The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 22

Amneris came to groggy awareness, this time floating in some liquid filled chamber. Her eyes opened slightly; vision blurred enough she couldn’t recognise the two figures standing nearby at some sort of monitor. She could hear their conversation.

“I’ve got to admit I did not expect her to kill her mother.”

“Really? I saw it coming.”

“The coma patient thing was the best idea. She looked ready to snap! How’d you know that would work?”

“I have a . . . unique insight into this girl.”

“Well, unlike you, Kek, I haven’t known her for five thousand years. And I was never her friend.”

“Whoever said we were friends?”

A pause. “Why can’t we keep using this thing on her?”

“Long story short: Amneris has a strong body but a weak mind. If we keep using it at this level, it will do permanent damage and she won’t be able to tell us anything – I thought Tara told you this, Liam. You are her right-hand man.”

“Don’t mean our Queen tells me what I need to do my job.”

“Classic Tara.”

“Right?” Laughter followed. “What should we do with her?”

“Cell. She needs time to recover.”

“Won’t she–”

“Not if we use the bracelets.”

“I like the way you think.” Another pause. “What about Colt?”

“What about him?”

“He looked rather . . . broken.”

“How was he when you put him in the cell?”

“Wouldn’t stop shaking. Kept saying something in a weird language. No idea what it was.”

“If he’s ready to talk, let him. Any more time in the pod would kill him at the moment. Tara would never let us hear the end of it?”

“And . . . her?”

“Make sure she stays asleep while we move her.”

A face came into focus in front of Amneris. Struggling to keep her eyes open, she looked closely at him.

Kek’s face smile. “Sleep, baby girl.”

Her head lolled and she drifted back into darkness.

* * * * * * * *

The next time she came around, Amneris was in a dark stone cell. She didn’t need to worry about her eyes adjusting to the dimness. She’d been asleep for the Gods knew how long. Her hands pushed into the rough stone as she forced herself to it up, leaning against a wall for support. The stone cut into her skin, a tingling sensation going down her bare spine.

Amneris made to use her power to heal herself. Red stone bands surrounded each wrist. A single touch told her what they were made of. She sighed. “Every time with the Scarlet Budtorite.” The stone blocked her power. It was enough to give her a headache at the very least. Amneris had discovered as her power grew over time, she could only be near the stone for so long before her power became too much.

Kek clanged the hilt of his knife on the cell’s bars. It took all of Amneris’ self-control to not surge forward and slam his head against the bars. He was certainly close enough.

Kek must have sensed her thoughts. He took a step back closer to the two guards flanking him. “Up, Topanga. Tara wants t see me.”

Amneris stepped forward, wrapping her hands around the bars. “If we’re going somewhere,” she started, “could I at least make myself decent?” Kek didn’t bother to hide his confusement. Amneris gave him flat look. “Clothing? Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m stunning in the nude, but I’d rather not make Tara self-conscious. Well, more self-conscious than usual.”

A reluctant sigh told her he agreed. Kek snapped his fingers. The first female guard Amneris had seen appeared from down the hall. The two flanking Kek were males who knew nothing about hiding their thoughts. Amneris bared her teeth at them. They blanched but held their ground.

“Get the woman some clothes,” Kek said to the female guard.

“Something that’s not red would be nice!” Amneris called after her. Kek whacked her over the head with the hit of his knife. Amneris backed away from the bars with a growl. “I’m cooperating.”

The woman came back with a paper bag. It was shoved through the bars. Amneris glanced between the guards and the inside of the bag. There was no red fabric to be seen, much to her relief. She looked up again and twirled a finger. The four glared. “Blame a girl for trying,” Amneris huffed.

* * * * * * * *

Guards flanked Amneris from behind as Kek walked at her side. Whenever she slowed down, one of the guards would hit her back with one of the sheathed swords.

“You must be wondering where you are,” Kek said with a laugh as she was hit for what felt like the hundredth time.

“You could say that,” Amneris muttered, rubbing her now-aching back.

“You’re on Terpola in one of our deepest underground prisons.” Kek clasped his hands behind his back. “If you’re thinking of escaping, you would have to make it through several thousand guards, as well as the hundreds of floors above you before reaching the surface. Don’t bother trying.” He glared at her with those last words.

“How long have I been here?”

No answer.

Amneris remembered falling off a cliff after Tara blasted her and Colt away. After that, she’d gone through what she assumed were several dream scenes for who knew how long before finally–

Her mind stopped mid-thought.

Colt had fallen with her. How did she forget that?

Kek’s voice pulled her back into reality. “You’re wondering where the traitor is.” He grinned. “He’s here. I doubt he’ll recognise you. He appears ready to tell us everything. If he can still speak, that is.”

Amneris saw red.

She grabbed Kek by his collar, throwing him against the wall. The Terpolite slumped at the bottom of the wall with a groan. The guards flanking them rushed toward her. The first shoved his spear toward her stomach. She twisted aside, hands grasping the wooden shaft. The spear was torn from the man’s hands. Amneris shoved the spear tip through the man’s heart.

The second attack came from above. Amneris caught the spear on the one she now held. She swept a foot beneath him. He jumped forward, pushing her against a wall. Amneris gritted her teeth. This guy was stronger than he looked. And she was seriously lacking in strength. She twisted one hand to punch him in the jaw. The guard stumbled back. With a roar, Amneris sliced across the man’s throat.

Amneris spun around the Kek who stared. “Let this be a lesson to you, old friend,” she growled. “Never underestimate me just because I don’t have my powers.”

Amneris kicked the Terpolite’s face. He fell to the stone floor.

Making sure no other guards hear her, Amneris ran to find her partner.

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