The Fire Within

Chapter 7: Firestone

The next morning Ted was showing Laeha how to saddle a horse when Adrian and Selvia joined them leading Stalker. He helped them get their new provisions on to the horses and made sure the saddles were set before mounting his horse. He reached down and took Selvia’s hand, she took a step back then leapt up. With his help she swung on to the horse behind the saddle.

“Listen up. Selvia is going to guide us out of here. Stay together, we will be passing through some dense trees and not all predators will be happy to see us. Ted, Sam if you two can behave I won’t have to tie you back up. I haven’t fully decided what to do you yet, don’t make it an easy decision.” Adrian called out to the group. They nodded their agreement and Adrian turned leading them back past the treehouse and off into the darkness of the forest.

They were gone less than an hour before when Selvia brought them to a stop. The trees moved oddly around them, every sense of her body told her something was wrong. She looked around the trees, over her shoulder, then around to the otherside.

“What is it?” Adrian asked.

“We are not alone.” She whispered in his ear. He reached down and pulled his dagger slowly and quietly. He wasn’t sure who it was but he wanted to be safe. Behind them the rest of the party became aware there was an issue and began looking around as well.

“What is it? Ted whispered forward.

“Wish I had a sword.” Sam pointed out reaching at his empty side.

Selvia closed her eyes and used her other senses. “Aria? Aria! Come out. Now!”

Aria stepped out of the shadows, high in the tree across from Ted and Sam. Her face was drawn and she was looking at the ground. “I. I just wanted to say goodbye.”

“Who would you?” Adrian started, then caught Aria staring at Ted. He turned back towards him and Sam stared too.

“Oh, we are going to have a long conversation about this later.” Sam said.

“It will be safer.” Selvia whispered in Adrian’s ear, and Adrian sighed.

“Mount up.” He gestured towards the horse and Aria’s smile returned. She jumped from the branch to the one below then swung to the ground. Ted watched her as she approached and her sad expression returned.

“You just left.” She said.

“I didn’t have a choice, darling. I am still his prisoner.” Ted said pointing to Adrian, but her eyes never left him. “Otherwise I’d be going the other way.”

“I apologize, I thought you cared about me.” Aria said taking a step back.

“That’s not what I meant, I do care. Please come.” Ted said extending his hand. She smiled and took his hand. He pulled her onto the horse and she clung to his back, her hands wrapped around his waist.

Adrian shook his head as he moved the party forward again. Selvia put her head to his back much the same as Aria on Ted’s. Sam looked back at Caitlin with a big smile and she just shook her head. They rode for several hours Flake running ahead periodically and returning. They slowed at a large ditch that led to a small river at its center. Several animals darted in and out of their view as they passed around downed trees and around spiderwebs that hung between trees. Selvia pointed to Aria and she nodded taking note of their location for their return trip. These particular spiders were venomous and in the trees, they would be an obstacle to avoid later.

They reached the edge of the trees shortly after midday and paused for a quick meal and a short goodbye. Aria and Ted sat off alone to one side while the rest sat close to their horses. Once finished Sam whistled and Ted waved his hand in acknowledgement. He held her hand as they walked back to the party. He gave her a deep kiss as a goodbye and she smiled and stepped back as he mounted his horse. Selvia leaned against Adrian’s arm and he smiled back at her. He gave her a quick kiss and stepped over to his horse. Aria and Selvia watched as they rode off out onto the fields leading to Firestone.

“What was all that?” Sam asked looking at Ted.

“What was what?” Ted asked looking off ahead of him.

“Of all the years we have been riding around, all the towns we have been too and all the taverns we have visited, I have never seen you take a woman. I am gone for what three days and you are practically married.”

“I’m not married.” He said dismissively.

“Sure looked like it to me.” Caitlin said throwing a snicker their way. Sam pointed back at Caitlin and looked at Ted which just made her laugh harder.

“Never found a woman that made me want to settle down.” Ted threw back at them.

“Until now.” Caitlin laughed.

“She is definitely worth it.” Ted said and Sam just sat there gawking, he had nothing he could say to that. In front of them Flake walked beside Laeha, she looked down and shook her head.

“I don’t get it either.” She said and Flake barked back. They rode on until the sun was low in the sky. Ted and Adrian piled sticks and twigs into a stone ring Sam set up for a fire pit, Adrian knelt down to light the fire, but as he began to strike his dagger against the flint, Laeha walked over and put a finger to the wood. Instantly the twigs lit and a fire spread across the pit until it roared. Caitlin rummaged through the pack until she found a cooking pot and vegetables. She threw them in the pot with some meat that Flake had brought back and began a stew. Adrian stood the first watch, while the others slept. He warned the brothers not to try anything or Flake would tear them apart. He smiled when Flake gave an approving growl, but for now he was curled up with Laeha. The brothers seemed skeptical, but had not yet tried anything, in a few hours Laeha would wake and she and Flake would watch them. Tomorrow they would make Firestone by late morning, but he still hadn’t decided if he still wished to turn in the brothers. The last day or so had made him realize again that there was something else to life and as much as he had been forced into it, he truly cared for Selvia and could see returning to her after he helped Laeha.

The next morning they were moving again, a quick meal of cheese and mead then back towards Firestone. An hour before reaching the town limits Flake took his leave and disappeared into the distance. As they reached the gate the guards waved them in without hesitation or regard for who they were. Ted smiled to himself and Caitlin hid a scowl of disgust. The guards were so laxed they could rob the town and they wouldn’t notice.

“Where to first?” Caitlin called ahead.

“Library.” Laeha said

“Tavern.” Sam said.

Ted remained silent and hoped it wasn’t the gallows, but was surprised when Adrian said. “Library.”

“I have to send a message home and let my family know I am ok. They will be worried.” Caitlin called ahead.

“I can accompany her.” Sam offered.

“Ok. Meet us at the library when you finish. Sam you are staying with us.” Adrian said and Sam looked disappointed. Caitlin split off and headed for the aviary, a hawk would be the quickest way to send a message home, however she was sending a message to the crown. An eagle would be needed. She just hoped it wouldn’t be questioned. She rode past three buildings and turned left down a side street. The aviary was always towards the south edge of town. She stepped into a large room with a counter on the right side with a small stack of parchment and a quill. On the left a staircase that lead up to the roof where the birds were kept was hidden behind a counter with two men behind it, looking bored. She looked at them and they stood up when she entered. She quickly walked over to the table and scribbled her note. She sighed heavily as she placed the quill back in the holder. The clerk at table took the note when she offered it to him.

“Where too?” He asked.

“The Royal Aviary in Haven. Quickly please.” She said looking directly at him. He looked down at the note, then back at her.

“I. I can’t do that.” He said putting the note on the table and pushing it forward.

“You must. It is vitally important.” She said pushing the note back towards him with the three gold pieces she had gotten from Adrian in the tavern. He looked down at the coins, then back at her.

“Who are you?” He asked squinting his eyes.

“For your protection. I was never here.” She said, then thought about it. “If they send anything back I need to know immediately. The man nodded and watched as she walked out the door. He sent his partner upstairs to fetch the eagle, and when he was alone he unfolded the paper.

Jim is dead. Six corrupt guards from Cheshire dead.

I am with the elemental. Please advise.

Agent Caitlin.

He folded the note back up and closed his eyes. The smart thing to do would be to lose the note, but he must send it on. He rolled it up and took it upstairs. He met his partner on the roof and quickly secured the note in place. He nodded and his partner let the bird fly.

Laeha watched as Caitlin rode away. She felt off about Caitlin’s need to send a message home. It was an old sensation that she was becoming more acquainted with. Was Caitlin lying? Was she able to sense falsehoods? She couldn’t remember, but she followed behind the men as they rode farther into town. They turned right, then left until they came to a large building and slowed down.

“That is the biggest library I have ever seen!” Ted said looking up at the building.

“That’s not the library moron.” Sam said pointing past the building to a smaller less impressive looking building. “It’s next door.”

“Oh. Well.” Ted said clearing his throat. “That makes more sense.”

“Come on. Let’s see if they have something on Caldor.” Adrian said stepping down and tying off his horse. The rest of the men followed suit with Laeha the last to get down. She hadn’t mastered the dismount and was hoping to not fall flat this time. When she hit the ground this time she stumbled, but Sam was right there to right her. She pushed herself up, and Ted backed away.

“I hate to see a lady fall.” He said stepping back with a slight bow.

I am no lady, but I appreciate your help. She said, then looking at Adrian. Shall we?

“Of course.” Adrian said. They walked into a small room that seemed to stretch for a mile, filled from ceiling to floor with books. Most stacked onto of each other, or haphazardly put on a shelf. They walked in and immediately spread out.

“Can I help you?” An old man, that they had missed blended into the shelves, said leaning up from a book.

Caldor. Laeha said and Sam stepped forward, while Ted and Adrian disappeared down the aisles.

“We are looking for a book on myths and legends. Particularly the legends.” Sam said charismatically.

“They are down there. Somewhere. Not many people go looking for them.” The man said pointing off to the far end of the room.

Is that not what I said? Laeha said looking at Sam disapprovingly

“Not exactly. Thank you sir. We will find them.” Sam said and turned Laeha down the aisle in the direction that they were pointed. The old man looked after them once then sat back down burying his nose in the book again. The four of them looked through the shelves and stacks until Sam shouted from the corner.

“I have it.” He said and they all rushed to where he sat against the wall. “It’s gone.”

“Well we knew that already.” Ted said sighing heavily and picking up another book.

“No I mean when they say it was swallowed up by the earth, it’s now a valley and it’s no longer Caldor.”

What does the book say? Read it. Laeha said, sitting next to him.

“Yes ma’am.” Sam said with a slight bow. “Roughly a thousand years ago a lone merchant stumbled out of what is now the Bargrim valley. He had been peddling his wares at the Caldor marketplace, a highly popular and profitable market in the region, when the mountain began to fall. The summit fell through the bottom and pulled the walls down as well. As it was collapsing, the tunnels that had been previously mined for mineral before began to collapse as well causing it to pull the village down with it.” Sam paused closing the book. “Apparently the dwarves had mined out the entire area and it caused a ripple effect. When asked how he survived. The merchant said he just happened to be leaving with his pack oxen. He had to abandon it and flee. Luckily he was close enough that when the ground caved in under him, he was thrown from his horse. He landed on what became the ridge that led down into the valley so he didn’t fall far. His horse, oxen and wares on the other hand were lost with the rest of the city. Because of the catastrophe no one has resettled the area, and it is believed to be cursed. They say it was the wraith of Kindra.”

“Kindra?” Adrian asked.

I like Laeha better. They all looked at her as she turned away.

Sam’s jaw dropped as the weight of what she said hit him. “Are you Kindra?”

I was once, but I did not destroy my home. How could I have? I was in a candle dancing in the moonlight for centuries.

“I’m. I’m sorry.” Sam said genuinely appalled by the idea of being locked away.

You did not do it.

“What do you want to do now?” Adrian asked and Laeha had to think about it.

I would like to return home.

“We’d love to take you, but I’m afraid we will be incapacitated.” Ted said, walking back down the aisle a few steps.

“Are you serious?” Adrian asked of hand. “Do you truly wish to help?”

“Of course. It is what we do, after all.” Ted said looking Adrian in the eye.

“Where did all the gold go that you stole from the royal payroll?” Adrian asked Sam. He immediately burst out laughing.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Sam said though is laughter

“Try me.” Adrian said a small smirk on his face.

“We gave it away. Kept a small bag each to be able to buy ale lodging and shoes for the horses, and gave the rest to the towns we passed through on the way to Cheshire. The last of it we dropped in the church two minutes before we walked into that blasted tavern.”

“I told you I was telling the truth.” Ted said a smile on his face.

“Well good news boys. I am retiring from the bounty hunter business. I will not be handing you over today, but I am going to see her home safe. You are welcome to join me if you wish, but I won’t hold you to it.”

“Great. We are heading home.” Sam said jumping to his feet. He made for the door and was nearly out when he realized that Ted was not behind him. “Ted?”

“Go on. I started this journey and I am curious to see where it leads. I’ve never seen a cursed land before. Should be fun.” Ted said looking first at Adrian, then at Laeha and finally at Sam.

“You serious?” Ted asked turning back towards them. “You are aren’t you?”

“Tell mum I love her, and kiss the girls for me.” He said, then looked away.

“Bargrim huh?” Sam said and shrugged. “Sounds like fun.”

“You can go. You don’t have to stay.” Adrian said clarifying that he was not holding them there.

“I’ll see this through.”

“If I return without him, mum will bury me instead.”

How far are we? Laeha asked breaking the silence after a few moments.

“I’m glad you asked, let’s find a map and see how long this endeavor will be.” Sam said looking around the shelves on either side of him.

“I have it here.” Ted said flipping open a book he had sitting beside him.

Does anyone else feel that? Laeha asked looking towards the door. They shook their heads and looked at her.

“Are you ok?” Adrian asked concerned.

It’s nothing I guess. She said dismissively then moved to sit beside Ted. Where are we?

“We are here.” Ted said pointing to Firestone on the map, then searched the map for Bargrim. “I don’t see it.”

“It’s there.” Adrian said from over his shoulder.


“See that black void. That’s it. No one has ever explored it so it’s not on there.” He explained.

“Still want to go?” Sam asked off hand.

Ted scowled but didn’t look back at him. “Looks like we can travel through Bog Run, and avoid the swamplands, or at least minimize it.”

“There is another problem. That is all goblin territory as well. We are in for a fight if we travel through there.” Sam said leaning back

“That’s ok, they scare easily and we have something they have never seen before.” Adrian said looking at Laeha.

“If it’s all the same to you I would still prefer to have a sword. Maybe a bow as well. An army if we can manage.” Sam said with a grin. They exited the library to find Caitlin waiting with the horses. She had arrived earlier and would not locate them.

“There you are.” She called as she waved. “I went inside this building and couldn’t find any of you. I looked around and figured it was better to wait with the horses. Did you find what we were looking for?”

“We did.” Adrian said as they swung up onto their horses.

“And?” Caitlin asked.

“And I will fill you in when we get a room for the night, we have a long journey ahead of us starting tomorrow. First we are going to need to find a weaponsmith around here.”

“I saw one on the way over. This way.” Caitlin said and lead the way to the center of town, the buildings formed a broad circle around a statue of Lord Thermine, the founder of Firestone. Crowds of people filled the streets as wares were peddled by vendors. As they entered the square Laeha began looking around, frantically. And leaned over to Adrian.

Do you not feel that?

“No? What is it?” Adrian asked guiding his horse closer to hers.

I do not know. It feels like a pulling, like something is being ripped from me. Laeha said her hand on her chest.

“Come this way.” Adrian said and guided their horses towards one of the large taverns. As he passed by Ted he called over. “Get what you need and meet us inside.”

“Will do.” Ted said and he motioned for his horse to move faster. Behind him Caitlin looked confused, but felt it was best to follow Adrian. She urged her horse towards the tavern as well. She arrived as Adrian was helping Laeha step off her horse. She was having trouble breathing though Caitlin didn’t think she needed air to breathe. She was a step behind as they burst through the door. The noise in the room died immediately and all eyes looked to them. Caitlin grabbed her arm and pulled her wait over.

“I have her. Get us a room. This way, dear.”

Adrian nodded and walked over to the innkeeper at the right side counter. He tossed a few gold coins onto the table. “Two rooms.”

“What’s wrong with her?” He said scooping the gold into a pile and pulling it into his hand.

“Ate something that didn’t agree with her.” Adrian said taking the keys from the innkeeper when he offered.

“Keep her away from the other guests we don’t want no plagues around here.”

“Will do.” He said as he made haste back to the stairs and was able to pick up Laeha and carry her upstairs. Caitlin trailed behind. They got her into a room and onto a bed, where she fell into a restless sleep.

“What happened?” Caitlin asked closing the door behind her.

“I don’t know. She was fine and then she said she felt like something was being ripped from her and she collapsed into this.” Adrian said pointing to the bed.

Caitlin crossed to the window and looked out into the courtyard. There wasn’t anyone that she could see, so she didn’t think it was an attack. “What about those two?”

Adrian stood beside her looking at the brothers pulling swords off a wall at a weaponsmith, testing their versatility and then moving to another weapon. “I released them and they choose to stay.”

“Really?” Caitlin said stunned. She had been expecting to have fewer competition if she made a move to take Laeha, but now she wasn’t sure she could do it alone. Either way it would require orders from the capitol.

“Well Ted stayed and Sam wouldn’t go without him.” Adrian said nodding his head from side to side.

“Ok so what is the plan then?”

“The plan is you stay here. This will be far too dangerous for a tavern wench, no offense, I’ll give you some extra gold, and keep the horse they can get you back to Cheshire if you wish to return.”

She opened her mouth to object, but thought better of it. No tavern wench would be qualified to continue, and she had to think of another reason fast. “I’d rather stay with her.”

Adrian shook his head. “It will be far too dangerous, we will be heading to goblin country.”

Caitlin was stalling, until it hit her. “What if this happens again? You need a woman to look after her.”

“Caitlin. We don’t know what this is, there is nothing that suggests that you could look after her any better than us.” Adrian said calmly

“There is nothing to suggest I can’t either. Better to be safe otherwise you will get there without the person you are escorting.” She crossed her arms and waited, but no argument came.

“Fine, but you stay close to one of us and you do what you are told.” Adrian said sternly.

Caitlin smiled and nodded enthusiastically. She had dodged an arrow there and she wasn’t sure how long it would last so she figured she should at least try to look useful. “I’ll get us some food then.”

An hour later, the brothers returned, swords hung off their belts, bandoleers of daggers across their chests and a bolt thrower on their hips. Sam had a bow and quiver strapped over his shoulder. Ted tossed Adrian a hand bolt thrower since he had left his in the tavern in Cheshire and Adrian happily checked it out then attached it to his leg. Caitlin found clothes that better fit her frame, keeping the shirt and pants instead of opting for a dress. They ate from a tray of food that Caitlin had brought up from the bar on her way back, as well as two jugs of ale, which the brothers were excited to see. Adrian sat by the window, his eyes on the bed. He was conflicted, he felt guilty as it was his fault she was here in this position, he wasn’t sure what was wrong but he knew he had brought her here. On the other hand if he had not saved her in Cheshire, she would still be trapped in a candle dancing for drunkards.

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