The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 23

Ema had been given access to the War Room.

Having some of her power back, she was able to summon a map of where Amneris and Colt were being help. A map which Dan now puzzled over. The Fae female had said it was one of the Terpolite dungeons. Dan thought it looked more like a maze. There were a hundred floors, each with their own secret entrances and exits, not to mention the number of dead-end passages. He wouldn’t be surprised if they discovered there were traps to stop prisoners escaping, though he doubted those were necessary. From what Ema had said, one was more likely to die from old age before finding a way out.

Carmin’s hand appeared on his. He understood the gesture. Don’t overthink. There’s probably a simple solution staring you in the face.

He glanced up at Ema. “And you’re sure Amneris and Colt would not find a way out? They are powerful.”

Ema shook her head. “Tara has her moments, as much as I hate to admit it. There are spells on the dungeon. Disorientation, loss of time, blocked teleportation, etcetera.” She tapped a spot on the map. “This is the only way in or out.”

There was something she wasn’t telling him. His amber eyes narrowed. “Has anyone ever escaped?”


“Not from this prison in particular. Any of them.”

She hesitated. “Yes. Not too long ago, there was an escape from the prison holding survivors from Oziaon’s capture.”

“Ozialon?” Carmin asked. “Isn’t that place a myth?”

“It’s real.” Ema leaned forward with a sigh. “They – we – underestimated one of the women in the camp. I think she was the leader. Her power, whatever it was, was strong enough to break through those spells and free the people. Since then, all spells at all prisons have had major upgrades. I wouldn’t count on the same thing happening twice.”

Dan hummed in thought. It was true. While Tara was essentially a child thrown a tantrum, the people who worked for her were smart. Kek, Liam, and Festus were constantly whispering in her ear. Releasing the Dark King . . . it wouldn’t surprise him it one of them had been the one to come up with the idea.

“At this rate, Queenie and her boyfriend are on their own,” Jay sighed from across the room. “Unless our genius problem-solver can solve this problem.” He jumped upright. “Come on, Chess Master! Do your thing!”

Dan rubbed the back of his neck. Take a breath, step back, look at it from another angle. What other angle was there? He didn’t know but felt like it was staring him in the face.

“I’m guessing going in weapons blazing is a bad idea,” Jay joked.

“Horrible idea,” Ema agreed.

“A very Amneris idea,” he said with a grin.

“We are not going in weapons blazing,” Carmin told him firmly. “That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.”

“Or an absolutely brilliant idea,” Dan murmured. He raised his hands in surrender at the sight of Carmin’s splayed wings and icy gaze. “Hear me out.”

“Yeah, Car,” Jay nodded. “Don’t kill your hubby.”

Fine,” she ground out.

Dan braced his hands on the table. There was no doubt this plan, if it could be called a plan, was idiotic. “Tara expects us to come up with some complicated detailed plan. Something that would assure we get our people out. Her Advisors, if I had to guess, would know every plan that could be used to get out and have placed countermeasures in place.”

Carmin slowly folded her wings behind her. “So?”

“So, we don’t plan.”

“Seriously?” She laughed humourlessly. “We improvise on something like this?”


Jay sat back, a look of triumph on his face. “You guys need to listen to me more often. I do have ideas.”

“You’re all insane.” Ema took a step away from the table, shaking her head. “It’s the only explanation.”

“On the contrary, we’re the sane ones,” Carmin said.

“Jay just happens to fall under his own category,” Dan added.

“Dude! Right here!”

He ignored Jay’s outburst, turning back to the map. Amneris and Colt were hundreds of floors beneath the surface. It would be impossible to get down there, even if it wasn’t enemy territory, with one set plan. There were too many unknown variables. Improvisation, while risky, was probably the best way to do it

You think I gave you the role of Strategist for no reason?

Dan looked up at the sound of Amneris’ voice. He could almost see her grinning from the other side of the table.

You always find the best path, my friend.

The memory gave him the final boost of confidence he needed. It would work. It had to work. Sure, it was crazy, but it was crazy enough to work.

Carmin must have sensed his resolve. “Okay,” she sighed. “We go with the crazy death plan.”

“We’re immortals, Car,” Jay smirked. “When is anything not a total death plan?”

“Point taken.”

The three glanced at Ema. She was looking between them and the map. They were all thinking the same thing and she needed only a moment to catch on. She groaned, lolling her head. “All right. All right, I can get you in.”

There was only one more thing to be said. Dan smiled. “Welcome to the Court, Ema. Honorary member.” The Fae couldn’t hide her relief at those words. “Ready to save our Queen?”

“You know I am.”

Carmin rested her arms on the table with a dark smile. “You betray us and you die. Remember that.”

Ema blanched. “Yes, ma’am.”

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