The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 51🔥🔥🔥

(Chapter song ‘Highway To Hell’ by AC/DC)


“Alpha? Are you listening?”

“Uh…yep…All ears…” He mumbles as he reads some paperwork with his earbuds in.

I giggle, sit up and take one out. The familiar beat of ‘Highway To Hell’ comes from it.

“Eh!” He scowls.

“I was saying you could have gotten yourself killed. There was a much better way to do that.” I smile and hand the earbud back to him.

My recovery was slow and I still had numbness in my spine, but each passing day I was feeling more normal. I think Luke is feeling normal, too. It would be irritating if it wasn’t so adorable.

He filled me in on the details of the rescue. I’m extremely glad he got my message when Nash took me. It truly was the best way to kill more Dragons with one stone, but to put on the show he did was both careless and dangerous.

He leans his head back on the couch and rubs my legs over the blanket he put on them. “Look, babe. You gotta know who you’re dealing with here. Reckless is my middle name.” He grins.

I arch a brow. “Is it?”

He chews his lip. “No…It’s Thaddeus, but I’m thinking of having it it legally changed.” He gives me an even more childish grin and I have to laugh.

He goes back to reading and I sip my tea. We're lounging on a common room couch as I recover. It took a tragedy, but I will still treasure all these moments together. This is what my life should have been, I think. And I love it all.

"I knew what I was doing. These dogs had more muscle than brains. It was easy." He smirks.

"Right. It sounded like a war." I laugh.

"It was a war. I'd fight a thousand guys to get you back." He throws an arm across the back of the couch and I adjust my legs over his. "I almost killed everyone here because I had to wait for their slow asses."

"Whatever." Bobby snorts as he walks from the dining hall. "If we let you go, you would've gotten yourself killed." He sank into the couch across from us.

Gavin walks in from his office. "Bastian's on the phone.” He drops his phone in Luke's lap and sits in a chair.

Luke picks it up and holds out his hands. “Why’d he call you?”

“Uh…because you've been ignoring his calls for three days.” Gavin raises a brow.

“Yeah. And? It’s no fun if he calls you.” Luke furrows his brow and the room chuckles.

Luke scowls. "This guy's a giant pain in my ass." He shakes his head and puts the phone to his ear. "Bastian. To what do I owe the pleasure..."

He rolls his eyes at me and I mouth 'be nice'.

He waves me down and lounges back. "I'm sorry, your highness. I don't bow at your fucking feet." He grins at me. I sit up and slap his arm. He flinches, silently laughing. "Yeah, she's awake... No, she's not ready to talk... I'll let you know... You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He mouths some profanity filled threat to the guys and they shake their heads.

"Stop it." I whisper a warning and I point to his nose. He grabs my finger, pulls it down and gives me an air kiss like he’s going to keep being rude.

"Listen. When she's healed up, I'll set up a meeting. For now, the Alliance can kiss my ass. Alexi comes first… I don't care, Bastian. That's your problem, not mine... Don't threaten me. I'll take your Alpha ass to the cleaners... Whatever, buddy. I knocked you out once, I can do it again... Yeah, later." He hangs up, tosses the phone back Gavin and I shoot him a look of disapproval as I fold my arms. My eyes lock with his as I chew my cheek in silence.

"What?" He holds his hands out.

"Why do you have to be so abrasive?" I say with annoyance.

"The guys a prick. He thinks he can shove me around because he's loaded. Fuck that. If he wants you to talk, then he's the one that says how high. Not us." He flicks his gaze between Bobby and Gavin then back to me.

Bobby shakes his head. "You know he holds some power with the council and in the Alliance right. You're poking the bear, Luke."

"I don't give a fuck. My girl comes first, not some pompous dick." He rubs my leg.

"Luke. As valiant as you think you are, that's no excuse for loutish behavior.” I cross my arms and arch a brow.

He blinks at me and was about to say something, but closed his mouth. "I’ll have a comeback for that once I look up what loutish means." He narrows his eyes as he pulls out his phone. "And valiant." He stitches his brows together as he types.

The room snickers.

I chuckle and rub his arm. "You need to relax. I'm fine now."

"No. You're not fine. You still have a lot of healing to do and your wolf needs rest. We don't need to stress you out with a stupid trial." He points to my nose then goes back to typing.

"You can't baby me forever, Luke." I arch a brow at him.

He adjusts himself and leans close to my lips. "I will baby you forever. Whether you like it or not." He gives me little kisses as I giggle.

"Fine. A couple more days, but then I really must take care of this." I warn.

"Ok. Minimum couple days. If you are not a hundred percent you aren't doing it." He warns back.

"Agreed." I smiled.

After spending so long on my own, I'm surprised how much I'm liking Luke taking charge. It's nice to be important to someone. I'll enjoy his protection and his love.

“What?!” He barks.

“What?” I giggle.

He raises his eyes from his phone and glares. “I am not loutish.” He growls.

I slam my hand over my eyes and laugh as I the entire room does.


A few more days was all I needed to feel back to my old self. The self that was in charge and meant to protect herself and the ones she loves with full vengeance.

Within the confides of the law, of course.

But first there was something I wanted to do that I haven’t been able to do yet.

I wanted to run with Luke.

We went to the woods behind the pack house and called the wind. It swirled around us like a small windstorm picking up leaves and debris along with it.

My red fur coated me. My body changed and my wolf's paws hit the dirt. I shook out my fur, looked around the trees then turned to Luke. Luke's brown wolf eyes me then he licks his lips. He pants, wags his bushy tail and whines.

My wolf barks, jumps around him and playfully nips at him to egg him on. His wolf barks then growls. He lowers his eyes and my wolf lets out a little yelp. I take off into the woods with Luke just behind.

I felt the trees and the nature in my paws. Connecting to the earth like that's where I belonged. Connecting with Luke was even better. I never thought I’d have this experience again.

I absorb the feeling of my freedom. I may not be flying, but the feeling is still the same. I’m no longer sheltered, smothered under my title. I’m no longer obligated to be anyone else other than who I want to be. I’m no longer being lied to. I’m also no longer haunted by the threats of my father.

Luke truly has given the best gift anyone in the world could give.

He gave me life.

As I ran, I tuned my wolf to the sounds around me. But I was missing one. I stop and my wolf scans the trunks in confusion. Luke’s gone.

I sniff the air and walk as I sort out the scents in the forest. He's here somewhere.

I sniff leaves the dirt and trees as I trot past them. Just then, I’m hit with his scent. I turn, my eyes go wide and he lands on me from the air. We go rolling across the dirt and shift as we do.

We're both laughing hysterically. “That hurt!”

“I'm sorry.” He chokes as he lays on top of me.

“That was a dirty trick.” I slap his bare chest.

“Awe… Were you scared.” He teases in snarky tone.

"No, of course not." I fold my arms and scowl

He leans to my lips. "Liar." He whisper as he softly kisses me. He strokes my hair as he deepens it.

His legs part mine and he presses his hard erection to my core as he growls on my lips

My arousal grows as he rubs himself on the apex of my thighs. I feel my wetness spread all over me and him.

I run my nails across his back. "Luke..." I breathe.

"Yeah, baby?" He purrs as he nips my neck.

"I want you inside me." I raise my legs, pressing my knees to the sides of his chest. I seductively lock with his eyes.

He lifts himself up. “What my baby wants. My baby gets." He gives a hungry grin, fists himself and shoves his dick in to the base.


I arch my back and moan loudly.

"Damn, baby... You get better every time." He grabs my hip and thrust himself hard.


He grabs my leg and puts it on his shoulder. "Yeah, baby. Come..." He pants. He grabs my ass lifting me up to get in deeper.

My pussy is dripping as he speeds up his strokes.

“LUKE! FUCK ME!!” I scream as my insides boil with heat.

He thrusts harder and bruises my thighs with his grip. "So, fucking good!" He growls as he digs his nails in.

My orgasm crests when his pounding became more animalistic. He slams my pussy and my orgasm rockets out. I grip his shoulders, my nails drawing blood as I come all over him.


"Alexi... So wet... I'm going to..." He leans over me. Sweat's dripping from his head as he fills me with his release.

He slows down, lets my leg go and lays down on me. "I missed you." He breathes as he rubs my cheek with his thumb.

"I missed you, too." I smile.

"Go to the ball with me.” He gazes into my eyes.

"What?" I furrow my brow. "Me. At an Alliance ball? Are you mad?"

He rolls to the side and props his head in his hand. "No. Tomorrow you'll be exonerated and you'll have nothing to worry about."

"Luke, it's madness. They would never have me there. Regardless of court." I look at the stars and glance at the moon with its ever-slight hint of blue.

"Alexi, I want to take you to find out...." He trails off.

"If we're fated? Luke, the chances of that are a billion to one, first of all and second… We don't need the moon to tell us we love each other. I'm not even sure I want to find out." I glance at the moon again.

"Why not?" He raises his brow.

I look into his eyes. "An Alliance Alpha fated to a Torrent and a Dragon? You're reputation...."

He cut me off. "Babe. My reputation is already in the gutter, if you haven't noticed. But you make me better. Come on, go with me. If nothing happens then… At least we can get drunk and party." He wiggles his brow.

I chuckle. "Ok. Fine. I'll go. But I'm not expecting anything to happen."

He grins a big toothy grin. "You'll have the best time. I promise." He kisses me excitedly.

"Right. Surrounded by people that want you dead. What could go wrong?" I smile.

"Stop." He rubs my stomach. "They'll love you."

I look back out at the stars. Luke may have confidence, but I don't. The Alliance isn't one to forgive and forget. I fear that I may be a problem for Luke. But I can suffer for one night. Once he finds out we aren't fated, we can live as we are.

He sits up. "Time for bed?" His eyes are still filled with quite a bit of desire.

I sit up, too. “That look says there's not going to be any sleeping."

He shrugs. "There will be... Eventually. Come on."

We shift and run back to the house. Luke was right about us not sleeping right away.

When we did settle in, I watched the moon through his window with is its light blue hue. It’s only going to get bluer as the days go on.

Can I really do this? Can I really sit in a room with hundreds of people who know who and what I am? Is Luke’s safety enough to protect me from them.

I’m really going to have to think about this.

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