The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 6: Training:

When I got home I asked Dad to train me. We start tomorrow morning."

I insisted he train me like one of his soldiers. Which he did. By the end of the first day, I was soaking in the tube of hot water and Joe massaged my body so I was not so sore the next day.

"Dad taught me kickboxing, self-defense, how to show guns and the White Wolf taught me to use throwing knives and swords." Within six months I was very good. Dad said even better than my brothers in everything."

"That was because I was determined to be the best and able to take down any man that tries any shit with me."

I had gained so much confidence that I didn't fear being close to bikers now."

"At home, I started to write a book."

"It was going to be a good own."

I was telling my life story and was in my teenage years. I will work more on my book later in the coming years."

"I looked up to see Psycho driving his bike into the compound."

"My heart skipped a beat."

"I want that man for myself."

"And I am going to make him angry with me. Enough that he will talk to me even if he yells and I yell back."

Yesterday I was cornered by the whore that gave Psycho a BJ. She told me she was pregnant with Psycho's baby."

"That broke my heart."

"I am still pissed about that."

"I walked the garage and got my dirt bike out."

"I started it and road to the ramps. I was so hurt and angry that I didn't miss one of the ramps then decided to jump the one ramp no one has ever made."

"I looked up to see Cindy getting ready for the death ramp."

"I dropped the tools running across the street yelling Cindy's name. My brothers and dad followed me."

Some of the bikers even ran across the street. Then Psycho asked Raymond what was going on."

"Cindy is going to try to jump the death ramp. No one has lived to tell the tale."

"It is too dangerous."

I rode my bike to the top of the ramp and looked everything over. Well here goes nothing. I don't have anything left to live for. Psycho got a whore pregnant. And now I know how much he hurt me."

"I turned and rode back down the ramp and to the end of the field. As I hit the top of the ramp I prayed to die."

"I hate my life and I want it to end."

"I saw my brothers riding their bikes over to the end of the ramp. Then my front tire hit the ramp and I rode down and stopped at the foot of it."

"I turned my bike off and threw my helmet onto the ground. Then my brothers were circling me yelling at me. That I could have gotten myself killed."

"I don't care I yelled back at them."

"Raymond calmed down first."

"You don't Care? What the fuck do you mean you don't care if you died?"

"What do I have to live for?"

To find the man you want to marry and have kids with. that is one reason." Raymond yelled at me. "

I found that man but he doesn't give a shit about me. And he got a club whore pregnant."

"Who the hell are you talking about they screamed?"

"You have been no where but the clubhouse since we moved here."

"I know who she is talking about Raymond said turning to look back at Psycho."

"Are you telling us she loves Psycho?"

"Hell no, no way, he is huge and she is so tiny."

"Doesn't matter, Raymond told them."

"who told you he got a whore pregnant? The whore told me."

"I am not good enough for Psycho."

"The hell you aren't."

"I watched as Joe walked over and punched Psycho in the jaw."

"What the hell did you do that for? Psycho asked?"

"Because my baby sister loves you and she feels she has nothing left to live for since you got your whore pregnant."

"I saw the shocked look on Psycho's face"

"What the fuck Joe."

"So you made my sister fall in love with you then you get a club whore pregnant."

"I don't know what you are talking about, Joe."

"I never fuck the club whores period. Ask any brother here."

Well, your club whore told Cindy she was pregnant with your kid."

"The hell she is. There is no woman out here that has my child or is pregnant."

"Cindy decided to take that jump because she now has a death wish."

"While they argued I rode my bike to the garage parked it and turned it off. I went into the house where I walked to my bedroom slamming my door shut. I then turned around and locked all the deadbolts on it. I didn't want my brothers kicking my door down."

"Joe you stupid fucker if you ever punch me again I just might rip your arm from your shoulder. Psycho told him."

"You can try all you want to,"

"But you mother fucker. Stay away from Cindy if you don't like her."

"I sat in the window with my bedroom light off. It was dark in my room. I sat and looked through the binoculars at Psycho."

"Why can't he like me I wondered."

"Tammy told me not to give up."

"So far I have not done that."

It was six months later when Sara finally healed. She came to stay with me."

"We decided to go practice our tricks. Raymond was sitting watching us and soon I noted most of the club members sitting in chairs and on the grass drinking beer and watching."

"One member yelled out. Jesus H Christ! they came within an inch of hitting each other before we both did more stunts."

We finally signaled to hit the ground and talk about how we both did."

"I noticed Sara looking at someone then she turned her head back and looked at me grinning."

"Psycho looks pretty angry."

"Plan A has worked. What will Plan B be Cindy?"

"Dancing belly dancing to whip out."

"You know how that dance brings every man's eye to us and draws them to the stage."

"Got you lets see if he cares for you or not."

"It was the party weekend at the club and I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed."

"I was watching everything."

"Then I saw Cindy walk in with the woman that was riding the bike and doing stunts with each other."

"They got a beer and lit a joint. Soon they were feeling no pain and Whip Out started playing. I watched as they walked to the dance floor removed their boots and started belly dancing to the song."

"I watched as the bikers all walked to stand around the stage watching them.

I stood up and walked past some of the men until I was standing at the food of the stage with arms folded and angry as hell. She should not be dancing like that."

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