caitlin said and Adrian looked at her.

“You and I are going to have a long conversation if we survive this.” He said as the brothers returned tossing their bandoleers over their shoulders, Sam carried his bow in hand.

“Agreed.” She said and moved away from the window. “Sam the hallway.”

Sam turned back and notched an arrow, he slowly peered down the corridor and waited till the first man was in clear view before he let the arrow fly. The assassin flattened against the wall and let the arrow fly past. Behind him two more made a rush down the hall. Sam backed inside and threw the bow over his shoulder.

“I missed.” He said as he pulled his sword free. When they hit the door Ted tossed a knife and put one man down instantly. Sam stepped forward and intercepted an incoming blade and began to push the smaller man back. Caitlin stepped in front of Ted and caught the second blade with her dagger. She threw it back and spun around slicing at his midsection. He jumped back and Caitlin ducked as Ted stepped forward and knocked the man down, Ted stepped forward to finish him off as Caitlin turned to help Sam, she stepped up behind the soldier and stabbed him repeatedly in the side.

“We need to go.” She said and moved for the door. The brothers exchanged a look then looked back at Adrian.

“You heard the lady. I’ll carry Laeha.” Adrian reached down and picked up the helpless body and cradled her in his arms. The brothers preceded him out the door and followed Caitlin down into the main dining area of the tavern. She reached the door and quickly stepped back as two more men stormed through. Ted sprinted down the stairs as Caitlin stepped back, Sam pulled an arrow and fired, he clipped one man in the arm, the force pulled him back until he was pinned to the wall. Beside him two more rushed the entrance. Ted stepped up and caught the first blade, Caitlin ducked in and stabbed him in the chest, so Ted moved on slicing down and the next man knocking his sword wide, then punching him in the face. He staggered back, then approached again, beside him Caitlin ripped the dagger off her would be assassins belt and approached the next man, She lunged forward and he parried, so stepped back and he swung, their blades met, her two daggers pinning his sword in the air. She tossed his blade wide and sliced his arm. His blade hit the ground and he staggered backwards clutching his arm. Behind him the next man stabbed him in the back and pushed him out of the way. Caitlin stepped back and let him into the room. At the top of the stairs Sam let another arrow fly hitting him in the shoulder. The man grunted and kept marching at Caitlin. She went to lunge and he caught her arm and tossed her across the room. He turned to the stairs as Sam let another arrow fly. The man grunted again with an arrow in his chest as well. He began moving for the stairs when Caitlin picked herself off the ground and ran at his back, he swung his sword over his back, anticipating the attack, but she dropped to her knees and slid next to him slicing at the back of his leg twice along the calf and thigh, then rolling back out of the way. The man yelped in pain as Sam put another arrow into his eye. He staggered and fell to his knees, then to the ground. They looked over as Ted pushed the last man off of his blade, then looked back to the man pinned to the wall. He pulled a throwing dagger and let it fly as he stared at Caitlin.

“We are going to have long talk if we survive this.”

“I’m sure it will be invigorating.” She said as she walked back to the door. She could see more men stepping out into the square. “We need to get out of here.”

I need to go. The voice was weak, but insistant. Laeha pointed her finger to towards the statue in the middle of the square. There.

Adrian followed her finger and looked out at the incoming soldiers. “You heard the lady.”

“You can’t be serious.” Ted said turning back from the doorway.

“No one is asking you to come.” Adrian said and pushed out onto the steps leading to the square. Caitlin rolled her eyes and charged out to support him. Sam and Ted exchanged looks then begrudgingly followed them out. From the steps Sam began launching arrows, he picked off two before the others realized what was happening and increased their pace. Adrian stepped out onto the street and began walking towards the statue, he struggled to pull his sword and dodge attacks as the soldiers struck at him. Beside him Caitlin rushed up beside him and took out two quickly, but was pushed back. Ted was beside him on the other side guarding against several others. While Sam had to toss the bow and move to his blade as they began to close on him as well.

“I don’t think we are making that statue.” Adrian said lowly to Laeha. He looked down and her eyes began to glow.

Put me down. She ordered and He hesitated. Put me down. I can fight.

He lowered her to the ground and steadied her as she struggled to stand. Her eyes began to glow and her skin began to shift back to her natural state. Adrian pulled his sword and swung loosely at the approaching soldiers. They had made it halfway to the statue and she was fighting for every step she took, her skin peeled away like paint off a wall. She threw fire balls and and melted the stone beneath the soldiers feet. Caitlin had retreated to free Sam and they were now cut off with Ted stuck in the middle.

Adrian smacked away a sword and grabbed Laeha by the belt. “Fly!” He yelled as he tossed her across the square. She landed a few feet from the statue, but could not touch it, as she reached out the statue began to melt. From around its neck a glowing blue stone with a dwarven rune began to sink through the melting stone of the statue. She clawed her way to the base and pulled herself up until the stone fell into her hands. Quickly she pushed it to her chest, absorbing it into herself, as she did so her power returned to her like never before. He body glowed blue and then white as her fire grew hotter and hotter. She took a deep breath and exhaled a stream of fire melting the stone around them. The soldiers broke and ran, fleeing down side streets and even into buildings anything to gain some distance. The few that remained she pointed at and clenched her fist boiling the blood inside their body until they burst into flame.

When the street settled and they were all that remained she pulled the flames with in herself and the heat from the boiling stones of the street and reshaped her body to the darker skinned human that had entered the city the day before.

“Are we protecting her or is she protecting us?” Sam asked pointing his sword at Laeha.

“Is everyone ok?” Adrian asked, then turned to Laeha. “Are you ok?”

She nodded, Never better. Like I am complete.

“Good I look forward to hearing all about it, but first we need to leave here before they bring an army.”

“You did ask for an army didn’t you?” Ted asked Sam. He smiled sheepishly.

“Let’s grab what we need quickly.” Caitlin said.

Flake will meet us outside of town. Laeha said sitting on the statue base.

“Once we are out of this town, you and me are going to have that talk.” Adrian said moving past her.

She watched him walk away, and sighed heavily. She would probably be better off to leave the party now and make a run for it south. If nothing else she might buy them time. Laeha walked over and leaned against her shoulder, instinctively Caitlin threw her cloak around her then held it in place with an arm and steadied her.

You can argue with yourself as much as you want, but in the end you will do what you have always done. Laeha whispered in her ear. Adrian tossed Caitlin some clothes and she helped Laeha dress in some clothes not half burnt away.

Caitlin thought about what Laeha had said as she helped her to her horse. What had she always done? As Laeha sat in the saddle, it hit her, what had she done for the better part of a week? Protect her. She looked up at Laeha and found that she was already looking back at her. She smiled sadly and nodded.

She was the last on her horse but they rode out together, Adrian leading the way with Caitlin and Laeha in the center and the brothers in the rear. They exited the north gate and turned slightly east, and an hour later Flake appeared in the distance and gave a long howl to let them know he was there.

He trotted up beside Laeha with his tongue hanging out of his grin. “I see you found your stone.”

Yes I did. It hurt. A lot.

“I figured it would. I would assume it hurt when it was removed too.” Flake said, then trotted off a head of the group.

“What was that about?” Sam asked.

He noticed I have my power back. She said casually.

“Oh is that what that was?” Sam said, looking over to Ted. “Thought it was something like that.”

Laeha rolled her eyes, then explained. My power was removed right before I was bound to the candle. Had they not removed it I would simply have undone the bindings. They also needed it to maintain the mountain. The shaman of the dwarven people wore it around his neck everyday until he died. After I was sold I never saw it again. I am willing to bet the merchant was actually the thief who stole it and sold it to Lord Thermine.

“Looks like they attached the stone to Thermine’s statue when he died as well. No one knew what it was, but it was probably the reason that Firestone was able to survive a thousand years ago.” Caitlin said adding to Laeha’s explanation.

“Speaking of Explanations.” Ted said loudly enough to be heard by all. “Who are you really?”

“And where did you learn to fight like that?” Sam added.

“Did you plan to kill us while we slept.” Adrian finished, his displeasure obvious.

“It wasn’t like that.” Caitlin started then caught herself. At this point she would be a fugitive and figured it was best to come clean. My Name is Caitlin and I was a Crown’s Eye. I was an orphan on the streets of Haven until I was caught stealing food. During my stay in the dungeon, I escaped three times, I was always caught before I made it out though. The day before I was to meet the executioner they gave me a choice. Well they called it a choice anyways. I could work for them, or I could die.”

She let the words hang for a second and took a breath. “So naturally I went with them and they took me to a small building where they crammed twenty of us children and began our training. All day, everyday we trained and as one of us would grow to weak or injured they were removed and never returned. For six years we were trained in combat, infiltration, information gathering, flirting. You name it pretty much. The last two years of my training I met Lana, the girl who sent me the warning. She didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate that she did.”

“I think we all do.” Ted said quietly.

“She works at the Royal Aviary so she sees every dispatch in and out. Probably just sent the one to have us killed before she sent my orders. This was my first assignment, three of us from my squad were put in Cheshire to investigate the corruption. Jenna is at the Smoldering Coal on the other side of town. Jim was killed the other day in that field outside of Darvin.” She stumbled over the words and took a deep breath. “Originally all I was going to do was gather information on where you were taking Laeha, and if I felt it necessary, kill you, take her and run for the capitol. When we reached town I had to send word that I was alive and Jim was dead and ask for orders. I didn’t believe the crown would so easily discard its agent.”

“It’s not the crown that you have to worry about it’s the corrupt organizations surrounding the crown that will be coming after you if they believe you have something they want.” Adrian pointed out.

“You know all of a sudden we don’t seem like the bad guys.” Sam said in a sarcastic tone to Ted.

Lance Bishoff, stood six foot tall if he were an inch, short cropped greying black hair. He sat tall on his horse and gave off a leave me alone vibe that caused men to move out of his way and women to leave the streets. He rode into Firestone three hours after the town square was destroyed, the guards paid him no attention as he lead three horses behind him with bodies slump over their backs. He made no attempt to hide who or what he was as he rode straight through town to the guards post. As he passed through the center of town he noted the stains of blood that were not washed away, the half melted statue of Thermine and the smoke that still rose off the cobblestone streets, but he didn’t stop to ask questions. He assumed he would find out sooner or later. He always did.

“Guard.” He called from his horse as he approached the post. When he appeared he eyed Lance curiously until he saw the bodies.

“Sergeant.” He said turning back into the doorway. A bigger man appeared in the doorway and looked over Lance as he dismounted.

“Mr. Bishoff. What have you brought for us today?”

“The Kincaid brothers. Jeffrey, James and Jebidiah.” Lance said has he sliced the ropes holding them on the horses and the bodies fell off onto the street in front of the tower.

“The Kincaid brothers huh? You know only James was worth anything.” The Sergeant said looking over the bodies. He looked up at the scowl on Lance’s face. “We can come to something.”

He walked inside and grabbed two small sacks and filled them with gold from the chest in his office. He tossed the first to Lance. “The bounty for James.” then tossed the second. “And one more for the other two.”

“Pleasure doing business with you.” Lance said and began to turn his horse around.

“Mr. Bishoff?” The guard asked quickly. Lance turned back towards him, looking very annoyed at being held up. “We received a couple more bounties this morning. If you are interested.”

“I like you boys. Always trying to fill my coin purse.” Lance said leaning on his leg and waiting patiently. The guard disappeared inside and returned quickly with the parchment. He handed them to Lance quickly and stepped back. The Sergeant glared at him for addressing the bounty hunter, but the guard felt that he had done the right thing.

Lance looked at the first page. The title read ‘Crawford Gang’ and the first picture was of Theodore Crawford, fifteen thousand gold. Lance rolled his eyes and flipped to the next. Samuel Crawford, the thousand gold. Lance was not amused. It wasn’t enough gold to make tracking them down worth it, besides he knew the man hunting them already. He flipped to the next page, Caitlin ?. Why the question mark? Usually they would just make up a last name if they didn’t know what it was, then he saw the reward. Fifty thousand gold. Lance let a slow low whistle escape his lips and the guard beamed. He flipped to the last page and stopped. Adrian Hamilton, ten thousand gold. There had to be a mistake, but these halfwits wouldn’t know what it was.

“These are new? How new?” Lance asked the guard.

“Just came in this morning. They destroyed the town square with some kind of beast.” The guard answered back.

“This morning?” Lance asked gauging his time needed to run them down.


“How long ago?”

“Three maybe four hours.” The Sergeant said stepping forward.

“No one else has seen these?”

“No sir.” the guard added.

“Leave it with me. I’ll bring them in.” Lance said and folded the papers. He stuck them in his jacket and turned his horse around with out waiting for a reply.

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