The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 24

Amneris braced herself against a wall, hands grasping her throbbing head as she panted. She was still in the Terpolite dungeon. Still on the same floor. It seemed to go on forever.

Amneris shook her head. She needed to find a way to release her power. That meant taking off the bracelets. Unfortunately, that was something she couldn’t do on her own. She couldn’t even touch them without being burnt and doubted any of the guards would be willing to take them off. If she didn’t find Colt soon, neither of them would be making it out of their stone prison.

She scanned each cell as she passed, taking out every guard who tried to raise the alarm. Most of the cells were empty. They were now home to the guards who attempted to stop her escape. None had been successful, but their chances were improving as her headache worsened. Her body could only hold so much power before exploding – literally – from an overload. Her headache was only the first sign of that happening.

Attempting to ignore the pain, Amneris continued through what felt like an endless maze of cells. Some had metal bars like the one she’d been in. Others were bricked off so no one could look inside. Amneris didn’t want to know what was in them, despite her curiosity from the wails coming out. Some had people curled up inside, others with a distant smile, muttering to themselves. The marks on their bodies, the looks in their eyes, they told her these people were lost causes. Terpolite prisons were some of the worst places, causing the most pain. Some were in so much that they were begging for death. Unable to help herself, she answered their prayers.

Amneris soon reached a dead end. She sighed, bracing her hands on her hips. “Shit.” This place really was a maze. No use in hanging around an empty corridor. She turned to continue the search for a way up or out when a voice caught her attention. Slowly, Amneris entered the deserted hallway. It was longer than she thought. All the cells were empty.

Except the very last.

Amneris crept to the figure in the cell. He was curled up in a corner, muttering something over and over in a language she hadn’t heard in a long time. Kemetic. Amneris couldn’t help but feel strange at hearing the dead language she’d grown up with.

She knelt down to get a look at the man’s face, swearing at who it was.

Checking there was no one else around, Amneris used a key she’d stolen off a guard earlier to open the door. She closed it behind her but made she it didn’t lock.

She knelt beside Colt, brushing a hand down the side of his face. He took no notice. She pulled him into her arms to move him against the wall.

“Colt?” she asked, snapping her fingers in front of his face. “You in there?” She frowned. “Hello? Amneris calling Colt. You home?”

He looked up, eyes clear for a moment before returning to their daze. “Not real,” he said. “She is not here. Tali is dead.”

Amneris fell back at the name. No one ever called her Tali anymore. There was only one person, and he was . . .

She looked down at Colt. That was what had been bothering her since they met. Why something felt so off about him.

“A-Assar?” She moved closer. “Is that you, Assar?”

He only stared, confused, before speaking in Kemetic again. “My name. You know my name. How do you know my name?”

“It’s me, Assar.” She held his hand against her cheek. “Your Tali. You remember me, don’t you?” A small nod. “I’m not dead. Well, I am, but I’m here. I’m right in front of you.”

“You left me,” he murmured.

She blinked, surprised. “No. You left me.” Amneris let out a frustrated cry. “Ugh! We can’t do this right now. And I’m so sorry for this.”


She slapped him. Twice.

Colt slumped forward with a groan. Amneris caught him, letting him lean against her. When he looked up at her, his eyes were finally clear. “Amneris?” She nodded, looking away from him. “Where are we? And why does my face hurt?”

She laughed nervously. “No reason. And we’re in a Terpolite dungeon. No idea how long we’ve been here.”

“Why are you not looking at me?”

Amneris focused on the bars of the cell, pretending to look for guards. “Take a guess.”

She felt him look around the cell before finally looking down at himself. “Dare I ask.”

“I think it has something to do with whatever the Terpolites did to us.” Amneris helped him sit upright. “I’ll go find you some clothes.” She dashed out of the cell before he could object. It was the only way to stop herself from bombarding him with questions.

Amneris found two guards pacing around a corner. She snuck up behind them, hoping her stealth skills remained. She raised her hands . . . and bashed their heads together. They slumped to the ground.

Colt looked up as she dragged the two guards into the cell. He sighed, saying something under his breath about how some people never changed. She placed herself on guard duty as he dressed.

Once decent, Amneris grabbed his hand and dragged him down the hall.

“What is your plan, exactly?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Get out.”

Colt nodded. “I like it. Very detailed. Lots of moving parts.”

“Oh, shut up.”

He pulled her to a stop as they reached the main corridor. A large group of guards blocked their path. They spun around, brandishing their weapons.

Amneris held her arms up to her partner. “If you don’t mind, of course.”

“Anything for you.” He took off the bracelets, tossing them away and quickly stepping behind her.

Amneris faced the guards, dark skin glowing. A sudden feeling of queasiness overcame her as her body realised it was free. She held a hand over her mouth. Oh, you’re kidding. She couldn’t hold it in.

Her body burned as cyan fire came up her throat, streaming out her mouth with enough heat and force to disintegrate all the guards before her. The stone turned black, metal bars melting. It stopped moments later. Amneris groaned as her body rushed to repair herself. Her queasiness cleared as fast as it had come.

“Huh,” she said, standing upright. “I feel better.”

“I doubt the guards would agree,” Colt muttered, stepping out from behind her and observing the now ash-covered and charred hallway.

Amneris grinned. “They couldn’t handle the heat.”

Her partner did not hide his disappointment as they continued searching for an escape.

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