The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 4: The Red River MC

I walked over to the clubhouse and watched as another club drove into the clubhouse."

wI looked up as the President walked over to me.

"Well hello, beautiful. Why do you look so sad?"

"None of your fucking business. Asshole."

"I heard someone laugh behind me and turned and saw my Dad."

"Meet my daughter White Wolf."

"White Wolf meet my Navy buddy he helped catch those bastards."

"I nodded and turned and walked into the clubhouse."

"She sure has an attitude."

"Yes, she does and she earned that attitude."

We walked in and over to the VIP table and sat down. I noticed White Wolf sitting next to Cindy."

"I looked over at Psycho and when he looked at me I glared at him."

"I got the message loud and clear. I am not his type of woman."

"He will get his wish. I will ignore him."

"I don't need someone like that."

"I looked around the room."

I leaned back in my chair and a prospect put a cup of coffee in front of me."

"Thank you. I told him."

I picked up my cup and took a sip from it.

I then picked up my phone and called Sara."

"Sara about fucking time you wake up."

"I missed you. I was happy to hear you were alive. After everything they did to us."

"I will catch you up on everything when I get there in a few days."

"Alright see you then."

"I hung up my phone and noticed Psycho watching me."

"If he doesn't like me why is he watching me?"

I stood up and told mom I was going home."

I walked through the men and out the door.

"I started down the steps when I was grabbed from my hind. I screamed and started kicking the man holding me."

"Then he was on top of me and I was kicking the door."

"It opened and I heard "What the fuck do you think your are doing prospect?"

"He was jerked off me by White Wolf."

"He reached down to touch me and i scooted backwards screaming."

"I heard the scream and looked towards the door. I pushed everyone out of the way and saw the fear on Cindy's face as she scooted away from White Wolf."

"Cindy, calm down. Cindy it Psycho."

"Do not touch me I yelled."

"Then Joe and Raymond was next to me."

"Cindy it is Joe and Raymond. I looked at the man talking to me."

"Raymond don't let them touch me."

"Inside after my brothers took me home White Wolf threw the prospect down in front of my dad and Tommy."

"What the fuck was he doing?"

"He was on top of Cindy."

"My other brothers walked over and started to kick the shit out of the man. Then we saw Psycho pick the prospect up with one hand and slam him against him. the wall."

"Mother Fucker you put your hands on the wrong girl."

"You touched what did not belong to you."

"And now you will be punished by biker law."

"When the members heard what the prospect had done to little Cindy they were furious."

"Cut his nut sack off."

"No cut his cock off."

"Let him bleed out."

Hands up for cutting off his nut sack? 25"

"Cutting his cock off? 24"

The nut sack it is."

"Psycho grabbed the prospect and held him to the floor. his jeans were pulled around his knees and Tommy cut the man's nut sack off."

"You will think twice before trying to take advantage of another woman not a whore."

"And for trying to rape my VP's daughter."

"I didn't feel one bit sorry for him. I saw the fear in her eyes and that her brothers had to calm her down."

"She didn't even want me to touch her."

"After last night I don't blame her."

I lay in my bed and felt woozy after the shot Raymond gave me."

"She will sleep through the night now. Raymond said walking out of my bedroom door and closing it behind him and Joe."

"I couldn't believe that happened to me."

"I knew dad and Psycho would make him pay if not all of the members."

"I didn't mean to scream at Psycho but he deserved it after what I saw last night."

"I decided to leave tomorrow and go and see Sara."

"It is only one hour a way in Dayton, Ohio."

"I will get a motel room."

"I can't stay here right now."

"I woke up and took a shower. I packed my suitcase with enough clothes to last one week."

"I grabbed my visa card and put it in my back pocked. I picked up my suit case and carried it to the kitchen. I made something to eat and then left a note letting them know I went to Dayton to see Sara."

"I arrived at the motel near the hospital. I paid for one week and carried my suitcase into the room."

"I sat down on the bed and lay back. I fell asleep. I woke up around 3:00. I stood up and walked out the door. I got into my car and drove to the hospital."

"When I arrived at Sara's Room and sat down I told her all about my injuries and how I had to relearn to walk."

"I told her I was sorry she ended up pregnant."

"She told me it was fine they found a friend that would adopt the baby."

"I know how you feel Sara."

"I then told her about the new clubhouse and the guy I liked until I saw him getting head from a whore."

"I showed her his picture and she told me he was quite handsome."

"I have not looked at any men in over two years. Sara but when I saw him, My heart skipped a beat."

"She looked at me and told me not to give up on him. He is single and has urges."

"You are right I told her."

"But he doesn't even like me. I told her."

" I can't wait until I am out of here and fully healed."

"I am going to take some training."

"I need more than what I already have."

"I will ask Dad to train me."

"I want to be able to bring a man down if I have to."

"I think you should ask your Dad after all did train the soldiers."

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